Democracy, Dogs, and Donuts

Dog with sunglasses and sign that reads "I voted"

On Tuesday, November 5, the Associated Students of Clark College (ASCC) and Activities Programming Board (APB) presented Democracy, Dogs, and Donuts to celebrate civic engagement on election day. Students handed out “I voted” stickers, provided voter information and delicious donuts. Therapy dogs — dressed flamboyantly in patriot red, white, and blue — mingled in the crowds to help soothe election anxiety.

For many Clark students, it was their first time being eligible to vote in either a general or a presidential election. ASCC student government led the effort to encourage new voters by hosting voter registration events on campus and directing students to the ballot box on campus.

ASCC Civics and Sustainability Director Keith Christian said, “ASCC and APB held the election day event as a way for Clark College students to celebrate our nation’s right to vote and get more engaged in the Clark College community. Helping Clark College students by engaging them in activities, volunteering, and getting more involved, we can find more ways to connect with each other and the community we live and work in.”

About ASCC and APB

The Associated Students of Clark College (ASCC) student government advocates and represents Clark College students by serving as the liaison between students and faculty, staff, administration, and the community.

The Activities Programming Board (APB) is charged with the creation of a comprehensive events calendar to include cultural, educational, family, and social events for Clark students both on-campus and virtually.

Photos: Clark College/Carly Rae Zent