Making Change: introducing ctcLink

Jane BeattyAs Clark College’s Director of Change Management, one of my goals is to increase awareness of the Community and Technical Link (ctcLink) project at our college. This project will change our working environment in a big–but positive–way. Please read below for more information. If you have any questions about the project, I am always available to help answer them for you.

What is it ctcLink

ctcLink is an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) project that will modernize, centralize, and standardize the Washington Community & Technical Colleges’ administrative systems. Our current legacy systems (Student Management, Financial Management, Payroll & Personnel Management, and Financial Aid) will be replaced by Oracle Peoplesoft applications.

Why do we need to replace our current systems?

Our current administrative system is over 30 years old. As most of you have experienced, it is usually offline for several hours each night, and it has very little flexibility or support for modern technologies and needs, such as mobile device support or 24/7 access for students and employees. If you have stories you’d like to share regarding the current system and its limitations, please send them to me. I’d love to share with everyone next month how some of these limitations can be resolved with ctcLink.

When is all this happening?

This changeover will take place in May 2015, but we have a lot to do before that happens: Cleaning up all of our current data from the old system, convert that data for the new system, and understanding how the new software will change how we do business at the college. In August 2014 (yes, just seven months away!) the SBCTC and Ciber (a vendor helping us implement the changeover) will arrive at Clark College and start taking us through a plethora of activities to get us ready. Between now and then, we have a lot of work to do to better understand the software’s functionality and to make sure our data will move over to the new system successfully. The timeline below gives a clear idea of how the change will be structured.


Who will be affected?

The short answer is: everyone! Everyone who accesses and/or administers any part of our current systems (including class, employee, financial, procurement, and student systems) will be affected. Once the ctcLink project is completed, you will be using entirely new systems. (Don’t worry: There will be training available for everyone. Training needs and schedules will vary depending on your role at the college.)

Additional Information and Resources

The Washington State Board for Community & Technical Colleges (SBCTC) has a dedicated ctcLink website with lots of resources and information.

Clark College also has an intranet web area for Change Management and ctcLink (ClarkNet login required). You can go to this website to find out more information and links to further information. This website also contains the names of many people who have been working diligently to help get some foundational decisions made regarding the overall architecture and infrastructure of how the system must work to comply with regulations and college policies. These are our Subject Matter Experts (SMEs). You can find someone in the area in which you work.


Jane Beatty
Directory of Change Management


Presidential Coins

2014 State of the College

President Bob Knight presents IT Specialist Rick Bartz with a Presidential Coin at the 2014 State of the College address.

In 2007, Clark College President Bob Knight introduced a new honor at Clark College: the Presidential Coin.

The coin is given to faculty and staff members who provide exemplary service to Clark students, the college and the community. The honorees are decided by the president and are kept secret until the names are announced–generally on Opening Day in the fall or during the annual State of the College address.

Four Clark College employees received Presidential Coins during the State of the College address on January 16. They were:

Rick Bartz

In his 19 years as a media specialist at Clark, Rick Bartz has amassed extensive knowledge of the college and its programs, knowledge that allows him to provide a high level of service. He works part of his shift in the evening and is available to support evening events and faculty teaching night classes. Bartz has also been involved in the installation of the majority of smart classrooms across campus.

“He has an upbeat attitude that is frequently commented upon by the customers he supports,” said President Knight. “He is frequently called in to do last-minute setups which he does without complaint.”

Mike Godson

Automotive Technology professor Mike Godson has already earned many awards in his field. In 2009, he scored the highest out of nearly 15,000 people on the national L1 (advanced engine performance) exam, earning him L1 Master Technician of the Year award from Automotive Service Excellence and Motor Age Training. He was also chosen to present in the Faculty Speaker Series in 2012. Beginning 2012 and continuing today, he led the department in the curriculum development and program transition to a “stand-alone” T-TEN program. He has also held a leadership role at the national level with Toyota for over a decade.

