Nursing Program

Isaac Aguilar (pictured above recieving his nursing pin from his mother) has a heart for helping people. After working as a certified nursing assistant and an emergency medical technician, he realized he wanted to be a nurse and enrolled in Clark’s well-respected nursing program.

As a nursing student, he completed a residency in a hospital intensive care unit and had another realization: “I really like connecting with families on their hardest day.”

No doubt Aguilar will be a stellar, dedicated nurse.

Aguilar and 26 fellow nursing students from Clark College’s 147th nursing cohort graduated on June 20. The following night, they gathered with their loved ones to celebrate their achievement during their pinning ceremony on June 21 in Gaiser Student Center. These graduates earned their associate of arts in Nursing DTA/MRP. Next, they will take their exam to become a Registered Nurse. Most of them shared their plans to continue their education and earn their bachelor’s degree in nursing, or BSN.

Benjamin Kramer, the student speaker, provided medical care in the U.S. Navy before he enrolled in Clark’s nursing program. He thanked his wife and their two daughters for their support while he focused on Clark’s intense, two-year program.

He told his fellow nurses, “A lot of the medicine we do is not glitzy, but it will pay dividends for our patients.”

Allie Bryant (above, right) received the Clinical Excellence Award, bestowed on a graduate who has shown exceptional clinical performance.

In accepting the award, she said, “I decided to become a nurse because of my grandfather. He would be so proud.”

Then it was time for the pinning ceremony. In turn, each graduate stood and was pinned by someone essential in their journey to becoming a nurse: parents, spouses, partners, siblings, children, and best friends. 

  • Allie Bryant was pinned by her father.
  • Isaac Aguilar was pinned by his mother.
  • Juliah Larson was pinned by her husband, while she held their baby.
  • Simon Kirpa was pinned by his wife.
  • Alicia Beach was pinned by her friend, Jennifer, a nurse.
  • Katy Hammond was pinned by her mother, and her husband and their children stood at the ready with congratulatory hugs.
  • Timothy Allen was pinned by his partner, Davin Kortt.
  • Kayla Brosius was pinned by her parents.
  • Alicia Bjur was pinned by her young daughter, accompanied by her husband and son.
Timothy Allen with his partner Davin Kortt.

After all 27 new nurses had been pinned, they stood and in unison, recited the nursing pledge, pledging to uphold certain ethics and standards within their profession. It is a modified version of the Hippocratic Oath for doctors. 

Nursing graduates already have applied for licensure in the state they want to work in. They have one final step to earn an “RN” after their name. They must pass a rigorous exam, the National Council Licensure Examination, or NCLEX-RN. It is a nationwide examination for the licensing of nurses in the U.S., Canada, and Australia.

Many of these nursing graduates shared their plans to continue their education. Many have transferred to Washington State University Vancouver and will begin working toward their bachelor’s degrees in the fall, thanks to a seamless transition between the two schools and their nursing programs. Others have chosen online programs. Many graduates are heading for a well-deserved vacation after completing Clark’s rigorous nursing program.

After the ceremony, nurses, their families, and supporters headed for the reception. Several families walked outside into the warm, sunny evening to take photos.

But still inside Gaiser Student Center, new nurse Vanessa Kuhn (above, left) posed for a photo with her family. Her young son was fidgety. And hungry. When were they going to eat, he asked? She reassured him that they could go to the reception and eat after they took a photo to remember this celebratory night.

A photo was taken, and nurse Vanessa Kuhn stepped toward her new career.

Megan’s Nursing Story

Megan Boucher (above) dreamed of being a nurse, but as the mom of three young boys, she stepped toward her dream gradually. First, Megan completed the phlebotomy certification at Clark. She worked as a phlebotomist for eight years before returning to Clark to complete her prerequisites for the nursing program.

Megan persevered through breast cancer treatment while completing her nursing degree and raising her children as a single mom. It’s been almost two years since her diagnosis, and she is responding very well to her treatment.

Now her sons are teenagers. Megan said, “My sons are my inspiration… Even when I want to give up, I know that they are watching and need their mom to be strong and not give up.”

Megan hopes that sharing her own story will encourage those going through difficult times to keep going.

At last, she’s reached her longtime goal: Registered Nurse, and has accepted her dream job as a hospice nurse at PeaceHealth’s Ray Hickey Hospice House.

