Getting to Know: Terri Anderson

Note: This is a new series to introduce the Clark College community to fellow college employees. We want to tell stories about what you do when you are not at work: hobbies, interests, travels, volunteer work. Did you volunteer at an elephant preserve over the summer? Walk the Camino de Santiago? Climb a mountain? Learn to sail or flyfish or make cheese? Send your ideas to  

You might know Terri Anderson, program coordinator for the college’s Dental Hygiene program. But did you know she ran in the Boston Marathon for the first time on April 17, 2023? Here’s a fun Q&A to learn more about Terri’s passion for running and her experience running the Boston Marathon. 

Q: How long have you been running?  

TA: I began running around 2001 after I joined a local gym, where I got into the sport of triathlon: swim, bike, run. I did triathlons for 17 years. 

Q: What was your impetus to want to run in the Boston Marathon?  

TA: A running friend had run the Boston Marathon for 14 years, but I wasn’t interested. Then as time went by, I started looking at bucket list items and got this crazy idea to qualify for the Boston Marathon with my friend. This spring I ran my first Boston Marathon, while she did her 15th.  

Q: How do you qualify to run in the Boston Marathon? 

TA: Certain marathons are qualifying races. They base your qualifying time on your gender and age. For me, I needed a 4:35 (4 hours, 35 minutes), but I wanted a cushion. I chose to go for a 4:20. I qualified with a 4:18 in the Newport, Oregon Marathon on June 4, 2022. I was very pleased. I got notified that I qualified and registered on the first day.  

Q: What was your first marathon? 

TA: My first two marathons were competing in Ironman Triathlons, competitions where you swim 2.4 miles, bike 112 miles and then run a marathon, which is 26.2 miles. My first Ironman was in Penticton, British Columbia in 2011. I ran the Portland Marathon in 2013 to see if I could qualify for Boston, but I started out too fast and I hit the wall with five miles to go. I missed qualifying by five minutes.  

I did a second Ironman in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho in 2016. A serious bike accident in a timed trial race by Frenchman’s Bar Park in 2018 ended my road riding and my triathlons. Then I got more into running. That’s how my interest in running the Boston Marathon came about.  

Q: This year’s Boston Marathon marked 10 years since the 2013 bombing at the marathon. What was that like? 

TA: There were memorial presentations where the two bombs went off in 2013. We walked from our hotel to get to packet pick-up a few days before the race, and we had to walk past the finish line. When we saw how close one bomb was to the finish line, both my friend and I broke down.  

Q: Were you nervous about running in the Boston Marathon?  

TA: The day before the race, I started getting anxious. I’d heard about Heartbreak Hill between miles 20 and 21. My friend had run the Boston Marathon 14 times before, and said she gets nervous every year. My friend is Catholic. The day before the race, we went to a lovely, beautiful old church. The priest blessed us for our race the next day. 

Q: Tell us about race day.  

TA: The night before the race, we went to bed early. On race day, depending on your starting time, they bus you an hour to the start line, where you wait. My biggest concern was to not start too fast, to pace myself, because I had to run 26.2 miles. My pace goal was 10 minutes per mile, and I held to it. As you run, Boston residents come out to cheer you on. It’s Patriots’ Day there, a holiday. The cheering made me run faster, so I had to slow down. Then I started up Heartbreak Hill—and I made it!  

Q: What was it like as you approached the end of the marathon? 

TA: Right after Heartbreak Hill, at mile 22, my quads said, “Had enough. Don’t want to do this anymore.” It was a struggle. I forced myself to keep on pace. When I made that left turn onto Boylston Street—the finish line street—the sound of the crowd was deafening. I felt the energy. It almost seemed like the street was vibrating. I sped up. Passed people.  

Once you cross the line, they have you walk several blocks, so the runners crossing the finish line don’t cause a bottleneck. Someone gave me a bottle of water. Someone else gave me a space blanket. That night, we joined other marathoners at The Black Rose, a local Irish pub for a post-marathon tradition. We all wore our medals. It felt very ‘Boston.’ 

Q: It was your first trip to Boston. What were the highlights?  

TA: We arrive several days before the marathon to explore Boston. We went to a lot of great restaurants and ate a lot of delicious Italian food! Those people in Boston know how to eat. We ate a lot of pasta and salads every day before the race. On race day, I wasn’t hungry. The day after the race, we had lobster rolls. 

Our hotel was right on Boston Harbor very near to the Boston Tea Party Museum. We walked everywhere. Never took a taxi. Boston Commons was beautiful. We walked along part of the Freedom Trail. We saw the Paul Revere statue near Old North Church.   

Q: Will you run the Boston Marathon again? 

TA: For me, it’s a one-and-done experience. It’s quite costly: airfare, meals, and hotel for five nights.  

Q: What’s next for you?  

TA: Three of us have qualified for the New York City Marathon, and we hope to run in November 2024. I’ve never been to New York and have only seen it in movies and TV. The route starts on Staten Island and you run through all five boroughs. The race ends in Central Park in Manhattan. My friend, Anita, tells me that the New York Marathon is not as difficult as the Boston Marathon.  