Mirranda Saari

Beginning as a Program Coordinator 10 years ago, Mirranda Saari has received a number of promotions for her outstanding performance, including to her current role is Associate Director of Admissions and Assessment. She has played a lead role on several key projects: our Lean initiative in student affairs, strengthening community partnerships, and our fall enrollment initiatives.  She also represents Clark as a subject matter expert in our PeopleSoft (ctcLink) conversion.

“She strives to improve efficiencies and deliver the best in customer service to our students,” said President Knight in presenting the coin. “She has earned the respect and of her staff through listening and advocacy, she has a strong work ethic and a positive attitude.”

Jenny Shadley

Working in the Office of Communications and Marketing for more than six years, Graphic Designer/Photographer Jenny Shadley has become a familiar face around the college as she photographs special events, takes portraits of employees and students, and works with different departments to provide high-quality graphic design to support their programs and events.

“She is always willing to jump in and help, whether it as an Art Committee member or managing social media,” said President Knight. “She has a consistently positive attitude, thinking of the best ways to promote the Penguin Nation and help others look good.”


Engagement to Learn


As Clark College moves forward with its Strategic Planning process, Clark 24/7 is interviewing different college employees about how they see themselves fitting into the “big picture” of Clark’s central goal of supporting student learning. For the current segment, “Engagement to Learn,” we interviewed two individuals who work in very different areas about how they help students stay engaged at Clark.

JClay_20121207_4381Janette Clay
Program Specialist, Office of Instruction

Give us a little background about what you do at Clark.

I work directly with the Title III Strengthening Institutions grant supporting First Year Experience (FYE) initiatives and also Outcomes Assessment. For people who are unfamiliar with FYE, these are programs designed to work with students when they first arrive at the college to help them be successful at Clark and beyond.

How do you see yourself supporting student engagement at the college?

FYE initiatives continue to expand, and the main focus is on student retention and completion. One initiative is COLL 101 (“College Essentials”), a two-credit course that teaches students concepts they’ll need to know to be successful at Clark and beyond–such as time management, financial literacy, learning styles, recognizing privilege and inequity, and knowing how to find and use resources at the college. There’s also the FYE Mentor Program and service projects that help students feel a sense of community at Clark. Another initiative, one that will expand in 2014-15, is our Learning Community model of instruction. Learning Communities are linked classes, where each class’s coursework supports that of the other class. So, for instance, you could have students taking a statistics class where all the statistics come from studies they’re reading together in their linked psychology class. Students really get a chance to feel connected both to the coursework and to their classmates. All these initiatives are designed to keep students engaged.


Students in COLL 101 discuss power, privilege and inequity with their instructor, Felisciana Peralta.

Is there a way that your department/program supports student learning that you think would surprise other people at the college?

I don’t think that all staff and faculty at Clark College know that they can be mentors for new students in the FYE Mentor Program. The mentees in these one-to-one relationships are lucky to have people to turn to for help navigating the system, whether it be registering for classes, studying for finals, or joining clubs.

Hopefully this is not a surprise, but in Outcomes Assessment, we continue to collaborate with faculty in the practice of meaningful, sustainable assessment to enhance student learning. There are many training and funding opportunities available for faculty to create and implement assessment projects, learn about researched best practices, and participate in professional development activities.

How has the Strategic Plan process made you look differently at your own role at Clark? How has it made you look differently at others’ roles?

It has made me think about the role that I can play, and that I am a part of this process like all other staff and faculty at Clark College. In looking differently at others’ roles, I learn more about what other people do, and furthermore how our roles interact now, and can interact better as we move toward 2020.

What have you enjoyed about the Strategic Plan process so far?

It is really beneficial to get to know and work with other people at the college whom I had never met prior to the Strategic Plan process. I have also enjoyed the readings, as they are very informative and thought-provoking and therefore generate good discussions. My group, the “Supernovas,” is a really fun group of people with some great ideas!


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CGuthrie20110809_0712Charles Guthrie
Director of Athletics

Give us a little background about what you do at Clark.

