Sharing the fun of reading

Read Across America Day 2016

Kindergartners at King Elementary explore copies of The Cat in the Hat donated through the Clark College Bookstore. Photo: Clark College Bookstore/Kaina Barba

On March 2, staff members from the Clark College Bookstore participated in Read Across America Day by reading the Dr. Seuss classic The Cat in the Hat to kindergartners at King Elementary. But these volunteers didn’t just share a love of reading with the children: They also gave each student his or her own copy of the book to take home and keep.

The books–110 in all–were collected during the Bookstore’s eighth annual Book Drive in February. Students, faculty and staff purchased and donated copies of The Cat in the Hat so that each kindergartner at King Elementary would have a brand-new book to take home and share with their families.

“This is a really big deal to the kids, because so many of them come from low-income homes where there’s no money for non-essential items,” says Bookstore buyer Marti Earhart, a coordinator of the book drive. “When we hand each of the kids their own shiny new book, they get so excited!”

This year’s goal of 80 books was easily met just a few days into the two-week book drive, so donors continued to buy and donate Dr. Seuss books for the school’s library. The library at King Elementary received 30 various Dr. Seuss titles for students to check out and enjoy.

Donors of the books were asked to put their name on a nameplate that appeared on the inside front cover of each book. “At some point the kids will realize that the person whose name is in their book wanted to share their own love of reading with them,” says Earhart. “Hopefully this book will give kids confidence to open more books on their own. ”

Read Across America Day commemorates the birthday of Theodor Geisel, better known as Dr. Seuss.

Photos: Clark College Bookstore/Kaina Barba

This article was contributed by Marti Earhart.

Clark College among nation’s best

main campus

Highlighting the critical importance of improving student success in America’s community colleges, the Aspen Institute College Excellence Program today named Clark College as one of the nation’s top 150 community colleges eligible to compete for the 2017 Aspen Prize for Community College Excellence and $1 million dollars in prize funds, as well as Siemens Technical Scholars Program student scholarships.

The Prize, awarded every two years, is the nation’s signature recognition of high achievement and performance among America’s community colleges and recognizes institutions for exceptional student outcomes in four areas: student learning, certificate and degree completion, employment and earnings, and access and success for minority and low-income students.

“We are excited and honored to be selected as one of the top 150 community colleges in the country,” said Robert K. Knight, president of Clark College. “Students and student success is at the heart of everything we do, and it is wonderful to have the hard work of our exceptional faculty and staff recognized in this way. Our new strategic plan and program initiatives are all aimed at increasing student success, and being selected as one of top community colleges is proof we are moving towards this goal.”

Nearly half of America’s college students attend community college, with more than 7 million students – youth and adult learners – working towards certificates and degrees in these institutions across the country.

“Community colleges have tremendous power to change lives, and their success will increasingly define our nation’s economic strength and the potential for social mobility in our country,” said Josh Wyner, executive director of the Aspen Institute College Excellence Program. “This competition is designed to spotlight the excellent work being done in the most effective community colleges, those that best help students obtain meaningful, high-quality education and training for competitive-wage jobs after college. We hope it will raise the bar and provide a roadmap to better student outcomes for community colleges nationwide.”

A full list of the selected colleges and details on the selection process are available at

Clark College and 149 other community colleges were selected from a national pool of over 1,000 public two-year colleges using publicly available data on student outcomes in three areas:

  • Performance (retention, graduation rates including transfers, and degrees and certificates per 100 full-time equivalent students)
  • Improvement (awarded for steady improvement in each performance metric over time)
  • Equity (evidence of strong completion outcomes for minority and low-income students)

Clark College has been invited to submit an application to the Aspen Prize for Community College Excellence containing detailed data on degree and certificate completion (including progress and transfer rates), labor market outcomes (employment and earnings), and student learning outcomes.

Ten finalists will be named in fall 2016. The Aspen Institute will then conduct site visits to each of the finalists and collect additional quantitative data. A distinguished Prize Jury will select a grand prize winner and a few finalists with distinction in early 2017.

The Aspen Prize is funded by the Joyce Foundation, the Siemens Foundation, and the Kresge Foundation.

