Fall 2018 Classified Excellence Award

Ian Beckett

Ian Beckett

Congratulations to Ian Beckett, recipient of the 2018 Fall Quarter Classified Staff Excellence Award!

Ian Beckett is the Instruction and Classroom Support Tech 4 for the Art Department and has shown exemplary work performance and outstanding service to the college community for over 17 years. As a highly skilled professional, Ian is responsible for the daily operations of the Clark College ceramics studio, dark room, painting and drawing studios, graphic arts lab, and metal arts studio. Ian has a great breadth of specialized and technical knowledge and is said to effectively navigate the labs and studios to ensure they are always clean and operational for an optimal student learning environment. Ian is said to be someone who “always considers the needs of art students and the art department above all” and is always “polite, professional, and respectful to all everyone that he works with.” In addition, Ian is described as loyal, hard-working, consistent, of high integrity, and witty.”

These are just some of the comments and highlights that are echoed by many staff, faculty and colleagues:

  • Ian’s efforts and dedication to his job and the school make him more deserving for the Staff Excellence Award than anyone. I have always wanted to show my appreciation for Ian’s work and this is just a humble attempt at that. His spirit of work and exemplary performance makes him a role model for me and, I find it safe to assume, numerous other students. I really hope that Ian Beckett gets the appreciation and recognition he deserves.”
  • “Ian goes above and beyond the requirements of his job when helping students.  He is the source for all camera and equipment check-out in the Art Department.  I’ve seen him modify his schedule to accommodate students and give one-on-one tutorials on how to use equipment.”
  • “Ian serves the students daily. They clamor around his office door, waiting for him to dispense photography equipment, and I often hear him talking at length to students about their projects. He is so busy that sometimes they have to wander around the building looking for him, as he might be replenishing supplies or checking equipment for the studio classrooms, but he is always accessible, never loses patience with students, and is always welcoming.”
  • “I’m overwhelmingly nominating Ian Beckett for the Classified Staff Excellence Award! He has always been a fabulous help on short notice anytime and all the time for all my needs! And helpful in any assistance I may need. Ian really reaches out to all students in all their needs and questions for assistance and guidance. I can go on and on!”
  • “When onboarding new hires and volunteers, Ian has a strong focus on preparing them to support the success of the art department and art students. Ian encourages student employees to seek guidance in their work from the art faculty that they are supporting in the art lab and studio spaces to help to maximize the experience of the art students.”
  • I have been a metal shop monitor for the last year and a half. Ian Beckett is the most supportive and caring boss I have ever worked for. He checks in with me every shift to see if I need anything and to just ask how I am doing. I help him with the overwhelming task of cleaning the classrooms at the end of each quarter and he is constantly thanking me for my help. He is the type of boss that employees will go above and beyond to help support him in any way possible. He is completely dedicated to support staff and students while never showing the fatigue he must have from the massive responsibilities he deals with every day. I am so grateful he saw in me the potential to work for him and this department and will always call him a friend.”
  • “We are one of the last departments on campus that uses volunteers to assist students and to staff the various labs in the building. Not only does Ian create a master schedule that staffs our labs fully with both employees and volunteers (some seven days a week), but he is always there to help with any questions, conflicts, and concerns whether school related or not. I’ve heard him talk down crying students dealing with failing classes, going through breakups, and any variety of things that happen to students while in college. The bond he builds with his workers is lasting and many see him as a very supportive mentor. There is no way we could staff the building as we need to without the strong relationships that Ian builds with the people in our community.”

Congratulations, as well, to all nominees for the Fall 2018 Quarter Classified Staff Excellence Award:

Angela Dawson is a Secretary Senior in the Life Sciences Division for Science Technology Engineering and Math (STEM) department and is described as someone who approaches work with positive attitude and provides is a pillar of support for her department. One nominator said, “During the first few days of each quarter, you can see her standing in the lobby of STEM building to help students find their classroom and answer typical early-quarter student questions.” Not only does she provide top-notch service to students, but also to fellow faculty and staff. Often, Dawson is the point of contact for many questions and concerns had by adjunct faculty teaching in her division. Dawson’s ability to be a team player, problem-solve, and maintain positive working relationships have allowed her to build strong relationships across campus.