I oversee 11 intercollegiate teams, coaches, staff and game operations for an estimated 92 home games a year, competing in the Northwest Athletic Association of Community Colleges (NWAAC). I’m also in charge of all strategic planning, budget, Title IX compliance and external relations for the department, which is part of the division of Student Affairs.

How do you see yourself supporting student engagement at the college?

Clark College has approximately 200 student-athletes who are part of our Intercollegiate Athletics program. Student-athletes at Clark College have the opportunity not only to compete on the court or field, but to continue to hone important life skills, including the value of teamwork, individual and group responsibility, physical fitness, sportsmanship, diversity, and a sense of commitment to fellow students, faculty and the broader community. These critical skill sets will enable Clark student-athletes to engage not just during their tenure at Clark College, but as they move on through the rest of their lives.

Is there a way that you or your department/program supports student learning that you think would surprise other people at the college?

I don’t know if the broader campus community has visibility into how our student-athletes are able to learn about and promote the importance of diversity on many different levels. Our student-athletes come from various socio-economic and cultural backgrounds and they learn to both accept and embrace those differences as well as find new connections and ways to unite as a team.


Student-athletes participate in study hall.

I’ve realized that our athletic program is an important component to many of the key areas outlined in the plan and we can have a positive impact on the strategic initiatives that are critical to ongoing success for Clark College as a whole. I knew this prior to engaging in the process, but did not understand to the full extent we could engage and collaborate, and I hope it has helped other departments throughout campus recognize how we can contribute beyond just athletic competition–i.e., diversity, student success, retention and access.

Where do you envision Clark College in 2020?

As the best value in higher education within the state of Washington and setting the bar for driving impactful college-wide programs like the Strategic Planning process. I would expect that Clark College will continue to earn public recognition for the passion and hard work that unite our campus community.

How do you think your department will have changed by then?

In another six years I hope to have several classes of alumni who have passed through our program who are engaged and feel strongly about continuing to support Clark College Athletics. We want to continue to improve on the academic support, facilities and life lessons we offer to our student-athletes. If these areas were to look the same in 2020 there would be a problem, because we must continue to evolve our program to fit the ever-changing needs of our students. And, of course, it would be great to add a few NWAACC Championships to the growing list of administrative, academic and athletic accolades Clark College earns each year.

New Hires

Andrea Finnegan was appointed to the classified staff position of Program Assistant in the Nursing Department effective January 13, 2014. She has a bachelor’s degree from Central Washington University. Andrea has previous work experience at Clark College, Twilight Pizza Bistro, and Central Washington University.

Mishel Kirby was appointed to the classified staff position of Administrative Assistant 2 in the Office of Instruction effective January 9, 2014. She has a bachelor’s degree from University of Puget Sound. Mishel has previous work experience at Auburn Adventist Academy and Auburn City SDA Church.

­­­­Emily Melgoza was appointed to the classified staff position of Program Coordinator at Columbia Tech Center effective January 16, 2014. She has a bachelor’s degree from Washington State University Vancouver. Emily has previous work experience at Washington State University Vancouver.

Sabra Sand was appointed to the administrative position of Director of Business Services effective January 1, 2014. She has a bachelor’s degree in Accounting from Washington State University Vancouver. Sabra has previous work experience at Clark College.

Janice Taylor was appointed to the classified staff position of Program Manager A in the Tutoring and Writing Center effective December 23, 2013. She has a bachelor’s degree from Washington State University. Janice has previous work experience at Clark College Marla Heikkala & Associates, and Lou M. Baran, P.S.

Nakia Vercher was appointed to the classified staff position of Grants and Contracts Accountant (Fiscal Analyst 2) effective December 16, 2013. She has an associate degree from Tacoma Community College. Nakia has previous work experience at Clark College and Catholic Community Services.

Fall 2013 Classified Staff Excellence Award

Fall Quarter 2013 - Classified Staff Excellence Award - Bateman

Associate Vice President of Human Resources Darcy Rourk, left, congratulates Advising Office Assistant Jessica Bateman on winning the fall 2013 award for Classified Staff.

