Notice to Employees who made Insurance Changes for 2015

Employees who made changes to their health insurance during open enrollment should receive insurance cards by the end of January. If you need medical care before receiving your card, you may have your provider call your insurance plan at the appropriate number listed below:

Medical Insurance Plans      Plan Phone No:

Kaiser Classic                         1-800-813-2000

Uniform Medical Plan              1-888-849-3681

Members of Uniform can create an account in and print an ID card by visiting the Washington State Health Care Authority’s Uniform Medical Plan page. You will need the group number for Uniform Medical, which is 10003948.  You will also need your ID number. You can get that by calling 1-888-849-3681.

Click at the top of the page where it says “ Account”.

  1. Create your account.
  2. When you have logged in to your account, you’ll be on a page that says “Member dashboard.”
  3. Click on “My account.”
  4. Click on “Member ID cards” on the left and your card should pull up.

If you enrolled in Uniform Dental, ID cards are not automatically issued. You can go to Delta Dental of Washington’s PEBB services page, create an account, and print a card.

Alternatively, with any dental plan you can also have your dentist’s office call the following numbers below to verify coverage.

Dental Insurance Plans        Group #                                 Plan Phone No:

Willamette Dental                    PEBB                                     1-855-433-6825

DeltaCare                               #3100                                   1-800-650-1583

Uniform Dental                        #3000                                   1-800-537-3406

Maximum Annual Leave Accrual

The amount of vacation leave classified employees are allowed to accumulate is limited. Once a year, on each employee’s anniversary date, Clark College’s computer system checks leave balances and automatically eliminates any hours in excess of 240. For more details refer to your WPEA contract.

The amount of vacation leave that administrative and exempt employees are allowed to accumulate is also limited to 240 hours. Any amount in excess of 240 is removed from the system on October 1 each year.

All employees whose vacation balances (shown on paycheck stubs) exceed, or are approaching, 240 hours, should plan ahead with their supervisors to use excess vacation hours before the cut-off date.

For further information contact Human Resources.

SICK LEAVE BUYOUT – Deadline is January 31, 2015

Under the provisions of Administrative Procedure 635.025, the AHE CBA, and the WPEA CBA, eligible employees who have balances of more than 480 hours of compensable sick leave as of December 31, 2014, may choose to convert unused sick leave hours accrued in 2014 to monetary compensation. Any sick leave hours used during 2014 are deducted from the hours that are available to convert.

Compensation is calculated at the rate of 25 percent of the employee’s current hourly rate. Employees who choose to participate in the buyout must be compensated for all eligible sick leave hours earned in 2014, not just a portion of them.

Employees considering buyout should be aware that the College offers a VEBA program to retirees which allows sick leave buyout dollars to be transferred to a VEBA account, tax free, to be used to pay for medical expenses during retirement. To be eligible for VEBA an employee must retire from state service and meet other requirements. For more details and eligibility requirements for VEBA contact a benefits representative in Human Resources.

Sick leave buyout application forms are available in Human Resources. The deadline for submitting completed forms is January 31, 2015. Payment will be received on February 25, 2015. Please call Thao Schmidt, x2628, or Guisela Eberle, x2119, for additional information.