The Weekly News: Week 18

Dr. Sandra Fowler-Hill in front of Chime Tower

National Honors

Clark College has been named a 2020 Best for Vets college in the Career and Technical College category by Military Times—just one of 19 colleges across the nation to receive this designation. It’s the third year in a row Clark has earned Best for Vets status. Kudos to everyone in the Veterans Resource Center, as well as everyone across the college who helps support our student veterans!

New VP of DEI named

Please join me in congratulating Rashida Willard, who has
accepted the appointment as the new Vice President for Diversity, Equity and
Inclusion at Clark College. This is an important milestone for the Office of
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and a positive leap forward for the college in
supporting our staff, faculty and students.

Rashida stepped into the role as interim 17 months ago while
still the Director of Operations and Risk Management in Administrative
Services. She has taken on additional responsibilities in service to the
college and she has earned the respect of her peers, our students, and the
community as a strong and effective leader.

During this interim period, she has created and developed
structures, spaces, and programs to help remove barriers for students and she’s
leading the effort to create a culturally competent campus to help students
succeed. She is deeply invested in this work and passionate about creating
inclusive, safe, and welcoming environments where all students have maximum
opportunities to succeed.

Rashida holds a master’s degree in Business Administration, a
bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, and an associate degree in
Organizational Dynamics. She is currently attending Concordia University,
pursuing a doctorate in Education with a concentration in Professional
Leadership, Inquiry and Transformation.

Under Rashida’s leadership, the ODEI team has built good
momentum, developing new initiatives and programs that will help our college
move forward.

Please join me in congratulating and thanking Rashida for
accepting this role.

Penguin Power!

We did it, Penguins! We won the Walktober challenge between
Clark College, Lower Columbia College, and WSU Vancouver. Our 68 Walktober
participants averaged 9,694 steps during the month of October, winning us a
trophy and bragging rights. Special shout-outs to our top Penguin walkers:

  • 1st place: Sydney Brahmavar
    (Environmental Science) – 843,756 steps
  • 2nd place: Aaron McPherson
    (Facilities Services) – 826,264 steps
  • 3rd place: Travis Kibota
    (Biology) – 720,732 steps
  • Departmental winner:
    Environmental Science, with an average daily total of 27,218 steps

… And, of course, to Interim Director of Talent Acquisition and
Development Vanessa Neal, who led our Walktober efforts. I invite all Walktober
participants to join Vanessa, Oswald, and myself at noon on November 20 at the
Japanese Friendship Garden (or inside O’Connell if it’s raining) for a group
photo with our fabulous trophy.

Kudos to the STEM Team

Thanks to dozens of STEM Unit students, staff, and faculty
volunteers who hosted the Elementary Science Olympiad on Saturday, in
conjunction with the Southwest Washington Science Olympiad (WSO). Eighteen
teams of third-through-fifth graders from throughout Southwest Washington
participated, representing 14 schools from 8 school districts, with a total 270
students. The challenging and motivating events of WSO align with Washington
State Learning Standards. The events throughout the day were designed to
enhance and strengthen both science content and processing skills.

And, thanks to the Clark College Surveying and Geomatics
Department, in conjunction with the United States Forest Service, for hosting
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Day on Friday. GIS is a scientific framework
for gathering, analyzing and visualizing geographic data to help us make better
decisions. GIS Day included a number of speakers, displays, and interactive
geospatial activities.

Also, congratulations to STEM Dean Peter Williams on his recent
presentation with Dr. Carli Schiffner, SBCTC Deputy Executive Director of
Education, and Dr. Gita Bangera, Dean of the RISE Learning Center at Bellevue
College, on “Scaling Up Classroom Undergraduate Research Experiences Statewide”
at the Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U)
Transforming STEM Higher Education conference in Chicago, Illinois.

to nominate outstanding employees

There are three employee award programs now
accepting nominations. I hope you will look around you and decide to make a
nomination: the Lora Whitfield Social Equity Award, the quarterly Classified
Excellence Award, and the Exceptional Administrative Exempt Award.

Lora Whitfield Social Equity Award honors a member of the Clark College
community that has demonstrated a sustained
commitment to advancing equity
. Award recipients will receive a plaque along with $1,000
funded by the Clark College Foundation. This award will be presented at Opening
Day before the beginning of fall quarter each year. This 2020 inaugural year,
the award will be announced during State of the College in winter quarter.

For 2020, nominations should be submitted by November
 for the Executive Cabinet to review and select an award winner by
State of the College in January.

Please nominate a Clark College Employee by
visiting the Lora Whitfield Social Equity Award page and fill out the online submission form.

Do you know of an outstanding Classified employee at
Clark? Have you been looking for a meaningful way to say “thank you” to that
person who has gone above and beyond in their service to you, your department
or the college community? Now is your chance to acknowledge that special

Also, nominations are being accepted for outstanding Classified
employee at Clark for the 2019 Fall Quarter Award. Please continue
reading for more information. Submissions can be made by filling out the online
submission form
. Please only submit a nomination for the current quarter. The
deadline is 5:00 p.m. on
Friday, November 22
. For questions, contact Vanessa Neal, in Human Resources.

