Get Ready for the Walktober Challenge

2023 Walktober Challenge winner Sydney Brahmavar and her running buddy Jimmy.

Get ready, Clark College Community! The Walktober Challenge is back, and we can’t wait to kick off this exciting annual competition with Lower Columbia College and Washington State University Vancouver. Let’s join forces in October and bring that trophy home to the Penguin Nation!

What is Walktober?

Walktober is a 31-day movement challenge designed for faculty, staff, and students. Whether you’re a seasoned fitness enthusiast or just looking to add a little more movement to your day, this is a no-cost opportunity to get active and engage with our community. Together, we’ll help Clark College earn the title of “Walktober College Champion.”

This year, we wanted to give every participant an opportunity to win a prize, so we have added a raffle where every participant has a shot at winning.

Cath Busha with her walking buddy Ruth a high-energy blue heeler-German shorthair Pointer mix.

Tips from 2023 Walktober Challenge participants who logged the most steps

Sydney Brahmavar, Atmospheric Science instructor: 812,535 steps

“I am a trail runner with a dog who also needs a lot of walking and running. I just tracked my usual activity. I did nothing special for Walktober. I am lucky to have trails right outside my house, so I start every day with a long run or hike with my dog and end most days with a long walk with him as well. The time in the forest helps me connect with the Earth, prepare for or process my day, and stay grounded and happy.”

Terri Anderson, Dental Hygiene: 623,862 steps

Terri’s Dental Hygiene department completed the most steps in the 2023 Walktober Challenge. “We sometimes walk together on a break or lunch. We also give each other kudos for our progress and motivate ourselves.”

“I always like a challenge. I am a runner and most of my steps were accumulated by running. I also get a lot of steps during my day at work. The Walktober Challenge is a good way to get out of your office chair. It is not good to sit all day long. Get up, find a friend, a go for a walk.”

Aaron McPherson, Facilities: 575,229 steps

“My position is custodian, and I usually cover at least two buildings a night (O’Connell and Beacock) during graveyard hours, so I do a lot of walking on campus regularly. Some of it was running, but I tried to keep the running to a minimum. Regardless of your final total step count or overall rank, it is far better for your health to get up and move than to stay stationary. If you can’t do it for Clark, then do it for yourself.”

Cath Busha, Student Affairs: 448,530 steps

“I LOVE walking and hiking. It’s part of my daily practice, not only for physical health, but mental health, as well. It was fun to count up my steps for the work challenge. My daily goal is to walk 15k-20k steps. Every morning before work I walk about 8k steps with my dog, Ruth (or I should say she walks me. She’s a very high-energy blue heeler/German Shorthair Pointer mix).” “At work, I eat my lunch at my desk, then use my lunch break to walk and listen to podcasts. I also take walk ‘snack breaks’ during the day and will do a loop around campus or through Gaiser/PUB to see folx and stretch. At home, I finish my days with a long walk—sometimes talking with friends, sometimes walking with a friend. On the weekends, I hike (Falls Creek Falls and Hamilton Mountain are my favs) and I also walk A LOT with my partner — it’s our favorite date!”

Cath encourages fellow Penguins to walk: “The data are clear: If you’re able to, moving our bodies is so good for our physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and social health. Start where you are, set your own goals, and go from there. ‘Habit stack’ walking and moving with other things you enjoy (ie talking to someone; taking pictures; walking to a favorite bakery; noticing nature; listening to an audiobook) is another great way to build walking into your daily life.”

How to Participate

  • Track your steps: Log your total daily steps from October 1-31 using the attached Walktober Log here.
  • Use technology: Use your smartphone or smartwatch to track your daily movements. Use your smartphone to search fitness trackers.
  • Earn tickets for prizes: For every 1,000 steps you log, earn tickets to be entered into our prize raffle. Tickets for three employees and three students will be drawn to win raffle prizes.
  • Collect your incentive prize: At the end of the challenge, participants who submit their Walktober log in person to Human Resources (BRD 133) will receive an incentive prize and can choose between a selection of Clark-branded swag (while supplies last).
  • Vary your activities: Walktober isn’t just about walking! Check out the Step Equivalency Chart to see how other activities count toward your movement goals.

Last day to enter: Submit your completed Walktober log to Vanessa Bural at or stop by Human Resources (BRD 133) by November 7.

