Would You, Could You Buy a Book?

Read Across America Day 2014

Clark College Bookstore buyer Kaina Derwin reads to Crestline Elementary students during Read Across America Day 2014.

As Theodor Geisel (aka “Dr. Seuss”) once wrote, “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.” Heeding those words, Clark College has chosen to make the beneficiary of its seventh annual book drive Vancouver’s King Elementary School.

The Clark College Bookstore is hoping that Book Drive supporters will purchase 100 copies of the Dr. Seuss classic The Cat in the Hat. The books will be given to kindergarteners at King Elementary on Read Across America Day, a celebration to commemorate the birthday of Theodor Geisel (aka “Dr. Seuss”). Books will be read aloud to students by volunteers from Clark College Bookstore.

Copies of the selected Dr. Seuss books will be available for purchase and donation Feb. 16-27 for $6.85 each (plus tax). Each book will include a nameplate with the donor’s name. Donors will be able to purchase books at the Bookstore or online via the Bookstore’s website at www.clarkbookstore.com, making it quick and convenient to participate in the book drive.

“The Clark College Book Drive is a wonderful opportunity for King students to hear another adult read a book to them,” says King kindergarten teacher Shari Perea. “The students treasure the book that they receive and, in some cases, it is the only book that they own.”

According to Clark College Bookstore buyer Marti Earhart, one of the organizers of the drive, “I’ve personally handed books to students nearly every year of the book drive. I don’t doubt for a moment that each one of the kids will be reading the book on their own in a few weeks!”

Bookstore manager Monica Knowles adds, “I delight in knowing the joy those books bring to our local community and I don’t hesitate to challenge my friends and family to join it!”

The Clark College Bookstore is located in Gaiser Hall on the northern end of Clark’s main campus. Clark College is located at 1933 Fort Vancouver Way, Vancouver. Driving directions and parking maps are available at www.clark.edu/maps. Information about the bookstore is available at www.clarkbookstore.com. For additional information, contact Marti Earhart at the Clark College Bookstore at 360-992-2261.

Photo: Clark College/Jenny Shadley