Associate Vice President of Human Resources Darcy Rourk, left, congratulates Advising Office Assistant Jessica Bateman on winning the fall 2013 award for Classified Staff.Congratulations to Advising Office Assistant Jessica Bateman, recipient of the Fall Quarter 2013 Classified Staff Excellence Award.

“Jessica always strives to meet the needs of the public, community, and co-workers with her high level of service,” a nominator wrote. “She has built relationships with vocational counselors whose clients often have short timelines for completion of programs, and they count on her when they need assistance or to connect with an advisor. When working with the public, she will always ask additional questions, ensuring that people leave with everything they need so that they don’t have to return or call for something she could have helped with.”

Congratulations to all of the Fall Quarter 2013 nominees:

Vicki ChengVicki has been a Clark employee for 31 years and her reputation reflects her dedication to students, faculty and staff at Clark College. She is a tremendous asset to Clark College in so many different ways in her various roles, and she handles it all with a calm intelligence and a great sense of humor.
Joy Horning “Joy distributed additional desk copies of textbooks to the faculty and consistently reminded us of documents that needed to be submitted. She is helpful, knowledgeable in her subject area and pleasant to work with.
Rebecca Kleiva “Rebecca provides outstanding customer service. Her knowledge and eagerness to learn things that are outside of her normal job responsibilities help to ensure that the customer service that she provides to the public, community and co-workers is top-notch.”
Susan Muir “Susan has provided streamlined processes and efficiencies in all of the major projects with which I have been involved with her. I have come to rely on Susan in many areas of work and I know she has consistently provided behind the scenes organization in many projects and events. If it is running smoothly, Susan has had her hand in it.”
Derald Richards “Derald’s overall job performance at CTC is reliable, excellent and noteworthy. He constantly has a cheerful attitude, and can be counted on to deliver and complete the task no matter how difficult. One of Derald’s coworkers describes him as ‘super wonderful!!’”
Michael Shingle Mike works collectively with other units in Student Affairs to better serve students and provide information that may go beyond the scope of the Advising Office. When he can, he will go above and beyond by facilitating the connection between student and campus resources/referrals. His positive spirit and go-getter attitude has been a contagious asset that is seen and heard across Student Affairs.”
Sarah Weinberger Sarah is constantly going above and beyond in her work in the Career Services office. This is evidenced by her ability to balance a variety of tasks on a daily basis. Her creativity is apparent in everything from developing a social media plan for the Career Services office, executing marketing efforts for events, and planning career and job fairs on campus.”

The College Community will formally recognize all 2013-2014 nominees and recipients at the Annual Ice Cream Social.

The Classified Staff Excellence Award was established in 2005 and recognizes classified staff who have demonstrated exemplary work performance, outstanding customer service, a positive and cooperative spirit, and special achievements or contributions to the college community. Thanks to the support of the Clark College Foundation, each quarter’s recipient receives a $400 cash award.

Karen Ferguson submitted this article. Photo: Clark College/Jenny Shadley

New Hires

Sophanarith Lem was appointed to the classified staff position of Information Technology Specialist 3 in the ITS department effective December 2, 2013. Sophanarith has previous work experience at Pacific University, Five-Star Audiovisual, Dthree Productions and PSAV.

Kandice Ripplinger was appointed to the classified staff position of Program Coordinator in the Financial Aid department effective October 16, 2013. Kandice has previous work experience at Clark College, TGI Fridays, Domino’s Pizza and Pizza Hut.

Joanne Vaughn was appointed to the classified staff position of Program Coordinator in the Financial Aid department effective October 16, 2013. Joanne has previous work experience at Clark College, Burgerville and Van Tech Enterprises.

Shelly Williams was appointed to the classified staff position of Program Coordinator in the Music department effective part-time November 12, 2013, and full-time January 2, 2014. Shelly has previous work experience at Portland Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Gila Valley Arts Council, and Gila Valley Animal Hospital.