Scholarship Opportunities

For the first time, the 150 Prize-eligible institutions are also invited to nominate exceptional students enrolled in their best middle-skill STEM programs for scholarships. Up to 50 Siemens Technical Scholars will be selected from programs that provide outstanding preparation for high-demand jobs in manufacturing, energy, health care, and information technology. A partnership between the Siemens Foundation and the Aspen Institute, the Siemens Technical Scholars Program intends to help our nation’s community colleges and their business partners bridge the gap between projected shortages of skilled workers and the millions of high-demand jobs in these STEM industries. Scholarship winners and the programs that deliver rigorous training enabling their success will be announced in fall 2016. For more information and to view video profiles of 2015 Siemens Technical Scholars, go to:

About the Aspen College Excellence Program

The Aspen College Excellence Program aims to advance higher education practices, policies, and leadership that significantly improve student outcomes. Through the Aspen Prize for Community College Excellence, the New College Leadership Project, and other initiatives, the College Excellence Program works to improve colleges’ understanding and capacity to teach and graduate students, especially the growing population of low-income and minority students on American campuses. For more information, visit

About the Aspen Institute

The Aspen Institute is an educational and policy studies organization based in Washington, DC. Its mission is to foster leadership based on enduring values and to provide a nonpartisan venue for dealing with critical issues. The Institute is based in Washington, DC; Aspen, Colorado; and on the Wye River on Maryland’s Eastern Shore. It also has offices in New York City and an international network of partners. For more information, visit

About Clark College

Located in Vancouver’s Central Park and serving up to 14,000 students per quarter, Clark College is Washington State’s largest single-campus, for-credit community college. The college currently offers classes at three satellite locations: one on the Washington State University Vancouver campus; one in the Columbia Tech Center in East Vancouver; and one in the Columbia River Gorge in Bingen, Washington. Additionally, its Economic & Community Development program is housed in the Columbia Bank Building in downtown Vancouver.

Photo: Clark College/Jenny Shadley

Archer @ Archer


As retired Clark College art professor James Archer stood in the gallery named after him and gazed at the works hanging on the walls, his expression was slightly wistful. Archer was attending the reception for “Archer @ Archer,” an exhibit of selections from Archer’s private art collection, which he is donating to the college where he taught for 23 years.

“It’s pretty overwhelming,” he said, standing between two colorful abstract prints of his own and a row of prints made by a former student who is now an art professor himself. “Many of these works were done by young people whom I mentored over the years. Most of them, I never was able to frame, so this is my first time seeing them framed and hung as a collection. It’s a very emotional experience for me.”


Carson Legree, left, with Jim Archer at the opening on January 12.

The college has received many donations of art through the Clark College Foundation over the years, but this donation is unusual both because of its size and its historical significance. Archer is donating 129 works total, about 40 of which are on display at the gallery. These works include drawings, paintings, prints, and collage, many of them by Clark instructors or students. Not only do they form an impressive collection of regional art, but they also represent the artistic vision of Archer Gallery’s founding director.

Archer originally became curator of the gallery in 1982, when it was still located within the Clark College Bookstore and was called the Index Gallery. Successful in attracting well-known Northwest artists, the Index Gallery became known as one the region’s top alternative venues for contemporary artists. In 1995, the gallery—which by then had been relocated to a larger space within Gaiser—was renamed in Archer’s honor. It moved to its current location in the lower level of the Penguin Union Building in 2005.

“This donation is significant because it has a lot of regional pieces, many with a strong Clark connection,” said Clark art professor and current Archery Gallery curator Senseney Stokes. “There are works here from [retired art professor and former Archer Galley curator] Carson Legree, from Jim himself, from [retired art professor] Jim Baker. But even beyond these connections, some of the work here is so strong, so beautiful. Jim collected some really great stuff, and we’re lucky to have it in our campus collection.”


Professors bring art students to the Archer Gallery regularly as part of their instruction.

Clark’s Art Committee will be deciding where to place pieces from the collection after the show ends February 20. Members of the college community are invited to provide the committee with feedback on placement of particular objects.

Asked why he chose to donate his collection to Clark, Archer explained that he was downsizing to a smaller home and that Clark seemed the natural place to donate these works. “I’m an alumnus of this college, I worked here,” he said. “I’m happy that they won’t just be put in a closet here. People will see them, and react to them, for a long time to come.”

Photos of the exhibit can be viewed on our Flickr site.