Here are comments about Angela Dawson:

  • “Angela is an awesome team player and we are so fortunate to have her on our STEM Team. She is always willing to volunteer to help with projects that need to be completed in a timely manner. I have observed her faculty asking her for various information and she responds to them in such a helpful, positive manner. I can’t stress enough what a joy she is to work with and she makes it such a pleasure to come to come to work and know that I can count on her if I need any assistance with whatever may arise.”
  • “Angela is the smiling face that everyone sees when they come into the STEM building needing assistance. She makes sure that she answers any questions asked of her thoroughly. If someone needs direction and they are not sure where to go, she will walk them to the indicated area, so they feel comfortable that they are headed in the right direction. She is always excited the first couple of weeks of the quarter because she really enjoys helping the students find their way as they are experiencing possibly coming to Clark for the first time.”
  • “Angela Dawson has been the Secretary Senior for Life Science for only two years, however she is a pillar of support for the department. She has quickly and efficiently learned the policies and procedures to navigate the entire college including working with grants, budgets and purchasing. She keeps track of not only the departmental budget, but also the budgets for each individual faculty member, reminding us to use our development funds and ensuring we meet deadlines to do so. Her professional manner makes it clear that she is invested in the success of our department, our students and our faculty. She’s in integral part of the community in the STEM building.”
  • “Angela has been working for the Life Sciences Division for a few years now, and from the beginning has made life incredibly easy for students, faculty and other staff. There seems to be nothing she can’t handle, whether it’s helping students find their class, helping with faculty development funds, petty cash, a lost wallet found in the parking lot, a classroom that’s running too warm, needing a bookshelf, or finding information about Clark regulations (all of these have come up just this Fall quarter!). Angela either knows the answer or can find the answer (usually in a few minutes). Moreover, she always has such a positive attitude, and is genuinely happy to help.”

Denise Deane was the Custodial Supervisor for Facilities and as of November 2018, is now retired. Deane is described as someone who provides excellent customer service to people using the college campus for events. Though much of her work is behind the scenes, her passion for our custodial team to perform and provide clean facilities provides daily customer service to the entire campus. She works closely with groups and supports many of the activities on our campus. She encourages teamwork and cooperation for the custodial department.

Other comments about Denise Deane:

  • “Denise has been involved in many departmental projects. She recently completed training manuals and worksite books to help the custodial staff in their organization and efficiency.”
  • “She will reach out to other departments to help coordinate events, special cleaning, and to ensure that we are providing a good service to the school.”
  • “Denise has shown excellence consistently in her duties as the Custodial Supervisor. Recently she has seen a need, leapt into action, and started several projects to help the custodial team. This was all done behind the scenes to help ensure that others have the information that is needed to thrive in doing their work.”
  • “She has been carrying an extra-heavy workload, being the only permanent custodial supervisor for the last year. Denise takes great pride in her work and excels in any tasks that are delegated to her. She ensures that events are set up as the groups outline and she will reach out to the events staff if there is something that she needs defined.”


Nichola Farron is the Program Specialist II for the Teaching and Learning Center and is said to exemplify the definition of being creative and efficient in accomplishing tasks while providing outstanding support to faculty and staff. Farron currently serves on two committees, Teaching and Learning Days and Focus on Learning, and is often quick to help and support her team and colleagues. She is also someone who brings forward ideas and explores possibilities outside of the typical way of approaching and task or project. Through her work, Farron can see the big picture and is always interested in ways to support the mission and vision of the college and her commitment shows through her involvement in our campus community.

Other comments about Nichola Farron:

  • “Nichola provides outstanding support to faculty and staff. Following a recent professional development event, a faculty member approached me to say how much he appreciated Nichola’s support throughout their first quarter. The faculty member commented how quickly Nichola answered his emails, provided referrals, and connected him with other campus resources. Our colleague emphasized that whenever he had a question, he contacted Nichola because he trusted that she would respond with accurate information or would research his request until she had an answer for him. Her prompt response, friendly demeanor, and no non-sense attitude, he states, are the reasons that let him know he had made the right choice to join the Clark College team.”
  • “In collegewide committees, colleagues praise Nichola for her insight and collaborative nature; they emphasize her willingness to support the college and its mission.”
  • “She is quick to identify gaps in service and create a plan to address said gaps. For example, in preparation for her first Focus on Learning, Nichola asked about what tasks needed to be completed and why. She took the time to learn processes and procedures for the office. Once she understood processes, she recommended a procedure to reduce staff time and resources.”

Kate Ireland is the Administrative Service Manager B for the Social Sciences & Fine Arts (SOFA Unit) and is known for her positive and welcoming attitude. Regardless of what she has on her plate, Ireland is always willing to listen, lend a helping hand, and engage in her own professional development. Ireland is also someone who goes above and beyond for students, staff and faculty and ensures that our students are learning effectively and supported at Clark.