Q: What advice would you offer to someone who would like to start running, but doesn’t know where to begin?  

TA: It’s never too late. I was in my 40s when I started running and doing triathlons. I got involved through my gym. Find a running group or a running club that has running events. I got my advice from people I met at the gym. Start small. Jog and walk to build up your endurance and lung capacity. I only know one or two people who run alone. I need friends to hold me accountable to do a 15-mile run at 7:30 in the morning. I have lifetime friends from running. It’s been an amazing experience.  

Summer 2023 Classified Staff Excellence Award

Congratulations to Heather King, Unit Operations Manager, Business and Health Sciences, recipient of the Summer 2023 Classified Staff Excellence Award.  

Excerpts from Heather’s nomination:  

“Heather King exemplifies excellence in work performance. She goes above and beyond the call of duty. Heather demonstrates her creativity and efficiency in accomplishing tasks every day.”  

“This summer, Heather demonstrated a high level of individual and team cooperation in job performance by providing instrumental leadership in managing the Healthcare Pathways Camp and transitioning between Thompson Fitness Center managers. This involved managing grant budgets, coordinating and submitting student worker timesheets, overseeing schedules, coordinating final paperwork, and onboarding two new co-managers. Heather has managed all of this with grace, dedication, patience, and kindness. She helps keep everyone informed with her strong communication skills and keeps Clark College moving forward in a positive college environment, all while exhibiting consummate respect for fellow employees and students.” 

“In support of Guided Pathways, Heather is involved in oversight, applying her problem-solving skills to manage the unit’s class schedules and faculty workload to facilitate faculty teaching and student success in their classes, aiding more students to achieve their dream of earning a college credential. For the betterment of the unit this summer, Heather is providing all administrative support processes/workflow of the unit in support of multiple Perkins grants, a new HEET grant in support of developing the Surgical Technician program, an application for the extension of the High-Demand grant for Medical Assistant program, and facilitating the budget process for the Nursing Workforce Education Salary Enhancement Funds, under the growing constraints of increasing expenditures and constant or constrained revenues.” 

We would also like to acknowledge the contributions of the other nominees:   

  • Audrie Villanueva, Program Support Supervisor 2, Disability Support Services 
  • Laura Borgman, Secretary Senior, Transitional Studies Department 
  • Linda Healy, Program Support Supervisor 2, Advising  

About the Classified Staff Awards 

Established in 2005, the Classified Staff Excellence Award recognizes classified staff who have demonstrated exemplary work performance, a positive and cooperative spirit, special achievements or contributions to the college community, and supports individual and organizational diversity and inclusion. Through the support of the Clark College Foundation, the recipient will receive a $400 cash award which will be presented at Opening Day before the start of fall quarter each year.  

Nominees must be a current classified employee who has been in their current position for more than six months. Award recipients will not be eligible to receive another award for a period of three years.  

Visit the Clark College Employee Recognition page to learn more about this award and other ways to acknowledge the value and dedication of our staff and faculty. 

Ice cream!

Members of EC with folks outside Baird. Left to right: Dr. Karin Edwards, Rocio Rodriguez, Robert Weston, Kathryn Cook, Sudha Fredrick, Dr. Jim Wilkins-Luton, Sabra Sand, Vanessa Neal, Brooke Pillsbury, DJ Scates, and Dr. Brad Avakian. Photo by Susan Parrish

You scream. I scream. We all scream for ice cream! 

Clark College Executive Council took turns wheeling the ice cream cart around campus to deliver free ice cream treats to all staff on Monday, July 10, as we kick off the first day of the summer term.  

Left to right: Vanessa Neal with ODEI colleagues Alyssa Voyles and Andra Spenser. Photo by Vanessa Neal

All the childhood favorites were represented: Popsicles, drumsticks, ice cream sandwiches, Fruit & Freeze bars, Toll House cookie ice cream sandwiches. For those who avoid dairy, like DJ Scates in the Office of Instruction, there were nondairy fruit-flavored Popsicles. 

Despite cloudy skies, some raindrops, and cooler temperatures, staff emerged from their offices to enjoy a cold, sweet treat and to chat with colleagues.  

Left to right: Charla Kimball and April Pickett from the cashier’s office with Lizette Drennen from scholarships/financial aid grab a frozen treat outside their Gaiser Hall offices. Photo by Vanessa Neal

Clark President Dr. Karin Edwards wrote to staff: “It was great to see so many of you today as Executive Cabinet made our way across campus, pushing an ice cream cart, sharing gratitude and sweet treats, and celebrating the start of a new term. We greeted Welding students, participants of Girls Inc., tutors, deans, staff, and faculty from various departments, and ended our tour at the Child and Family Center.” 

A good time was had by all. 