Photos Clark College/Jenny Shadley

2015: The year in review

The announcement of a new campus, the girder-by-girder growth of a new building, and our first men’s basketball championship in 20 years–no doubt about it, 2015 was a banner year in many ways. Take a stroll through the year that was as we wish you and yours a wonderful New Year!

A beautiful birthday

unveiling mural at Cannell Library's 25th anniversary

Art students Matt Harmon and John Mangan, with assistance from Clark College President Bob Knight, unveil a new mural at the 25th anniversary of Cannell Library. Photo: Clark College/Nick Bremer-Korb

Normally, you wouldn’t hold a birthday party at a library. But when you’re celebrating the “birth” of a library itself—well, bring on the sweets and decorations! Fans of Cannell Library gathered for a festive celebration of the landmark building on September 29, a quarter-century after the library first opened its doors to Clark students and the public.

The event began with greetings from Clark College President Bob Knight and Dean of Clark Libraries & Academic Success Services Michelle Bagley. Knight commended the library, calling it a “wonderful learning environment for our students.”

Bagley noted that Cannell, like libraries around the world, has had to make many changes over the past 25 years to adapt to evolving technology. Primarily print collections are now housed digitally; the library loans out netbooks and phone chargers along with books and DVDs; and the building is devoting more of its square footage to small study rooms and collaborative spaces as students come to the library for more than just reading.

Cannell Library directors at 25th anniversary

All three of Cannell Libary’s directors–former director Lynn Chmelir, current Dean of Clark Libraries and Academic Success Services Michelle Bagley, and former director Leonoor Ingraham-Swets–were on hand to celebrate the building’s 25th anniversary. Photo: Bob Hughes

“The changes this library has seen over the last 25 years are really amazing,” Bagley said. “We have a great team here. This is a group that is continually thinking forward. They are innovative, they initiate change, and they are creative. I’m excited to see what they will do in the next 25 years.”

As befitting a birthday party, there was even a gift to unwrap: a new mural created by members of the Clark College Art Club that graces the library’s entrance. The project began during spring quarter, when members of the Art Club, who had been looking for a service project, offered to create a mural to fill a space left blank after an artwork that had been on loan to the library was removed. Members submitted design proposals; that of student Matt Harmon was chosen.

“The title I suggest for this work is ‘Nature and Change,’ but I want everyone to come up with their own interpretation of this,” Harmon said before unveiling the mural with President Knight and fellow Art Club member John Mangan, who helped organize the project.

Later, Harmon said that working on the project helped validate his choice to attend Clark. “The main reason I came to Clark was to become a part of an art scene,” said the 32-year-old, who expects to earn his Associate of Fine Arts in spring 2016. “For the longest time I didn’t want to go to school.”

historic photos of Cannell Library

Posters and displays celebrated Cannell Library’s past and future at the building’s 25th anniversary celebration.

Mangan, meanwhile, originally came to Clark in 2013 to pursue his love of painting after retiring from his 37-year tenure as a medical photographer for the Department of Veterans Affairs. In fact, Clark played into his choice to settle in Vancouver after retirement. “Clark College is one of the top community colleges in Washington, and it’s got a really good art department,” he explained. “I frankly didn’t expect to be in school this long, but I really enjoy it and there’s always another class to take.”

Opened in 1990, Cannell Library is the seventh library location in the college’s 82-year history; previously, the library had spent many years in the space now occupied by the Clark College Bookstore in Gaiser Hall. With its curving white exterior overseeing the Chime Tower, the building has become an iconic part of the college’s main campus. It houses a computer lab, numerous study rooms, and access to more than 3 million volumes through its Summit interlibrary loan system. It is named after Dr. Lewis D. Cannell, who served as Clark’s chief academic officer from 1935 until 1970. Dean Cannell was always a strong advocate for Clark’s library, saying, “A book is a wonderful invention, as basic as the wheel. One doesn’t have to plug a book in, one doesn’t have to thaw it out; one simply opens it and another human being speaks to you.”

The Best in the West

Phoenix 2015 Cover

The theme of the 2015 Phoenix was “the artist’s sketchbook.”

The 2015 issue of Phoenix, Clark College’s student-run arts and literary journal, was recently awarded first place in the Community College Humanities Association (CCHA) Literary Magazine Competition for the Pacific-Western Division.

