More classes on campus in fall

students looking at campus map
Students will be able to return to campus beginning in fall term. Clark College/Jenny Shadley

Last week Clark College published its 2021 fall class schedule, which includes more than 500 classes with on-campus components. This is a major step by the college—which has been in remote operations since March 2020—to safely return to campus this fall. 

“This is an exciting moment for the college, as we prepare to safely welcome large numbers of students and employees back to a campus that has been too quiet for far too long,” said Clark College President Karin Edwards. “At the same time, it’s important to understand that we are not making this decision rashly. We will continue to follow the guidance of our state and local public health agencies to ensure that this return is done with everyone’s safety in mind.” 

Fall term begins Monday, September 20. The fall schedule is released early to give students ample time to consider their options and sign up for classes. Registration for both summer and fall terms opens on May 10. 

Currently, about one-third of Clark’s fall classes will be in-person—a much lower percentage than during pre-pandemic times, but much higher than the handful of lab classes that were being taught on campus during the 2020-2021 academic year. More classes may be added over the next several months as the college closely monitors the COVID-19 pandemic response. 

“Our faculty are excited to get back to in-person instruction in the fall, but are prepared to roll their classes back into online delivery if the COVID landscape changes,” said Interim Vice President of Instruction Genevieve Howard.  

Some of the fall in-person classes will be hybrid classes—in other words, taught partially in a classroom and partially online. This allows students to have a chance to get the hands-on learning that Clark College is known for, while still limiting the amount of people on campus at any given time. Other classes will be “web-enhanced”—taught in person, but with online materials or activities to read or complete online. Still other classes will be taught fully in person. Students can search for in-person, hybrid, and web-enhanced classes on CTCLink, the state’s online software system. 

The college is also developing plans for some support services to return to campus as well, while retaining the virtual help center that has operated throughout the pandemic. The college has already announced its plans to bring back athletic competition in the fall; athletic practice returned to campus in spring term. An announcement has also been made that the 2021 Commencement ceremony will be held in person on June 17, though with restrictions on how many people may attend. 

The college is working to ensure its infrastructure and equipment meet its needs for re-opening the college safely. Visitors may need to use safety precautions like hand sanitizing, face coverings, and health screenings in order to participate in on-campus activities. Details will be announced closer to fall term. 

The college is taking care to include student voices in its decision-making process, sending out a survey to all current students this past week to get their input on what services and supports are most important to them. The survey results will help inform the college in planning for fall.  

“We will center the students in all our planning,” said Michele Cruse, Interim Vice President of Student Affairs. “Their voice is vitally important as we begin this slow and gradual process of returning to campus.”  

This article was updated on June 22 to reflect the increased number of in-person classes being offered in fall.

Senator Albert “Al” Bauer 1928-2021

Retired State Senator Albert “Al” Bauer ’55 in a photo taken on Clark College’s campus in 2008. Photo: Clark College/Jenny Shadley

Longtime State Legislator and Clark College alumnus Albert “Al” Bauer, whose work made a major impact on not just Clark College but on all of Washington State’s educational system, died today at the age of 92.  

“Clark College has a heavy but grateful heart today as we mourn the passing of retired State Senator Al Bauer,” said Clark College President Karin Edwards. “We extend our deepest sympathies to his family. Penguin Nation has lost a great man who dedicated his life to supporting students and our community.” 

During his time as a legislator, Bauer championed the cause of public education in Washington State. He conceived of the Running Start program, which allows eligible high school students to attend community college tuition-free. He is also largely credited with making possible the Vancouver location of Washington State University. Indeed, the building at Clark College where the first WSUV classes were taught—before the university’s permanent campus was built—now bears his name. Bauer Hall now houses many of Clark College’s math classrooms, as well as faculty and staff offices. 

Yet the man who once was declared the “education senator” by Washington Gov. Gary Locke was himself a high school dropout. The son of a local dairy farmer, he planned to go into farming as well and thought he wouldn’t need an education. 