Summer Term 2023 

On July 10, the first day of the summer term, we welcomed 1,897 new and continuing students, including: 

  • 76 bachelor’s degree-seeking students 
  • 22 international students 
  • 33 Running Start students 

We anticipate summer enrollment to continue to increase as students finalize their registration by the July 18 deadline. Many thanks to all who helped our students register and prepare for their summer classes. 

Dr. Edwards added, “Wherever they are in their education journey, I’m inspired by the continued dedication and persistence of our students. Thank you to our faculty and staff for your critical role in helping our students succeed.” 

Left to right: Jim Wilkins-Luton, Sudah Fredrick, Brad Avakian, Sabra Sand, and Vanessa Neal. Photo by Vanessa Neal.

Fulbright Scholar

Congratulations to Clark College adjunct piano instructor Melissa Espindola Terrall, who recently received a Fulbright grant for the 2023-2024 academic year.  

Melissa will travel to Mexico to study and conduct research in piano at Conservatorio Nacional in Mexico City. Her research will focus on Mexican classical piano repertoire as she works to publish an anthology of music from this era. While abroad, Terrall will also perform recitals featuring the work of Mexican and American composers.  

The Fulbright program is the flagship international educational exchange program sponsored by the U.S. government and is designed to increase mutual understanding between Americans and people of other countries. The U.S. Student Fulbright program operates in more than 160 countries worldwide. Recipients of Fulbright grants are selected based on academic or professional achievement, as well as their record of service and demonstrated leadership in their respective fields. Fulbright grants provide funding for round-trip travel, maintenance for one academic year, health and accident insurance and, where relevant, tuition. 

Terrall lives in Portland. She earned a master’s degree in piano performance from the University of Kansas in 2022. 

Learn more about Melissa and hear her play: 

Photo credit: ilumina photography

Spring 2023 Classified Staff Excellence Award

Congratulations to Cheryl Davenport, Library and Archives Paraprofessional 4, recipient of the spring 2023 Classified Staff Excellence Award. 

Excerpts from Cheryl’s nomination:

“Cheryl Davenport has worked at Clark for over 15 years and is the epitome of an excellent employee. As the only cataloger at Clark, Cheryl is responsible for maintaining our online catalog, including all of the Library’s catalog records, while also maintaining and preserving the condition our print book collection.”

“She values people more than tasks. Cheryl also provides a high level of service to students and patrons which takes precedence over phone and email, staff conversations, and meetings.”

“Cheryl worked to find a more inclusive and unbiased set of subject headings for library books and materials. She did this by soliciting input from Library staff and faculty, attending online presentations on this topic, and conducting her own research. Cheryl found a solution, advocated for its implantation and got approval from everyone in the Library. Clark Library now uses Homosaurus, an international linked vocabulary of LGBTQIA+ terms in the Library’s online catalog, which helps ensure the bibliographic records are using subject headings that represent the inclusive terminology used by the LGBTQIA+ community to describe themselves instead of using vocabulary created by the Librarians of Congress from many decades ago.”

We would also like to acknowledge the contributions of the other nominees:  

  • Brandi Roberts, Communications Officer, Security & Safety Services 
  • Carl Budrecki, Custodian, Custodial Services 
  • David Chase, Custodian, Custodial Services 
  • Eliezer Gonzalez-Roman, Program Specialist, Veterans Resource Center 
  • Jennifer Lea, Program Specialist, Business Division 
  • Jerrika Lightley, Fiscal Specialist, Student Life 
  • Jonni Hattershide, Program Support Supervisor, Production Printing 
  • Karmel Baldwin, Program Specialist, Enrollment Services 
  • Sandra Bush, Program Coordinator, Enrollment Services 
  • Tisha Pasquinelli, Program Specialist, Financial Aid 
  • Tracy Eyler, Early Childhood Specialist, Child & Family Services 

About the Classified Staff Awards

Established in 2005, the Classified Staff Excellence Award recognizes classified staff who have demonstrated exemplary work performance, a positive and cooperative spirit, special achievements or contributions to the college community, and supports individual and organizational diversity and inclusion. Through the support of the Clark College Foundation, the recipient will receive a $400 cash award which will be presented at Opening Day before the start of fall quarter each year. 

Nominees must be a current classified employee who has been in their current position for more than six months. Award recipients will not be eligible to receive another award for a period of three years. 

Visit the Clark College Employee Recognition page to learn more about this award and other ways to acknowledge the value and dedication of our staff and faculty. 

Board of Trustees

Marilee Scarbrough joins the Clark College Board of Trustees.
Marilee Scarbrough joins the Clark College Board of Trustees.

Clark College welcomed a new trustee and said farewell to an outgoing trustee at its June 7 Board of Trustees meeting. 

Board President Paul Speer and Clark President Dr. Karin Edwards welcomed Marilee Scarbrough to its governing board and thanked Trustee Rekah Strong, who has served on the board for a decade. She is the executive director of Educational Opportunities for Children and Families.  

Rekah Strong, left with Dr. Karin Edwards at the Legislative Breakfast in January.