She said, “My heart is with hospice nursing. I desire to provide emotional, physical, and spiritual care for my patients and their loved ones during the end-of-life process. It is an honor to be allowed to walk that road with them.”

Megan Boucher graduated winter term 2024, but she participated in the June 20, 2024, commencement ceremony.

History of Nursing at Clark

  • First nursing cohort to begin associate degree program: 1962
  • Number of total nursing graduates: 4,434
  • Number of nursing classes graduating: 147

Nursing Pledge

In full knowledge and understanding, I promise to care for the sick with all of the skill and understanding I possess, without regards to race, creed, color, politics, or social status, sparing no effort to preserve quality of life, alleviate suffering, and promote health. I will respect at all times the dignity and beliefs of the patients under my care, holding in confidence all personal information entrusted to me, and refraining from any action which may endanger life or health. I will endeavor to keep my professional knowledge and skills at the highest level and give loyal support and cooperation to all members of the health care team. I will do my utmost to honor the international code of ethics applied to nursing and uphold the integrity of the nurse. 

Learn more about Clark College’s nursing program here.

Photos: Clark College/Susan Parrish

Clark College’s 88th Commencement 

Clark College honored its 88th graduating class at the 2024 Clark College Commencement ceremony on Thursday evening, June 20, at the RV Inn Style Resorts Amphitheater. Over 640 graduates and their guests gathered with college faculty and staff to celebrate their achievements. This auspicious ceremony honored students graduating with their bachelor’s or associate degrees, and those earning certificates, high school diplomas, and/or GED completion.  

2024 Commencement Highlights

Clark College conferred a total of 1,783 degrees and certificates on the next generation of our community’s workers, leaders, and scholars. This translates to the following: 

  • 1,193 Associate degrees including: 
  • 1,024 graduates earned direct transfer associate degrees to continue their education seamlessly at a four-year university 
  • 617 graduates completed their associate degree or certification in career-focused fields, ready for the workforce 
  • 96 Bachelor of Applied Science degrees in the fields of applied management, cybersecurity, dental hygiene and human services including: 
  • 5 graduates from the first cohort earning a Bachelor of Applied Science in Teacher Education  
  • 446 Running Start students who also are graduating from high school 
  • 431 certificates of proficiency, achievement and completion 
  • 63 graduates earned  high school diplomas 
President Dr. Karin Edwards, center with some of the Dental Hygiene BAS graduates.

2024 Degrees and Certificates conferred included the: 

  • Bachelor of Applied Science degree; 
  • Associate in Arts degree; 
  • Associate in Fine Arts degree; 
  • Associate in Science degree; 
  • Associate in Applied Science degree; 
  • Associate in Applied Technology degree; 
  • Certificate of Proficiency; 
  • Certificate of Achievement; 
  • Certificate of Completion; 
  • High School Diploma; and  
  • General Educational Development (GED) Completion 
Student Speaker Ziyad El Amrani gives gets the graduates hyped up at commmencement.

Speakers at the 2024 Commencement included:  

  • Clark College President Dr. Karin Edwards 
  • Clark College Board of Trustee President Cristhian Canseco Juarez, in both English and Spanish 
  • Graduating Student Ziyad El Amrani, Bachelor of Applied Science in Applied Management degree  
  • CCAHE Faculty Union President and Professor of Communication Studies Suzanne Southerland 

Clark President Dr. Karin Edwards touted recent Clark successes: enrollment has increased 10%, more in-person classes are being offered, student engagement has increased, and its new campus at Boschma Farms in Ridgefield is nearing completion. 

After sharing the inspiring stories of three graduating students, Dr. Edwards said, “These are just three examples of the transformational power of a community college education. Graduates, whatever path your future takes you, the return on your investment is invaluable. You believed in yourself and invested in bettering yourself. The result is that everyone benefits. You, your family, your community, and the world benefit by having your well-educated mind at work. We congratulate and applaud you for your dedication, your hard work, and your sacrifice.”  

Trustee Cristhian Canseco Juarez (pictured above) followed with these words, “What an accomplishment! Through your perseverance and hard work, you did it! Congratulations!” He added, “Many of you, like me, are the first person in your family to graduate from college. Did you know that about 45% of Clark students are the first in their family to attend college? You have sacrificed to make a difference for your family and your future… Penguins Class of 2024, tonight you begin an exciting new journey. Pursue your dreams, reach toward your goals—and make the world a better place. All of Penguin Nation believes in you.”  

