Presidential Coins


Dr. Travis Kibota steps forward to receive his Presidential Coin on Opening Day 2013. Typical of Kibota’s spotlight-averse personality, he told President Knight he thought someone else probably deserved the coin more.

In 2007, Clark College President Bob Knight introduced a new honor at Clark College: the presidential coin.

The coin is given to faculty and staff members who provide exemplary service to Clark students, the college and the community. The honorees are decided by the president and are kept secret until the names are announced–generally on Opening Day in the fall or during the annual State of the College address.

Five Clark College employees received Presidential Coins during Opening Day 2013 on September 11. They were:

Karen Wynkoop

Before coming to Clark in 2005, Director of Business Services Karen Wynkoop had already had a distinguished career in higher education. She served as Assistant Vice President of Equity and Diversity and as Organizational Development Specialist at Washington State University; prior to that, she worked at The Evergreen State College in a variety of positions, starting as an accountant and concluding her time there as Associate Vice President for Academic Budget and Financial Planning.

Knight said that Wynkoop “has provided strong and steady leadership of the college’s financial management system and budget process during years of rapid growth as well as dramatic cuts in state funding,” adding that she “is widely recognized throughout the state as one of the premier business officers in the system.”


Dani Bundy

During her 10 years at Clark College, Dani Bundy has worked in Eligibility Programs, Credentials, Advising, the Vice President of Student Affairs Office, and Financial Aid. She is currently Assistant Director of Financial Aid. Knight commended Bundy for “never [leaving] a department without implementing a new enhancement that improved efficiencies.”

Knight added that because Bundy is a Clark alumna herself, “she understands the external and internal barriers that students encounter along their educational paths. Because of this, she is always thinking of solutions that will benefit students.”


Dr. Travis Kibota

Biology professor Travis Kibota has worked at Clark for almost 20 years. During that time, he has twice served as interim dean and is currently division chair of Life Sciences. “He has great vision, is a team player, and has a perfect handle on all of the dynamics of how Clark College works,” said Knight.

Knight added: “He eagerly works with people throughout the college as a connector, which makes him successful in the roles he plays as a faculty member, in administration, on committees, and as a grant developer.”


Cindy Heck

Planning and Effectiveness Administrative Assistant Cindy Heck began working at Clark while still a student here, interning with the Legal Secretary program in 1995. That led to a part-time position, which moved to fulltime in 1998.

“Cindy’s ability to see the big picture, attention to detail, practical nature, outstanding work ethic, and sincere care for others all make her an obvious choice for the Presidential Coin,” said Knight.


Heather King

Business and Health Sciences Administrative Assistant Heather King also got her start at Clark as a student, graduating in 1991 and returning, after receiving her B.A. from WSU, for a Certificate of Proficiency in Clinical Office Assistant in 1998. She began working at Clark as a fiscal specialist in the Office of Instruction, moving to BHS in 2009.

“She is the thread that hold the BHS unit together,” Knight said. “Her years of dedicated service to Clark College in many areas of the institution; her commitment to students, faculty, and staff; her service on multiple committees are but a few oft he reasons she is receiving this coin.”

Honoring Excellence

Exceptional Faculty Awardees 2013

On Opening Day 2013, Exceptional Faculty Award plaques were presented to, left to right, Darcie Thompson (accepting the award for her mother-in-law, Mickey Thompson), Patti Serrano, Bruce Elgort, Tony Chennault, and Mike Arnold.

Clark College President Bob Knight announced the recipients of the 2013 Exceptional Faculty Awards during the 2013 Commencement ceremony on June 20; they were presented with engraved plaques during Opening Day on September 11. This year, five faculty members—two part-time instructors and three full-time professors—received the award, which honors excellence in teaching.

