
Join the Clark College Foundation for PenguinsGive, our exhilarating 24-hour annual fundraising event on Thursday, April 25—which happens to be World Penguin Day!

This year promises to be our biggest and best yet, with over $50,000 in matching funds ready to double your donations. Whether you give to the Student Success Fund, the Innovation Fund, or any other area, your support will make twice the impact.

PenguinsGive Fun

Get into the PenguinsGive spirit! If you’re attending the Sakura Festival or bringing your child to work that day, don’t miss the fun at Andersen Fountain.

  • Stop by our tent’s digital photo booth from 1:30-3:30 p.m. to snap some memorable selfies with Oswald.
  • While you’re there, seize the opportunity to double your impact by donating to a cause close to your heart. Visit our Foundation table to chat with the O Squad and discover how your contributions during PenguinsGive directly enhance student success at Clark College.

Donation Matching

During PenguinsGive, gifts of any amount will be matched dollar for dollar. For example, a $50 donation turns into $100 for scholarships, $90 becomes $180 for STEM, and $150 transforms into $300 for the Music program, all thanks to our generous donors.

Donate Online Don’t miss out!

Support the Penguin Nation by visiting Clark College PenguinsGive and double your gift!

State of the College 2024

Clark College President Dr. Karin Edwards delivered the annual State of the College address on February 14 in a packed Gaiser Student Center. The event originally was scheduled for January but was postponed due to a week of snow and ice. The space was filled with faculty, staff, students, members of the college’s board of trustees, Clark College Foundation staff and board members and community supporters.  

Emma Sturm, president of the Associated Students of Clark College (ASCC) kicked off the event and gave a report on increased student participation in college clubs and ASCC’s efforts to increase student engagement in campus activities.  

“It’s working!” Emma said. “More than 200 students participated in our ‘Barbie’ movie night.” 

ASCC President Emma Sturm opens the State of the College with a State of the Students address.

Ray’s story 

Student and veteran Ray Jackson shared his Clark journey. After completing his U.S. Navy service, Ray enrolled at Clark in 2010, but he dropped out due to mental health issues, later diagnosed with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. After working various jobs, he realized he needed more skills to be successful. His vocational and rehabilitation counselor at the Veterans Administration suggested he return to Clark College. 

So, in 2019, a decade after he’d started at Clark, Ray returned to Clark and earned an AAT degree in Machining Technology in June 2021, but realized he didn’t want to work in a machine shop with loud noises.  

Ray didn’t give up. He leaned into his interest in IT and earned his CompTIA A+ IT certification, an entry-level IT credential, which propelled him to return to Clark and earn an associate in applied technology degree in Network Technology in December 2023. Ray wanted to go further still. He returned to Clark yet again winter term 2024—this time to pursue a bachelor of applied science degree in Cybersecurity.  

Along Ray’s journey, he navigated college studies and parenthood with the help of several Clark College student support services, including the Veterans Center of Excellence, Disability Support Services, Advising Services, Financial Aid, Penguin Pantry, Counseling and Health Center, Child and Family Studies, and more. Ray thanked a long list of Clark programs, departments, and people for helping him be successful. 

Ray Jackson with his Veterans Center of Excellence and Advising staff supporters. Left to right: Megan Anderson, Donna Larson, Ray Jackson, Eli Gonzalez-Roman, April Cannon, James Powers, and Monica Patton.

Accomplishments and looking ahead 

During her speech, President Edwards announced that the college’s equity-centered strategic plan was approved by the college’s board of trustees last fall and provides a framework for all the college does. The new strategic plan is centered on students—to educate, empower, and elevate them to achieve their personal and professional goals. It also underscores a commitment to student success, empowerment, and equity. 

Community partnerships and philanthropy are essential for supporting student and college needs. President Edwards expressed gratitude for the ongoing support of Clark College Foundation and the community. Notably, a $1 million gift from the Cowlitz Indian Tribe will launch the Clark College Innovation Fund that will address pressing needs and drive innovation. Clark College Foundation has awarded more than $85 million over the past 50 years. This year alone, the foundation has awarded $2 million that directly assists more than 550 students.  

In addition, Clark has disbursed $24.5 million in financial aid from other funding sources, including state and federal grants and loans and community scholarships.  

Recently, the college was awarded a $2.2 million Title III Strengthening Institutions grant from the U.S. Department of Education primarily for increasing student completion rates. 

The college budget and its financial sources focus on supporting Clark College’s commitment to provide affordable education. Clark offers more than 100 degrees and certificates in over 70 programs, including 5 bachelor of applied science degrees. The annual tuition is $4,907 for 45 credits (during 3 terms). And 70% of Clark students transfer to four-year universities. 

Enrollment has increased by more than 10% this academic year compared to the 2022-23 academic year. Approximately 8,683 students enrolled during the Fall and Winter terms, translating to 5,932 full-time equivalent students. Increased enrollment is expected to impact the budget positively, reducing the need to use the fund balance as the college had to do in previous years during and immediately following the pandemic. 

The Clark College Board of Trustees take a selfie with Dr. Edwards before the address. Left to right: Chair Cristhian Canseco Juarez, Vice Chair Denise Gideon, Jeanne Bennett, Dr. Karin Edwards, Marilee Scarbrough, and Suzanne Donaldson.

New programs, degrees, and expansion of academic offerings are driven by community needs and workforce demands. The college will add a Civil Engineering Technology and Construction Management program, a Food Service Operations certificate, and a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science degree that was recently approved on February 1. 