But in 1948, after being laid off from his 80-cents-an-hour cannery job and earning the equivalent of a GED through a correspondence course, Bauer went to Clark College requesting admission as a freshman. He suspected he might be rejected. Instead, the office congratulated him on his effort, allowed him to enroll, and urged him to keep his grades up.  

“That was the turning point in my whole life,” he said on the occasion of Clark College’s 75th anniversary. “I attribute whatever I’ve done to my family and to Clark College for encouraging me to keep going.” 

Bauer attended Clark for two quarters before leaving to enlist in the U.S. Navy, where he served for six years. While in the Navy, he trained new recruits in navigation. This gave him his first experience with teaching, and when he left the Navy in 1954, he re-enrolled at Clark with the idea of becoming a teacher. 

Bauer always praised the education he received at Clark College. During the college’s 75th anniversary, he spoke about Herman Foster, who taught German, among other subjects. “He would say, ‘Albert, you probably ought to get a little tutoring,” said Bauer. “Come in at 4 o’clock three nights a week and let’s see if we can keep you on track.’ He was just a dedicated academic.” 

After earning a bachelor’s degree from Portland State University and a Master of Education from Oregon State University, Bauer took that example to heart during his own 20-year career teaching in area schools.  

It was Bauer’s teaching career that eventually led to his next career in politics. He became active in the teacher’s union and was elected president of the Vancouver Education Association. In 1970, he was elected to the Washington State House of Representatives, where he served for nine years. By his second term, he chaired the Education Committee and began earning a reputation as a creative and committed champion of public education. In 1980, he left the House to run for State Senator, a position that he went on to hold for 20 years. 

Bauer brought his experiences as both a student and a teacher to his legislative work around education. It was thinking about how to lower the state’s high school drop-out rate, as well as the boredom he felt during his own high school years, that inspired him to propose the Running Start program.  

Bauer never forgot his experiences at Clark College and was a staunch supporter of the college that gave him his educational start. He was a longtime donor to scholarships funded through Clark College Foundation. But he never meant or expected to have his name on a building. Bauer’s late wife, Pat, and fellow state Sen. Joe Tanner, sought—without Bauer’s knowledge—to have a Clark building named for him. He later said he was shocked when he learned his name was emblazoned on Bauer Hall. 

This article will be updated with details of his memorial service when they are available. 

To read more about Sen. Al Bauer, read this article from Clark College Foundation’s Partners Magazine

Two Clark students join All-Washington Academic Team

On April 15, two outstanding students represented Clark College at the 25th annual All-Washington Academic Team ceremony, honoring students from Washington State for their academic excellence and community service. Bios for students Erin Lysne and Natalie Worthy appear below. 

Top students from 33 of Washington state’s community and technical colleges were honored at the annual ceremony, which was held virtually due to COVID-19; each received a medal and a $250 scholarship from KeyBank and became eligible for additional scholarships from private sponsors as well as transfer scholarships from four-year colleges and universities. Natalie Worthy was also awarded a $750 scholarship from Washington State Employees Credit Union (WSECU). Gov. Jay Inslee served as keynote speaker at the event. 

The All-Washington Academic Team is a program of Phi Theta Kappa, the international honor society for two-year colleges. It is co-sponsored by the Washington Association of Community and Technical Colleges, Washington State Association of College Trustees, and State Board for Community and Technical Colleges. Besides KeyBank and WSECU, scholarships are funded by the Washington State Association of College Trustees. 

Erin Lysne smiling, standing against a log in the woods
Erin Lysne. Photo courtesy of Erin Lysne.

About Erin Lysne 

Erin Lysne, 29, has always loved the outdoors. That passion led her to pursue a career in geology. Despite encountering attitudes from some people that geology is a “man’s field,” Lysne has excelled in her studies, becoming a geology tutor and starting Clark College’s first Geosciences Club. She volunteers with environmental organizations including Friends of Trees, the Vancouver Water Education Resource Center, and the Cascade Volcano Observatory. She plans to continue her education to earn a doctorate in volcanology. 

