Penguins are champion walkers

Oswald holding Walktober trophy with smiling Clark employees in Japanese Garden
Oswald and some Clark College Walktober participants pose with their 2020 trophy.

For the first time, Clark College has won Walktober, a 31-day walking challenge between Clark College, Lower Columbia College, and Washington State University Vancouver.   

Participants used fitness trackers and mobile apps to track steps and entered their daily activity on a Walktober log. The school with the most steps, Clark College, is presented with a trophy (and bragging rights).

The following three
Clark winners will be awarded prizes for taking the most steps:

  • 1st place: Sydney Brahmavar from Environmental Science with 843,756 total logged steps
  • 2nd place: Aaron McPherson from Facilities with 826,264 total logged steps  
  • 3rd place: Travis Kibota from Biology with 720,732 total logged steps

The Departmental Walktober Challenge Winner was Environmental Science, with an average daily total of 27,218 logged steps.

Official Walktober results

  • 1st place: Clark College with an average daily total of 9,694 logged steps (based on 68 participants).
  • 2nd place: Washington State University – Vancouver with an average daily total of 9,399 logged steps (based on 48 participants).
  • 3rd place: Lower Columbia College with an average daily total of 8,391 logged steps(based on 57 participants).

Now What?

  • Consider participating in the Free Fall Fitness Fun Run or Walk on Tuesday, November 26 at 1:15 p.m. in front of Cannell Library.
  • Keep up with your activity levels by setting Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Realistic, and Timely (S.M.A.R.T.) goals, scheduling time on your calendar to move, and finding an accountability partner.
  • Come to an event. You can find upcoming events by visiting the TLC Event Schedule. Remember, we follow a more holistic model of wellness, so there are various ways to engage throughout the year. Check out the Six Dimensions of Wellness for more information.