Transformed Lives 

Before the commencement ceremony, students waiting outside the amphitheater shared their stories that spoke to the transformational power of education. 

Clark Libraries employees earn degrees. Amanda Brown (pictured above third from the left in white robe), Bachelor of Applied Science in Applied Management (BASAM): Brown is the program manager in Clark Libraries. She realized she would have more opportunities with a bachelor’s degree, so she worked full time while attending Clark full time and achieved her goal. Amanda stands with fellow Clark graduates Courtney Cichosz, a former Clark Libraries student employee, and current Clark Libraries employees Shay Walter and Bridgit Callaway.

Running Start students Lemman Gurre (DTA Biology & transferring to WSUV) and Aalaa Hassan (Biochemical Engineering & transferring to UW) and Nevaeh Fang (AA DTA & undecided)

A trio of Running Start students Lemman Gurre, Aalaa Hassan, and Nevaeh Fang earned direct transfer associate degrees and are headed to University of Washington and Washington State University Vancouver to pursue bachelor’s degrees. Gurre plans to become a pharmacist; Hassan, a biomedical engineer. Fang is undecided. 

Left to right: Slade Samson Griffith and Micah Turner earned DTA degrees. Griffith is first gen student adopted from Haiti-joined US Navy. Turner undecided.

Slade Samson Griffith, a first-generation college graduate who was adopted from Haiti, earned a direct transfer associate degree. He has joined the U.S. Navy and plans to continue his education after he has completed his military service. 

Rachel Kreitel, (pictured above) had not completed high school, but 20 years later, she enrolled at Clark and earned her GED and then an associate degree in Nursing. She realized she wanted to pursue a career in human resources, so returned to Clark again to earn a Bachelor of Applied Science in Applied Management. 

Life got in the way for Elizabeth Rivera, and she hadn’t had an opportunity to graduate from high school. She has four children, ages 6 to 18, and has worked full time at an assembly job for 16 years. Rivera wants to move into a leadership position, so she enrolled in Clark’s Transitional Studies high school plus program full time while working 12-hour shifts Friday, Saturday and Sunday—and caring for her family. Now she plans to pursue a project management position and is considering returning to Clark to earn an associate’s degree.   

The following were recognized during commencement

2024 Community College Presidents’ Award in honor of Val Ogden was received by Graduate Simon Kirpa (pictured above). This annual scholarship is awarded to a Clark College graduate who is transferring to Washington State University Vancouver.  The recipient must demonstrate leadership potential, a commitment to community service, and academic achievement.  

Kirpa joined the U.S. Army and served as a medic in Iraq, where he demonstrated his leadership skills and his ability to put patients at ease. He chose to continue pursuing medicine after completing his military service and applied to Clark’s nursing program. He completed this challenging program while balancing being a husband and father, caring for his mother, and volunteering weekly at his church to offer free meals to those in need. Despite his responsibilities, he consistently completed high-caliber work in his classes, performed his duties with diligence, and provided excellent care in hospital settings. At WSU-Vancouver, Kirpa will study to become an Advanced Practice Nurse Practitioner and specialize in family medicine. 

Thanks to the generosity of Clark College Foundation, the Presidential Scholarship taskforce selected two other recipients of a $1,000 scholarship each: 

  • Alexandra Rose, associate of arts 
  • Alita Sundberg  

Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) Honor Society for two-year colleges selected the following graduating students for its All-Washington Academic Team, based on academic excellence and community service: 

  • Addison Johnson, direct transfer associate degree in Bioengineering 
  • Lisa Segretto, direct transfer associate degree in Psychology 
  • Ethan Mahan, associate in applied technology degree in Medical Assisting; additional certification in Phlebotomy   

Faculty and Staff Awards were also recognized during commencement

2024 Exceptional Faculty Award recipients: 

  • Halina Brant-Zawadzki, Nursing 
  • Sarah Luther, Mathematics 
  • Sarah Blanchette, Human Services 
  • Tanya Diaz-Kozlowski, Women’s Studies  
  • Rebecca Engel, American Sign Language  
  • Catherine Johnston, English as a Second Language 

2024 Exceptional Classified Staff Award recipients: 

  • Cheryl Davenport, Collections and Specialist, Library  
  • Jennifer Lea, Program Specialist, Business department  

2024 Exceptional Administrative Exempt Award recipient:  

  • Vanessa Watkins, Director of Entry Services 

2024 Lora Whitfield Social Equity Award: 

  • Ezekial Wells, Program Specialist 3, Workforce Education Services 

View more photos in the Flickr Album

Graduation Celebrations Galore

Clark College Diversity Center, International Programs, and Bachelor of Applied Science in Teacher Education program celebrated their graduating students at ceremonies on Thursday, June 13.