The programs under development include:  

  • Clean Energy Technician program that will expand the college’s existing Mechatronic Technology and Automotive Technology programs to meet high-demand jobs. 
  • Surgical Technician program will be the first in Southwest Washington. Pending final approval in May, graduates of the two-year program will earn an Associate of Applied Technology (AAT) degree in Surgical Technology.  

Additionally, the Advanced Manufacturing Center is currently under construction at the college’s Ridgefield location at Boschma Farms. Scheduled to open in fall 2025, this center will serve up to 1,200 students per term.  

Diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives remain top priorities at Clark College. Achievements include increased diversity in hiring and ongoing professional development initiatives. In addition, the college organizes The Northwest Regional Equity Conference, now in its fifth year. The conference plays a pivotal role in promoting equitable experiences for historically underrepresented students and employees. 

Looking ahead, reflecting on the college’s achievements, President Edwards expressed gratitude for the collaborative efforts of faculty, staff, and the community. As Clark College looks toward the future, she said it remains committed to student success, expanding program offerings, and strengthening community partnerships. Clark College continues to be a beacon of opportunity and excellence in the region. 

Dr. Edwards said, “In a prior State of the College address, I drew inspiration from Michelle Obama’s memoir Becoming to frame our work here at the college. In her book, the former first lady emphasizes that becoming is an ongoing journey, not a fixed destination. I share her belief that maintaining the status quo leads to stagnation, and meaningful change requires breaking out of familiar patterns. She also said that ‘it is possible to have our feet planted in reality but pointed in the direction of progress. We may live in the world as it is, but we can still work to create the world as it should be.’” 

She said, “Today, I want to recognize our ongoing journey of becoming a beacon of hope, opportunities, and transformation rooted in social justice while providing excellent and equitable education.” 

Dr. Edwards added, “This journey hasn’t been without its challenges, including the ongoing effects of a global pandemic, declines in nationwide enrollment, and two years of substantial resource reductions, all while expanding services to meet the evolving needs of our students.” 

Then people gathered around for coffee, tea, and delicious heart-shaped cookies made by students in the Professional Baking and Pastry Arts program especially for the State of the College address on Valentine’s Day. 

Dr. Edwards stands with Baking and Pastry Arts students holding a tray of cookies. The address was held on Valentine’s Day, so the guests were treated to heart-shaped cookies and coffee. Photo: Clark College/Maureen Chan-Hefflin

Photos: Clark College/Jenny Shadley
View more photos from the event on our Flickr Page.

Clark College at Boschma Farms

At the construction site for Clark College at Boschma Farms, Oswald the Penguin arrived in style—riding in the back of a white Tesla hatchback, his penguin feet dangling, and his penguin arms waving to the crowd. 

Then he stepped down from the car and led the crowd to kick off the “topping out” ceremony at the Advanced Manufacturing Center, the first building being constructed at Clark’s new site located on 10 acres just east of the Ridgefield Junction at Interstate 5. Clark College in collaboration with developer and design-builder, Mortenson, hosted the ceremony on November 2. The event celebrated the structure reaching its full height.  

Guests had an opportunity to use gold or silver Sharpies to write their name and a message on a long steel beam temporarily suspended a few feet above the ground. The beam was painted Clark College blue and was topped with an American flag and a live, potted evergreen tree symbolizing persistence, prosperity and longevity.  

Then the crowd gathered under a large canopy to hear Clark College and Mortenson leaders speak about the importance of the project.  

Dr. Karin Edwards, president of Clark College said, “Just five months ago, we stood in this same place—and it was an empty field and an excavator.” She added, “The Advanced Manufacturing Center will enable future students with innovative training for careers in the manufacturing trades while also providing programs accessible to Ridgefield and the communities in north County. Our vision is for this progressive instructional center to serve our growing region and the critical workforce needs including advanced manufacturing.”  

Cristhian Canseco Juarez, chair of the Clark College Board of Trustees, said, “This Advanced Manufacturing Center not only stands as a testament to the college’s commitment to innovation and growth but also underscores our dedication to our community needs and providing the local industry with highly skilled workers.”  

Clark College/Kevin Damore

After all guests had signed their names, a boom truck with a 50-foot mast began slowly hoisting the beam to the top of the structure. Meanwhile, four Mortenson ironworkers rode scissorlifts to the top of the structure, where they attached their safety harnesses. Then they guided the beam into place and secured it with spud wrenches and hefty bolts.  

The crowd clapped and whooped appreciatively.  

In less than two years, the Advanced Manufacturing Center will greet its first cohort of students. When it opens in the Fall of 2025, the Advanced Manufacturing Center will provide initial enrollment of 32 students in two cohorts of 16, with plans to eventually serve 48 students across three cohorts. In addition, this Clark building will also provide five general education classes with a computer lab that will have the capacity to serve up to 1,200 students per term. 

Clark College/Maureen Chan-Hefflin

About the Advanced Manufacturing Center 

Designed to accommodate a multitude of both instructional and community needs, the Advanced Manufacturing Center will be adaptable for future growth. Manufacturing and classroom spaces will be designed for multiple delivery modes including lecture, collaborative, project-based learning, and hybrid models implementing online content and classroom application. The facility’s acoustic design will ensure that unamplified voice communication will carry above ambient machine noise.  

A noteworthy aspect of the project’s construction is the building’s prefabricated exterior walls which will soon be installed by the Vancouver-based team from contractor and fabricator, Western Partitions, Inc. The progressive design-build construction delivery method, spearheaded by Mortenson and in collaboration with Henneberry Eddy Architects, are instrumental to the successful implementation of the use of prefabrication in this project and its resulting efficiencies.   

