Welcome, Student Athletes!

Student Athletes

Fall quarter starts for most students on September 23, but Clark’s student athletes began their year on Saturday, August 10. That’s when the Athletic Department hosted an orientation session for 70 first-year student athletes.

The student athletes met with advisors and registration staff, but also learned about being a Penguin—and specifically, an athletic Penguin—by hearing the history of the athletics program as well as getting information about study resources, social media, and NWAACC.

“Our Student-Athlete Orientation introduces our freshmen and transfers to key people across campus and gives them the tools to begin successful careers at Clark,” said Charles Guthrie, Director of Athletics. “Of the 70 students who attended, we had an estimated 20 student athletes who are first-generation, and these types of events are vital to seeing them succeed.”

Clark’s fall sports include men’s and women’s soccer, cross country, and volleyball. Visit clarkpenguins.com to see an updated schedule of athletic events.

Photo: Clark College/Jenny Shadley