Cheryl Yarwood was appointed to the classified staff position of Early Childhood Specialist 3 in the Child and Family Studies department effective October 10, 2013. Cheryl has previous work experience at Clark College, Stewart Title Corporation and Vancouver Children’s Therapy Center.


Two Centuries of Service

Holiday Reception and Retiree Reception

Vice President of Instruction Tim Cook congratulates Philosophy instructor Otto Schlumpf, who taught at Clark for 25 years.

On December 3, Clark College employees gathered in Gaiser Student Center to nibble on pastries from the Bakery Department, celebrate the holidays, and honor their colleagues who are retiring during the 2013-14 academic year.

Holiday Reception and Retiree Reception

Scott Root and Kathy Bobula

Thirteen retirees were retiring this year; together, they have provided the college with a combined 241 years of service. Five of the retirees had worked at Clark for more than three decades each, a testament to the college’s work environment.

One of those longtime employees, Early Childhood Education and Psychology professor Kathy Bobula, spoke about the change she has seen at the college over her 31 years of working here. “When I came here, there were about 4,000 students, no computers–we used chalk,” she said as she accepted an honorary plaque. “And I knew everybody. … There is sometimes a wistful longing for those days, when we all knew each other and the college was smaller. But look at how many more student we’re serving now–that’s a good thing.”

Bobula, like many retiring faculty members, plans to continue teaching part-time after her retirement. “You can’t just give up your audience cold turkey,” she quipped. “You have to do it gradually.”

John Fite and his wife.

John Fite and his wife, Nancy

Economics professor John Fite, however, says he will be content to leave the classroom and spend time with his wife traveling and enjoying their second home in the San Juan Islands. Of course, this is his third retirement: Fite served in the U.S. Air Force for 20 years, followed by 18 years working as a commercial airline pilot.

Director of Business Services Karen Wynkoop, meanwhile, is already searching for a good volunteer position to keep her occupied after leaving Clark. Wynkoop says she will miss both her colleagues and the students she met while working on the ASCC Finance Committee, some of whom she still keeps in touch with.

Vice President of Tim Cook addressed the assembled guests and offered thanks to the retirees on behalf of the college. “We are truly a fortunate college,” he said, noting how many retirees had stayed at Clark for decades. “It shows we are still a nice, family environment and a nice place to work, where people care about each other.

Jennifer Wheeler and Richard Bartz greet Paula Cole and Kathy Bobula.

Jennifer Wheeler and Richard Bartz greet Paula Cole and Kathy Bobula.

The 2013-14 retirees are:


Katherine Bobula was hired to teach Early Childhood Education as a faculty member in September 1982.  She was awarded tenure in 1985 and has taught in both the ECE and Psychology departments. Professor Bobula will retire on June 20, 2014, after 31 years of service to Clark College.

Becky Ellis was hired as a faculty member in Nursing in September 2003. She was awarded tenure in 2010. Professor Ellis is retiring on June 20, 2014, after 8 years of service to Clark College.

John Fite was hired as a faculty member in Economics in September 2006. He was awarded tenure in 2010. Professor Fite will retire on August 30, 2014, after 7 years of service to Clark College.

Stephen Jones was hired as a faculty member in Biology in September 2007. He retired on June 20, 2013, after 6 years of service to Clark College.

Otto Schlumpf was hired as a faculty member in Philosophy in January 1988. He retired on June 20, 2013, after 25 years of service to Clark College.

Ian Titterton was hired as a faculty member in Culinary Arts in September 2005. He was awarded tenure in 2008. Professor Titterton will be retiring on June 20, 2014, after 8 years of service to Clark College.

Classified Retirees

Irene Benack served as a Fiscal Technician Supervisor in Accounting. She was originally hired in 1999 and retired from her position on September 12, 2013, after 14 years of service to Clark College.