And, a new award for 2020 is the Clark
College Administrator and Exempt Excellence Award
honoring two Exempt staff
members who contribute in significant ways toward building a positive climate,
inclusive environment, and improving the quality of life at Clark has been
created. Submissions can be made by filling out the online submission form by 5:00 p.m. on
Friday, December 13.
For questions, contact Lisa Wolfson, in the Office of the

will be based on the following criteria:

  • Exemplary Work Performance
    • Excellence in work performance
    • Makes a significant impact on the College (give examples of
      involvement, attitude, helpfulness, etc.).
    • Contributes and demonstrates commitment to the College’s mission
      and core values.
  • Initiative and Collaboration
    • Positive interaction and engagement with all community partners
      (faculty, staff, students and the public)
    • Exhibits respect for fellow workers and students
  • Special Achievements or Contributions to the College Community
    • Initiates or actively participates in projects for the
      betterment of the college community
    • Serves in leadership roles with campus groups/committees and/or
      external college partners
    • Displays consistent interest in and active support of diversity;
      seeks and promotes interaction with and between groups with differing
      ideologies, cultures, socioeconomic status, etc.

Recipients of this award will receive a glass plaque and $1,000
funded through an anonymous donor’s contributions to the Clark College
Foundation. These awards will typically be announced on Open Day before the
beginning of fall quarter each year. This inaugural year (2019-2020), the
awards will be presented at the State of the College address during winter

To be eligible, the nominees must be a current full-time
Administrative employee who has been in their current position for more than
twelve (12) months. Members of the President’s Executive Cabinet are not
eligible to be nominated.

Congratulations, Dr. Donald Appert

The award-winning Clark
College Orchestra will present its Fall concert as part of the 2019-20 season
celebrating the 30th anniversary of Music Director/Conductor Donald
Appert on
Wednesday, December 4
 at Skyview High School. 

This all-orchestral extravaganza
will include La Valse by Maurice
Ravel, Nuages and Fêtes from
Claude Debussy’s Nocturnes,and
Josef Suk’s Symphony No. 1 in E minor. The performance
is at 7:30 p.m. and admission is free and open to the
public. Donations to the Orchestra General Fund will be
accepted at the door.

For complete information about
all the Clark College Music Department concerts including the orchestra, concert band, jazz ensemble, and choirs,
please see

We are
fortunate to have such treasures at Clark College.

Student Enrollment

Clark College began registering students for Winter quarter this
past week for priority registration. While Clark’s ctcLink Project Management
team works to provide access to queries that will help manage enrollment, I ask
for your patience. Planning and Effectiveness is working to redevelop our
enrollment management tools in Tableau to be available to all during winter

Open Enrollment for

It’s that time – a chance to review and make changes to your
public employee benefits. Open enrollment ends Saturday, November 30. To make
changes go to My Account on the
PEBB website. If you have questions about your benefits or account, please
contact one of our benefits team members:

Reflections from this
past week and looking ahead

Once again, I want to share my appreciation
for the Clark ctcLink team, who have done an amazing job throughout the goLive
conversion. I am inspired by the dedication of all the staff that I’ve seen
across the campus in Finance, HR, Student Services, Instruction, Planning and
Effectiveness, and IT who have been problem-solving throughout the week. Change
is hard, and this has been exhausting and frustrating work. This amazing team
has risen to the challenge. The whole state community college system has been
watching us to see how this is done. Congratulations again, Penguin Nation.
You’ve got this!

This next week I look forward to my first
quarterly meeting between the WSUV Executive Team and Clark College Executive
Team. The following day the Clark College Executive Team is participating in a
daylong retreat with Dr. Kathy Obear, continuing to work on improving ourselves
as a team.

Congratulations to the Penguin Men and Women who are running the
NWAC Cross Country Championship in Lacey today (Monday, November 18). Go

I will be in Seattle the remainder of the
week with Shanda Haluapo, Associate Vice President of Planning and
Effectiveness and Clark College Accreditation Liaison Officer, at the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities Annual Conference on Student Success, where I look
forward to learning more about the new Eligibility Requirements and
Accreditation Standards for 2020. I plan to stay in Seattle for the weekend to
have an early holiday with my family.

This coming weekend will be a busy one on campus, with
performances of “A Bright New Boise” in the Decker Theatre in Frost Arts Center
Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings at 7:30 p.m.; Men’s and Women’s
Basketball games in O’Connell
Sports Complex; and the Clark College Jazz Band, under the direction of Dr.
Doug Harris, presenting its “A Salute to the Big Bands” on Saturday at 7:30
p.m. in Gaiser Student Center.

And just because Walktober is over, that doesn’t mean we Penguins
should stop being active: Get ready for the Fall Free Fun Run and Walk next
Tuesday, November 26, at 1:15 p.m. in front of the Cannell Library.
Registration is free and starts at 1:00 pm.