“Let’s move! Walking is a fantastic way to boost your energy and improve your health. Take advantage of the beautiful fall weather. Step outside or meet up with friends for a stroll around campus. All movement counts! We can’t wait to see how far we can go together this October. Let’s make this a fun and active month!”
—Clark’s Well-Being Team: Vanessa Bural, Dr. Evelyn Buschur, Veronica Brock, Mike Law, Valentina Pishchanskaya-Cayanan, and Tre Sandlin

2023 Penguin Nation Walktober Stats

  • 84 participants (employees and students)
  • 23,344,718 total steps (more than 23 million steps!)
  • 277,913 average steps per participant
  • Department with the most participants: Dental Hygiene with 12 participants
  • Department with the most steps: Dental Hygiene with 3,472,767 total steps
  • Department with largest average steps: Veterans Center of Excellence with 536,981 average steps

2023 Walktober Challenge: Penguins who logged more than 400,000 steps

  • Sydney Brahmavar, Meteorology: 812,535
  • Terri Anderson, Dental Hygiene: 623,862
  • Aaron McPherson, Facilities: 575,229
  • Donna Larson, Veterans Center of Excellence: 567,893
  • Megan Anderson, Veterans Center of Excellence: 506,069
  • Josh Nichols, Central Services: 492,525
  • Cecelia Martin, Assessment & Institutional Research: 482,449
  • Veronica Brock, Dental Hygiene: 471,100
  • Ronald Anderson, Security: 457,917
  • Cath Busha, Student Affairs: 448,530
  • Andrew Shaman, Library: 433,319
  • Gene Biby, Theatre/Drama: 423,977
  • Wende Fisher, Advising Services/Student Affairs: 416,035
  • Jennifer Dean, Library: 405,467
  • Kevin Damore, Communications & Marketing: 405,395
  • Nicole Marcum, OOI: 401,481

Healthy Penguin Nation

Spring campus photo with people walking under cherry trees

The Healthy Penguin Nation wellness program conducted by human resources and the college well-being team has been awarded the Zo8 Award for 2024 by the Washington State Health Care Authority. The award is given to employers who promote wellness to support employees and their families by sharing resources and conducting wellness initiatives focusing on enhancing health, reducing health and injury risks, and improving overall health and well-being.  

This is the second time Clark College has received the wellness award. The college last won a Zo8 award in 2016.  

Each year, Washington Wellness honors organizations with the Zo8 award for their achievements in building, growing, and maintaining an effective health program. Organizations are invited to apply to highlight their institution’s wellness program and initiatives throughout the year to Washington Wellness.  

Clark College received the Zo8 award by promoting health and well-being through the College’s Healthy Penguin Nation program to the college community through newsletters, events, discounts, presentations, fairs, campus emails, promoting programs such as the Employee Assistance Program (EAP), and SmartHealth, a Washington Wellness program for eligible PEBB (Public Employees Benefits Board) employees, which offers employees an annual $125 wellness incentive.   

About Clark’s Healthy Penguin Nation wellness program

The Healthy Penguin Nation program is a college-wide initiative to create a culture of well-being in support of the state of Washington’s initiative to promote healthy lifestyle practices in the workplace. 

We aim to engage, educate, and empower the Clark College Community in healthy behaviors by developing, implementing, and supporting various wellness activities based on solid research and best practices. As the Wellness Team, we encourage the Clark College Community to thoughtfully consider their relationship to health and prioritize well-being for each other. 

We do this by adhering to a holistic model of well-being that focuses on the whole person—offering a wide range of resources that support employees on their wellness journeys in Eight Dimensions that influence overall well-being. 

Find upcoming Healthy Penguin Nation wellness events: CalendarLearn more here. 

About the Zo8 Award 

Each year, Washington Wellness recognizes organizations with our Zo8 Award for their achievement in building, growing, and sustaining an effective wellness program. A wellness program aims to help employees and their family members be their best through positive behavior changes. These changes focus on enhancing well-being, reducing health and injury risks, and improving overall health. Washington Wellness encourages organizations to use the SmartHealth Workplace Wellness Roadmap. It is an eight-step process based on industry-preferred practices to help build the infrastructure for a sustainable wellness program. The roadmap can help organizations plan for and target key areas for success. The Zo8 award represents the organization’s commitment to its employees’ well-being.  