About Natalie Worthy 

Natalie Worthy smiling against green-brown background
Natalie Worthy. Photo courtesy of Natalie Worthy.

Natalie Worthy began volunteering at age 8 and hasn’t stopped since. She recently earned a silver Congressional Award for her community service and was also named Miss Battle Ground’s Outstanding Teen in 2020. She balances her many volunteer activities with being a Running Start student, working part-time, and performing in musical theater. She plans to continue her studies at a university and achieve her lifelong dream of being a professional performer. 

More aid for students in crisis

The COVID-19 pandemic and resulting economic downturn have caused many financial challenges for Clark College students. Some have lost jobs, while others have found themselves facing steep medical bills. With schools closed for months, many students with dependent children were scrambling to pay for child care.  

That’s where Clark College’s emergency grants program comes in—and, starting in spring term, it’s about to start helping even more students than before. 

Soon after the college moved to remote operations in spring 2020, it set up a one-stop clearinghouse to manage all the different sources of emergency funding available to students experiencing a financial crisis. These sources include community organizations, Clark College Foundation, state funding—and the largest source of all, federal funding distributed through the 2020 CARES Act. 

By December, however, that CARES funding—about $2.6 million dollars—was almost exhausted. 

“We averaged awarding around $96,000 a week over the last three terms,” said Sheri Terjeson, who manages the Emergency Grants program. “Our students have faced incredible challenges paying for basic needs like rent and food, not to mention school supplies and health care.” 

By December, Terjeson and the rest of the Emergency Grants Committee were desperately trying to figure out how to stretch out the few remaining grant funds to help students in the coming winter term. Fortunately, just before the new year began, Congress passed the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSAA), providing additional funding for students. 

“That funding really came just in the nick of time,” said Terjeson. “We all breathed a sigh of relief when we heard the news—and then started running full-speed to get that funding ready for our students as quickly as possible.” 

In winter term alone, the college disbursed more than $635,000 in emergency grants to 668 students. Now, however, with the CRRSAA and the funds in President Biden’s COVID relief package that was signed into law in March, the college expects to award approximately $1.1 million to students in need during spring term 2021. 

Unfortunately, that federal funding excluded certain kinds of students from eligibility, including Dreamer (DACA and/or undocumented) students. But the Washington State Legislature also recently approved new funding for emergency grants to students, including Dreamers. The grants can be applied for through the same Emergency Grant Application as is used for all other emergency funds. 

“Really, our message to students is that, if they are worried that financial hardship is going to derail their educations, they should fill out the Emergency Grant Application, and let us see if there’s a funding source that matches up with them,” said Terjeson. “There are a lot of different sources of funding—from the government, from generous donors through the Clark College Foundation, from funding sources dedicated to supporting a particular subset of students like veterans or students of color—and we will do our best to find a source that can be used for that particular student’s case.” 

“What we don’t want is for students to stop their educational journeys because of a financial crisis,” added Dr. Michele Cruse, Interim Vice President of Student Affairs. “Once students drop out of college, it can be very difficult for them to come back. We know that a college education can have life-changing benefits for students, their families, and their communities. That is why we are working so hard to keep our students supported during these challenging times.” 

And now, thanks to this increased funding from multiple sources, the college will be able to help more students than ever. 

If you are a student experiencing financial hardship, please visit our Emergency Grants page to learn how to apply for emergency assistance. 

Welcome, Professors!

In 2021, the college welcomed 12 newly tenured faculty member, clockwise from top left, Joseph Cavalli (history), Mark Eddinger (mathematics), Amy Ewing Johnson (dental hygiene), Melissa J. Favara (English), Tyler H.J. Frank (career and academic preparation), Doug Harris (music), Christina Howard (biology), Dr. Sarah Kuzera (medical assisting), Dr. Michelle Mayer (mathematics), Kristin Sherwood (College 101), Beth Slovic (journalism), and Christina Smith (English).