Michele Eason was originally hired in 1981 in Admission. She retired from her her current position as Program Assistant in the Financial Aid Department on July 31, 2013, after 31 years of service to Clark College.

Linda Fifarek was originally hired part-time as a Cashier 1 in the Bakery Department in January 1979. She retired from her her current permanent position as Fiscal Technician lead in the Culinary Arts Department on August 5, 2013, after 32 years of service to Clark College.

Tom Kaarto (Facilities Services) was hired as a full-time temporary Carpenter Lead in the Maintenance Department in August 1981. He retired from his current permanent position as Maintenance Mechanic 3 in the Facilities Services Department on September 26, 2013, after 31 years of service to Clark College.

Scott Root (Information Technology) was hired as a Media Services Operator in the Media Department in August 1981. He is retiring from his current position as an Information Technology Specialist 3 in the IT Department on December 31, 2013, after 32 years of service to Clark College.

Peggy Winston was hired as an Office Assistant 2 with the Foundation in September 1997, retiring from her current position as Program Coordinator in the Music Department. She retired from her position on October 31, 2013, after 9 years of service to Clark College.

Exempt Retirees

Karen Wynkoop was hired as Director of Business Services in the Administrative Services Department. She was originally hired in 2005 and is retiring from her position on December 31, 2013, after 7 years of service to Clark College.


Photos: Jenny Shadley/Clark College

Associate Vice President of Human Resources Darcy Rourk contributed to this article.

View more photos on Flickr.

Get Ready to Run

Team Penguin 2013

Members of Team Penguin 2013 show off their tees. (Oddly, organizer Joe Jenkins,front right, is wearing a shirt and tie.) Photo: Clark College/Alison Pezanoski-Browne

Once again, academic advisor Joe Jenkins is organizing a Clark College team to run in the next Shamrock Run, held March 16 in Portland. Last year, 115 members of Team Penguin completed one of the courses–which range from a 3.1-mile walk to a 15-kilometer run–raising $575 for the Alex Montoya Scholarship Fund at Clark College Foundation. Interested in learning more? Jenkins has created a Facebook page for team members to share information, schedule training runs, and cheer each other on.

New Hires

Andrea Castillo was appointed to the classified staff position of Program Assistant in the Financial Aid Department effective November 11, 2013. Andrea has previous work experience at Clark College and Gottschalk’s, Inc.

Dennis Davis was appointed to the classified staff position of IT Technician 2 in the eLearning Department effective December 2, 2013. He is a current student at Clark College. Dennis has previous work experience at Clark College and Sundial Time Systems.

De’Sha Wolf was appointed to the exempt position of Student Success Retention Manager effective November 25, 2013. She has a bachelor’s degree from Northwestern University and both master’s and doctorate degrees from University of California, Los Angeles. De’Sha has previous work experience at Loyola University, Chicago and University of California.

For information on currently open positions at the college, please visit the college’s Human Resources department online.

Open Enrollment

Path for Counseling Brochure



The HCA “For Your Benefit” newsletter about Open Enrollment can be viewed electronically at:  October 2013 For Your Benefit

The PEBB Health Care Authority website provides many links to information:  Health Care Authority Home Page

What’s Changing in 2014:  Changes for 2014

Effective July 1, 2014, surcharges will be added to some employees’ monthly premiums: 

The new state budget, signed into law June 30, 2013, included several changes related to Public Employees Benefits Board (PEBB) benefits. The budget included two new surcharges:

  • A $25-per-month surcharge to premiums for employees and enrolled family members who use tobacco products, and
  • A $50-per-month surcharge to premiums for members who cover a spouse or domestic partner where the spouse or domestic partner has chosen not to enroll in other employer-based group health insurance that has an actuarial value of not less than 95 percent of the actuarial value of the PEBB plan with the largest enrollment.

Message from Health Care Authority: “PEBB continues to receive questions about the spouse and tobacco surcharges that will begin in July of 2014. We appreciate your questions and understand that there are concerns about how the surcharges could affect you and your family. Because the surcharges have so many potential impacts, we are working to ensure we’ve considered all aspects in member feedback as part of our decision-making process.”

