Video: Introducing women to careers in manufacturing and mechanical

Guests tour Clark College’s Diesel Technologies lab during an open house held in September 2021 to encourage women to explore careers in the advanced manufacturing and mechanical trades. Photo: Jenny Shadley/Clark College

On September 9, Clark College hosted a free workshop for women interested in advanced manufacturing and the mechanical trades on the college’s main campus. More than 30 women attended the event, which included hands-on activities and tours of the college’s Automotive, Diesel, and Welding labs, as well as the chance to speak with professors.  

The following video, narrated by Interim Dean of Workforce Professional Technical Education & STEM, captures some of the excitement from the event as well as the motivation behind it. Properly trained  technicians are in high demand in the advanced manufacturing and mechanical industries, and these careers can be rewarding both financially and professionally. However, a recent study found that only 1 in 3 manufacturing professionals are women. 

Two $1,800 scholarships will be made available to students who attend this event and enroll in a Clark College Automotive, Diesel, or Welding program by fall 2022. One scholarship was made available by Madden Industrial Craftsmen, the other through an anonymous donor.  

See more photos from the event on the college’s Flickr site.