Twelve outstanding educators are the newest members of the tenured faculty at Clark College. Joseph Cavalli (history), Mark Eddinger (mathematics), Amy Ewing Johnson (dental hygiene), Melissa J. Favara (English), Tyler H.J. Frank (career and academic preparation), Doug Harris (music), Christina Howard (biology), Dr. Sarah Kuzera (medical assisting), Dr. Michelle Mayer (mathematics), Kristin Sherwood (College 101), Beth Slovic (journalism), and Christina Smith (English) were all granted tenure during the Clark College Board of Trustees meeting on March 10. They will be honored at a college reception later in the spring. 

Tenure is awarded by the college’s Board of Trustees based on professional excellence and outstanding abilities in their disciplines. The granting of tenure is based on the recommendations of tenure review committees to the vice president of instruction, which are then forwarded to the president, who presents a final recommendation to the Board of Trustees. Recommendations are based on self-evaluations, tenure review committee evaluations, student evaluations, supervisory evaluations, and peer evaluations. The final decision to award or withhold tenure rests with the Board of Trustees. 

About the faculty members 

Joseph Cavalli, history 

Joseph Cavalli holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in history from Portland State University and a Master of Arts in history degree from University of Portland. He has experience teaching in private high schools in Croatia, Italy, the Kingdom of Bahrain, and Portland, Oregon. He has also taught history at University of Maryland College Park and Mt. Hood Community College, in addition to his experience teaching history at Clark College since 2006.  

At Clark College, he has served as program director for the college’s Model United Nations team since 2011. He is also a popular instructor in Clark’s non-credit Mature Learning program and in 2016 received the college’s prestigious Exceptional Faculty Award.  

“My approach to history is best summed up by the American historian John Tracy Ellis: ‘History is the rediscovery of the past in an enlightened manner,’” said Cavalli. “I am always striving to make history applicable to my students’ everyday lives in a way that piques their interest and curiosity.”

Mark Eddinger, mathematics 

Mark Eddinger earned his Bachelor of Science degree in electronics engineering technology from DeVry Institute of Technology and his Master of Science in mathematics from Western Washington University. He began his career as a quality engineer at a manufacturer of lighting control systems before spending a decade teaching English as a foreign language in Japan. In addition to this work experience, he has taught math at the college level for 11 years. 

At Clark College, Eddinger serves on the Math Events Committee, as well as on the team that has developed, improved, and supported a new math pathway for non-STEM majors. He has also designed Canvas courses that promote inclusion and shares them with his colleagues. 

“I am committed to being a fellow journeyer with my students as we nurture our growth mindsets, as we learn how to make a more effective effort, and as we develop a passion for more thorough understanding of both math and the many academic disciplines that connect to math,” he said, adding, “They all connect.” 

Amy Ewing Johnson, dental hygiene 

Amy Ewing Johnson attended Indiana University’s School of Dentistry, where she earned three degrees: an Associate in Science in dental hygiene, a Bachelor of Science in public health dental hygiene, and a Master of Science in education. She has more than 30 years of work experience in dental settings.  

At Clark College, Ewing Johnson serves as lead instructor and coordinator for all clinical and lab operations related to junior-year students. She is involved in dental hygiene study clubs, and continues to improve her own learning by attending state and national conferences. 

“My teaching philosophy is all about making students feel safe to learn through experimentation, question/answer, as well as confident enough to learn via discussions and active learning opportunities,” said Ewing Johnson. “I believe in creating a warm and relaxed classroom community and work to communicate an enthusiasm of support for every student, as they strive to complete their academic goals.” 

Melissa Favara, English 

Melissa Favara earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in English with a creative writing emphasis from Western Michigan University and her Master of Arts degree in English from The Pennsylvania State University.

Favara joined the faculty at Clark College in 2007, first as an adjunct and then as a full-time temporary instructor. She served as the college’s Academic Early Warning liaison from 2009 to 2020. She currently assists in training fellow English faculty members on the college’s new co-requisite teaching model to serve its most at-risk students; she has previously taught in the Integrated Basic Education and Skills Training program and has presented at national conferences on Clark’s work in both practices. 