“As we mark this critical milestone and reflect on the 155 days and roughly 19,000 hours of injury-free work, we underscore our commitment to timeliness and safety,” said Mike Dickey, senior project manager of Mortenson.  “I stand proud of everyone who has contributed to this project and extend a heartfelt thanks for a job well done.” 

On track to be a LEED Silver certified building, the Advanced Manufacturing Center will meet state energy performance standards, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and improve operational efficiencies. 

Advanced Manufacturing Center by the numbers 

Projected completion: Late 2024 

First classes to begin: Fall 2025 

Building size: 49,000 square feet 

  • 3 industry-specific classrooms 
  • 4 four labs 
  • 5 manufacturing cells 
  • A vast manufacturing floor 
  • 5 general education classrooms 
  • Plus faculty and student amenities 

More event photos visit our Flickr Page

Photos Clark College/Jenny Shadley unless noted otherwise

Opening Day: Award Recipients

Clark College employees gathered on September 18 to kick off the 2023-24 academic year during Opening Day festivities at O’Connell Sports Center. During the event, the following staff members were recognized for their service to the college.

Years of Service Awards

Brad Avakian, vice president of human resources, presented the years of service awards to employees with 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 years of service by reading their names. Employees with service more than 25 years were invited to come to the front to receive certificates. All years of service awards also come with monetary compensation based on the number of years served.

Vice President of Human Resources Brad Avakian presented years of service awards.

5 years:

Foundation: Dan Palow

Human Resources: Carrie Ann Gallagher

Information Technology Services: Yaremy Clara

Instruction: Kyle Anderson, Michiko Anderson, Bryan Blehm, Gabriele Canazzi, Jennifer Capell, Virginia Davidson, James Demartini, Charlotte Derkacht, Jason Eversman, Tyler Frank, Monte Gantka, Dr. Douglas Harris, Shawn Henderson, Christina Howard, Nami Inoue, Rachel Irvin, Ryan Jeannet, Dr. Soohyon Ji, Dr. Alan Koenig, Sarah Kuzera, Martha Lewis, Robert Long, Lucas Martin, Petra Redinger, Samuel Robinson, Christina Smith, Brogan Sullivan, Heidi Summers, Elizabeth Van Buecken, Katarina Wallis, Dr. Michelle Walty, Patricia Witherspoon

NWACC: Alexandra Young

Operations: Zhong Chai, Cody Claassen, Kevin Damore, Bradley Hansen, Bellamy Holt, Jeffrey Kaliner, Daniel Lane, Christopher Layfield, Lindsey Mckim, Julia Perdue, Seumas Ross, Katlyn Simpson, William Thompson

Student Affairs: Jorge Argueta, Yuliya Demyanyuk, Kimberly Forbes, Tisha Pasquinelli, Torin Tashima, Carley Willis

10 years:

Instruction: Dr. Roberto Anitori, David Benedicktus, Sascha Blocker, Bruce Elgort, Melanie Hendry, Grant Hottle, Garrett Hoyt, Deborah Jack, Chad Laughlin, Kenneth Luchini, Michael Ludwig, Sarah Luther, Dr. Nick Macias, Dr. Mika Maruyama, Natalie Miles, Deane Morrison, Kelly Pfeifer, Kristin Sherwood, Dawn Steele, Janice Taylor, Adriana Thomas, Caleb White, Beth Wulf

ODEI: Degundrea Harris

Operations: Eben Ayers, Julie Donovan, Tanya Kerr, Johann Langley, Everett Yu

Student Affairs: Kimberly Blahnik, Jessica Hash, Kevin Thomas

15 years:

Instruction: Robert Abrahamson, Sheldon Atwell, Scott Bailey, Angie Bailey, Marci Bohac, Rebecca Boyer, Tammy Boyer, Tony Chennault, Cheryl Davenport, Michael England, Jason Herz, Dr. Philip Jones, Timothy Kent, Dr. Shon Kraley, Michelle Mallory, Kaye Manchester, Ruby Moore, Erika Nava, Ying Nollette, Michiyo Okuhara, Archer Parr, Joshua Patrick, George Salos, Nicoleta Sharp, Suzanne Southerland, Jennifer Ward, Kristin Woitte

Operations: Vickie Malcolm, Richard Nevis, Jennifer Shadley

Student Affairs: Marla Derrick, Dr. Sabine Falkenberg, Michelle Mussen

20 years:

Information Technology Services: Alan Logsdon

Operations: Brandi Roberts

Instruction: Aaron Campbell, Lisa Conway, Jill Darley-Vanis, Deena Godwin, Karina Gress, Dwight Hughes, Lynne Nolan, Sherry Smith, Samuel Triebs, Wayne Utehs

25 years:

Instruction: Grace Anukam, Dr. Marylynne Diggs, Mary Evens, Christine Krug, Kathleen Mitchell, Douglas Smith, Mitchell Sott, Jeanette Steinmueller

35 years:

Instruction: Dr. Kelly Fielding

Operations: Jonni Hattershide

Exceptional Faculty Awards

The award honorees were announced at Commencement in June and were honored at Opening Day.

Dan Alberghetti, Network Technology: A student wrote: “I was struggling to find a ‘place’ in the field. I often felt discouraged because some material wouldn’t click. But Dan encouraged participation, and stopped to give well-thought-out answers that helped us grasp the ‘why’ as well as the ‘how.’ The more I learned, the more excited I became about what I was learning. And I finally felt like I had a place and that I belonged.”

Exceptional Faculty Award recipient Dr. Jacob Funk with Dr. Wilkins-Luton and Dr. Edwards.