Dr. Edwards said, “Rekah has been a champion for Clark College. She cares deeply about students and their families and promotes education as an equalizer for those who have been marginalized. Her intentional actions and commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion have fostered meaningful cultural change during her tenure here.” 

Marilee Scarbrough, an attorney, has been general counsel for the Vancouver School District since 2011. Previously she served as the policy and legal services director for Washington State School Directors’ Association, and attorney for the Washington State House of Representatives’ Higher Education Committee. Scarbrough holds a Juris Doctor from University of Oregon and a Bachelor of Arts degree in English literature from Whitman College.  

“I am excited to serve my community in this new role,” said Trustee Scarbrough. “I look forward to working with the Clark College board and administration to inspire learners to excel, transform lives, and strengthen our increasingly diverse community.

The Board of Trustees Commencement Ceremony. Left to right: Cristhian A. Canseco Juarez, Denise Gideon, Marilee Scarbrough, Paul Speer, and Jeanne Bennett.   

2023-24 Board of Trustees 

  • Chair Paul Speer
  • Vice Chair Cristhian A. Canseco Juarez 
  • Jeanne Bennett  
  • Denise Gideon 
  • Marilee Scarbrough 

About Clark College Board of Trustees 

Each of the five members of the college’s Board of Trustees is appointed by the governor of Washington and serves a five-year term. They must live within the college’s service district, which includes Clark, Skamania and western Klickitat counties. 

The board seeks to ensure the quality and relevance of college programs and provides stewardship of public resources. The board is responsible for strategic planning, development and approval of college policies, and approval and oversight of the operating budget. Learn more here

Photo: Clark College/Jenny Shadley

New tenured professor

Bruce Elgort with a robot.

Bruce Elgort, a professor in Clark College’s Computer Technology department, was granted tenure unanimously by the Clark College Board of Trustees on May 24. 

Tenure is awarded by the college’s trustees based on professional excellence and outstanding abilities in their disciplines. The granting of tenure is based on the recommendations of tenure reviews committees to the vice president of instruction, which are then forwarded to the president, who presents a final recommendation to the Board of Trustees. Recommendations are based on evaluations by the faculty member being considered, the tenure review committee, students, supervisors, and peers. The final decision to award or withhold tenure rests with the Board of Trustees. 

Bruce Elgort earned a Bachelor of Engineering degree in electrical engineering from Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, New Jersey. He earned his Master of Science in engineering management from New York University, New York.  

Experience in the field 

Prior to teaching, Bruce worked for more than three decades in the field, including Elguji Software (founder/CEO); Sharp Microelectronics (strategic business operations, IT manager), and Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (office services and IT manager, manager of marketing and communications, and electrical engineer). In addition, he was an independent international consultant for more than a dozen clients including Price Waterhouse Cooper, US Social Security Administration, US Department of Agriculture, Washington State Department of Transportation, Honda and more. Bruce is recognized by IBM and Amazon Web Services for being an innovative thought leader in cloud and artificial intelligence technologies. 

Bruce joined Clark College in 2012 as a Computer Technology instructor. He serves on the Universal Design committee and Advanced Manufacturing committee. He is called on by staff and faculty as an accessibility expert. Bruce has received the Exceptional Faculty Award twice. 

Teaching philosophy  

You’ll find this technology professor working hard to inspire and challenge his students with meaningful web development and programming experiences. Bruce loves to tinker and test the boundaries of existing and emerging technologies, to then guide hungry minds through memorable, educational journeys to showcase with passion the ever-evolving innovations of society.  

Photos provided by Bruce Elgort

New tenured professors

Granted tenured faculty smiling as they pose for a group photo.
Left to right: Marisol Moreno Ortiz, Tanya Diaz-Kozlowski, Thomas Olsen, Kathryn Anastasi, Amy VahnDijk, Jesse Kysar, Alejandra Maciulewicz-Herring, and Wade (William) Hausinger.

Nine outstanding educators were granted tenure unanimously by the Clark College Board of Trustees. They were honored at a college reception on May 16. These newly tenured faculty members are:

  • Katy Anastasi, Libraries
  • Dr. Tanya Diaz-Kozlowski, Women’s Studies
  • Wade Hausinger, Welding
  • Mark Keats, English
  • Jesse Kysar, Engineering
  • Alejandra Maciulewicz-Herring, Medical Assisting
  • Marisol Moreno Ortiz, Libraries
  • Tom Olsen, Digital Media Arts
  • Amy VahnDijk, Nursing

Tenure is awarded by the college’s Board of Trustees based on professional excellence and outstanding abilities in their disciplines. The granting of tenure is based on the recommendations of tenure review committees to the vice president of instruction, which are then forwarded to the president, who presents a final recommendation to the Board of Trustees. Recommendations are based on self-evaluations, tenure review committee evaluations, student evaluations, supervisory evaluations, and peer evaluations. The final decision to award or withhold tenure rests with the Board of Trustees.