Favara described her teaching philosophy as follows: “I meet students where they are and engage them in learning opportunities that honor their experience while offering chances to gain and apply knowledge in ways that they can transfer to new school, work, and life challenges.” 

Tyler Frank, career and academic preparation 

Tyler Frank earned his Associate in Arts transfer degree from Grand Rapids Community College; his Bachelor of Arts degree in history from the University of Michigan; and his Master of Arts degree in reading and culture from the University of Arizona. He served as a youth development facilitator for the U.S. Peace Corps in Huallanca, Peru, and has previous teaching experience at Pima Community College in Tucson, Arizona. 

Since joining the faculty at Clark College in 2018, Frank has involved himself deeply in the college’s work. He has developed a fully online version of the CAP 42 (Integrated Math and Science) course, developed Open Educational Resources (OER), and led the outcomes assessment for CAP mathematics faculty. He also leads the “Anti-Racists Curriculum and Instruction” subgroup of the college’s White Anti-Racism Education Employee Resource Group. 

“As a teacher, I prioritize creating a safe and welcoming environment for my students, where we all feel comfortable enough to explore new ideas, make mistakes, and share our discoveries and confusions with one another,” said Frank in describing his teaching philosophy. 

Doug Harris, music 

Doug Harris earned his Bachelor of Music in music education degree from the University of Florida, after which he continued his education at the University of Northern Colorado, earning both his master’s and doctoral degrees in music there. He has directed bands at multiple middle and high schools, as well as at Santa Clara University and Western Kentucky University.

Since joining the faculty at Clark College in 2018, he has led the college’s concert band, jazz band, and pep band, as well as directing its annual Jazz Festival. 

“I strive to help each student achieve their potential through positive reinforcement within a rigorous curriculum,” Harris said in describing his teaching philosophy. 

Christina Howard, biology 

Christina Howard  attended Portland State University, where she earned both her Bachelor of Science degree in biology and her Master of Science degree in behavioral neuroendocrinology. She has teaching experience at Portland State University and Portland Community College, and served as Lead Instructor of Human Anatomy and Physiology at the National College of Technical Instruction’s College of Emergency Services. She joined the faculty at Clark College in 2018. 

At Clark, Howard serves as an event runner for the annual Science Olympiad, as well as co-lead advisor for cadaver dissection. 

“My teaching philosophy is to help students find wonder in the biological sciences, specifically the study of the human body,” she said. “I employ an evidence-based and applied-learning approach to engender deep learning and curiosity for the subject matter, so that students can show mastery and better understand how biology applies to them.” 

Dr. Sarah Kuzera, medical assisting 

Dr. Sarah Kuzera earned her Associate in Applied Science in medical assisting from Springfield College; her bachelor’s degree in management from Everest College; her Master of Business Administration degree from Bryan University; and her Doctor of Education degree from Capella University. She holds certifications through the American Association of Medical Assistants and the American Medical Technologists. She has six years of work experience as a certified medical assistant in a variety of practices and clinics. She has nine years of experience teaching in post-secondary environments.  

Since joining the faculty at Clark College in 2017, Dr. Kuzera has served the college in many roles. She developed a Medical Assisting Club at the college and served on a Guided Pathways Pillar One work group. She has served on the Evergreen School District’s Medical Science Advisory Board and participated in Clark College’s Instructional Planning Team and Curriculum committees. 

“I believe that teaching should always be student-centered and I should facilitate the teaching environment,” Dr. Kuzera said. “My role as an instructor is to provide students, through my experiences and expertise, the necessary resources for them to produce learning and foster critical thinking. I have always been flexible in my teaching strategies to adapt to the needs of the adult learner.“ 

Dr. Michelle Mayer, mathematics 

Michelle Mayer earned her Bachelor of Science degree in mathematics from George Fox University in Newberg, Oregon. She continued her education at Texas Tech University, where she earned both a master’s and a doctorate degree in mathematics. She has previous teaching experience at Texas Tech University and Pacific University. 

Since joining the Clark College faculty in 2018, Dr. Mayer has become the course co-coordinator for the applied algebra courses MATH 092 and MATH 096. 