Dr. Jacob Funk, Music: A student wrote: “Dr. Funk creates an open learning environment to instill the joy of music in his students. He is fun to work with and a joy to sing with. His enthusiasm to help each student achieve their best voice is evident not only in class but also during concerts.

Exceptional Faculty Award recipient Chef Earl Frederick serves up BBQ during Juneteenth 2023.

Chef Earl Frederick, Cuisine: A student wrote: “Chef Earl’s lectures include the history and exploration of different cultures through food. He is very attentive and conversational about how different people may have different dietary needs based on medical, cultural or religious protocols. My time with Chef Earl Fredrick has been very expansive, both in technical skill and professional development.”

Exceptional Faculty Award recipient Becky Herman with Dr. Wilkins-Luton and Dr. Edwards.

Becky Herman, Dental Hygiene: A student wrote: “Becky goes above and beyond for us in the classroom. She provides us with many different ways to learn and encourages us to reach out should we need it. Her door is always open, and she is always willing to help those who need a little extra.”

Exceptional Faculty Award recipient  Dr. Julian Nelson with Dr. Wilkins-Luton and Dr. Edwards.

Dr. Julian Nelson, English department: A student wrote: “As an adult learner from Ukraine, I really appreciated his flexibility and willingness to adapt to changing circumstances, always with care for individual student needs and my academic success. His supportive feedback and messages made me feel that he wasn’t some robot behind a screen, but a genuine human who cared for my wellbeing. This kind of human interaction motivated me in times when I felt depleted, confused or had anxiety.”

Exceptional Faculty Award recipient Michiyo Okuhara with Dr. Wilkins-Luton and Dr. Edwards.

Michiyo Okuhara, Japanese language: A student wrote: “500 characters is not enough to describe Okuhara sensei and the impact she has on each of her students’ lives. I am extremely lucky to have her as a teacher and so many students feel the exact same way. Personally, I was taking an oral assessment when I messed up the sentence. She took the moment to teach me correctly, allowed me to study and retake my assessment. She uses constructive moments to build her students up instead of giving them a poor grade and moving on. We are lucky to have her.”

Exceptional Classified Staff Award

Exceptional Classified Staff Award recipient Cheryl Davenport with Dr. Edwards.

Cheryl Davenport, Library & Archives Para 4, Libraries: Cheryl realized that outdated, biased vocabulary in the online catalog’s subject headings, such as the biased subject headings describing the LGBTQIA+ community, does not reflect the college’s inclusive views. Thanks to her efforts, Clark Library now uses Homosaurus, an international linked vocabulary of LGBTQIA+ terms in our online catalog. This helps ensure the bibliographic records use subject headings representing the inclusive terminology used by the LGBTQIA+ community to describe themselves.

Exceptional Classified Staff Award recipient Jennifer Lea with Dr. Edwards.

Jennifer Lea, Program Specialist 2, Business Division: During the pandemic lockdown, Jennifer took the lead in shaping our BASAM (Bachelor of Applied Science in Applied Management) program so it would meet requirements to move fully online. When that adversely affected our veteran students, she helped restructure the modality, so it met VA requirements and allowed our veteran students to receive their full funding.

Exceptional Administrative Exempt Award

A portait image of Vanessa Watkins.

Vanessa Watkins, Director of Entry Services: Vanessa was recognized for fostering a positive, collaborative, and supportive environment for her Entry Services team. She works behind the scenes to support and uplift her employees, which ensures they have a welcoming, supportive demeanor as they assist students and prospective students.

Lora Whitfield Social Equity Award

Lora Whitfield Social Equity Award recipient Ezekiel Wells with Dr. Edwards.

Ezekial Wells, Program Specialist 3, Workforce Education Services: Ezekial was recognized for his work making positive impacts for students by creating a welcoming environment, a safe, inclusive space and removing barriers for students so they can receive college and community support and move forward on their educational pathway.

After Dr. Edwards handed Ezekial his award, shook his hand, and led the staff in clapping, she said, “I am thankful to each of you. I am pleased to see our colleagues recognized for their tremendous work. Congratulations to all our award winners and our employees who have demonstrated their dedication to Clark College over the years.”

Opening Day 2023

Clark College employees gathered on September 18 to kick off the 2023-24 academic year during Opening Day festivities at O’Connell Sports Center.

Before staff entered O’Connell, they could stop by a Clark College Values table staffed by Student Ambassadors. They chose which of the values from the Strategic Plan they would like to focus on in their work this year, then attached the value card to a Clark lanyard. The six values are Social Justice, Partnerships, Innovation, Shared Governance, Continuous Improvement and Sustainability. Staff also could pick up a laminated pocket-sized Strategic Plan.

Student Ambassadors distributed college lanyards and values outside.

Inside O’Connell was a reunion atmosphere as faculty, staff, and board members reconnected.

The noise level rose in ever-increasing crescendos. The excitement was palpable. While staff members waited for the program to start, they:

  • Enjoyed coffee and bagels hosted by IQ Credit Union.
  • Stopped by the Clark College Foundation table to pick up an “O” Squad pin if they are donors.
  • Got a new staff photo taken by Jenny Shadley from Communications and Marketing.

Welcome by Dr. Edwards

Wearing a blue baseball jersey with “Edwards” and the number “1” on the back, Dr. Edwards stepped up to the podium and welcomed staff to Opening Day. Dr. Edwards thanked IQ Credit Union for the morning refreshments. She also thanked Phi Theta Kappa students for organizing the school supplies drive, and faculty and staff for contributing to the drive.