“This is a first for us,” said Clark English professor and Phoenix faculty advisor Elizabeth Donley. “In 2013, we placed third as a magazine in the same division, and were delighted to do so. In the past, Phoenix has regularly been honored for the art and design of the magazine more than anything else. But the CCHA competition really focuses on the literary aspects of the journal. In many ways, this is the first significant award that honors the literary components of Phoenix.”

Several individual Clark students received recognition for their entries in Phoenix as well:

  • David Powers, second place in Short Stories for “Gouge Away”
  • W.R. Soasey, third place in Creative Nonfiction for “Not the Favorite”
  • Trenelle Doyle, second place in Artwork for “The Perception Project”
  • Matthew Harmon, third place in Artwork for “Empirical Being”
  • Alan Logston, first place in Song for “Shades of Steel”
  • Jeffrey Points, first place in Performance for “Project Spielberg”

The CCHA’s Pacific-Western Division includes community colleges in California, Oregon, Washington, Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, and Wyoming.

Over the course of its 34-year history, Phoenix has won many regional and national awards. Many students who work on it go on to pursue careers in writing or the arts. Jennie Avens, a former Phoenix editor who graduated from Clark with her Associate of Fine Arts in spring 2015, said working on the journal helped prepare her for a position as volunteer director for a nonprofit serving budding artists. “Working on Phoenix was an amazing experience that has opened me up to other career possibilities and taught me an abundance of things I use in my life as an artist,” she said.
Phoenix is available in an online format at

Clark Band Hits a Home Run

Clark College Band on Oakland A's JumboTron

The Clark College Band was larger than life when their performance before an Oakland Athletics’ baseball game was projected on the Stadium JumboTron. More than 39,000 spectators heard the band perform the National Anthem. Photo courtesy of the Oakland Athletics.

On June 21, 2015, the Clark College Band demonstrated its excellence to more than 39,000 spectators at the Oakland Athletics Baseball Father’s Day game in Coliseum (formerly Oakland Coliseum) in Oakland, California.

“There was nothing more exhilarating than playing that last note and hearing the roar of 39,000 people cheer throughout the coliseum! It was really quite an unforgettable moment for the students and myself,” says Clark Band Director Rich Inouye. “Clark should be extremely proud of how the band students represented the college that afternoon.”

This exciting performance opportunity started last January when the Clark Band received the invitation from the Athletics. The trip was funded through the Associated Students of Clark College (ASCC). The Office of Communications and Marketing also supported the trip by funding uniform shirts for band members.

As part of the Clark’s focus on diversity and cultural exchange, the students were also treated to a music masterclass by Rebeca Mauleón, an internationally acclaimed musician, bandleader, composer, Grammy-nominated producer, author, and leading pedagogue on Afro-Cuban and salsa music. For music students like Courtney Elsberry, the opportunity to learn from one of the music industry’s leading authorities had an incredible impact. “Getting to listen to Rebeca talk about the rich history and culture behind Afro-Cuban music was incredible,” she says. “It was an honor getting to meet her and gain some very vital knowledge.”

In addition to the stadium performance and music masterclass, the Clark band students also watched the Drum Corps International West competition at Stanford Stadium on the Stanford University campus and toured the infamous Alcatraz Island penitentiary.

“Having opportunities to travel broadens my perspective of my music education, and shows me the importance of being in an ensemble and music family,” says Clark Foundation Fields Scholarship recipient Anna James. “Without these trips that Clark College so generously funds, I would not be prepared to tackle the musical challenges facing me at my upcoming enrollment in a four-year university.”

Inouye adds, “This trip really demonstrates Clark’s community commitment to helping develop the student experience. It was truly a collaborative effort, from coordinating with Athletics and Facilities to use our baseball field to rehearse, to the funding from ASCC and shirts from Communications & Marketing. We all put Clark’s name in lights!”

Article submitted by Richard Inouye

Photo and video courtesy of the Oakland Athletics

Exceptional Faculty Award spotlight: The cultural ambassador

Michiyo Okuhara with children and students

Professor Michiyo Okuhara helps members of the Japanese Club teach children in Clark’s Child & Family Studies program about kimono in advance of the 2014 Sakura Festival.

Professor Michiyo Okuhara is well aware that students who enroll in her Japanese courses probably have a limited understanding of her home country’s culture.