“My approach to teaching is to present the material with clarity and accessibility; create an open environment where students feel comfortable asking questions and interacting with me; and to challenge my students to think critically while giving them the support they need to succeed,” said Dr. Mayer. 

Kristin Sherwood, College 101 

Kristin Sherwood earned her bachelor’s degree from Lewis & Clark College and her master’s degree in public administration from Portland State University. She has previous work experience as the Community Service Coordinator at Lewis & Clark College and as the Outreach Coordinator for the City of Vancouver’s Community Services Department. In 2003, she began teaching in the human development department of Clark College; ten years later, she began serving as the coordinator of the College 101 course, which provides guidance to incoming college students.

At Clark College, Sherwood serves on the Foundation Scholarship Selection Committee, the MyPlan Work Group, and the Guided Pathways Advisory Committee. She also regularly presents in the Student Success Workshops presented through Career Services. 

“I aspire to empower, engage, and encourage my students with knowledge and resources to support their academic success,” said Sherwood in describing her teaching philosophy. “I do this by developing rapport, making sincere connections, providing timely and thoughtful feedback, and maintaining a genuine commitment to my classes.” 

Beth Slovic, journalism 

Beth Slovic earned her bachelor’s degree from Amherst College and her master’s degree from Columbia University. She has work experience as an editorial assistant at a nonprofit book publisher and as a print  journalist at the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, Willamette Week, the Oregonian, and the Portland Tribune. For the past 13 years, she has worked as an occasional stringer for the New York Times, and she freelances regularly for Portland Monthly and PDX Parent magazines. She has previous teaching experience at Clackamas Community College, Portland State University, and the University of Portland.  

Since joining the Clark College faculty in 2018, she has become the journalism advisor to the Clark College Independent. She also serves as president of the Pacific Northwest Association of Journalism Educators. 

“I believe journalism is a framework for talking about skills and concepts that serve students in wider pursuits,” Slovic said of her teaching philosophy. “My students seek answers to questions and communicate across multiple platforms, making them the ‘communicorns’ of the future.” 

Christina Smith, English 

Christina Smith earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in English from McDaniel College and her Master of Arts degree in rhetoric and writing studies from the University of Utah. She has previous teaching experience at the University of Utah.  

Since joining the faculty of Clark College in 2015, Smith has served on several committees and work groups, including the Vice President of Instruction Hiring Committee, the Vice President of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Hiring Committee, the Tenure Review Equity Committee, the Women’s Studies Scholarship Review Committee, the Clark College Forms Committee, and the Student Code of Conduct Policy and Training Work Group. Additionally, she has presented at both the Queer Student Luncheon and the “Discovering College Confidence” workshop.

“My approach to teaching is what I would call adaptive, holistic, and rhetorical,” said Smith. “Adaptive teaching means discovering how each student learns and processes information, as this will let me find the appropriate teaching methods and tools to successfully communicate course content. This adaptability also speaks to my holistic approach to instruction. I believe it is important to engage the whole person, not just the student-mind that is present in my course; this means providing supports that address their personal needs while simultaneously challenging them as learners.”

State of the College

Dr. Karin Edwards
Dr. Karin Edwards

Dr. Karin Edwards, Clark College President, will deliver the 2021 State of the College Address to share the college’s vision, challenges, and accomplishments with the larger community. Due to COVID-19 it will be presented online via pre-recorded video. 

The video will premiere on YouTube at 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 4. The link for the video will be available on the college’s State of the College web page, which is posted at During the 2:00 p.m. premiere, viewers will be able to comment and participate in a livestream discussion on YouTube.  

Dr. Edwards will speak on how the college has responded to COVID-19, continuing budget challenges, and advancing racial equity in higher education. Two students will also share their own experiences at Clark College: Associated Students of Clark College President Josiah Joner and 2021 Transforming Lives Award nominee Tosha Big Eagle. 

The video will run approximately 35 minutes in length. 