To learn more about the Zo8 award visit the Washington State Healthcare Authority website

What do Zo8 award winners receive? Washington Wellness celebrates Zo8 award winners during an annual recognition ceremony. Winning organizations receive a physical award, certificates for contributing members, and a logo to use in publications, signature lines, and websites to recognize their achievements.  

About the Zo8 logo  

  • Name Zo: In Greek, it means “live.”  
  • Number 8: The eight steps in our wellness program project plan guide. 
  •  Logo shape: Flower of Life pattern is known to inspire.  
  • Colors: Based on the four elements that support life (air, earth, water, and fire)

Eight Dimensions of Well-being 

chart with colored backgrounds and icons depicting the 8 dimensions of well-being listed.

  1. Physical 
  2. Emotional 
  3. Occupational 
  4. Environmental 
  5. Intellectual 
  6. Spiritual 
  7. Financial 
  8. Social 

Help the Penguin Nation get healthier

Healthy Penguin Nation logoDid you attend a wellness seminar? Participate in a wellness event?  What are your wellness interests?

The Healthy Penguin Nation team is asking for your feedback to these and other questions, which will help focus our planning efforts and ensure the wellness program is relevant to your needs and interests.

You can access the survey through May 20 by following this link: Healthy Penguin Nation Wellness Program Survey

Thanks for your participation!

Open Positions

The following positions are open at Clark College as of March 5, 2015. To apply for any of these positions or learn more about them, visit



Plumber – Maintenance Mechanic 3 (Continuous)

Fiscal Specialist 2 (3/10/15 3:00 PM)

Health Occupations Credential Evaluator (Program Specialist 2) (3/19/15 3:00 PM)



Tenure-Track Baking Instructor (Continuous)



Part-time CADD and Engineering Instructor (Continuous)

Part-time Cisco CCNA Instructor (Continuous)

Part-time Computer Science and Engineering Instructor (Continuous)

Part-time Fiscal Technician 1 (Continuous)

Part-time Fiscal Technician 3 (03/17/15 3:00 PM)

Part-time Information Technology Instructors (Continuous)

Part-time Mechatronics Instructor (Continuous)

Part-Time Microsoft Applications Instructor (Continuous)

Part-Time Microsoft Network Technology Instructor (Continuous)

Part-time Nursing Instructor (Continuous)

Part-Time Program Assistant (Event Services) (3/9/15 3:00 PM)

Sign Language Interpreter (part-time hourly) (Continuous)



Reception Desk – Volunteer position (Contact Person: Kim Lee – 992-2319 or

Foundation – Database Specialist (Contact



Notice to Employees who made Insurance Changes for 2015

Employees who made changes to their health insurance during open enrollment should receive insurance cards by the end of January. If you need medical care before receiving your card, you may have your provider call your insurance plan at the appropriate number listed below:

Medical Insurance Plans      Plan Phone No:

Kaiser Classic                         1-800-813-2000

Uniform Medical Plan              1-888-849-3681

Members of Uniform can create an account in and print an ID card by visiting the Washington State Health Care Authority’s Uniform Medical Plan page. You will need the group number for Uniform Medical, which is 10003948.  You will also need your ID number. You can get that by calling 1-888-849-3681.

Click at the top of the page where it says “ Account”.

  1. Create your account.
  2. When you have logged in to your account, you’ll be on a page that says “Member dashboard.”
  3. Click on “My account.”
  4. Click on “Member ID cards” on the left and your card should pull up.

If you enrolled in Uniform Dental, ID cards are not automatically issued. You can go to Delta Dental of Washington’s PEBB services page, create an account, and print a card.

Alternatively, with any dental plan you can also have your dentist’s office call the following numbers below to verify coverage.

Dental Insurance Plans        Group #                                 Plan Phone No:

Willamette Dental                    PEBB                                     1-855-433-6825

DeltaCare                               #3100                                   1-800-650-1583

Uniform Dental                        #3000                                   1-800-537-3406

Maximum Annual Leave Accrual

The amount of vacation leave classified employees are allowed to accumulate is limited. Once a year, on each employee’s anniversary date, Clark College’s computer system checks leave balances and automatically eliminates any hours in excess of 240. For more details refer to your WPEA contract.

The amount of vacation leave that administrative and exempt employees are allowed to accumulate is also limited to 240 hours. Any amount in excess of 240 is removed from the system on October 1 each year.

All employees whose vacation balances (shown on paycheck stubs) exceed, or are approaching, 240 hours, should plan ahead with their supervisors to use excess vacation hours before the cut-off date.