Diversity Center Graduation Ceremony and Reception

Graduates with Board of Trustees Chair Cristhian Canseco Juárez, Vice Chair Denise Gideon, Vice President of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Vanessa Neal, and President Dr. Karin Edwards.

More than a dozen graduates were celebrated at the Diversity Center graduation reception. Systemically non-dominant graduating students (students of color, queer students, and students with disabilities) of Clark College and their families or support network participated in the college’s annual Diversity Center graduation reception to honor the hard work of graduates and uplift the support provided by family and communities.

The program presenters were:

  • Welcome: Clark College President Dr. Karin Edwards
  • Opening remarks: Alum Kodi Findlay
  • Meaning of the stoles: Alyssa Montminy, Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
  • Keynote speaker: Eduardo Javier Ramirez-Guzman, Spanish Club President who is graduating on June 20
  • Flower ceremony: Rosalba Pitkin, Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
  • Closing remarks: Vanessa Neal, Vice President of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Left to right: Alum Kodi Findlay and Eduardo Javier Ramirez-Guzman, Spanish Club President spoke at the reception.

Vice President of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Vanessa Neal, told graduates: “In our vision as a college one of the key components is being a beacon of hope, and it is you and your determination which truly serve as a beacon of hope and inspiration, not only for yourselves and families but also future generations.”

Congratulations, Class of 2024!

Learn more:

International Programs Graduation

Jody Shulnak, associate director of International Programs, Maggie Li, International admissions manager, and Kristen Fowler, international programs coordinator, with some of the International programs graduates.

Clark College International Programs students, faculty, and staff gathered to celebrate the graduation of 16 students representing 12 countries. Four of the graduating students have earned bachelor’s degrees. The celebration also recognized students completing the Intensive English Language Program, scholarship recipients, students who engaged in Optional Practical Training work experiences, and International Peer Mentors.

  • Thomas Antis, Germany, AA Transfer DTA
  • Raju Chaudhari, India, Mechatronics
  • Tu Do, Vietnam, Dental Hygiene BAS
  • Isabella Kern, Austria, AA Transfer DTA
  • Ju Hyung Kim, South Korea, Dental Hygiene BAS
  • Emiri Sato, Japan, Web Development 
  • Keyli Alvado Pineda, Costa Rica, AA Transfer DTA
  • Shedrack Mollel, Tanzania, Pre-Nursing
  • Huijun Tao, China, AA Transfer DTA
  • Chan Tran, Vietnam, AA Transfer DTA
  • Nacius Chamtany, Kenya, Pre-Nursing
  • Mercy Krugat, Kenya, Pre-Nursing
  • Sharon Kimani, Kenya, Pre-Nursing
  • Afnan Ajina, Qatar/Palestine, Engineering
  • Ami Teramura, Japan, Teacher Education, Bachelor (BAS)
  • Ziyad El Amrani, Morocco, BASAM

Jody Shulnak, associate director of International Programs, Maggie Li, International admissions manager, and Kristen Fowler, international programs coordinator, presented graduating students with colorful stoles representing their country’s flag. Students will wear these stoles over their robes at commencement.

 “Each of you in this room took a giant leap of faith and invested a tremendous amount of effort to make your way to Clark College,” Shulnak told the students. “Today commemorates the many ways you have thrived here, and it is a privilege to be a part of your journey.”

Some of the graduating students shared their exciting next chapters. Six students are transferring to four-year universities to pursue a bachelor’s degree. Sharon Kimani has been accepted into Clark’s Nursing program. Raju Chaudhari, who is earning a Mechatronics degree at Clark, has accepted a job with Intel in New Mexico.