The Clark College Exceptional Faculty Awards are presented annually to full-time and part-time faculty members in recognition of exemplary work performance, positive impact on students, professional commitment, and other contributions to the college. Nominations are submitted by Clark College students, faculty, classified employees, administrators, alumni, Board members, and Foundation directors. The awards are made possible through an endowed trust fund established by the Washington State Legislature and the Clark College Exceptional Faculty Endowment Fund, which was established in 1993.

This year’s Exceptional Faculty Award recipients are:

Mike Arnold

Mike Arnold

Mike Arnold, Health and Physical Education

Mike Arnold began teaching at Clark College in 1989 and over that time has taught everything from archery to weight lifting, as well as coaching athletic teams. His students praise him for helping them improve not only their bodies, but their minds and characters as well. “Not only does he want you to do well in his class, he wants you to do well in life,” wrote one student in his nomination.

Another student wrote, “Mike Arnold is one of the most caring, respectable, honest and genuine people I have ever met. He is willing to help any student that is in need. … He is more than a teacher; he is a friend and a mentor.”


Tony Ch

Tony Chennault

Tony Chennault, Biology

“Simply put, Tony Chennault is the best professor I have ever had,” wrote one student in nominating Chennault for the Exceptional Faculty Award. Many students praise Chennault for making a notoriously difficult series of classes—namely, Human Anatomy and Physiology—fun and understandable.

Chennault, who also teaches Human Biology, began teaching at Clark in 2008 and received tenure in 2011. He strives to make his students feel comfortable as they tackle challenging material, providing them with helpful study tips and mnemonic tricks for learning anatomical terms. “I believe this award is a reflection of having a job that I truly love and am passionate about, and I take pride in bringing that passion and energy to class every day, trying my best to make learning the science of the human body fun for the students as I have fun, too,” he said.


Bruce Elgort

Bruce Elgort

Bruce Elgort, Computer Technology

Bruce Elgort has only been teaching at Clark since winter quarter 2013, but already he has made a huge impression on his students. “I was worried when I started his class that I wouldn’t be able to learn the material or properly grasp the concepts, but after I was in Bruce’s class for an hour, I felt confident and comfortable and able to learn anything,” wrote one nominator.

While Elgort is relatively new to teaching in a college setting, he has a long career in computer technology. He has worked for major technology companies, including Sharp and Underwriters Laboratories, and launched his own successful software company. When he teaches courses about programming, HTML, and PHP coding, he brings real-life experience from the work world into his classroom—a classroom that extends into the virtual realm through help sessions conducted via social media. “In today’s hyper-connected, ‘always-on’ world, the ability to extend the physical classroom is something that has become an integral part of all my work at Clark,” Elgort says.


Patti Serrano

Patti Serrano

Patti Serrano, Business Administration

Patti Serrano has had plenty of time to develop fans at Clark College—she began teaching here in 1981, beginning by teaching Fashion Merchandising before transitioning to Business Management and Marketing courses. During that time, Serrano has demonstrated leadership at the college time and again. She helped draft the college’s Strategic Plan and participated in the college’s last three accreditation efforts, as well as serving on countless committees to improve college functions; she has also served as head of the college’s Business Department and chair of the Business Division. Additionally, she is a committed educator.

“Having known Patti Serrano for over thirty years, I have personally seen the many, many hours she has devoted to helping her students with guidance in professional and personal advice,” said one coworker. “She has been a positive force for hundreds of students.”


Mickey Thompson

Mickey Thompson

Mickey Thompson, Paralegal

Mickey Thompson entered the legal profession in 1977, and she brings both a depth of knowledge and a great enthusiasm about paralegal work to her teaching. Students point to the countless hours she has spent serving as the advisor to the Clark College Law Club and to her patience when guiding them through the thicket of legal terminology.

“She’s compassionate, organized, strict, and funny all at the same time,” wrote one student in her nomination. “Legal procedure is tough and complicated, and Mickey makes sure that all of her students understand the course material and have a good grasp on the concepts.”