Katy Anastasi, Libraries

Katy Anastasi earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in American studies from Macalester College in Saint Paul, Minnesota and her Master of Library and Information Studies from Queens College (City University of New York) in New York City. She began her career working in community college libraries in 2018 as an adjunct librarian and Open Educational Resources (OER) fellow at Borough of Manhattan Community College. After moving to Oregon in 2019, she began working at Portland State University as a reference librarian and OER publishing assistant.

Katy joined Clark College in Fall 2020 as a tenure-track reference and instruction librarian. She co-leads Clark College’s OER steering committee and serves on the library’s user experience committee, as well as the Clark College Faculty Excellence Award committee. Since 2020, she has worked collaboratively with faculty, staff, and students to develop culturally relevant academic library collections and library services for incarcerated students and their instructors at Larch Corrections Center. She received Clark’s Faculty Excellence Award in 2022.

Tanya Diaz-Kozlowski, Ph.D., Women’s Studies

Tanya Diaz-Kozlowski earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in sociology from the University of Wisconsin Parkside, Kenosha, Wisconsin in 2001 and her Master of Science degree in college student personnel from Eastern Illinois University, Charleston in 2003. She earned her Ph.D. in education policy, organization and leadership with a focus in social and cultural foundations coupled with certificates in gender and women’s studies and Latino/a studies from The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2015. She supervised, advised, and mentored students and co-created programs in residential life, Greek life, orientation, and cultural programs at Eastern Illinois University and at The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign from 2001-2008.

Tanya has diverse experiences teaching and advising undergraduate and graduate students, creating department level curricula and assessments, and teaching interdisciplinary undergraduate/graduate courses in gender, women’s, and sexuality studies and Latinx studies from teaching, advising, and mentoring students at Illinois State University and The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Over the last three years, Tanya has published peer-reviewed articles in The Association of Mexican American Educators Journal, The Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education, and The Journal of Lesbian Studies.

Tanya started teaching at Clark College in Fall 2020. She completed the Teaching Squares program in 2021 and the college’s BUILD Program in 2022, a yearlong employee development program providing intensive training in power, privilege, and inequality.

William (Wade) Hausinger, Welding Technology

Wade Hausinger has worked in the welding industry for his entire career. He first learned welding, drafting and blueprint reading as an Evergreen High School student. At Clark College he earned his GED and completed leadership skills training. He has worked in the welding industry since 1989 and was certified for industry-related professional training on the job. He starting as a welding fabricator and working his way up to pipe fitter/welder, pipe shop foreman, shop welding foreman, and metal fabrication foreman. His former employers include Christensen Shipyard, Electro, Cascade General Shipyard and GI Welding.

Wade began teaching welding at Clark College in 2017 as an instructional technician and became an instructor the following term. He made tenure track in 2020.

Mark Keats, English

Mark L. Keats earned his Associate of Arts degree in English from Howard Community College. He then earned a Bachelor of Arts in Japanese language and literature and a Master of Fine Arts in creative writing from the University of Maryland, College Park. He began teaching at Howard Community College and taught for six years before returning to graduate school, where he earned a Ph.D. in literature and creative writing from Texas Tech University. He taught for one year at Southwestern College in Winfield, Kansas before accepting a job at Clark College.

He began teaching at Clark College Fall 2020 as a tenure track candidate. He currently serves on the literature committee. He has participated in English and campuswide professional development and training.

Jesse Kysar, Engineering

Jesse Kysar earned an Associate of Science Transfer degree in physics at Lower Columbia College in 2011. He transferred to Washington State University in Pullman, where he earned a Bachelor of Science degree in physics and a Bachelor of Science degree in material science and engineering, both in 2014.

While he was enrolled at WSU, he worked as a student researcher. After he graduated, he worked as an engineer I, industrial applications at nLight, which produces high-power semiconductor lasers and fiber lasers. He also worked as a mechanic and heavy equipment operator in the construction industry.

Jesse began teaching at Clark College as an adjunct faculty member in Fall 2018, then worked as temporary full-time faculty before starting his tenure journey in 2020. In addition to teaching in the engineering department, he also teaches materials science in the welding department. At Clark, he serves as the department lead in program outcomes assessment. He is one of two faculty experts on the advanced manufacturing curriculum leadership team.

Alejandra Maciulewicz-Herring, Medical Assisting

Alejandra Maciulewicz-Herring earned her Associate of Arts degree in pre-nursing at Clark College. She also earned a Certificate of Proficiency, medical assistant, Concorde Career College, Portland; Certificate of Proficiency, emergency medical technician, Linn-Benton Community College, Albany, Oregon; and an American Association of medical assistant certification.

Her career in the healthcare industry includes working as a medical assistant, pediatrics medical assistant, and an administrative medical assistant in internal family medicine, physical therapy, and pediatrics clinics. Her former employers include Allergy Clinic, Internal Family Medicine, Columbia Asthma & Allergy, Creekside Medical, Stargait Physical Therapy, and Miller’s Family Pediatrics.

Alejandra began teaching full time at Clark College in Fall 2020. She is involved with outreach events to promote the college’s Allied Health programs.