Dr. Edwards introduced a video titled Penguin Executive Baseball that featured the college’s Executive Cabinet playing together as a team at Clark’s softball field. She talked about the importance of teamwork and working together to serve our students. Then she introduced her Executive Cabinet team members, who also sported baseball jerseys.

Dr Edwards presenting the EC Baseball video.

She announced two new funds Clark College Foundation is offering to our students:

  • Clark College Innovation Fund serves as a catalyst for groundbreaking projects and transformative ideas within our campus community. Examples of potential initiatives include student-faculty research expeditions and the development of cutting-edge curricula in high-demand fields.
  • Clark College Student Success Fund reinforces the college’s unwavering commitment to student success. It supports essential programs and wraparound services that have demonstrated a tangible impact on students’ well-being and educational achievements, such as financial advising, childcare assistance, rent relief, emergency grants, the campus food pantry, and transportation aid.

President Edwards discussed the equity-centered strategic plan, its tenets, and values. To learn more, visit

Dr. Edwards closed by saying, “Here we are, at the beginning of a new academic year. Next week, we will welcome a new cohort of students who have put their trust in Clark College—and all of us collectively—to help them step onto a path toward succeeding in their academic goals, their careers, and in life.”

She added, “I recently came across a quote by author Michael Hyatt who said, ‘You lose your way when you lose your Why.’ I’m focused on the importance of our work and our ‘Why’ – its value in our lives, for our students, our teams, and our community. Like me, I hope you will remain sure-footed in your reason for being here and that we create a Community of Care for each other. As we begin this year, let’s not forget the joy, passion, and dedication that led us to this work and to Clark College.”

ASCC 2023-24 President Emma Sturm introduced this year’s student government representatives.

Then she told her own story of being a returning student: “Coming back to Clark College has been one of the best decisions of my life so far. When I came back, I knew I wanted to be involved on campus and participate in clubs, which was something I hadn’t done the first time I had been at Clark.”

Board of Trustees Chair Cristhian Conseco Juarez spoke on behalf of the trustees: “We are committed to being a leader in inclusive excellence that strengthens the Southwest Washington community and is integral to our communities culturally, economic, and educational vitality. The hard and heart work that is done by our leadership team, faculty, and staff—all of you–contributes to making this tenet achievable. On behalf of the Board of Trustees, I want to thank each of you for all you do and for making Clark College an inclusive and welcoming place for all.”

Board of Trustees Chair Cristhian Canseco Juarez and Trustee Denise Gideon.

At the end of the program, Oswald led the way for a group photo taken by Jenny Shadley, who was situated in a high lift south of Scarpelli Hall, followed by a box lunch provided by Clark College Foundation in the courtyard by Anderson Fountain.

Opening Day is part of a multi-day orientation and training for faculty organized by the Clark College Teaching and Learning Center (TLC). The keynote address was given on Tuesday, September 19 by emareena danielles, who led work related to reducing harm, rebuilding trust in the educational system, and maintaining the humanity and dignity of students in the classroom. Danielles is the author of Building a Trauma-Responsive Educational Practice: Lessons from a Corrections Classroom.

Download a copy of the photo here.

A group photo of Clark employees after Opening Day.

Board of Trustees

Marilee Scarbrough joins the Clark College Board of Trustees.
Marilee Scarbrough joins the Clark College Board of Trustees.

Clark College welcomed a new trustee and said farewell to an outgoing trustee at its June 7 Board of Trustees meeting. 

Board President Paul Speer and Clark President Dr. Karin Edwards welcomed Marilee Scarbrough to its governing board and thanked Trustee Rekah Strong, who has served on the board for a decade. She is the executive director of Educational Opportunities for Children and Families.  

Rekah Strong, left with Dr. Karin Edwards at the Legislative Breakfast in January.

Dr. Edwards said, “Rekah has been a champion for Clark College. She cares deeply about students and their families and promotes education as an equalizer for those who have been marginalized. Her intentional actions and commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion have fostered meaningful cultural change during her tenure here.” 

Marilee Scarbrough, an attorney, has been general counsel for the Vancouver School District since 2011. Previously she served as the policy and legal services director for Washington State School Directors’ Association, and attorney for the Washington State House of Representatives’ Higher Education Committee. Scarbrough holds a Juris Doctor from University of Oregon and a Bachelor of Arts degree in English literature from Whitman College.  

“I am excited to serve my community in this new role,” said Trustee Scarbrough. “I look forward to working with the Clark College board and administration to inspire learners to excel, transform lives, and strengthen our increasingly diverse community.

The Board of Trustees Commencement Ceremony. Left to right: Cristhian A. Canseco Juarez, Denise Gideon, Marilee Scarbrough, Paul Speer, and Jeanne Bennett.   

2023-24 Board of Trustees 

  • Chair Paul Speer
  • Vice Chair Cristhian A. Canseco Juarez 
  • Jeanne Bennett  
  • Denise Gideon 
  • Marilee Scarbrough 

About Clark College Board of Trustees 

Each of the five members of the college’s Board of Trustees is appointed by the governor of Washington and serves a five-year term. They must live within the college’s service district, which includes Clark, Skamania and western Klickitat counties. 

The board seeks to ensure the quality and relevance of college programs and provides stewardship of public resources. The board is responsible for strategic planning, development and approval of college policies, and approval and oversight of the operating budget. Learn more here

Photo: Clark College/Jenny Shadley

New tenured professor

Bruce Elgort with a robot.

Bruce Elgort, a professor in Clark College’s Computer Technology department, was granted tenure unanimously by the Clark College Board of Trustees on May 24. 

