Bill Clinton to speak at Clark

Bill Clinton visit

The Hillary Clinton For President Campaign is renting the Gaiser Student Center for a “Get Out The Caucus” rally at 5 p.m. tonight, March 21, 2016. Former President Bill Clinton is the featured speaker.

The rally is free and open to the public, but those interested in attending must register at: Because this is not a Clark College sponsored event, there will not be access for Clark students, faculty, or staff except through the campaign registration site.

Doors will open at 4:15 p.m., and the only doors used during the event will be the south doors into Gaiser just outside of PUB 161.

The area around PUB 161 will be closed at 3 p.m. No entry into Gaiser Student Center will be permitted after that. Offices will be unaffected, but no entry will be permitted through the doors into Gaiser Hall, so please plan accordingly.