“They see it in pop culture—anime, manga, Hello Kitty—or sometimes traditional things like samurai,” she says. “In class we don’t focus on animation or comic books. We try to inspire them to learn the language, but also a more complete sense of Japanese culture.”

Ironically, for someone who now teaches Japanese, Okuhara originally came to the United States to learn English. “I studied English in Japan, but I wanted to use it and live it,” she explains. She earned her master’s degree at Portland State University, also getting a certificate to teach Japanese as a foreign language from that institution, and in 1999 began teaching at Clark.

“At the time, the program was very small,” she remembers. “I had four classes a year, just Japanese 101 to 103.”

20150805-7010Today, thanks largely to Okuhara’s efforts, Clark offers two years of Japanese study. The college’s Japanese Club, which Okuhara helped found, is a vibrant and visible presence on the main campus. Okuhara has also been a key organizer of the college’s annual Sakura Festival, and has helped incorporate children from the college’s Child and Family Studies (CFS) program into the event—something she started after her own son, Anthony, graduated from the program’s daycare. (Okuhara’s daughter, Sakura, also has a Clark connection, having earned her associate here before transferring to Western Washington University.)

Okuhara, who received tenure in 2013, says she appreciates the partnerships she’s been able to develop at Clark. “We have great colleagues, great collaboration,” she says. “Like with CFS, and also International Programs are a great support for us. Or when we had a Japanese theater troupe visiting and needed a performance space; [drama professor] Gene Biby offered to let us use his stage. We’re a small department, but with other people’s help, we can do things we cannot do alone.”

This year, Okuhara received 2014-2015 Exceptional Faculty Award. “This instructor goes above and beyond, helping students outside of class and outside of her office hours,” wrote one student in her nomination. “She not only teaches the language, but she puts forth an extra energy to relate our lessons to Japanese culture. Her knowledge is not only shared to the class, but to the Clark community as well.”

Many of Okuhara’s former students return during Sakura to visit “Okuhara-sensei,” as they call her. Others write her from Japan to tell her about working there. Okuhara cherishes those stories, but feels that teaching world languages helps students even if they never leave their hometown.

“Not everyone gets to major in Japanese or work in Japan,” she says. “But part of what they learn is empathy for other cultures, and maybe patience with people from other countries who don’t speak English. I really enjoy seeing students learn. When they say Japanese is fun—that’s what I hope for.”

Learn about other recipients of the 2014-2015 Exceptional Faculty Awards.

Photos: Clark College/Jenny Shadley

Exceptional Faculty Award spotlight: The tough-but-caring technician

Alison Dolder

Bakery instructor Alison Dolder shows off some of her students’ work.

Alison Dolder has got to have, hands-down, the best-smelling classroom at Clark College. The Bakery instructor and interim department head spends much of her time guiding students as they work in the program’s lab, which is also a fully functional bakery. Racks of pie shells and biscuits stand by the doorway, and the air is thick with the aromas of butter and sugar. Students in chef’s whites stand at tables, making croissants and baguettes to be sold in the college’s retail bakery in Gaiser Hall.

“The training here is very different from some culinary schools,” says Dolder. “Our students come in, and the very first day they’re put in their station and they’re forming, they’re cutting—everything they’ll be doing for the next two weeks till they switch stations. It’s as close to a production bakery as we can get. When they get out and enter the job market, they don’t require as much training [as other new graduates] because they’re used to the fast pace. They’re ready to jump right in.”

It’s that combination of practicality and enthusiasm—combined with empathy and support—that prompted students to nominate Dolder for the 2014-2015 Exceptional Faculty Award. “I joined the baking program on a whim and it has come to be the greatest decision of my life,” wrote one student in her nomination. “I feel like I can be not only the best baker or the best businesswoman around, but I can be the best of myself at all times, and for that I am grateful. Ms. Alison is so encouraging at times, she is tough at times, she is compassionate at times, and she can challenge you daily.”

fancy cake

Dolder encourages her students to express their creativity, whether it’s through experimenting with whole-wheat croissant dough or designing a steampunk-inspired layer cake.

Dolder came to baking almost by accident. She’d started college as a zoology major, but didn’t enjoy the math and chemistry courses and decided to leave school to regroup. “My husband was going to school full-time and working full-time, and so just as something to do, I took a cake-decorating class,” she says. “It turns out I was really good at it.”

