Emergency preparedness training Oct. 17

Former Student Affairs Administrative Assistant Susan Muir, left, and Student Life Program Supervisor Sami Lelo show off their emergency preparedness at a 2013 evacuation drill.

In the event of a major emergency, it is very possible that we will be our own first responders.

Are you prepared? It does not have to be as overwhelming as
you may think. Learn what you need, why you need it, and how not to spend a lot
of money on it. You may already have many of the items; now learn how to pull
them all together. 

The Emergency Management Planning Committee (EMPC) will be sponsoring a no-cost Emergency Preparedness Training on October 17, 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. in PUB 258C. Any Clark College employee is welcome to attend.

The presentation itself will go from about 1:00 – 2:30, with an opportunity to find out more and mingle from 2:30 – 3:00.

Information to be covered includes: 

  • Why do you need an emergency kit?
  • What are the top 5 priorities? 
  • How do you start?
  • Where can you get some help?
  • What is the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) and how can I join?

Also, there will be an opportunity for you to make your own emergency response kit, try out some emergency food “rations” and a raffle to win your own emergency preparedness backpack and supplies.

Jodi Blackwood, Clark County CERT Volunteer Program Manager, is delivering this workshop. She is responsible for coordinating, planning, organizing, and supporting the program’s development through-out the county. In addition, she speaks to neighborhood associations, business groups, and community organizations and clubs about the importance of emergency preparedness. 

Photo: Clark College/Jenny Shadley