Tenure is awarded by the college’s trustees based on professional excellence and outstanding abilities in their disciplines. The granting of tenure is based on the recommendations of tenure reviews committees to the vice president of instruction, which are then forwarded to the president, who presents a final recommendation to the Board of Trustees. Recommendations are based on evaluations by the faculty member being considered, the tenure review committee, students, supervisors, and peers. The final decision to award or withhold tenure rests with the Board of Trustees. 

Bruce Elgort earned a Bachelor of Engineering degree in electrical engineering from Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, New Jersey. He earned his Master of Science in engineering management from New York University, New York.  

Experience in the field 

Prior to teaching, Bruce worked for more than three decades in the field, including Elguji Software (founder/CEO); Sharp Microelectronics (strategic business operations, IT manager), and Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (office services and IT manager, manager of marketing and communications, and electrical engineer). In addition, he was an independent international consultant for more than a dozen clients including Price Waterhouse Cooper, US Social Security Administration, US Department of Agriculture, Washington State Department of Transportation, Honda and more. Bruce is recognized by IBM and Amazon Web Services for being an innovative thought leader in cloud and artificial intelligence technologies. 

Bruce joined Clark College in 2012 as a Computer Technology instructor. He serves on the Universal Design committee and Advanced Manufacturing committee. He is called on by staff and faculty as an accessibility expert. Bruce has received the Exceptional Faculty Award twice. 

Teaching philosophy  

You’ll find this technology professor working hard to inspire and challenge his students with meaningful web development and programming experiences. Bruce loves to tinker and test the boundaries of existing and emerging technologies, to then guide hungry minds through memorable, educational journeys to showcase with passion the ever-evolving innovations of society.  

Photos provided by Bruce Elgort

New tenured professors

Granted tenured faculty smiling as they pose for a group photo.
Left to right: Marisol Moreno Ortiz, Tanya Diaz-Kozlowski, Thomas Olsen, Kathryn Anastasi, Amy VahnDijk, Jesse Kysar, Alejandra Maciulewicz-Herring, and Wade (William) Hausinger.

Nine outstanding educators were granted tenure unanimously by the Clark College Board of Trustees. They were honored at a college reception on May 16. These newly tenured faculty members are:

  • Katy Anastasi, Libraries
  • Dr. Tanya Diaz-Kozlowski, Women’s Studies
  • Wade Hausinger, Welding
  • Mark Keats, English
  • Jesse Kysar, Engineering
  • Alejandra Maciulewicz-Herring, Medical Assisting
  • Marisol Moreno Ortiz, Libraries
  • Tom Olsen, Digital Media Arts
  • Amy VahnDijk, Nursing

Tenure is awarded by the college’s Board of Trustees based on professional excellence and outstanding abilities in their disciplines. The granting of tenure is based on the recommendations of tenure review committees to the vice president of instruction, which are then forwarded to the president, who presents a final recommendation to the Board of Trustees. Recommendations are based on self-evaluations, tenure review committee evaluations, student evaluations, supervisory evaluations, and peer evaluations. The final decision to award or withhold tenure rests with the Board of Trustees.

Katy Anastasi, Libraries

Katy Anastasi earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in American studies from Macalester College in Saint Paul, Minnesota and her Master of Library and Information Studies from Queens College (City University of New York) in New York City. She began her career working in community college libraries in 2018 as an adjunct librarian and Open Educational Resources (OER) fellow at Borough of Manhattan Community College. After moving to Oregon in 2019, she began working at Portland State University as a reference librarian and OER publishing assistant.

Katy joined Clark College in Fall 2020 as a tenure-track reference and instruction librarian. She co-leads Clark College’s OER steering committee and serves on the library’s user experience committee, as well as the Clark College Faculty Excellence Award committee. Since 2020, she has worked collaboratively with faculty, staff, and students to develop culturally relevant academic library collections and library services for incarcerated students and their instructors at Larch Corrections Center. She received Clark’s Faculty Excellence Award in 2022.

Tanya Diaz-Kozlowski, Ph.D., Women’s Studies

Tanya Diaz-Kozlowski earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in sociology from the University of Wisconsin Parkside, Kenosha, Wisconsin in 2001 and her Master of Science degree in college student personnel from Eastern Illinois University, Charleston in 2003. She earned her Ph.D. in education policy, organization and leadership with a focus in social and cultural foundations coupled with certificates in gender and women’s studies and Latino/a studies from The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2015. She supervised, advised, and mentored students and co-created programs in residential life, Greek life, orientation, and cultural programs at Eastern Illinois University and at The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign from 2001-2008.

Tanya has diverse experiences teaching and advising undergraduate and graduate students, creating department level curricula and assessments, and teaching interdisciplinary undergraduate/graduate courses in gender, women’s, and sexuality studies and Latinx studies from teaching, advising, and mentoring students at Illinois State University and The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Over the last three years, Tanya has published peer-reviewed articles in The Association of Mexican American Educators Journal, The Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education, and The Journal of Lesbian Studies.

Tanya started teaching at Clark College in Fall 2020. She completed the Teaching Squares program in 2021 and the college’s BUILD Program in 2022, a yearlong employee development program providing intensive training in power, privilege, and inequality.

William (Wade) Hausinger, Welding Technology

Wade Hausinger has worked in the welding industry for his entire career. He first learned welding, drafting and blueprint reading as an Evergreen High School student. At Clark College he earned his GED and completed leadership skills training. He has worked in the welding industry since 1989 and was certified for industry-related professional training on the job. He starting as a welding fabricator and working his way up to pipe fitter/welder, pipe shop foreman, shop welding foreman, and metal fabrication foreman. His former employers include Christensen Shipyard, Electro, Cascade General Shipyard and GI Welding.

Wade began teaching welding at Clark College in 2017 as an instructional technician and became an instructor the following term. He made tenure track in 2020.

Mark Keats, English

Mark L. Keats earned his Associate of Arts degree in English from Howard Community College. He then earned a Bachelor of Arts in Japanese language and literature and a Master of Fine Arts in creative writing from the University of Maryland, College Park. He began teaching at Howard Community College and taught for six years before returning to graduate school, where he earned a Ph.D. in literature and creative writing from Texas Tech University. He taught for one year at Southwestern College in Winfield, Kansas before accepting a job at Clark College.

He began teaching at Clark College Fall 2020 as a tenure track candidate. He currently serves on the literature committee. He has participated in English and campuswide professional development and training.

Jesse Kysar, Engineering

Jesse Kysar earned an Associate of Science Transfer degree in physics at Lower Columbia College in 2011. He transferred to Washington State University in Pullman, where he earned a Bachelor of Science degree in physics and a Bachelor of Science degree in material science and engineering, both in 2014.

While he was enrolled at WSU, he worked as a student researcher. After he graduated, he worked as an engineer I, industrial applications at nLight, which produces high-power semiconductor lasers and fiber lasers. He also worked as a mechanic and heavy equipment operator in the construction industry.

Jesse began teaching at Clark College as an adjunct faculty member in Fall 2018, then worked as temporary full-time faculty before starting his tenure journey in 2020. In addition to teaching in the engineering department, he also teaches materials science in the welding department. At Clark, he serves as the department lead in program outcomes assessment. He is one of two faculty experts on the advanced manufacturing curriculum leadership team.

Alejandra Maciulewicz-Herring, Medical Assisting

Alejandra Maciulewicz-Herring earned her Associate of Arts degree in pre-nursing at Clark College. She also earned a Certificate of Proficiency, medical assistant, Concorde Career College, Portland; Certificate of Proficiency, emergency medical technician, Linn-Benton Community College, Albany, Oregon; and an American Association of medical assistant certification.

Her career in the healthcare industry includes working as a medical assistant, pediatrics medical assistant, and an administrative medical assistant in internal family medicine, physical therapy, and pediatrics clinics. Her former employers include Allergy Clinic, Internal Family Medicine, Columbia Asthma & Allergy, Creekside Medical, Stargait Physical Therapy, and Miller’s Family Pediatrics.

Alejandra began teaching full time at Clark College in Fall 2020. She is involved with outreach events to promote the college’s Allied Health programs.

Marisol Moreno Ortiz, Libraries

Marisol Moreno Ortiz earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in English from Oregon State University in Corvallis, a Master of Arts in English from Portland State University in Portland, and a Master of Library and Information Science from Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, Louisianna. Before entering her full-time library position at Clark College, Marisol worked part time at the library at Linn-Benton Community College, where she also taught information literacy and supported student learning.

Marisol began her current full-time position at Clark College as reference and instruction librarian in Fall 2020. She serves on a tenure committee and is a supportive member of the OER steering committee. Marisol is a mental health advocate, privacy advocate, and focuses on diversity, equity, inclusion and social justice in librarianship.

Thomas Olsen, Jr., Digital Media Arts

Thomas Olsen, Jr., earned his Bachelor of Science degree in political science from the University of Oregon, Eugene, and his Master of Fine Arts degree in film and television production (emphasis in film and television producing) from Chapman University, Orange, California. He is a documentary film producer through his company Anchor Pictures. Thomas also has taught at Portland Community College, Portland State University, Warner Pacific University, and The Art Institute of Portland.

Thomas began teaching at Clark College in Fall 2020 as a tenure-track professor. He serves as the advisor for the college’s Cinema Club and on the digital media arts advisory board. Thomas also volunteers for the Cannon Beach Historical Society and Museum.

Amy VahnDijk, Nursing

Amy VahnDijk earned her Bachelor of Science degree in nursing at Washington State University Vancouver and her Doctor of Nursing Practice as a family nurse practitioner at Washington State University. Before entering the teaching profession, she worked as a family nurse practitioner at The Vancouver Clinic. Amy has more than a decade of professional nursing experience.

Amy began teaching at Clark College in 2020 as a tenure track tenure candidate. She currently serves on the nursing library committee and nursing tenure track hiring committee.

Photo: Clark College/Jenny Shadley

Artists Selected for Boschma Farms

Left to right: Washington State Arts Commission project manager Valerie Peterman with RYAN! Feddersen, Sarah Folden, Corbin Jones and Brian Perry at the Clark College at Boschma Farms site.

Clark College, in partnership with the Washington State Arts Commission, has selected an artist for the Advanced Manufacturing Building for its Boschma Farms campus in Ridgefield, Washington. After a call for artist submissions, the Clark College Art Selection committee selected emerging artist, Sarah Folden to lead a group of artists to create public art for the new campus, expected to open in Fall 2025. 

Standing at the far east end of Pioneer St, in Ridgefield, WA stands (left to right) Tre Sandlin, Vanessa Neal, Corbin Jones, Sarah Folden, Brooke Pillsbury, Kyle Womack, Valerie Peterman, Dominick Allen, Senseney Stokes, Jim Watkins, Brian Ferry, and Tammy Boyer. Behind is the site for the Advanced Manufacturing Building. (not pictured RYAN! Feddersen and Jenny Shadley)

Clark College President, Dr. Karin Edwards, said, “We are excited that Sarah Folden will be leading a group of talented, Native American artists in creating public art for this building at Clark College at Boschma Farms. I look forward to seeing their art come to life on our new campus.” 

“To say this project could be life changing for me would be an understatement,” said Folden. “More importantly, it would be life changing to the other young lives I connect with and simply an honor to help reflect the college’s partnership with my tribe on this project for the Boschma Farms campus.” 

The committee also has engaged artist and curator RYAN! Feddersen to curate existing artworks to purchase for the building in addition to work that will be created specifically for the space. 

Clark College at Boschma Farms will be similar to the college’s other auxiliary campuses at Columbia Tech Center and Washington State University Vancouver. Clark College at Boschma Farms will offer a variety of programs to serve the community and equip students to complete a program at Clark College and be workforce ready. Eventually, the campus is expected to include classrooms, professional labs, offices, study areas, services and support spaces. Construction of the 48,000 square-foot building will begin June 2023 and is projected to be completed by Winter 2024. Classes are projected to start in Fall 2025. 

Building architect Kyle Womack, Hennebery Eddy Architects, Inc., (center) reviews the building plans with the artists, curator, and art selection committee on Monday April 24, at the Ridgefield Library before going to on a site visit.

About the artists and curator: 

Sarah Folden, a Cowlitz tribal member, creates art inspired by her heritage and ancestral connection to place. Folden’s work is both traditional and contemporary, integrating many mediums and carved block printmaking. After a career in tribal fisheries, she became a self-taught artist who learned Coast Salish design from accomplished indigenous artists Peter Boome and Brian Perry. 

Folden’s public art can be seen in a 26-foot Coast Salish mural at the ferry landing terminal on Orcas Island. Folden has worked on three high school mascot redesigns recently in a Coast Salish style. She is currently illustrating an indigenous foods book, designing multiple murals to be installed Summer of 2023 and has designed huge chandeliers inspired by native hand drums which will be displayed throughout the new ilani Resort Hotel that opened April 24, 2023. She also joined the Membership Board for Whipsmart, Washington State’s only trade association dedicated to supporting the creative community. Folden teaches art to native youth, and volunteers for public art groups supporting environmental and social causes. 

Corbin Jones, a Cowlitz tribal member, is a high school senior whose interests and areas of focus are natural resources and computer sciences. Corbin is studying 3D computer graphics, animation, and commercial art. They have recently found their first professional success in commercial art sales. As a neurodivergent person on the autism spectrum, Corbin has found their place supporting other youth with differences and organizes a weekly art and gaming club offering social opportunities to area kids. 

Brian Perry (Hopi-Cheelth), a Port Gamble S’Klallam tribal member and artist with lineage in Quinault, Suquamish and Makah, learned traditional carving from his grandfather and uncles and became interested in Northwest Coast art when he took classes from David Boxley. He studied with Duane Pasco, Dave Franklin, and Eddie Charles. His work captures the essence of characters from traditional tribal stories. 

Perry transitioned from a 20-year career in fisheries to a successful public artist in 2014 when his small sketch turned into a significant sculpture at his tribe’s new hotel. Creating a scaled drawing and collaborating with a metal shop, Perry’s work became a 46-foot-tall steel sculpture. He has since created two 36-foot Salish sea-going canoes, a 12-foot house post and a 12-foot glass sculpture at the Burke Museum. 

RYAN! Feddersen’s (Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation) public artworks include Inhabitance for the Portland International Airport, Schema for CitizenM Pioneer Square, and Antecedents for the University of Washington. She has curated exhibitions for the Portland Art Muse, New Burke Museum, and Museum of Northwest Art and a collection of artwork for Kamiak Elementary School in Pullman, Washington. 

About Art in Public Places Program 

Washington State Arts Commission’s Art in Public Places program (AIPP) purchases and cares for artworks in state buildings, colleges, universities, and schools throughout Washington. Its goal is to build and care for a state art collection that is impactful, accessible, valued, and reflects Washington’s diverse communities. Learn more about Washington State Arts Commission: 

About Clark College 

Founded in 1933 and celebrating its 90th year, Clark College provides residents of Southwest Washington with affordable, high-quality academic and technical education. It is a public community college offering more than 100 degree and certificate programs, including bachelor’s and associate degrees; professional certificates; high school diplomas and GED preparation; and non-credit community and continuing education. Clark serves a wide range of students including high school students, displaced workers, veterans, parents, non-native English speakers, and mature learners. Approximately three-quarters of its students are in the first generation of their families to attend college. 

Learn more: 

Boschma Farms campus:
Clark College Art Selection committee: 

Photos: Clark College/Jenny Shadley

New Parking App on Campus  

Beginning April 14, Clark College will be switching to ParkMobile for all metered parking spaces, replacing the traditional coin-operated parking meters. This change will apply to coin-operated metered parking spaces only. Faculty/Staff or Student parking spaces will not be affected.  

The Clark College Facilities team is removing the old coin-operated meters and installing the new signage that provides a link to installing the ParkMobile app.  

ParkMobile will provide Clark College with a modern, convenient, and user-friendly parking experience. The ParkMobile parking app is an innovative, easy-to-use mobile platform that allows you to pay online for parking, extend your parking time, and receive notifications when your parking is about to expire.  

Questions? Call Clark College Security at 360-992-2133.   

Key benefits of using the ParkMobile system:  

  1. Convenience: You can pay for parking from anywhere, at any time. No need for cash or coins.  

  1. User-friendly: The app is easy to use, with a simple, intuitive interface.  

  1. Flexibility: You can extend your parking time remotely, without having to return to the parking meter.  

  1. Notifications: You will receive notifications when your parking time is about to expire, giving you the opportunity to extend your time if needed.  

  1. Secure: The app uses advanced security measures to protect your personal and financial information.