Dolder worked in bakeries and taught cake decoration for more than a decade before deciding to return to school to learn her craft in-depth. Ironically, what appealed to her most was the chemistry involved. “I love how you can take all these ingredients and turn them into something else, something delicious,” she says.

Dolder graduated from Clark’s bakery program in 2000 and quickly landed a job at the nationally known Pearl Bakery in Portland. But while she loved the work, she realized it wasn’t compatible with having two young children. “I was really lucky to work with [former Pearl head baker and current Little T owner] Tim Healea, but it was 9 p.m. to 5 a.m.,” she says. When a teaching position opened up at Clark, she decided to apply.

Dolder makes sure her students understand the realities of life as a professional baker. “I tell them, ‘Don’t believe everything you see on TV,’” she says. “You know, there’s that illusion that ‘I’m going to start baking cakes and get my own show and be famous.’ Baking is hard work.”

Dolder is happy to have returned to Clark to share her love and knowledge of baking with today’s students. She’s looking forward to doing so in the college’s soon-to-be-remodeled Culinary Arts wing. “It’s so exciting,” she says. “I’m looking forward to introducing a new cohort model for our program in a shiny new facility.” A shiny new facility that, in short order, will probably once again turn into the best-smelling classroom on campus.

Learn about other recipients of the 2014-2015 Exceptional Faculty Awards.

Photos: Clark College/Jenny Shadley

Exceptional Faculty Award spotlight: The voice of encouragement

Matthew Gallaher

English instructor Matthew Gallaher.

Matthew Gallaher’s English Composition is winding down for the day. “If you have any last-minute questions, I’ll stick around,” the instructor tells his students, who are broken up into groups to “workshop” their papers with their classmates.

Gallaher sits down near one slump-shouldered student. “How are you doing?” he asks the student. “Do you have questions?”

“No,” sighs the student. “I just wish I had more time.”

“You do have time,” Gallaher responds with a smile. He points to the student’s paper. “This is only a first draft. You’re still going to do a second draft, and then revise it again before handing it in. Don’t give up on this!”

Imagine every possible permutation of the word “encourage,” and it shows up in students’ nominations of Gallaher for the 2014-2015 Exceptional Faculty Award, along with words like “fun,” “sincere,” and “enthusiasm.”

20150806-7142“The largest impact that Matthew has had on his students, and on me personally, is his ability to make students feel important, and that their individual success is valuable,” reads one. “He goes above and beyond to help others, and is encouraging to his students to continue to develop and share their skills.”

Gallaher’s enthusiasm and support led him to be recruited as advisor for Alpha Sigma Phi, the Clark College chapter of the international honor society Phi Theta Kappa that blends academic achievement with public service. After two years in that position, Gallaher is stepping down to focus on teaching, but he says he enjoyed mentoring students as they developed new ways to help their community, including annual food drives and a campaign to reduce and reuse electronic waste.

“I was in Boy Scouts as a kid and an Eagle Scout, and it kind of reminded me of that,” says Gallaher, who earned Phi Theta Kappa’s Paragon Award for New Advisors in 2013.

Much of Gallaher’s work at Clark contains echoes of his early years. “My whole family got their associate degrees,” he says. “My parents both came from working class families and could never have afforded college without community college. I went to community college as a high school student, St. Petersburg College in South Florida.”

Gallaher, who earned his bachelor’s degree from University of South Florida and his master’s in English from Portland State University, says he appreciates the diversity of students he encounters teaching at a community college. “You never know what kind of students you’re going to have,” he says. “There are vets from the last two conflicts, and there are students who have only been in this country a few months. There are older students and students who are still in high school. You get all these people together, and they don’t agree almost ever, and it’s kind of great to hear them get riled up as they hear opinions and viewpoints they’ve never been exposed to before.”

Gallaher says he was honored to discover students had nominated him for the award, especially because he is an adjunct instructor, teaching part-time at Clark and part-time at Portland Community College. “It was surprising and humbling,” he says. “Being an adjunct can be lonely. You don’t quite feel part of the community. Phi Theta Kappa really helped me feel more a part of Clark. And now this is just another way of saying, ‘Hey, you love Clark—and Clark loves you, too.’ That feels good.”

Learn about other recipients of the 2014-2015 Exceptional Faculty Awards.

Photos: Clark College/Jenny Shadley