This event was originally scheduled to take place on January 20 but was rescheduled due to technical difficulties. It is free and open to the public. The video will be captioned and has picture-in-picture American Sign Language interpretation. If you need accommodation due to a disability in order to fully participate in this event, you should contact Clark College’s Disability Support Services Office at 360-992-2314 or 360-992-0901 VP as soon as possible. 

Clark College removes application fee

main campus

Clark College has taken an exciting new step to expand access to higher education. Beginning with registration for the 2021 spring term, the college is removing its admission application fee, making it free for almost all prospective students to apply. (The one exception is International Students, who use a separate admissions process to apply to the college that requires special handling of their F-1 visa status.) 

Previously the college charged a $25 application fee to most prospective students. While this is significantly less than the application fees for most universities and private colleges, it still could prove to be a barrier for some of the college’s students. Approximately 40 percent of Clark College students qualify as low-income. 

“This has been a complex project that was months in the making, especially given the college’s current budget challenges, but I am so proud of our staff for staying focused on serving our students by removing barriers that discourage students from taking the next step,” said Dr. Michele Cruse, Interim Vice President of Student Affairs. “Clark College is committed to being an open-enrollment institution, and this one more big step toward being truly open to everyone in our community.” 

“We don’t want students to have to choose between gas money and the admissions fee,” said Josiah Joner, Associated Students of Clark College President. “Money’s tight. We need to make it easier for students to get started.” 

The change goes into effect for students applying for spring term, registration for which began on February 9 for most students.

Get a Running Start at Clark College

Running Start grad whose cap reads "17 with my AST"

High school students can learn how to take the next step in their education by attending one of four optional Virtual Running Start Information Night sessions hosted by Clark College. 

The identical sessions will be held 6:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. on Monday, Jan. 25; Tuesday, Feb. 9; Wednesday, Feb. 24; and Thursday, March 18. All four events, which are free and open to the public, will be held virtually over Zoom.  

Running Start allows eligible juniors and seniors to earn college credit while they fulfill their high school graduation requirements. Running Start students attend Clark classes along with “regular” college students. They can choose from a full range of academic and professional and technical courses. 

The program, which can significantly reduce the cost of a college degree, has proven popular in Southwest Washington. Some Running Start students are so motivated that they earn their associate degree from Clark at the same time that they earn their high school diploma. These annual information nights frequently attract hundreds of interested students and parents to the college.  

These information sessions are for students and parents who want to know more about beginning the program in Fall 2021. While the sessions are completely optional, they are a good opportunity to hear current Running Start students candidly describe their experiences in the program and to learn about the program benefits, eligibility criteria, expectations, timelines, and more.  

An American Sign Language interpreter will be available at each session. Additionally, the first session will be recorded and afterward available with translations into other languages online at  

Running Start students pay for books, transportation, and some fees, but do not pay full Clark College tuition. Students can attend part-time or full-time under the Running Start program. Fees are subject to change by the Washington State Legislature. A fee waiver is available for those demonstrating financial need.  

Individuals who need accommodation due to a disability in order to fully participate in this event should contact Clark College’s Disability Support Services Office at 360-992-2314 or 360-991-0901 (VP) as soon as possible. 

For more information on Running Start, visit the Clark College website at For information about Running Start Information Nights, call 360-992-2078.  

Honoring Dr. King by celebrating Black leadership

Collage image of Dr. Martin Luther King, graffiti-inspired artwork by Hobbs Waters and Manny Dempsey, and Dr. Andrew Jolivette smiling in a baseball cap in foreground.

Clark College will honor the teachings of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on Wednesday, January 20, with an online event celebrating Black leadership and creativity. The event, which is free and open to the public, will be hosted live on Zoom from 12:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.

The event will feature guest speaker Dr. Andrew Jolivétte, Professor and Chair-Elect of the Ethnic Studies Department at the University of California, San Diego. His topic will be “Black Lives, Black Leadership: From Mattering to Thriving.” 

The event will also include the singing of the Black National Anthem by GodSisterz as well as artwork from local artists Manny Dempsey and Hobbs Waters. 

For more information about this event, including link to the Zoom meeting, visit  

Individuals who need accommodation due to a disability in order to fully participate in this event should contact Clark College’s Disability Support Services Office at 360-992-2314 or 360-991-0901 (VP), or visit Penguin Union Building (PUB) room 013, as soon as possible. 

About Dr. Andrew Jolivétte 

Dr. Andrew Jolivétte (Atakapa-Ishak Nation of Louisiana [Tsikip/Opelousa/Heron Clan]) is Professor and Chair-Elect of the Ethnic Studies Department at the University of California, San Diego as well as the inaugural founding Director of Native American and Indigenous Studies at UCSD. A former professor and Department Chair of American Indian Studies at San Francisco State University, he is the author or editor of nine books in print or forthcoming including the Lammy Award nominated, Indian Blood: HIV and Colonial Trauma in San Francisco’s Two-Spirit Community. His scholarship examines Native American, Indigenous, Creole, Black, Latinx, Queer, Mixed-Race, and Comparative Critical Ethnic Studies. 

Rosalba Pitkin receives Social Equity Award

Rosalba Pitkin seated in upper Gaiser Hall, smiling
Rosalba Pitkin

Rosalba Pitkin was named the recipient of the 2020-2021 Lora Whitfield Social Equity Award, which honors a Cark College employee who has demonstrated a sustained commitment to advancing equity.

“She creates and sustains an inclusive environment for members of the college community in several ways, including advocacy for students and education for colleagues,” said Vice President of Diversity Equity and Inclusion Rashida Willard when she presented the award to Pitkin on Opening Day. “Though she will go above and beyond her role to support any student, her heart lies with immigrants and undocumented students, a particularly vulnerable segment of our student population. Rosalba creates an environment of belonging for these learners by welcoming them to the college, explaining the U.S. education system and how Clark can help them reach their goals, walking them through admission and enrollment processes, and offering consistent academic and personal support throughout their time at the college.”

During her years of working at Clark College, Pitkin has held different job titles, but her work has always centered around serving diverse students, prospective students, and their families. She currently serves as the Diversity Outreach Manager in the Office of Diversity Equity and Inclusion. In this role, she also provides employee training on topics that include how to support Dreamer (DACA) students.

Pitkin is a well-known figure for her work around equity and inclusion not just within Clark College, but in the greater Vancouver-Portland metro area. She served two terms on the Washington State Commission for Hispanic Affairs and helped to streamline Mexican Consulate services for Mexicans who live in Southwest Washington. She is also a 2016 graduate of the Social Justice Leadership Institute.

Pitkin often works closely with non-native English speakers. As someone who grew up in Mexico and had to take English as a Second Language classes before earning her bachelor’s degree in international business from New Mexico State University, she can relate to the struggles these students can experience.

Pitkin often refers to some advice given to her by her grandmother, whom she credits with instilling the importance of education in her: “It’s important to plant good seeds wherever you go. Just take care of them, and they will grow.”

“Rosalba Pitkin puts that cherished advice from her grandmother into practice every day,” said Willard during the award presentation.

About the Lora Whitfield Social Equity Award

Created in 2019, the Lora Whitfield Social Equity Award recognizes Clark College employees based on their exceptional work in removing systemic barriers for people with systemically non-dominant identities – people of color, people with disabilities and people who identify as LGBTQIA2S+ – in one or more of the following categories:

  1. Creating and sustaining an inclusive environment for members of the Clark College community.
  2. Improving intercultural competency for members of the Clark College community through diversity, equity and inclusion dialogue and education.
  3. Exhibiting leadership in best practices for social equity.
  4. Building and sustaining practices that challenge systems of power, privilege and inequity.
  5. Making the larger community a more just and equitable place to reside.

Award recipients receive a plaque along with $1,000 funded by Clark College Foundation. This award is presented at Opening Day before the beginning of fall quarter each year. 

Other nominees for the 2020-2021 were DeGundrea “Dee” Harris in the Office of Diversity Equity and Inclusion and Zach Lattin in Disability Support Services.