Presidential Coins

Employee Development ManagerVanessa Neal shows off her Presidential Coin.

Since 2007, Clark College President Bob Knight has presented
Presidential Coins to faculty, staff, and community members to honor their
exemplary service to the college and the community. In 2016, President Knight
expanded the coins’ recipients to include exemplary supporters of the college.
The honorees are decided by the president and are kept secret until the names
are announced–generally on Opening Day in the fall or during the annual State
of the College address in January.

Six Clark College employees received Presidential Coins during
the 2019 State of the College address on January 17.

Eben Ayers

Left to right: Damon Grady, Campus Security Officer, Mike See, Director of Security and Safety, Eben Ayers, Campus Security Officer, and Chris Layfield, Security and Safety Secretary Senior.

Eben Ayers first began working for Clark College as an
intern in the Security department while he was in high school. Starting in
2004, he worked in part-time positions at the college until becoming a
full-time security officer in 2012. Since then, Ayers has developed into the
Security department’s primary training officer for all new-hire parking
enforcement and security personnel.

“He is well-known throughout the college for being
approachable, responsive, and caring,” said Knight.

Ayers’s professionalism and compassion has been recognized by the local community. In October 2017, he was featured in an article published jointly by The Independent and The Columbian that illustrated his strong work ethic and commitment to serving the Clark community.

Randy Broberg

For the past four years, Randy Broberg has been a volunteer
tutor in the Veterans Resource Center. As a veteran himself, having served in the
Navy in the late 1960s, Broberg is known for being willing to offer whatever
help and support the student veterans need to be successful.

“He drives from Portland to volunteer four or five days a
week, for seven hours a day, sometimes coming in as early as 6 a.m. to help
students prepare for exams or go over troublesome homework,” said Knight.

His students describe him as patient, supportive,
encouraging, and having a great sense of humor while being able to lend a
sympathetic ear when needed.

Karen Hagen

Foundation CEO Lisa Gibert and Board Members cheer on Karen Hagen.

Karen Hagen has been a Clark College employee since 1994. Beginning
as a receptionist, she has worked her way through several positions including
database management, facilities maintenance, IT oversight, and departmental
historian. Hagen currently works as the Accounting & IT Manager for the Clark
College Foundation, where she is the longest-tenured employee.

“Her attention to detail, her pleasant personality, and her
overwhelming commitment to Clark College and its mission make Karen a dedicated
and exemplary employee,” said Knight.

Vanessa Neal

Vanessa Neal, pictured above, has been an employee of Clark College since 2016 and has made many positive contributions in that time. As an Employee Development Manager, Neal focuses on providing meaningful, engaging employee development opportunities for staff and enhancing the employee experience. She also co-chairs the Teaching and Learning Days Workgroup.

“She cares deeply about the college community and has a genuine interest in the well-being of those around her,” said Knight. “Not one for surface interactions, she is known for pausing folks to ask, ‘No, how are you really doing?’”

Janice Taylor

Since 2006, Janice Taylor has held nearly every staff
position in Tutoring Services. She began as a part-time work-study student
before becoming a full-time Program Assistant and then Program Manager. For the
past 18 months, Taylor has served as Interim Associate Director. She supports
college-wide initiatives by serving on committees and work groups, including
co-leading the Guided Pathways Pillar 3 group.

Taylor is known for brainstorming creative ways to improve
services and provide equitable access to resources to improve student outcomes.
In the words of President Knight, she tracks data “like a bloodhound,” searching
out bits of information so Tutoring Services can make informed decisions about
how to use resources effectively to support student success.

Bill Raedy

As an adjunct math instructor at Clark College for 20 years, Bill Raedy has helped countless students, but Knight shared one recent story that exemplified Raedy’s willingness to go the extra mile for students.

When a student had missed several days of class, Raedy reached out in concern. He learned that this student was a veteran and had been the last living member of his combat team, and he confided that he was contemplating ending his life. Raedy immediately reached out to the Veterans Resource Center. Together they were able to get the student connected to resources and convince him he was safe and welcome at Clark.

“It took a whole team to get this student up on his feet again,” said Knight before presenting Raedy with a coin. “But it all started with this one instructor caring enough to reach out to the student and knowing enough to connect him to the right resources on campus.”