Open House: Veterans Center of Excellence

ASCC Vice President David Goebel talks with a representative from Whole Health for Life during the open house at Clark College Center of Excellence on April 18.

The Clark College Veterans Center of Excellence welcomed student veterans and potential students during its spring open house on April 17 and 18.

Center Work Study employees Tristan Fleming and Zack Monzon, both veterans and Clark students, greeted people and answered questions.

Often when veterans enroll at Clark College, they aren’t aware of the assistance they can receive at the center, said Megan Anderson, manager. Even students who are not veterans themselves but have a parent or spouse who is or was a veteran, may qualify for Veterans Affairs (VA) education benefits. Staff can connect student veterans to agencies, programs and support.

“We want to let students know we are here and let them know about the services we offer students who are veterans,” Anderson said.

Representatives from the following participated in the open house:

  • Veterans Administration, providing healthcare and veteran’s benefits
  • WorkSource, providing employment training and job search tools for veterans
  • Whole Health for Life, providing health and wellness education
  • Disabled American Veterans, providing resource information
  • Veteran Administration’s Therapeutic Garden Program
  • Art therapist and Gold Star mother offering papermaking workshops

Employees at the center can help students with their educational journey by connecting them with tutoring for math, science and English; loaning textbooks and calculators; offering useful workshops; providing a study area with computer and printers; offering networking with other veterans and more.

For information, contact the Clark College Veterans Center of Excellence:
In person: Penguin Union Building, PUB 015
Phone: 360-992-2073 or 360-992-2864

Photo: Clark College/Susan Parrish