Marisol Moreno Ortiz, Libraries

Marisol Moreno Ortiz earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in English from Oregon State University in Corvallis, a Master of Arts in English from Portland State University in Portland, and a Master of Library and Information Science from Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, Louisianna. Before entering her full-time library position at Clark College, Marisol worked part time at the library at Linn-Benton Community College, where she also taught information literacy and supported student learning.

Marisol began her current full-time position at Clark College as reference and instruction librarian in Fall 2020. She serves on a tenure committee and is a supportive member of the OER steering committee. Marisol is a mental health advocate, privacy advocate, and focuses on diversity, equity, inclusion and social justice in librarianship.

Thomas Olsen, Jr., Digital Media Arts

Thomas Olsen, Jr., earned his Bachelor of Science degree in political science from the University of Oregon, Eugene, and his Master of Fine Arts degree in film and television production (emphasis in film and television producing) from Chapman University, Orange, California. He is a documentary film producer through his company Anchor Pictures. Thomas also has taught at Portland Community College, Portland State University, Warner Pacific University, and The Art Institute of Portland.

Thomas began teaching at Clark College in Fall 2020 as a tenure-track professor. He serves as the advisor for the college’s Cinema Club and on the digital media arts advisory board. Thomas also volunteers for the Cannon Beach Historical Society and Museum.

Amy VahnDijk, Nursing

Amy VahnDijk earned her Bachelor of Science degree in nursing at Washington State University Vancouver and her Doctor of Nursing Practice as a family nurse practitioner at Washington State University. Before entering the teaching profession, she worked as a family nurse practitioner at The Vancouver Clinic. Amy has more than a decade of professional nursing experience.

Amy began teaching at Clark College in 2020 as a tenure track tenure candidate. She currently serves on the nursing library committee and nursing tenure track hiring committee.

Photo: Clark College/Jenny Shadley

Take Your Child to Work Day

A fun day of learning

Jen King from the Financial Aid Office and her daughter Elodie, 9 build a container for the candy gravity drop in STEM building.

Clark College welcomed dozens of employees’ children—from toddlers to teens for Take Your Child to Work Day on April 27. It was the first time this fun family event returned to campus since 2019 before the pandemic.

Cath Busha, Dean of Student Engagement, who led the event organization, said employees were excited to bring the event back to campus and to give young Penguins an opportunity to do hands-on activities and see the campus where their parents work. Many employees volunteered to create and coordinate the busy day of activities.

Busha’s son, Oliver, 10, listed a slate of activities he’d already enjoyed: scavenger hunt, guessing the number of penguins, getting a cookie from the bakery, and then, it was time to get to the STEM Building for more fun—building an apparatus to sustain a 40-foot drop and going on a walk to learn about bees.

Anina Peethala, 11 and her sister Avina, 7, were in the Bookstore with their father, Sudha Frederick, Vice President of IT. The girls were trying to guess how many penguins were in the clear plastic bin far over their heads. They had already enjoyed their treats from the bakery and visited the gym.

Genevieve Layfield, 7, was hanging out with her dad, Chris Layfield, after she made a photo badge that she wore proudly around her neck on a Clark College lanyard, just like her dad’s.

In the gym of O’Connell Sports Center, Katie Massey, an ASL interpreter who works in Disability Support Services, recorded a video on her phone while her sons, Brody Massey, 11, and Cooper, 9, shot hoops with their new Clark-branded basketballs. Later they blew bubbles in the courtyard outside of the bakery.

Later children lined up to get their photos taken with Oswald, Clark’s mascot.

A great time was had by all. 

The slate of activities included:

  • Free photo badges at Security. Thanks to Guided Pathways!
  • Penguin Guessing Game in the Bookstore: Two winners took home a stuffed penguin. Free lanyards for kids’ photo badge. Thanks to the Bookstore!
  • Pick up free Clark-branded basketballs and shot hoops in the O’Connell Sports Center gymnasium. Thanks to Athletics!
  • Free treats from “apprentice bakers” in the food court. Thanks to HR!
  • Practice conversation with Spanish, Japanese, or ASL tutors in the Tutoring Center or learn to write their name in a new language
  • Guided campus tour led by a student ambassador
  • Self-guided campus scavenger hunt
  • Built LEGO creations, played games or made a zine at the Teaching and Learning Center
  • Gravity Falls – An engineering project in the STEM Building led by professors Tina Barsotti and Carol Hsu. Children designed, built and tested an apparatus to safely deliver candy dropped 40 feet onto a target below.  
  • Bee Walk with Professor Steven Clark, Bee Campus Project Manager and Biology Instructor, on the ground outside the STEM Building
  • Selfies with Oswald, Clark College mascot in Gaiser Hall
  • Story time and zine-making in Clark College Libraries 
(Left to right) Wende Fisher, Advising SVC daughter Heather Fisher, age 10; Julia Austad Dean of Libraries etc daughter Fiona Austad, age 7.5; and Biology professor Steven Clark points out mason bees to Ruby Moore Health and PhysEd and granddaughter Ava, age 12.