Photos: Clark College/Jenny Shadley


WPEA Food Drive

As in the past, WPEA is collecting food for our local food banks this September. You may see white paper collection bags, which were placed on chairs during Opening Day, at various locations in department offices. Once filled with donations, these bags should be returned to any WPEA shop steward before September 30.  They can also be returned during the annual WPEA barbecue on September 19 in front of Scarpelli Hall. Thank you all for your donations!

A River Runs through IT

rafting trip

Intrepid ITS rafters, right side, back to front, Jessica Perry, Phil Sheehan, McKenzie Rathbone, and left side, back to front, Paul Penager, Will Rathbone, Darin Rathbone.

The Information Technology Services group had an exciting day on August 24, rafting down the Deschutes River outside of Maupin, Oregon, as part of a team-building exercise. Several of the IT Services department employees, their families, and student lab assistants braved the cold and turbulent waters of the Deschutes in eastern Oregon. The half-day trip, which was paid for by the employees themselves, involved Class Four rapids and plenty of time for swimming and relaxing. Over the course of three hours, they floated 13 miles down the river–plenty of time to develop teamwork techniques. (Story submitted by Gracie White.)

News from the Maestro

Don Appert

Don Appert

Music Department Chair and Orchestra Director Don Appert has had a busy summer. The Clark College Orchestra took third place in the 2013 American Prize category of Orchestral Performance-Community Orchestra. The award was given specifically for the orchestra’s March 14, 2012, concert. “In addition I am also pleased to announce that my work Quartetto Basso was premiered and subsequently recorded by Rocco Parisi’s Bass Clarinet Quartet in June,” Appert adds in an email. “The piece was commissioned by the ensemble for the CD A tempo, a modo: Path tracking Vito Marsico. The proceeds from the CD will go to support FA-R.I.T.M.O., which is the Bone Marrow Transplant Research Foundation treating patients with acute leukemia in Genoa, Italy. It is fitting that I composed this piece of music for them, as my mother died of leukemia in 1972.”

Welcome, New Employees!

Jane Beatty was appointed to the position of Director of Change Management effective August 19, 2013. Jane has a bachelor’s degree from Emory University and a master’s degree from Georgia State University. She has previous work experience at Custom Interface, Inc., and Intel Corporation.

Korey Marquez was appointed to the position of Associate Director of Tutoring effective September 11, 2013. Korey has a bachelor’s degree in English from University of Oregon, and a Master of Arts in English from Portland State University. She has previous work experience at Portland State University, Sonoma State University, and University of Washington.

Daniel Mroz was appointed to the position of Deaf Interpreter 3 in the Disability Support Services Department effective September 11, 2013. Daniel has an Associate of Applied Science in Sign Language Interpreting from Portland Community College, and a Bachelor of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies from Marylhurst University. He has previous work experience as a freelance interpreter, and as a contract interpreter at Clark College and Lower Columbia College.

Michaela Mareva was appointed to the position of Administrative Assistant 2 in the Office of Instruction effective September 9, 2013. Michaela has a bachelor’s degree from University of Portland. She has previous work experience at Macy’s and University of Portland.

Julie Robertson was appointed to the position of Research and Continuous Improvement Professional effective August 26, 2013. Julie has a master’s degree in social work and public health from Portland State University. She has previous work experience at OHSU, Clark County Public Health Department, Legacy Health System, Housing Authority of Portland, and Lewis & Clark College.