Other comments about Kate Ireland:

  • “She is ALWAYS so supportive for students and faculty members and she always tries to find a solution to any tasks that seem impossible to complete.”
  • “She responds to all emails so quickly and completes tasks in timely manner. Personally, I could not do a research project at Clark with her support and having someone like Kate whom I trust fully makes our job so much easier. Thanks to her help, I have more time to focus on my own students (instead of working on paper works and communicating with other offices) and do my job effectively.”
  • “Kate clearly demonstrated that she has a strong desire to support students at Clark (by attending many workshops to learn about how we can support students) and help staff members effectively (e.g., supporting projects that are not responsible to do so.”

Kate Poffenroth is the Program Coordinator for Disability Support Services (DSS) and her nominator describes her as an “excellent, long-term employee who stands out in terms of her superb reliability and efficiency.” She is also said to be someone who shows a tremendous amount of commitment to creatively addressing issues. Arriving to the office every day with a high level of enthusiasm, energy, and a great sense of humor, Poffenroth creates a “creates a warm environment that builds collegial cohesion and teamwork.”

Other comments about Kate Poffenroth:

  • “Kate is always an active contributor to group discussions on issues which affect student engagement. She repeatedly demonstrates in depth knowledge of the issues impacting delivery of services to students with disabilities. The solutions that she formulates are grounded in principles such as student-centered principles and improving efficiencies.”
  • “Kate always communicates in a manner that allows the student’s needs to be met, while also keeping in mind the available resources of the college. She neither overpromises nor under delivers when working with students in crisis or distress, which is a critical skill in maintaining the integrity of our dept.”
  • “Kate handles every student situation with tact, professionalism, and sensitivity. Even during escalated or tense moments, Kate remains calm and lets students know that their concerns are being heard by a staff who cares for and respects them.”

Leslie Richards is the Cashier Supervisor at the Bookstore and is described as “amazing.” Keeping a calm demeanor as issues arise, she can present a smile even during difficult interactions with customers. Richards is also described as an excellent communicator and cares deeply for her team as she works to accommodate their schedules along with staffing needs at the store. Interacting with the college community daily, Richards is an essential part of the team that keeps the bookstore running and shelves stocked, as well as the ordering and distribution of all the caps and gowns for graduates.

Other comments about Leslie Richards:

  • “Leslie Richards has worked for the Bookstore since September 2008. She started her position as a cashier, became our night supervisor and is currently working as our cashier supervisor. Leslie is amazing! She approaches every task with a smile and friendly/positive attitude.”
  • “Leslie leads by example. If someone calls in sick, she is out on the front lines. No task is ever too much.”
  • “She definitely leads by example with a great, positive attitude and ‘we can do it’ attitude. She never shows stress even though this job can be quite stressful. She always smiles and handles whatever is tossed at her.”

Tiffani Young is a Lab Tech 2 in the Chemistry department and is described as someone who is “organized, thorough, and innovative in how she approaches her duties.” Constantly examining student lab procedures, reorganizing student labs, and establishing a new code of ethic for how labs are prepared for students, Young exemplifies the role of leader among the lab support technicians at the college. Her work both inside and outside of the lab is a testament of how actively she works to foster a climate at the college that models all aspects of its stated mission.

Other comments about Tiffani Young:

  • “Tiffani has worked over the years to ask what needs colleagues in Geology or Environmental Science might have that she could support. This has brought many areas together into a shared space, fostering cross-discipline conversations and collaboration. This not only impacts direct instruction, but also community-basedevents like Science Olympiad, which Tiffani works to support as part of her other duties.”
  • “Tiffani is always professional, polite, respectful, and inclusive with everyone she encounters. It is clear Tiffani understands that all employees represent Clark College in their capacity at work, and that each of us has a direct impact on students and the climate we work in.”
  • “Tiffani’s work area is exceptionally well organized and clean – something Tiffani took on immediately with her position. Her workspace is built around efficiency and safety. Having worked in that area in the past, the change is both dramatic and is a model for the campus.”
  • “Her attention to detail and knowledge of chemical handling and packaging gave all labs she prepared a very professional appearance, each optimized around student use. For example, reagents for a lab experiment that once were just set out on a bench are now put together in well labeled kits. This ensures students have the materials they need and allows a greater focus on the procedural work vs. having the right chemicals or equipment. All chemical storage and waste bottles receive fresh labels each term, with the correct information displayed in compliance with state and local regulations. All student areas are well kept, tidied, and cleaned several times during the day.”