Please visit PEBB’s website to see current information on the status of the surchargesSurcharges

At this time, PEBB has not determined if employees will be given an opportunity to make changes before the surcharges start in July.

For those employees who believe the $50 surcharge may affect their monthly premiums, you may want to determine if the coverage your spouse carries will allow changes when your premiums are affected in July.

If you do not wish to change your current medical or dental plans, and you not want to enroll in a FSA or DCAP Plan for 2014, you do not need to do anything, but it is recommended that you review your online account information to verify its accuracy.

Go to the PEBB website and select My Account on the left side of the page. (If you haven’t registered yet through PEBB’s upgraded system, select Register under New User.) Input your email address and password. You’ll see which plans you currently have and family members enrolled on your account.


  1. CHANGE MEDICAL OR DENTAL PLANS. If you are considering changing dental plans, be very certain your dentist will be available to you in the new plan. We recommend contacting the plan for confirmation. Plan customer service information is available at the HCA website: Medical Dental Plan Contact Information
  3. WAIVE MEDICAL COVERAGE, IF YOU HAVE OTHER COMPREHENSIVE GROUP MEDICAL COVERAGE (Coverage through the Health Benefits Exchange is not considered group coverage)
    1. Dependent Verification documents are required if the dependent was not previously verified.
    2. Dependent children are not required to be enrolled in school to be covered up to age 26.
  7. RE-ENROLL / ENROLL IN FLEXIBLE SPENDING (to continue participation in FSA, you must re-enroll every year)
  8. RE-ENROLL / ENROLL IN DEPENDENT CARE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (to continue participation in DCAP, you must re-enroll every year)


Additional surcharges will be added to some employees’ monthly premiums effective July 1, 2014 (see information above)


1)    To make changes online: Go to the PEBB website and select My Account on the left side of the page. (If you haven’t registered yet through PEBB’s upgraded system, select Register under New User.) Input your email address and password. You’ll see which plans you currently have and family members enrolled on your account. You can change medical and dental plans, waive medical coverage (if you have other comprehensive group medical coverage), or remove family members. We suggest you print the confirmation page when you’re done for your own records and check back a few days later to be sure you got the coverage you want.

2)    Complete the hardcopy 2014 Employee Enrollment/Change form and submit this to Human Resources by 11-30-13.

To obtain a hardcopy form:

a) Go to the HCA website, complete the form, print it off, sign and submit to HR http: 2014 Employee Enrollment Change, or

b) Pick up a form at the Clark College Human Resources Office (x2105)

If dependent verification documents are required, review the list of valid verification documents:  Dependent Verification Documentation

PEBB’s CDHPs (High Deductible Plans) for 2014

The PEBB Program offers consumer-directed health plans (CDHP) with a health savings account (HSA) through Group Health, Kaiser Permanente, and the Uniform Medical Plan (UMP).

If you are currently enrolled in a CDHP or are considering enrolling in a CDHP for 2014, here are a few reminders:

  • The CDHP has a lower monthly premium balanced with higher annual deductibles and higher out-of-pocket maximums.
  • To enroll in a CDHP, you must meet the eligibility requirements of the HSA.
  • The maximum contribution to the HSA for 2014 is $3,300 for an individual and $6,550 for an employee with one or more family members on the account. Employees ages 55 or older may contribute up to $1,000 more annually.

−        Your employer contributes $58.34 per month ($700.08 per year) if you are enrolled as an individual and $116.67 per month ($1,400.04 per year) if you are enrolled with one or more family members.

−        You may also make contributions through payroll deduction (if your employer offers payroll deduction) or make a deposit directly into the HSA.

−        When you calculate your contribution for the year, please include both the employer contribution and your individual contribution. Verify that you’re not exceeding the maximum contribution allowed for the year. The Employee Authorization for Payroll Deduction to Health Savings Account form can help with your calculations.

