Pizza with the President 

Dr. Edwards chatted with students at Pizza with the President on May 16 in Penguin Student Lounge. The informal lunchtime event is presented each term by Associated Students of Clark College (ASCC) to provide students with an opportunity to ask any questions of Dr. Edwards.  

ASCC President Casey Figone asked questions and fielded questions from other students. Here are highlights: 

Increasing in-person classes:  
“We’d love to see more students on campus. We’re striving to get more in-person classes, with a goal of 60% of classes in person and 40% hybrid/online.” 

Dr. Edwards

Encouraging students to get involved with civic engagement at all levels of government: 
“Going to Olympia and telling your stories as students is far more impactful than if I do it. Connect and find out what lawmakers are doing around student issues. Get involved at the state level, but also the local level. Find out who represents you.” 

Dr. Edwards

Criteria for adding new programs: 
“What we look for in adding programs: Is there a need? Do we have the capacity to offer the program? Does the program lead to well-paying jobs?” 

Dr. Edwards

Pizza with the President also is a time for the college president to ask students questions.

Left to right: Dr. Karin Edwards with Brooke Pillsbury and ASCC President Casey Figone

Dr. Edwards asked: “We are always trying to find ways to eliminate barriers for students and potential students. What are some of the barriers to attending Clark?” 

ASCC President Casey Figone answered: “Transportation. High gas prices. High housing costs. To afford rent, students often have multiple roommates. Students don’t know how to find affordable housing.” 

A discussion followed about resources for students to be informed. Dr. Edwards suggested College 101 and the college’s Financial Wellness Fair as starting points.  

Dr. Edwards asked, “Was Clark ready for you? The college should be student ready, just as much as the students should be college ready.”  

During the conversation, she told students: “This is a busy time of year for you, so hold onto your energy.” 

Fun facts about Dr. Edwards and Pizza: 

  • Dr. Edwards’ favorite pizza is sausage, onion, and pepperoni. 
  • As a Brooklyn, New York native, she grew up eating thin-crust pies. 
  • When she traveled back home to Brooklyn to visit her mother for Mother’s Day, she said, “I made a point to have pizza.” 

Photos: Clark College/Susan Parrish