Notes from HR

Open Positions
Classified Staff Awards
Transfer Procedure for Classified Staff
Maximum Annual Leave Accrual
Retirement/Resignation Early Notification Stipend
Volunteer Registration – Reminder
Faculty/Staff Address Changes
Overtime Regulations


The following positions are open at Clark College:

** Please continue to review the links below for additional opportunities and up to date information.


  • Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner (Continuous)
  • Dean of Basic Education, English, Communications and Humanities (Continuous)
  • Student Success Retention Manager (September 30, 2013)



  • Program Assistant – Financial Aid Office (September 20, 2013)


  • Part-time Custodian 1 (Continuous)
  • Part-time Cisco CCNA Instructor (Continuous)
  • Part-time Nursing Instructor – pool (Continuous)
  • Part-time Computer Science and Engineering Instructor (Continuous)
  • Part-time Student Technology Support Assistant (Open until filled)





Congratulations to the following recipients of the Classified Staff Awards:

  • Gayle Lee – 2013 Summer Quarter Classified Excellence Award Recipient
  • Joe Jenkins – 2013 Annual Exceptional Classified Staff Award Recipient
  • Jennifer Wheeler – 2013 Annual Exceptional Classified Staff Award Recipient

Thanks to the generous support of the Clark College Foundation, these recipients were recognized in front of their colleagues with certificates and cash awards.

We would also like to recognize the following nominees:

2013 Summer Quarter Classified Excellence Award Nomination:

  • Maggie McKinney

2013 Annual Exceptional Classified Staff Award Nominations:

  • Dani Bundy
  • Grace Farmer
  • Brendan Pust
  • Sabra Sand



Permanent classified employees who are interested in being considered for lateral transfer within the College, to a different position in the same classification in which they currently hold permanent status, or for voluntary demotion to a lower classification in which they formerly held permanent status, are encouraged to complete an “Application for Transfer, ” which can be obtained from Personnel Services.

“Applications for Transfer” will be maintained on file in Personnel Services. When a classified staff position becomes available, the “Applications for Transfer” will be forwarded to the employing official for consideration.

Employing officials are encouraged to interview transfer applicants for vacant positions. Transfer applicants may be considered in addition to, or prior to, applicants from established eligible lists. If one of the transfer applicants is selected prior to advertising the establishment of a new eligibility list for the classification, or prior to certification of eligible from an established list, the employing official would not be required to interview other applicants.

“Applications for Transfer” may be filed at any time. If you have questions, please contact Katrina Golder, x2325.



HEPB rules limit the amount of vacation leave classified employees are allowed to accumulate. Once a year, on each employee’s anniversary date*, Clark College’s computer system checks leave balances and automatically eliminates any hours in excess of the 240 allowed under WAC 251-22-080. Classified employees whose vacation balances (shown on paycheck stubs) exceed, or are approaching, 240 hours, should plan to use excess vacations hours by the 15th of the month in which their anniversary date occurs.

*Anniversary dates are determined as follows:

If hired between the 1st and 15th of the month: Anniversary date is the 1st of the month hired.

If hired between the 16th and 31st of the month: Anniversary date is the 1st of the following month.

For further information or assistance, contact Pagean Pallamounter in Personnel Services, x2119.



To assure sufficient time for an effective search for a replacement, the College will provide a one-time stipend to faculty in probationary or tenured positions who provide notification to the College by October 1 prior to the calendar year of retirement or resignation. Probationary or tenured faculty who have at least ten (10) years of service (including temporary, special programs, probationary and tenured faculty appointments) as of their last date of employment, will receive a $5,000 stipend; probationary or tenured faculty with less than ten (10) years of service as of their last date of employment will receive a $3,000 stipend.

To qualify for this payment, the President must receive signed, written notification from the faculty member, including the last date of employment.



College Administrative Procedure 430.005 requires all volunteers to register and get a background check in advance with Human Resources, and to submit time sheets to Payroll at the end of each month in which volunteer services are provided.

Volunteer Authorization Forms are valid for one fiscal year at a time. Volunteers need to register with Human Resources before performing volunteer services.

Questions regarding volunteers may be directed to Heidi Bealer at x2105.



If you change your name, address or telephone number, please complete a NAME/ADDRESS CHANGE FORM online on ClarkNet. Human Resources will forward changes to the Health Care Authority, however, you must notify your medical-dental insurance carriers.



