Sharing the bounty

Helping distribute food were, left to right, Director of Student Life Sarah Gruhler, Phi Theta Kappa member Jessica Smith, social work intern Brooke Niemer, PTK member Miya Hobart, ASCC Vice President Claudia Carrion, ASCC Student Relations & Promotions Casey Figone, ASCC President Xander Hawkins, APB member Melissa Lassiter, and Student Life Program Support Supervisor Sami Lelo. Jenny Shadley/Clark College

The Tuesday before Thanksgiving is often a sleepy time at Clark College, as students and faculty prepare to take time off for the long weekend. But this year, it was abuzz with activity, as students, staff, and faculty all worked to provide their community with holiday meals.

The event was a collaboration between the college’s Phi Theta Kappa chapter, the culinary arts programs, Student Life, the Penguin Pantry, and the Clark College Alumni Association. Many Clark College employees donate funds for the project each year through Clark College Foundation.

Volunteers provided 333 Thanksgiving meals prepared by Cuisine Management students, baked goods from the Professional Baking program, bread donated by sponsors Meineke, as well as to the regular monthly food boxes provided to Penguin Pantry recipients. In total, 122 students and their households–481 people in all–were provided with 4,326 pounds of food.

Established four years ago, the Penguin Pantry provides Clark College students with food, other basic goods, and connections to resources. Learn more at

The day before, Cuisine Management professor Earl Frederick and his students worked to make Thanksgiving meals for families with a member in hospice. Read the Columbian article about the project.

Thanksgiving meals were prepared by Cuisine Management students including, left to right, Ruslan Ganzhin, Anthony McFarland, Quinten Teague, Ella Nelson, Ian Ryan, and Tom Aurellado. Clark College/Jenny Shadley