For further information contact Human Resources.

SICK LEAVE BUYOUT – Deadline is January 31, 2015

Under the provisions of Administrative Procedure 635.025, the AHE CBA, and the WPEA CBA, eligible employees who have balances of more than 480 hours of compensable sick leave as of December 31, 2014, may choose to convert unused sick leave hours accrued in 2014 to monetary compensation. Any sick leave hours used during 2014 are deducted from the hours that are available to convert.

Compensation is calculated at the rate of 25 percent of the employee’s current hourly rate. Employees who choose to participate in the buyout must be compensated for all eligible sick leave hours earned in 2014, not just a portion of them.

Employees considering buyout should be aware that the College offers a VEBA program to retirees which allows sick leave buyout dollars to be transferred to a VEBA account, tax free, to be used to pay for medical expenses during retirement. To be eligible for VEBA an employee must retire from state service and meet other requirements. For more details and eligibility requirements for VEBA contact a benefits representative in Human Resources.

Sick leave buyout application forms are available in Human Resources. The deadline for submitting completed forms is January 31, 2015. Payment will be received on February 25, 2015. Please call Thao Schmidt, x2628, or Guisela Eberle, x2119, for additional information.

Important Retirement Plan News

Notes from HRWhen benefits-eligible employees first enroll in a retirement plan here at Clark, they choose between plan options that are specific to their job classification. Some plans require you choose a contribution rate, and usually that contribution rate is irrevocable. In January, however, some employees (primarily faculty and classified) may have the option to make a change.


In January 2015, faculty employees who are participants in the Teacher’s Retirement System Plan 3 (TRS Plan 3) will have the opportunity to change their contribution rate as they have in past years every January. If you are a TRS Plan 3 member this is the LAST time you will have the opportunity to change your rate without changing employers. You can do this by completing a TRS Plan 3 Contribution Rate Change Form and turning it in to HR between January 1 and 31. Forms are also available on line at or in HR.

Most benefits-eligible faculty members are on the TRS plan or TIAA-CREF. If you don’t know which plan you are on check your paystub, which you can access from


Each January, some employees who are in the Public Employees Retirement System Plan 2 (PERS Plan 2) have the opportunity to transfer to PERS Plan 3. Classified employees are most often enrolled in either PERS 2 or PERS 3. Check your paystub if you don’t remember which plan you are on. You can transfer if you were hired before 3/1/2002. When you log in to your account in you will see a message if you are able to transfer. If you transfer, you cannot go back to Plan 2. Also, if you are a TRS Plan 2 member (very few of us are), you have the opportunity each January to transfer to Plan 3. To educate yourself on the differences between the two plans go to To transfer to Plan 3, complete the Member Information Form and turn it in to HR by January 31, 2015.

TIAA-CREF PARTICIPANTS (Administrative/Exempt and Faculty employees)

We will be offering individual sessions next quarter on January 27, 28, & 29 on the main campus in HR. Watch your email for an invitation and information about how to register.


The 2015 Retirement Planning Seminar Schedule is now available from the Department of Retirement Systems (DRS). If you are a member of SERS, PERS or TRS and within five years of retirement you may want to register for and attend a seminar. The schedule of seminars in Washington for 2015 is now online. If you do not find a seminar near your location or on a date that is convenient for you, you may be interested in viewing our recorded seminar online. This seminar was recorded in Wenatchee on August 9, 2014, and is available for viewing at any time.


Open Enrollment

Path for Counseling Brochure



The HCA “For Your Benefit” newsletter about Open Enrollment can be viewed electronically at:  October 2013 For Your Benefit

The PEBB Health Care Authority website provides many links to information:  Health Care Authority Home Page

What’s Changing in 2014:  Changes for 2014

Effective July 1, 2014, surcharges will be added to some employees’ monthly premiums: 

The new state budget, signed into law June 30, 2013, included several changes related to Public Employees Benefits Board (PEBB) benefits. The budget included two new surcharges:

  • A $25-per-month surcharge to premiums for employees and enrolled family members who use tobacco products, and
  • A $50-per-month surcharge to premiums for members who cover a spouse or domestic partner where the spouse or domestic partner has chosen not to enroll in other employer-based group health insurance that has an actuarial value of not less than 95 percent of the actuarial value of the PEBB plan with the largest enrollment.