Photos: Clark College/Susan Parrish

Winter 2023 Quarterly Classified Staff Excellence Award

Congratulations to Manda (Jacqueline) Levie, Interim Unit Operations Manager, Social Sciences and Fine Arts, recipient of the 2023 Winter Quarter Classified Staff Excellence Award!

We would also like to acknowledge the contributions of the other nominees.


  • Alberto Clara-Urbina – Information Security Admin, IT Services
  • Angela Childers – Program Support Supervisor, Disability Support Services
  • Angela Dawson – Nursing Program Support Supervisor, Nursing
  • Cheryl Davenport – Cataloging Specialist, Technical Services, Library
  • Jeanette Steinmueller – Accounting and Business Tutor, Tutoring Services
  • Jillian Taylor-Valdez – Early Childhood Specialist, Child and Family Services
  • Katia Quintero – Student Success Coach, Office of Diversity Equity and Inclusion
  • Lindsey McKim – Campus Security Officer, Security and Safety
  • Marla Derrick – Program Coordinator, Athletics
  • Tracy Eyler – Early Childhood Program Support Specialist, Child and Family Services
  • Vickie Malcolm – Custodian, Facilities Services

Manda (Jacqueline) Levie, Interim Unit Operations Manager, Social Sciences and Fine Arts

“Manda is accurate and precise, timely, and helpful in her written communication (emails, documents, phone messages). She consistently asks pertinent follow up questions and thinks through scenario options when making decisions and implementing actions.” – a staff member

  • Manda has been a valued Clark College employee since 2013.
  • She continually demonstrates competency in using Clark Campus software with her ability to find directions, tips, and workarounds for software issues (CTCLINK, Excel, etc.).
  • She’s always quick to recommend/refer questions she can’t answer to other competent individuals on campus. She’s developed relationships and knowledge about campus expertise, because of her volunteer and committee work, and because she’s taken a LOT of Clark courses from instructors in several disciplines.

Alberto Clara-Urbina, IT Services

“Just imagine, if there were more employees in the work-place like Alberto! Alberto goes above and beyond in many ways in his job. He is very detailed oriented and hardworking. He has a busy work schedule by default working in IT, and makes a priority to be available to discuss important compliance and regulatory items that need to be addressed. Alberto contacted Risk Management to bring a risk GAP to our attention, which, in itself, was not easy.” – a staff member

  • Alberto has been a valued Clark College employee since 2020.
  • A lot of our interaction deals with compliance. Alberto manages to maintain a positive attitude and a sense of humor, which can be challenging to do when faced with complexities of his job. It’s his willingness to work collaboratively that really enhances a positive work environment.
  • He’s respectful in asking questions to inquire to include other team members that might be impacted by policies and regulations. I enjoy collaborating with Alberto and I am grateful for him being a part of the Clark College Community!

Angela Childers, Disability Support Services

“Angela is motivated to provide excellent access to students with disabilities as she creatively finds ways to schedule in person sign language interpreters, interpreters for Zoom classes, live captioning, and more!” – a staff member

  • Angela has been a valued Clark College employee since 2017.
  • Angela works tirelessly to advocate on improving the pay for the interpreters so they make a fair wage to industry standards and our students can have quality ASL interpretation. Angela also brings a willingness to adjust practices, be flexible, and change the way we offer services to equitably meet the needs of both students and staff interpreters.
  • Works to provide interpreters to all open campus events during a national shortage of ASL interpreters, thereby fostering an inclusive environment for deaf and hard-of-hearing members of campus and community.

Angela Dawson, Nursing

“Angela is highly organized, detail oriented and efficient. She is involved in almost every aspect of the program. She supports students, staff and faculty, and she does it so well, that sometimes you don’t even know what she is doing, you just know that everything is running smoothly.” – a faculty member

  • Angela has been a valued Clark College employee since 2016.
  •  Angela has the best attitude. Although she has listened to my frustrations a time or two, she has a way about her that never lets you sink into unhealthy complaining. She is a model of true grace under pressure and is always happy to lend a hand.
  • She is a leading force in improving organization and record keeping for accreditation purposes. Overall, Angela is a wealth of knowledge. When you need to know something she is your go to person,  and when she doesn’t know something, she knows where to direct you.

Cheryl Davenport, Library

“She works very hard to make sure that the library materials that are purchased for Clark students are added to the library catalog and easy discoverable by them. She also has a friendly demeanor that encourages colleagues to stop by, chat, and check in” – a faculty member

  • Cheryl has been a valued Clark College employee since 2000.
  • Books are not light and her willingness to use her strength to transport books home and back to the library shows her commitment to her work.
  • When Cheryl needs input from the librarians regarding the library catalog,  she attends reference meetings to explain what she needs, listens to what librarians think and moves forward with our librarian input.

