Strategic Plan: How Are We Using Your Ideas?

Vision 2020 logoIn the beginning of 2013,  the college asked employees to imagine what Clark would look like in 2020. The college community answered this question with thoughtful responses. That feedback was used to create the Vision 2020 Themes, which in turn were used to focus in on the central theme of the new Strategic Plan: student learning.

On Opening Day fall 2013, the college divided into small groups to discuss student learning and had follow-up meetings on the subjects of Access, Environment, Engagement and Commitment to Learn. Those ideas and feedback were reviewed by Taskforce 2 and reports have been generated to be used as one of the tools Taskforce 3 will use to create the mission, vision and core themes for the next strategic plan.

Taskforce 3 will convene in June and will complete their work in fall 2014. All the individual input and small-group participation gathered since Opening Day 2013 is being used as a tool to create the framework that will determine how the college allocates resources and makes future decisions.

Once the core themes are drafted, we will share the work of Taskforce 3 and solicit feedback. Then, we will seek more volunteers to draft the goals around each of the core themes during fall quarter 2014. During winter quarter 2015, we will revise and finalize the strategic plan based on feedback gathered from the college. The final Clark College 2015-2020 Strategic Plan will be voted on by the Clark College Board of Trustees during spring quarter 2015.

Thank you for all of your hard work and for keeping the college focused on student learning.

This article submitted by the college’s Strategic Plan Taskforce 1