Under the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act, employers are required to compensate employees who are eligible for overtime for all work they are directed or permitted to perform, including hours worked beyond scheduled work hours; further, liability for compensation is incurred whether the employer knew or should have known that the employee was working.

College employees who are eligible for overtime compensation may not work beyond their regularly scheduled hours unless directed to do so or approved by their supervisors. Supervisors, in turn, are responsible for insuring that employees do not work beyond scheduled hours unless specifically directed to do so. Simply put, employees who are eligible for overtime may not work beyond their scheduled hours, even on a voluntary basis, without receiving overtime pay or compensatory time off, at the employee’s option.

Questions regarding overtime compensation or work hours may be directed to Human Resources, x2105.



Scoop, There It Is!

Every year, as a token of gratitude for their hard work, Exempt staff members don aprons–and occasionally funny hats as well–to serve ice cream sundaes to the college’s Classified staff. This year the event took place under gray but dry skies on September 4. It was also the occasion to announce the recipient of the 2013 summer quarter Exceptional Classified Staff Award, WorkFirst Program Coordinator Gayle Lee.


Credentials staff members Rhianna Derscheid and Nicole Hopkins enjoy some well-deserved treats.

Credentials staff members Rhianna Derscheid and Nicole Hopkins enjoy some well-deserved treats.

Staff from the Diversity Center enjoy their sundaes.

Staff from the Diversity Center enjoy their sundaes.

Clark College President Bob Knight and Dean of Library Services, E-Learning, Tutoring & Faculty Development Michelle Bagley take a break from scooping ice cream to say, "We love our Classified staff!"

Clark College President Bob Knight and Dean of Library Services, E-Learning, Tutoring & Faculty Development Michelle Bagley take a break from scooping ice cream to say, “We love our Classified staff!”

Left to right, Director of Information Services Phil Sheehan, Vice President of Student Affairs Bill Belden, Vice President of Instruction Tim Cook, Dean of Workforce, Career & Technical Education Genevieve Howard, Associate Vice President of Corporate & Continuing Education Kevin Kussman, and Dean of STEM Peter Williams served up sundaes with a smile.

Left to right, Director of Information Services Phil Sheehan, Vice President of Student Affairs Bill Belden, Vice President of Instruction Tim Cook, Dean of Workforce, Career & Technical Education Genevieve Howard, Associate Vice President of Corporate & Continuing Education Kevin Kussman, and Dean of STEM Peter Williams served up sundaes with a smile.

Foundation staff members Tajsha Carlson, Krista Longfellow, and Rowena Tchao wait in line for sundaes.

Foundation staff members Tajsha Carlson, Krista Longfellow, and Rowena Tchao wait in line for sundaes.

Director of Academic Services Dedra Daehn, Executive Assistant to the President Leigh Kent, and Dean of Developmental Education, English, Communications & Humanities Ray Korpi go bananas for our Classified staff.

Director of Academic Services Dedra Daehn, Executive Assistant to the President Leigh Kent, and Dean of Developmental Education, English, Communications & Humanities Ray Korpi go bananas for our Classified staff.

Photos: Clark College/Jenny Shadley

October WPEA Events

The Classified staff conversation with President Knight will take place October 10 at 2 p.m. in PUB 161.

WPEA members will meet to discuss 2013-15 contract information October 18, 8 – 9 a.m. in PUB 258 A-C.

The Fall 2013 WPEA Quarterly Unit Meeting will take place October 31, 12 p.m. – 1 p.m., in GHL 213.

Spring Quarter 2013 Classified Staff Excellence Award

Congratulations to Tim Pliska, the Spring Quarter 2013 Classified Staff Excellence Award recipient!

This award was established in 2005 and recognizes classified staff who have demonstrated exemplary work performance, outstanding customer service, a positive and cooperative spirit, and/or special achievements or contributions to the college community. Through the support of the Clark College Foundation, the award recipient receives a $400 cash award.