Message from Health Care Authority: “PEBB continues to receive questions about the spouse and tobacco surcharges that will begin in July of 2014. We appreciate your questions and understand that there are concerns about how the surcharges could affect you and your family. Because the surcharges have so many potential impacts, we are working to ensure we’ve considered all aspects in member feedback as part of our decision-making process.”

Please visit PEBB’s website to see current information on the status of the surchargesSurcharges

At this time, PEBB has not determined if employees will be given an opportunity to make changes before the surcharges start in July.

For those employees who believe the $50 surcharge may affect their monthly premiums, you may want to determine if the coverage your spouse carries will allow changes when your premiums are affected in July.

If you do not wish to change your current medical or dental plans, and you not want to enroll in a FSA or DCAP Plan for 2014, you do not need to do anything, but it is recommended that you review your online account information to verify its accuracy.

Go to the PEBB website and select My Account on the left side of the page. (If you haven’t registered yet through PEBB’s upgraded system, select Register under New User.) Input your email address and password. You’ll see which plans you currently have and family members enrolled on your account.


  1. CHANGE MEDICAL OR DENTAL PLANS. If you are considering changing dental plans, be very certain your dentist will be available to you in the new plan. We recommend contacting the plan for confirmation. Plan customer service information is available at the HCA website: Medical Dental Plan Contact Information
  3. WAIVE MEDICAL COVERAGE, IF YOU HAVE OTHER COMPREHENSIVE GROUP MEDICAL COVERAGE (Coverage through the Health Benefits Exchange is not considered group coverage)
    1. Dependent Verification documents are required if the dependent was not previously verified.
    2. Dependent children are not required to be enrolled in school to be covered up to age 26.
  7. RE-ENROLL / ENROLL IN FLEXIBLE SPENDING (to continue participation in FSA, you must re-enroll every year)
  8. RE-ENROLL / ENROLL IN DEPENDENT CARE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (to continue participation in DCAP, you must re-enroll every year)


Additional surcharges will be added to some employees’ monthly premiums effective July 1, 2014 (see information above)


1)    To make changes online: Go to the PEBB website and select My Account on the left side of the page. (If you haven’t registered yet through PEBB’s upgraded system, select Register under New User.) Input your email address and password. You’ll see which plans you currently have and family members enrolled on your account. You can change medical and dental plans, waive medical coverage (if you have other comprehensive group medical coverage), or remove family members. We suggest you print the confirmation page when you’re done for your own records and check back a few days later to be sure you got the coverage you want.

2)    Complete the hardcopy 2014 Employee Enrollment/Change form and submit this to Human Resources by 11-30-13.

To obtain a hardcopy form:

a) Go to the HCA website, complete the form, print it off, sign and submit to HR http: 2014 Employee Enrollment Change, or

b) Pick up a form at the Clark College Human Resources Office (x2105)

If dependent verification documents are required, review the list of valid verification documents:  Dependent Verification Documentation

PEBB’s CDHPs (High Deductible Plans) for 2014

The PEBB Program offers consumer-directed health plans (CDHP) with a health savings account (HSA) through Group Health, Kaiser Permanente, and the Uniform Medical Plan (UMP).

If you are currently enrolled in a CDHP or are considering enrolling in a CDHP for 2014, here are a few reminders:

  • The CDHP has a lower monthly premium balanced with higher annual deductibles and higher out-of-pocket maximums.
  • To enroll in a CDHP, you must meet the eligibility requirements of the HSA.
  • The maximum contribution to the HSA for 2014 is $3,300 for an individual and $6,550 for an employee with one or more family members on the account. Employees ages 55 or older may contribute up to $1,000 more annually.

−        Your employer contributes $58.34 per month ($700.08 per year) if you are enrolled as an individual and $116.67 per month ($1,400.04 per year) if you are enrolled with one or more family members.

−        You may also make contributions through payroll deduction (if your employer offers payroll deduction) or make a deposit directly into the HSA.

−        When you calculate your contribution for the year, please include both the employer contribution and your individual contribution. Verify that you’re not exceeding the maximum contribution allowed for the year. The Employee Authorization for Payroll Deduction to Health Savings Account form can help with your calculations.

  • The HSA funds are yours to use to help pay for IRS-qualified, out-of-pocket medical expenses. The funds carry over from year-to-year, and remain yours even if you are no longer enrolled in the CDHP, leave your job, or retire.

More information about the CDHP and the HSA is available on the PEBB website.


Health Care Authority Home Page

October 2013 For Your Benefit Newsletter

Compare Medical Plans

Medical Dental Plan Contact Information

Open Enrollment Videos

Dependent Verification Documentation

Summaries of Benefits and Coverage


Go to the PEBB website and select My Account on the left side of the page. (If you haven’t registered yet through PEBB’s upgraded system, select Register under New User.) Input your email address and password. You’ll see which plans you currently have and family members enrolled on your account.


Do you wish to enroll in FLEXIBLE SPENDING for 2014?

New Vendor for Flexible Spending: Flex-Plan Services, Inc., has been selected as the new vendor to provide PEBB’s flexible spending account (FSA) and Dependent Care Assistance Program (DCAP). ASIFlex, PEBB’s current vendor, will continue to provide services through 2013, including the grace period.

If you are enrolled in Flexible Spending for 2013 and you wish to continue participating in 2014, you MUST re-enroll by November 30, 2013. Eligible employees not currently enrolled in the flexible spending account (FSA) must also enroll by November 30, 2013, in order to participate during 2014. On-line enrollment and hardcopy enrollment forms will be available on November 1, 2013. Eligible employees will have their annual contribution split over the following number of paychecks:

Classified/Exempt/Administrative employees:  24 payrolls

Full-time Tenure Track Faculty:  19 payrolls

Full-time Temporary Faculty with fall-winter-spring contracts:  12 payrolls

Full-time Temporary Faculty with winter-spring contracts:  11 payrolls

Adjunct Faculty:  6 payrolls

Cyclic employees:  determined by Payroll Office

For Plan Year 2014 – The FSA is a PEBB-sponsored benefit that allows you to redirect a portion of your salary on a pre-tax basis to pay for your out-of-pocket health care expenses. The funds are deducted from your pay before FICA and Federal income taxes are calculated and can result in savings up to 40%.  You can set aside as little as $240 or as much as $2,500 for the calendar year. The full amount you set aside for your FSA contribution is available on your first day of coverage for expenses.

Flex-Plan Service Home Page:

Flex-Plan On-Line Enrollment: (click on “Enroll Online”)

Flex-Plan hard copy enrollment form: (click on “Enroll via Paper”)

Flex-Plan 2014 FSA Enrollment Guide:

Frequently Asked Questions:

Flex-Plan Contact Information:

Do you wish to enroll in DCAP for 2014?

New Vendor for DCAP:  Flex-Plan Services, Inc. has been selected as the new vendor to provide PEBB’s flexible spending account (FSA) and Dependent Care Assistance Program (DCAP). ASIFlex, PEBB’s current vendor, will continue to provide services through 2013, including the grace period.

If you are enrolled in the Dependent Care Assistance Program for 2013 and you wish to continue participating in 2014, you MUST re-enroll by November 30, 2013. Eligible employees not currently enrolled in DCAP must also enroll by November 30, 2013, in order to participate during 2014. Online enrollment and hardcopy enrollment forms will be available on November 1, 2013.

The DCAP allows you to redirect a portion of your salary on a pre-tax basis to pay for your qualified day care costs for your dependents (e.g. preschool, babysitting, before/after school care, in-home care for a disabled dependent). The funds are deducted from your pay before FICA and Federal income taxes are calculated and can result in savings up to 40%. You can set aside as much as $5,000 for the calendar year ($2,500 if you and your spouse file separate tax returns).

Flex-Plan Service Home Page:

Flex-Plan On-Line Enrollment: (click on “Enroll Online”)

Flex-Plan hard copy enrollment form: (click on “Enroll via Paper”)

Flex-Plan 2014 DCAP Enrollment Guide:

Frequently Asked Questions:

Flex-Plan Contact Information:

Notes from HR

Open Positions
Classified Staff Awards
Transfer Procedure for Classified Staff
Maximum Annual Leave Accrual
Retirement/Resignation Early Notification Stipend
Volunteer Registration – Reminder
Faculty/Staff Address Changes
Overtime Regulations


The following positions are open at Clark College:

** Please continue to review the links below for additional opportunities and up to date information.


  • Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner (Continuous)
  • Dean of Basic Education, English, Communications and Humanities (Continuous)
  • Student Success Retention Manager (September 30, 2013)



  • Program Assistant – Financial Aid Office (September 20, 2013)


  • Part-time Custodian 1 (Continuous)
  • Part-time Cisco CCNA Instructor (Continuous)
  • Part-time Nursing Instructor – pool (Continuous)
  • Part-time Computer Science and Engineering Instructor (Continuous)
  • Part-time Student Technology Support Assistant (Open until filled)





Congratulations to the following recipients of the Classified Staff Awards:

  • Gayle Lee – 2013 Summer Quarter Classified Excellence Award Recipient
  • Joe Jenkins – 2013 Annual Exceptional Classified Staff Award Recipient
  • Jennifer Wheeler – 2013 Annual Exceptional Classified Staff Award Recipient

Thanks to the generous support of the Clark College Foundation, these recipients were recognized in front of their colleagues with certificates and cash awards.

We would also like to recognize the following nominees:

2013 Summer Quarter Classified Excellence Award Nomination:

  • Maggie McKinney

2013 Annual Exceptional Classified Staff Award Nominations:

  • Dani Bundy
  • Grace Farmer
  • Brendan Pust
  • Sabra Sand



Permanent classified employees who are interested in being considered for lateral transfer within the College, to a different position in the same classification in which they currently hold permanent status, or for voluntary demotion to a lower classification in which they formerly held permanent status, are encouraged to complete an “Application for Transfer, ” which can be obtained from Personnel Services.

“Applications for Transfer” will be maintained on file in Personnel Services. When a classified staff position becomes available, the “Applications for Transfer” will be forwarded to the employing official for consideration.

Employing officials are encouraged to interview transfer applicants for vacant positions. Transfer applicants may be considered in addition to, or prior to, applicants from established eligible lists. If one of the transfer applicants is selected prior to advertising the establishment of a new eligibility list for the classification, or prior to certification of eligible from an established list, the employing official would not be required to interview other applicants.

“Applications for Transfer” may be filed at any time. If you have questions, please contact Katrina Golder, x2325.



HEPB rules limit the amount of vacation leave classified employees are allowed to accumulate. Once a year, on each employee’s anniversary date*, Clark College’s computer system checks leave balances and automatically eliminates any hours in excess of the 240 allowed under WAC 251-22-080. Classified employees whose vacation balances (shown on paycheck stubs) exceed, or are approaching, 240 hours, should plan to use excess vacations hours by the 15th of the month in which their anniversary date occurs.

*Anniversary dates are determined as follows:

If hired between the 1st and 15th of the month: Anniversary date is the 1st of the month hired.

If hired between the 16th and 31st of the month: Anniversary date is the 1st of the following month.

For further information or assistance, contact Pagean Pallamounter in Personnel Services, x2119.



To assure sufficient time for an effective search for a replacement, the College will provide a one-time stipend to faculty in probationary or tenured positions who provide notification to the College by October 1 prior to the calendar year of retirement or resignation. Probationary or tenured faculty who have at least ten (10) years of service (including temporary, special programs, probationary and tenured faculty appointments) as of their last date of employment, will receive a $5,000 stipend; probationary or tenured faculty with less than ten (10) years of service as of their last date of employment will receive a $3,000 stipend.

To qualify for this payment, the President must receive signed, written notification from the faculty member, including the last date of employment.



College Administrative Procedure 430.005 requires all volunteers to register and get a background check in advance with Human Resources, and to submit time sheets to Payroll at the end of each month in which volunteer services are provided.

Volunteer Authorization Forms are valid for one fiscal year at a time. Volunteers need to register with Human Resources before performing volunteer services.

Questions regarding volunteers may be directed to Heidi Bealer at x2105.



If you change your name, address or telephone number, please complete a NAME/ADDRESS CHANGE FORM online on ClarkNet. Human Resources will forward changes to the Health Care Authority, however, you must notify your medical-dental insurance carriers.



Under the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act, employers are required to compensate employees who are eligible for overtime for all work they are directed or permitted to perform, including hours worked beyond scheduled work hours; further, liability for compensation is incurred whether the employer knew or should have known that the employee was working.

College employees who are eligible for overtime compensation may not work beyond their regularly scheduled hours unless directed to do so or approved by their supervisors. Supervisors, in turn, are responsible for insuring that employees do not work beyond scheduled hours unless specifically directed to do so. Simply put, employees who are eligible for overtime may not work beyond their scheduled hours, even on a voluntary basis, without receiving overtime pay or compensatory time off, at the employee’s option.

Questions regarding overtime compensation or work hours may be directed to Human Resources, x2105.