  • The HSA funds are yours to use to help pay for IRS-qualified, out-of-pocket medical expenses. The funds carry over from year-to-year, and remain yours even if you are no longer enrolled in the CDHP, leave your job, or retire.

More information about the CDHP and the HSA is available on the PEBB website.


Health Care Authority Home Page

October 2013 For Your Benefit Newsletter

Compare Medical Plans

Medical Dental Plan Contact Information

Open Enrollment Videos

Dependent Verification Documentation

Summaries of Benefits and Coverage


Go to the PEBB website and select My Account on the left side of the page. (If you haven’t registered yet through PEBB’s upgraded system, select Register under New User.) Input your email address and password. You’ll see which plans you currently have and family members enrolled on your account.


Do you wish to enroll in FLEXIBLE SPENDING for 2014?

New Vendor for Flexible Spending: Flex-Plan Services, Inc., has been selected as the new vendor to provide PEBB’s flexible spending account (FSA) and Dependent Care Assistance Program (DCAP). ASIFlex, PEBB’s current vendor, will continue to provide services through 2013, including the grace period.

If you are enrolled in Flexible Spending for 2013 and you wish to continue participating in 2014, you MUST re-enroll by November 30, 2013. Eligible employees not currently enrolled in the flexible spending account (FSA) must also enroll by November 30, 2013, in order to participate during 2014. On-line enrollment and hardcopy enrollment forms will be available on November 1, 2013. Eligible employees will have their annual contribution split over the following number of paychecks:

Classified/Exempt/Administrative employees:  24 payrolls

Full-time Tenure Track Faculty:  19 payrolls

Full-time Temporary Faculty with fall-winter-spring contracts:  12 payrolls

Full-time Temporary Faculty with winter-spring contracts:  11 payrolls

Adjunct Faculty:  6 payrolls

Cyclic employees:  determined by Payroll Office

For Plan Year 2014 – The FSA is a PEBB-sponsored benefit that allows you to redirect a portion of your salary on a pre-tax basis to pay for your out-of-pocket health care expenses. The funds are deducted from your pay before FICA and Federal income taxes are calculated and can result in savings up to 40%.  You can set aside as little as $240 or as much as $2,500 for the calendar year. The full amount you set aside for your FSA contribution is available on your first day of coverage for expenses.

Flex-Plan Service Home Page:

Flex-Plan On-Line Enrollment: (click on “Enroll Online”)

Flex-Plan hard copy enrollment form: (click on “Enroll via Paper”)

Flex-Plan 2014 FSA Enrollment Guide:

Frequently Asked Questions:

Flex-Plan Contact Information:

Do you wish to enroll in DCAP for 2014?

New Vendor for DCAP:  Flex-Plan Services, Inc. has been selected as the new vendor to provide PEBB’s flexible spending account (FSA) and Dependent Care Assistance Program (DCAP). ASIFlex, PEBB’s current vendor, will continue to provide services through 2013, including the grace period.

If you are enrolled in the Dependent Care Assistance Program for 2013 and you wish to continue participating in 2014, you MUST re-enroll by November 30, 2013. Eligible employees not currently enrolled in DCAP must also enroll by November 30, 2013, in order to participate during 2014. Online enrollment and hardcopy enrollment forms will be available on November 1, 2013.

The DCAP allows you to redirect a portion of your salary on a pre-tax basis to pay for your qualified day care costs for your dependents (e.g. preschool, babysitting, before/after school care, in-home care for a disabled dependent). The funds are deducted from your pay before FICA and Federal income taxes are calculated and can result in savings up to 40%. You can set aside as much as $5,000 for the calendar year ($2,500 if you and your spouse file separate tax returns).

Flex-Plan Service Home Page:

Flex-Plan On-Line Enrollment: (click on “Enroll Online”)

Flex-Plan hard copy enrollment form: (click on “Enroll via Paper”)

Flex-Plan 2014 DCAP Enrollment Guide:

Frequently Asked Questions:

Flex-Plan Contact Information: