Clark College Theatre Presents: “Dog Sees God”


Clark College Theatre concludes its 2013-14 season with Dog Sees God: Confessions of a Teenage Blockhead by Bert V. Royal. A breakout hit when it debuted at the New York International Fringe Festival, this challenging work operates both as a comedic deconstruction of an American icon and as a poignant examination of the hurdles facing modern youth. The production is directed by Theatre Department Chair H. Gene Biby and runs May 2-17.

An “unauthorized parody,” Dog Sees God imagines characters from the popular comic strip Peanuts as teenagers. Drug use, suicide, eating disorders, teen violence, rebellion, sex and sexual identity are among the issues covered in this drama. Royal builds on the foundation of Charles Schulz’s iconic comic strip, creating a parody that’s also a stand-alone play apt to resonate even with those who belong to that small population segment unfamiliar with Peanuts.

“Using iconic cartoon characters as his basis, Royal examines the big questions about life, love and the pursuit of happiness,” says Biby. “Additionally, he takes a hard look at current societal issues including bullying, drug use, and sexuality. Royal provides a humorous yet often poignant look at our lives through the lens of these much-loved characters.”

The cast includes seasoned actors who are current or former Clark College students: James Martine, Elena Mack, Garrett Dabbs, JD Carpenter, Sam Ruble, Keren Garcia, Danielle Weddle, and Emily Wells. Production includes strong language and adult themes.

Show Dates: May 2, 3, 9, 10, 15, 16, and 17. All show times are at 7:30 p.m. May 10, there will be a 2:00 p.m. matinee.

Ticket Information: Students (with ID) $9; Alumni (with membership) $9; Senior Citizens $11; General Admission $13. Tickets may be purchased in person at the Clark College Bookstore in Gaiser Hall, online at, or call 360-992-2815.

If you need accommodation due to a disability in order to fully participate in this event, contact Clark College’s Disability Support Services Office at 360-992-2314 or 360-991-0901 (VP), or visit Gaiser Hall room 137, two weeks before the event.

Celebrating Spring and Friendship



As he introduced the opening ceremonies of this year’s Sakura Festival, Clark College President Bob Knight called the 100 shirofugen trees whose blossoming the festival celebrates “a gift rich with symbolism.” As dignitaries from both Japan and Vancouver rose to speak, it became clear how rich that symbolism is.

Vancouver Mayor and Clark College alumnus Tim Leavitt said that here, as in Japan, the annual blossoming of the cherry trees has come to mark the beginning of spring, as well as of the historic bonds between Vancouver and Japan. “The City of Vancouver has long had an affinity with Japan,” he said. “We’ve hosted cultural exchanges, art exhibits, and have business relationships with firms headquartered here, including Kyocera and SEH America. We’ve also enjoyed our formal sister city relationship with Joyo for 18 years. For me, the annual Sakura Festival serves as a poignant reminder of our longstanding friendship and the meaningful opportunities that it provides.”

Guests from Japan–including America Kotobuki President John Kageyama, Joyo Mayor Toshiharu Okuda, Portland Consul General for Japan Hiroshi Furusawa, and SEH America Inc. Executive Vice President Tatsuo Ito–spoke movingly about the role that sakura (cherry blossoms) play in Japanese culture. The blossoms’ ephemeral beauty, often lasting just a week or two, symbolizes rebirth, transformation, and the importance of appreciating each moment of life. Additionally, as Consul General Furusawa pointed out, cherry trees have been planted in many prominent locations in the U.S. to symbolize friendship between this country and Japan.

“These magnificent cherry blossoms symbolize the close friendship between the cities of Joyo and Vancouver, as well as between the U.S. and Japan,” he said. “May they continue to grow and thrive.”

Also present at the event were members of the Rotary Clubs of both Vancouver and Joyo; Clark College trustees Sherry Parker and Jack Burkman; former Vancouver mayor Bruce Hagensen; Vancouver City Councilmembers Bart Hansen, Larry Smith, and Alishia Topper; and Vancouver City Manager Eric Holmes.

The opening ceremony included performances by Yukiko Vossen on the koto, a traditional Japanese stringed instrument, as well as by the Clark College Women’s Ensemble. Afterward, entertainment included a traditional dance performance by the Clark College Japanese Club, a drum performance by Portland Taiko, and a kimono fashion show with beautiful kimono modeled by Clark students and staff, as well as by children from Clark’s Child & Family Studies program.

Begun in 2006, Clark College’s Sakura Festival celebrates John Kageyama’s donation of 100 shirofugen cherry trees to the City of Vancouver. The trees were planted on Clark’s main campus in 1990; each year, their beautiful pink blossoms transform the campus and prompt a flurry of picnics and picture-taking. Due to rain, this year’s festival was held indoors in Gaiser Student Center.

Photos: Clark College/Jenny Shadley

Democracy or Dictatorship?

Carlos CastroWhat makes one country develop into a democracy, and another into a dictatorship? That is the question at the heart of Clark College sociology professor Carlos Castro’s upcoming Faculty Speaker Series lecture, “Borderlines: Political and Economic Differences between Nicaragua and Costa Rica.”

Costa Rica is one of the richest countries in Central America while its neighbor, Nicaragua, is one of the poorest. Costa Rica has a liberal democratic system, while Nicaragua is more authoritarian. What led these neighboring countries to develop so differently? Castro will offer his interpretation of why two neighboring countries with strong cultural similarities can differ so dramatically.

“Nicaragua and Costa Rica pose an interesting case study,” says Castro. “They are so close and yet so different. The lessons to be drawn from them could apply to many nations and regions of the world wrestling with issues related to social, political, and economic development.”

A native of Nicaragua, Carlos Castro graduated cum laude from the University of Oregon with Bachelor of Arts degrees in sociology and economics. Continuing his studies at the University of Oregon, Castro earned a master’s degree in public affairs (MPA), master’s degree in community and regional planning (MCRP) and a PhD in sociology. He began teaching at Clark College in 2006 and received tenure in 2009. An essayist and poet as well as an academic, Castro’s work has appeared in such publications as Organization and Environment, El Nuevo Diario, The American Poetry Review, La Prensa Literaria, Confidencial, and Nuevo Amanecer Cultural. He is currently working on a book comparing and contrasting the development of Nicaragua and Costa Rica, research for which will be the foundation of his Faculty Speaker Series presentation.

This event, which is free and open to the public, is scheduled to take place Thursday, May 8, from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., in the Ellis Dunn Community Room (GHL 213). It is being held in conjunction with Clark College’s Celebración de mi Gente.

Individuals who need accommodation due to a disability in order to fully participate in this event should contact Clark College’s Disability Support Services (DSS) Office at 360-992-2314 or 360-991-0901 (VP). The DSS office is located in room 013 in Clark’s Penguin Union Building.

About the Clark College Faculty Speaker Series

Established by Clark College with support from the Clark College Foundation, the Clark College Faculty Speaker Series honors individual faculty members and celebrates academic excellence. The series showcases recent experiences that have enriched both the life and teaching of a Clark faculty member. Faculty members share their developmental experiences with the college community—and with members of the community at large—while addressing some of today’s most intriguing issues.


Trees and Technology

Arbor Day

President Bob Knight receives Clark’s Tree Campus USA award from Ben Thompson of the Washington Department of Natural Resources.

On April 9, Clark College celebrated both the natural and digital worlds at its annual Arbor Day event, as it added two new trees to the campus’s beautiful arboretum and unveiled a new, student-designed website that uses digital technology to catalog that arboretum. The new online map allows visitors to instantly access descriptions of most trees on campus through their mobile devices.

“This website is a great testament to the value of service learning here at Clark,” said Computer Technology Department Chair Robert Hughes at the ceremony, which took place under sunny skies just south of the Chimes Tower. “It showcases the talent of our students, the value of our instruction, and a great part of Clark’s visual landscape.”

The mobile-friendly online map is the product of work done by students in instructor Gus Torres’s spring 2013 Web Design II class. The students worked with the college’s Campus Tree Advisory Committee to identify trees in the campus’s extensive arboretum, which includes such notable trees as a six-decade-old Scarlet Oak and 100 Shirofugen blossoming cherry trees donated to the campus by Japanese businessman John Kageyama in 1990. Students then GPS-tagged each listed tree and added it to the map with information about its genus and species. Additional students contributed to the project in subsequent quarters. Hughes was one of the faculty members who helped support the project, along with Torres, Computer Graphics Technology professor Kristl Plinz, and Computer Technology instructor Bruce Elgort.

Arboretum Map screen grab

The online map documents Clark’s extensive arboretum.

The event also featured the official bestowing on Clark of Tree Campus USA designation by the Arbor Day Foundation for the fourth year in a row. Tree Campus USA colleges must meet rigorous standards in five separate areas to earn this designation. The award was presented by a Washington State Department of Natural Resources Urban Forestry Specialist Ben Thompson and received by Clark College President Robert K. Knight.

“It’s very exciting that Clark College has such enthusiasm for urban forestry,” said Thompson, who noted that Clark was helping Vancouver earn a “trifecta” by being a Tree City USA with both a Tree Line USA and a Tree Campus USA. He also noted that Clark’s arboretum might benefit students in unsuspected ways.

“I don’t think it’s a coincidence that so many colleges are located on beautiful campuses filled with trees,” he said. “It puts us at ease, at rest. It makes us ready for learning.”

Clark College Bob Knight agreed. “If our students feel comfortable and our faculty feel comfortable, then it opens up their minds and creativity more,” he said, adding that the new arboretum map was a perfect example of that. “It’s exactly what we want to encourage here at Clark College.”

Arbor Day 2014

Children from Clark’s Child & Family Studies program get help on their tree-themed scavenger hunt from, left to right, Dean of STEM Dr. Peter Williams, President Bob Knight, and Campus Tree Committee members Tim Carper and Melissa Favara.

Other speakers at the event included Dean of STEM Dr. Peter Williams and Zahid Chaudry, GIS Program Manager of the U.S. Forest Service Region 6. Additionally, two trees were added to the campus arboretum:  an Eastern Hemlock and an Eastern White Pine. These are the official state trees of Pennsylvania and Maine, respectively, and are part of an effort by the college to include all 50 state trees in the campus arboretum; with these two additions, the arboretum contains 39 state trees.

Also present were two classrooms of children from Clark’s Child & Family Studies program, who participated in a tree-themed scavenger hunt and received “seed bombs” filled with seeds of indigenous plants.

Photo: Clark College/Hannah Erickson

Trees and Technology

Arboretum Map screen grab

The new mobile-friendly arboretum map pinpoints and identifies trees all over Clark’s main campus.

On April 9, Clark College will celebrate both the natural and digital worlds at its annual Arbor Day event, as it adds two new trees to the campus’s beautiful arboretum and unveils a new, student-designed website that uses digital technology to catalog that arboretum. The new online map will allow visitors to instantly access descriptions of most trees on campus through their mobile devices.

The mobile-friendly online map is the product of work done by students in instructor Gus Torres’s spring 2013 Web Design II class. The students worked with the college’s Campus Tree Advisory Committee to identify trees in the campus’s extensive arboretum, which includes such notable trees as a six-decade-old Scarlet Oak and 100 Shirofugen blossoming cherry trees donated to the campus by Japanese businessman John Kageyama in 1990. Students then GPS-tagged each tree and added it to the map with information about its genus and species. Additional students contributed to the project in subsequent quarters, with faculty from both the Computer Graphics Technology and the Computer Technology departments providing guidance and support.

“I look forward to the sight of Clark College denizens and those in the community at large walking across campus consulting their phones and tablets to find the answer to ‘What kind of tree is this?'” said Computer Technology Department Head Robert Hughes, who also teaches in the Computer Graphics Technology program. “Project-based client work has been a component of our graphics and web-related curriculum for a long time. These types of experiences are helpful as our students move into the workforce.”

Hughes was one of the faculty members who helped support the project, along with Torres, Computer Graphics Technology professor Kristl Plinz, and Computer Technology instructor Bruce Elgort.

Arbor Day 2013

Members of Facilities Services proudly display Clark College’s Tree Campus USA award during the college’s 2013 Arbor Day event.

In keeping with this year’s Arbor Day theme, “Trees and Technology,” the event’s keynote speech will be presented by Zahid Chaudry, GIS Program Manager of the U.S. Forest Service Region 6. Additionally, two trees are being added to the campus arboretum:  an Eastern Hemlock and an Eastern White Pine. These are the official state trees of Pennsylvania and Maine, respectively, and are part of an effort by the college to include all 50 state trees in the campus arboretum; with these two additions, the arboretum will contain 39 state trees.

The event, which will take place at 11:00 a.m. just south of Cannell Library, will also feature the official bestowing on Clark of Tree Campus USA designation by the Arbor Day Foundation for the fourth year in a row. Tree Campus USA colleges must meet rigorous standards in five separate areas to earn this designation. The award will be presented by a staff member from the Washington State Department of Natural Resources and received by Clark College President Robert K. Knight.

The event is free and open to the public.

Photo: Clark College/Jenny Shadley

Student Spotlight: Amelia Longbons and Christopher Beh

All Washington Academic Team

Amelia Longbons and Christopher Beh are Clark College’s 2014 All-Washington Academic Team members.

Two Clark College students who serve their college and their community were named to the 2014 All-Washington Academic Team.

Amelia Longbons of Kelso and Christopher Beh of Vancouver were among 68 students from Washington’s 34 community and technical colleges who were recognized on March 27 in a ceremony at South Puget Sound Community College in Olympia. Washington Lieutenant Governor Brad Owen was the keynote speaker.

According to organizers, each member of the All-Washington Academic team received a scholarship from KeyBank of Washington. In addition, many of Washington’s public and private four-year colleges are offering scholarship opportunities to members of the team.


All Washington Academic Team

About Amelia Longbons

Amelia Longbons can vouch for the value of community colleges: She earned her Associate of Arts at Lower Columbia College while still in high school through the Running Start Program and then enrolled at Clark College to enter its highly regarded Dental Hygiene program. Now she is busy on a project to provide dental hygiene care and education to homeless people in Southwest Washington, all while maintaining a 4.0 GPA.

This is not Longbons’s first academic honor. She is also a recipient of the American Dental Association Foundation Allied Dental Student Scholarship, awarded to just 15 students nationwide each year and the 2012 Scholastic Achievement Award, granted by Lower Columbia College to the student with the highest grade point average in the graduating class. Additionally, she was valedictorian of her graduating class at Kelso High School.

Longbons’s academic achievements are all the more impressive considering how many hours she devotes to volunteer activities. She has a long history of volunteering, but currently concentrates most of her efforts toward her chosen career. She assisted at the Free Clinic of Southwest Washington’s Children’s Dental Day and is in the process of organizing a free dental day for local homeless and veterans in the community. She is a member of the Student American Dental Hygienists Association and regularly participates in outreach efforts to promote dental hygiene among underserved communities.

Longbons, 20, plans to graduate with her Associate of Applied Science in Dental Hygiene in June, after which she will enroll in the Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene program at Eastern Washington University. She says she hopes to one day use her education to travel to other countries and provide dental hygiene care to the poor and underserved.

“For me, winning this scholarship has been a great honor and made me understand that community colleges are an amazing opportunity to allow me to grow and reach my academic potential,” says Longbons. “It’s been an inspiration and a motivation to keep going and to work my hardest and to continue my education and give everything I have to becoming a successful student and becoming a successful dental hygienist.”


All Washington Academic Team

About Christopher Beh

At age 17, Christopher Beh has already experienced a lot of changes and challenges. Beh was 8 years old when his father left the family, and Beh’s mother had to work two jobs to keep them afloat.

“At the time, I didn’t realize the amount of work that she was putting in so that I could have a future,” says Beh. “I thought that she didn’t care; of myself as inept. I truly believed that I wasn’t capable of becoming anything worthwhile.”

But eventually Beh realized that he had both the drive and the ability to succeed academically. He enrolled at Clark College while still in high school through the Running Start Program, and anticipates earning his transfer associate degree in June. At Clark he has joined Alpha Sigma Phi, the college’s chapter of the national two-year college honor society Phi Theta Kappa, and has sought out opportunities to challenge himself academically through Clark’s rigorous Honors Program. He says these experiences have given him a newfound respect for community colleges.

“What community colleges do for students from all walks of life is absolutely incredible,” says Beh. “It’s an amazing stepping stone for people who maybe aren’t ready for a four-year university, or are looking for a closer-knit environment where students can work together, stay closer to home, and maybe juggle other things that they have going on.”

Beh’s own juggling act has become even more demanding: He has been helping his mother recover since she underwent neck surgery last year. Additionally, he helps support their household by working part-time at the college’s computer help desk. Fortunately, he has been able to take advantage of some of Clark’s online course offerings, allowing him more flexibility to assist his mother at home.

“Looking back, I know that I made the right choice,” Beh says of his decision to attend Clark. “I’ve been able to help my mom through her recovery, and I’m not bogged down by student loans. I’ve also been able to be part of an amazing community. I feel that my professors truly care about my success, and I’ve found a home with Alpha Sigma Phi. At first I chose a community college for the cost and convenience, but I have found so much more at Clark College.”

Beh, who is studying computer science and business at Clark, has accepted admission to the University of Washington, where he plans to major in computer science. His work at Clark has made him interested in a job in Information Technology and he hopes to one day work in the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s cybercrime division.

Photos: Clark College/Jenny Shadley
Video: Clark College/Nick Bremer Korb

Finding Her Strength

Judy Glenney

Physical Education instructor Judy Glenney stands in Clark’s weight room. “I still train,” she says. “I want students to see physical fitness as a lifelong activity. I don’t intend to quit any time soon.”

Students in Judy Glenney’s physical education classes learn a few things about their instructor early on: She’s funny. She’s patient. She’s happy to meet students where they are, whether that’s “just got off the couch” or “training for my next triathlon.”

What they don’t always find out, however, is Glenney’s landmark role in promoting women in sports–namely, in making women’s weightlifting an Olympic event. In fact, last October Glenney was honored by the International Weightlifting Federation at a ceremony marking the 30th anniversary of women’s competitive weightlifting, held during the IWF’s 2013 World Championships in Wroclaw, Poland.


Glenney guides a student in her Fitness Center Basics class.

“She doesn’t toot her own horn,” says Kathy Slavin, secretary of Clark’s Health and Physical Education Division. “We probably would not have heard about the IWF honor except she had to have a sub for her classes while she was gone.”

“I kind of keep it under wraps,” admits Glenney. “I feel like I would be gloating. But every once in a while, especially with my female students, I’ll let it slip–just, like, ‘Yes, you can lift that, even if you’re a girl. I’ve lifted more than 200 pounds.'”

When Glenney herself first became interested in weightlifting in the 1970s, no one was around to provide her with that empowering message. At the time, women weren’t even supposed to lift weights as exercise, much less in competition. Glenney stumbled into weightlifting by accident: While working one summer for a campus ministry, she wandered into the building’s weight room looking for a place where she and her colleagues could work out.

“I looked around at all the weights and stuff and thought, ‘Wow, this is so cool!'” she recalls. “The only person there was this good-looking young man who offered to show me around, and I said, ‘Yes, please!'”

That good-looking young man turned out to be a student named Gary Glenney, who participated in a Christian weightlifting group called Athletes in Action. The two hit it off, and married soon after Judy graduated from Pacific University in 1971.

Judy Glenney would travel with her new husband to weightlifting competitions, and found herself intrigued by the sport. “It looked like gymnastic movements with weights,” said Glenney, who had participated in several athletic teams while in college.


Glenney stands between IWF president Dr. Tamas Ajan and IWF General Secretary Ma Wenguang after receiving an award at the 2013 IWF World Championships in Wroclaw, Poldand. Photo courtesy of Judy Glenney.

Soon she was learning how to make those moves herself. But when she asked her husband about weightlifting competitions for women, he told her there weren’t any–but that he’d be happy to help her start one. At first, Glenney began asking to compete at the men’s competitions. Soon, however, other women joined her–either inspired by seeing her compete or attracted through Glenney’s outreach efforts. She began to push for separate women’s events at some competitions, and the creation of a separate category for women’s weightlifting records–many of which she set herself. But societal resistance to the idea of “lady” weightlifters proved harder to budge than any barbell.

“My first competition was in 1972, and we didn’t have our first national competition until 1981,” she says with a wry grin. “So, yeah, it took a while.”

But Glenney wasn’t content to simply make it into the U.S. Weightlifting Federation. She wanted women’s weightlifting recognized by the IWF as well–and, ultimately, by the premier name in international sports. “In my mind, I was never just thinking national,” she says. “I wanted it to be an Olympic competition.”

That proved no small feat. Glenney lobbied the IWF to include women in its world championships, which it finally did in 1987. But women’s weightlifting didn’t become an Olympic event until 2000. Glenney was there–but as a judge, not a competitor. She had long since retired from competitive weightlifting, finishing her career as a four-time Women’s National Champion, five-time Master’s National Champion, and two-time World Master’s Champion.


Glenny holds a photo of herself from her weightlifting manual from the 1980s.

Glenney characterizes the Sydney Olympics as a bittersweet moment for her: “Deep down, I was kind of disappointed because I’d missed it as a lifter, but at the same time I was so excited because I contributed to those women being part of the Olympics.”

By then, Glenney had already transitioned into teaching. For 15 years, she has taught classes including Weight Training, Core Conditioning, Fitness Center Basics, and Tennis at Clark College, helping hundreds of students find their own strength.

“She’s an amazing instructor,” says Fitness Center Basics student Anna Rybalka between reps on a weight machine in the Fitness Center. “She manages to be professional and funny at the same time.”

“She’s very upbeat,” says Bryan Andrews, another Fitness Center Basics student, as he adjusts his pace on a treadmill. “She’s personally come over and helped adjust the machines for me. She definitely knows what she’s talking about.”

“At Clark, we pride ourselves on our talented and experienced faculty, and Judy certainly fits those criteria,” says Dean of Health Sciences Blake Bowers. “I appreciate the depth of knowledge she brings to the teaching of physical education, as well as the inspiration she provides not just to her students, but her to fellow faculty members as well.”

“I enjoy the total environment of Clark–the students, faculty, and staff,” says Glenney, whose husband teaches at Clark in the Mathematics Department. “It is just a joy to be around these people and be part of the community of Clark College. The staff everywhere is always willing to help with all my needs, no matter how large or small.”

For Glenney, one of the great joys of teaching is providing her female students with the guidance and encouragement that was absent when she was a young athlete, allowing them to discover their own physical power.

“By the end of the quarter, they’re like, ‘Oh man, look what I can do!'” she says, smiling. “For the first time, they’re really testing their own strength. They say, ‘Wow, I really am strong!’

“And I say, ‘Yeah, you are.'”

Photos: Clark College/Jenny Shadley

Launching a New Appreciation for STEM

Foundation STEM Event

Pam Peiper, a member of U.S. Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler’s staff, gets some hands-on practice with DNA testing.

Flanked by a pair of three-story-high yachts, more than 150 people gathered inside the Christensen Shipyards warehouse in Vancouver to have their DNA tested and taste hot ice cream during an interactive event that demonstrated how Clark College is preparing students for jobs in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).

Clark College Foundation, in partnership with Christensen Shipyards, held the special event on the evening of March 15. The gathering showed local businesspeople how Clark matches the community’s workforce needs with training, education and internships in STEM.

Foundation STEM Event

Biology instructor Ryan Kustusch describes Clark’s  participation in Yale University’s Small World Initiative, in which students do research that could help discover new antibiotics.

Jim and Kelly Maul, from the Vancouver environmental engineering firm Maul, Foster & Alongi Inc., stood transfixed as Clark engineering student Jesse Bosdell described how a water clock worked and that the clocks were part of a campus-wide competition.

“You’ve got to put the fun into science and engineering first, and then the passion will come later,” said Jim Maul. His wife, Kelly, said she was “fired up to go back to school” after seeing the student demonstrations.

The couple has two daughters whom they hope to steer toward a STEM education. Clark is on their list of higher education options.

Guest Tim Kraft, a civil engineer and principal at the water resources company Otak Inc., said Clark College offers critical programs that aren’t available at other community colleges. “I see what Clark does, and it’s impressive,” said Kraft, who mentors youth with interests in science and engineering in the Southwest Washington area.

Clark College President Robert K. Knight addressed the guests by acknowledging the regional businesses present and how in partnership, they drive the region’s economic prosperity. “It’s vitally important that the community and Clark College work together to provide an educated workforce to meet the 17,000 jobs that regional economists predict will require education in STEM by 2015,” he said.


The event was part of the Ensuring a Bright Future: Campaign for Clark College. Funds raised during the campaign are aimed at enhancing scholarships, faculty professional development, technology infrastructure, STEM, and dental hygiene education.

Lisa Gibert, president and CEO of Clark College Foundation, said it was exciting to see guests clearly fascinated with the student achievements. “This evening brings me so much pride to showcase the great work Clark is doing and how that education translates to jobs in our region and beyond,” she said.

Foundation STEM Event

Engineering professor Carol Hsu and Clark student Jessica Molner explain to guests how water clocks work. Molner is a member of Clark’s NERD (Not Even Remotely Dorky) Girls, a student club devoted to promoting STEM among women and girls.

Guests had the opportunity to learn about water clocks built with coconuts and bamboo; a rocket that is part of a national NASA competition; software for mass-identifying license plates; the weight distribution of a package of Chips-Ahoy! chocolate chip cookies; DNA sampling; and more.

Some of the business community members represented included Portland Plastics, Corwin Beverage, Wells Fargo Advisors, Columbia Credit Union, Legacy Salmon Creek Hospital, Sterling Bank, Mekos Corporation, Silicon Forest Electronics, and SEH America Inc.

See more photos on Flickr

Photos: Clark College/Jenny Shadley

This article originally appeared in a slightly different form on the Clark College Foundation news site.

Athletics Roundup

It’s been an exciting 2013-14 fall and winter for Clark College Athletics. So far this year, all of Clark’s athletic programs have advanced to the NWAACC playoffs–that’s seven for seven! In addition, four coaches were named Coach of the Year and several student athletes were named to All-Academic Sports teams and All-Star teams. There are so many students to be proud of and great sports moments to remember, but here is a quick recap of our mighty Penguins’ accomplishments so far.


20130930_7117Men’s & Women’s Cross Country

The Penguin cross country teams once again had solid fall season,s with both squads finishing in the top five at the NWAACC Championships, which were hosted by Clark College this year. Sophomores Julian Avalos and Jacob Mason were named to the 2013 All-Academic Sports team, which recognizes student athletes with a cumulative GPA above 3.25 and a minimum of 36 credits earned. Clark College will continue hosting the NWAACC Cross Country Championships at Lewisville Regional Park through Fall 2015.

10351970293_9a14625f2b_kMen’s Soccer

The men’s soccer team, led by 2013 South Region and NWAACC Coach of the Year Biniam Afenegus, put together another exceptional season, finishing with an 19-3-1 overall record. With a 13-1 mark in the South Region, the men captured their second consecutive regional title and advanced to the playoffs for the seventh straight season. The team eventually fell to Peninsula College in the NWAACC championship match, 1-0. Freshman Bernardino Ayala-Jimenez was named South Region MVP and freshmen Juan Ayala-Jimenez, Christian Desir, and Abdiel Morfin and sophomores Bryanth Garcia-Junco, Jonathan Morales, and Langdon Roscoe were named to the Southwest All-Star Team.

Women’s Soccer

The women’s soccer team fought through key injuries to finish 10-9-3 overall, with a third-place finish in the South Region. Second-year head coach Rochelle Hearns led the Penguins to consecutive NWAACC playoff appearances before falling to Whatcom on penalty kicks in the first round of the NWAACC playoffs. Coach Hearns was honored with the South Region Coach of the Year award, and sophomore Cristal Ruvalcaba and freshman Krista Campbell were named to the Southwest All-Star Team. Sophomores Emily Ainsworth, Kai Davidson and Alexandra White were named to the 2013 All-Academic Sports Team, which recognizes student athletes with a cumulative GPA above 3.25 and a minimum of 36 credits earned.



After a one-year hiatus, the women’s volleyball squad returned to the NWAACC playoffs under the direction of first-year head coach Mark Dunn. The Penguins were a force to be reckoned with down the stretch of regular-season play and beat the odds by winning three of four matches to advance to post-season play. In the first round, the Penguins were defeated in three sets by eventual NWAACC champion Blue Mountain; afterward, they defeated Shoreline in an elimination match to advance to Day Two of the tournament for the first time in four years. Sophomore middle blocker Karissa Paltridge was named First Team West Region All-Star. Sophomores Shawntel Kalliainen and Amanda Curtis were named to the 2013 All-Academic Sports Team, which recognizes student athletes with a cumulative GPA above 3.25 and a minimum of 36 credits earned.


20131114_3953Men’s Basketball

For the first time in 17 years, the Clark men’s basketball program placed at the NWAACC basketball championships, going 3-1 for a fifth-place finish. The 2013-14 edition of the Penguins gave fans a thrill as the men won the West Region crown and finished 27-2. The record-breaking performance also included a 23-game winning streak, undefeated in West Region (16-0) play, and best overall record for a season. Clark became just the fourth team in NWAACC history to go undefeated in league play. Clark held the coaches poll No. 1 ranking for the majority of the season and finished ranked No. 1 in the final coaches poll. Second-year head coach Alex Kirk was named West Region Coach of the Year, sophomore Collin Spickerman was named West Region MVP, and sophomore Sean Price was named First-Team West Region. Sophomore Max Livingston was named Second-Team West Region. Spickerman and Price were also named to the All-Defensive Team.


10947793906_86a2f24071_hWomen’s Basketball

For the first time in 14 years, the Clark women’s basketball program won the West Region title and placed at the NWAACC basketball championships for the second straight season, going 3-1 for a fifth-place finish. The team was Ranked No. 2 in final coaches poll and posted a 15-game win streak during their impressive season. Second-year head coach Al Aldridge was named West Region Coach of the Year, sophomore Brooke Bowen was named West Region MVP, and sophomores Nicolette Bond and Haley Grossman were named First-Team West Region. Freshman Shantell Jackson was named Freshman of the Year and Second-Team West Region. Freshman Taylor Howlett was named to the All-Defensive Team.


So far, the year has provided us with plenty of exciting sports moments and lots to cheer about. Visit Clark Athletics to find out about our spring sports, including baseball, softball, and track and field.

Photos: Clark College/Jenny Shadley

A Lesson They Can Wear


It’s the first sunny day the children in Terry Haye’s classroom in Clark College’s Child & Family Studies program have seen for a while, and the classroom’s staff need a few moments to gather everyone on the carpeted area normally reserved for Story Time. But as Haye speaks, the children settle down to listen.

“All right, friends,” she says. “Let’s sit down. I would like to welcome Michiyo to our classroom. Can you say, ‘Konnichi wa?'”

Konnichi wa,”  chorus the children, ages 3 to 5. Japanese professor Michiyo Okuhara beams at them.

Konnichi wa! Hello there!” she says. “My name is Michiyo, and I’m going to show you some traditional kimono from Japan.” With that, Okuhara pulls a vibrantly patterned kimono from a bag, and the children gasp.
Okuhara doesn’t just show off the kimono: With the help of volunteers from Clark’s Japanese Club, she fits many of the children with pint-sized kimonos from her collection. She explains that this activity is in preparation for Clark’s annual Sakura Festival on April 17, where the children will appear in the finale of a kimono fashion show.


Professor Michiyo Okuhara shows how to wrap a kimono.

While the kimono demonstration is new, the partnership between Haye and Okuhara goes back seven years, when Okuhara’s own son was a child in Haye’s classroom. At the time, Clark College had just begun holding a celebration of the campus’s 100 shirofugen cherry trees, a living symbol of friendship between the people of Vancouver and Japan. Haye invited Okuhara to visit her classroom to share stories about sakura celebrations in Okuhara’s native Japan. From that beginning has developed a rich partnership; today, with the help of the Rotary Club of Vancouver, children in the CFS program participate in an artwork exchange with children in a preschool in Vancouver’s sister city of Joyo, Japan. CFS children also attend Sakura each year, learning about Japanese culture.

“I’m always looking for ways to involve our children in the community on campus,” says Haye. “It’s a wonderful resource for us. We track the [shirofugen] trees each year, visiting them during each season. When they blossom, we have a picnic down there. And having Michiyo visit each year and share her experience, that’s a great way for our children to learn about another part of the world.”


Teira Harbeson, left, and Abigail Sloan, right, help a fellow member of the Japanese Club adjust her kimono.

It isn’t only the children who are learning: Japanese Club member Teira Harbeson says that visiting the classroom is giving her a taste of what may be in store for her one day. “I want to become a teacher myself,” says the 21-year-old sophomore, who says her interest in Japan was reinforced when she traveled there with Okuhara last year through Clark’s Study Abroad program. “I want to travel to Japan and teach English there, and while this is a different age group, it still gives me some experience.”

Japanese Club member Abigail Sloan adds that she wished she’d had opportunities to experience other cultures at such an early age. “I think it opens things up for them,” says the 15-year-old Mountain View High student, who attends Clark through Running Start. “The world is becoming more and more globalized, and it’s really good for citizens to get exposure to other cultures early on.”

The time has come for the children to take off their kimono and go play outside. As they wait to have their obi untied, one girl fingers the pink flowers on her kimono thoughtfully. Then she looks up at a visitor and says, “I want to know about Japan. I want to know lots more!”

Photos: Clark College/Jenny Shadley