Jeanette Steinmueller, Tutoring Services

“Jeanette has created homework help guides for the entire accounting sequence to help students through every single quarter, through every curriculum and every publication change. She diligently updates and works through ALL of the homework and course series for each class so that she is prepared to support the students in each program.” – a staff member

  • Jeanette has been a valued Clark College employee since 1998.
  • Jeanette regularly finds text and programing errors in the materials and has worked with the instructors and publishers to get these issues corrected prior to classes beginning, reducing a great deal of frustration and stress for students and faculty.
  • One student, Justin Jenks, that graduated years ago, went on to WSU-V and is now gainfully employed in our own community was recently chosen by the Vancouver Business Journal as “Accomplished and Under 40” dedicated his award to Jeanette and stated during his speech, “There is one person who has been on my mind a lot today, it’s Jeanette Steinmueller. She was just such a huge influence on my life. Not just because I got a great job because I became an accountant, but because she advocated for my success. She was there early, she stayed late for me, and she was there for thousands of students.”

Jillian Taylor-Valdez, Child and Family Services

“She is very good at communicating with other coworkers and always tries to keep the communication open and honest.” – a staff member

  • Jillian has been a valued Clark College employee since 2020.
  • Jillian cares about equity and care for other coworkers.
  • Jillian has a positive attitude and is always inviting and welcoming to all.

Katia Quintero, Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (ODEI)

“Katia is an outstanding coach and often goes the extra mile to support students, ODEI events and plays an instrumental role in helping to plan, implement and facilitate Noche de Familia” – a staff member

  • Katia has been a valued Clark College employee since 2022.
  • Katia is always demonstrating support for all students and is consistent with providing support for student groups that include students of color, queer and students with a disability. She is warm and welcoming to all students and is an advocate for Latinx students.
  • Katia works with many different departments on campus when working to support students. She walks students to departments, sits in appointments if the student requests, and communicates with others on campus to make sure the student is helped and is able to access the necessary resources.

Lindsey McKim, Security and Safety Services

“Lindsey McKim exceeds expectations in the role of Clark College Columbia Tech Center Campus Security Officer for the Department of Security & Safety Services. As a crucial entity here at CTC campus, Lindsey’s role adapts to change in a soothing and calm manner with ease. She also demonstrates that she works well under pressure with a positive attitude and is detail-oriented; especially when it comes to the safety of others. Lindsey goes beyond the call of duty by inquiring and following up on additional responsibilities. It has been a pleasure working with Lindsey. I feel safe coming to campus knowing that she is looking out for the safety of students, staff, and others.” – a staff member

  • Lindsey has been a valued Clark College employee since 2018.
  • She has made herself a valuable member of the Security/Safety Department, and Clark College. Lindsey’s “can do” attitude has made her someone that the campus community can rely on. Lindsey’s unwavering desire for self-reflection, and self-improvement, are unparalleled.
  • In 2022, Lindsey was one of two officers selected to represent Clark at a “Women in Law Enforcement” conference. Her primary contribution related to this conference was that she brought some of the lessons and important “takeaways” from the conference back to our department, so that her peers could take advantage of the education she received.

Marla Derrick, Athletics

“Marla goes above and beyond for the Athletic Department and Clark College students. She has practiced the Clark Care’s commitments during her entire career by regularly walking students or new coaches to offices around campus, greeting people on campus, and knowing students, staff, and community members by name” – a staff member

  • Marla has been a valued Clark College employee since 2008.
  • Marla’s known by Clark College athletes as the team mom because she cares that they succeed at Clark. She has been known to give food to students who need a snack and she takes the time to listen to them talk about their lives.
  • With all the time and care that Marla dedicates to the Athletic Department, it might be surprising that she also takes the time to be on campus committees, volunteer for things like ushering for the theatre department, and enjoys some fun times building bonds with the students by participating in intramural events like staff vs student softball or dodgeball games.

Tracy Eyler, Child and Family Studies

“Tracy is always looking for a way to improve her work and support others in their work. Her sense of team is exceptional. Through change, unknowns, being short staffed, navigating a pandemic, and being present on campus this entire time, Tracy has provided consistency and leadership in this role of program support”- a staff member

  • Tracy has been a valued Clark College employee since 2004.
  • Tracy has been in the front line of service at Child Family Services and has demonstrated professionalism, dedication, organization, and taking initiative to make sure processes were in the best interests of the program and for children.
  • Tracy covered shifts when there was no one available to fill in. With her program support team, she makes sure that schedules and classrooms are covered and has done this with reduced staffing.

Vickie Malcolm, Facilities Services

“Vickie always brings and friendly face early in the morning, when we are arriving to campus. She makes sure the rooms are clean and ready for classes.”- a staff member

  • Vickie has been a valued Clark College employee since 2007.
  • Vickie helps students find their lost and found items, helps students that are confused or lost in the hallways find classes, or finds someone to help them. This promotes a very positive building atmosphere. She is cheerful and helpful and that attitude is contagious.
  • Goes above and beyond her job of cleaning to also helping the students and staff, and greets people warmly.