International Programs provides support services and opportunities to foster a global perspective and cross-cultural competence for Clark College and the communities it serves. The program also offers an Intensive English Language program. During the 2023-24 academic year, the college had 64 international students.

Learn more:

For reference, here’s 2023 story:

Bachelor of Applied Science in Teacher Education

Clark College celebrated the first cohort of students graduating from its Applied Science in Teacher Education (BASTE) program at a moving pinning ceremony in Child and Family Studies. Family and friends gathered to support the graduates.

The five students graduating with a BASTE degree are:

  • Caroline Abernathy
  • Tammy Salazar
  • Olivia Stevens
  • Ami Teramura
  • Emily Thompson
Professor Sarah Theberge pins graduating student Caroline Abernathy during the pinning ceremony. Far left: Professor Michelle Mallory.

“As I think about the arc of the BASTE program from inception to the culmination of the first graduating class, I’m reminded of the ‘village’ it takes to bring forth the quality of this program these students represent,” said Sarah Theberge, Bachelor of Applied Science in Teacher Education and Early Childhood Education faculty. “There have been many voices embedded into BASTE and none more important than these fabulous five folx who have proven to be the finest of learners and have shared the gifts of their learning broadly in classrooms across our community. It’s a proud day for all of us.”

The Bachelor of Applied Science in Teacher Education (BASTE) degree program is a two-year program that leads to certification in preschool-through 8th grade and endorsements in bilingual education, special education, and early childhood special education.

Learn more:

Photos: Clark College/Susan Parrish and Carly Rae Zent

2024 OSWALD Awards

Clark’s Student Ambassadors receive OSWALD Awards.

Clark College students were recognized for their outstanding achievements during the annual OSWALD Awards on May 30 in Gaiser Student Center. These students were selected because they are Outstanding Students With Academic Leadership and Development Skills (OSWALD).

Clark College President Dr. Karin Edwards welcomed the students and their families. She told the students who will graduate in three weeks: “I’m incredibly excited for you. Don’t let anyone minimize your accomplishment. Congratulations!”

To all the award winners she said, “I want you to know how happy I am for you. Know that you are always a part of Clark College. You can wear your Penguin proudly.”

More than 100 awards were bestowed on Clark students in these categories: Academic Award, Outstanding Student Employee Award, Outstanding Student in a Department Award, Outstanding Student in an ASCC Club Award, and Outstanding Student in an ASCC Program Award.

The Penguin Award

Running Start student and ASCC Vice President Elizabeth Swift receives the 2024 Penguin Award from Dr. Edwards.

The final award was the Penguin Award, awarded annually to a student who has demonstrated outstanding leadership and service to the Clark College community. This award is based on the student’s performance in the following areas: academics, leadership, community, and college service. A committee of staff and students reviews nominations and selects the student for this award.

Penguin Award Nominees

  • Stephanie Crocker
  • Melina Doan
  • Ziyad El Amrani
  • Sienna Hahn
  • Emily Subroto

Penguin Award Winner

  • Elizabeth Swift, ASCC Vice President

Academic Award

  • Jasmina Camacena, Communication Studies
  • Pamela Crawford, Communication Studies
  • Dorji Damdul, Communication Studies
  • Joshua DeWees, Communication Studies
  • Tysson Dykes, Communication Studies
  • Sidney Exum, Communication Studies
  • Vella Hongel, Communication Studies
  • Avery LeCocq, Communication Studies
  • Carolina Lovato, Communication Studies
  • Emma Mady, Communication Studies
  • Ian McCuen, Communication Studies
  • Cassandra McDaniel, Communication Studies
  • Natalie Perdun, Communication Studies
  • Angeline Stefanyuk, Communication Studies
  • Kimberly Troncoso, Communication Studies
  • Elliott Vazquez, Communication Studies
  • Spencer Venable, Communication Studies
  • Kristina Zubrovych, Communication Studies
  • Cameron Steiger, Communication Studies/College 101
  • Mieta Branch, Early Childhood Education
  • Vanessa Herrera, Early Childhood Education
  • Vash Martinez, Early Childhood Education
  • Brenden Prothe, Physics
  • Paige Cook, Sociology
Joshua DeWees with his supporters at the photo booth.

Outstanding Student Employee Award

  • Anna Bondar, Child and Family Studies
  • Olena Bondar, Child and Family Studies
  • Mia Caggianese, Child and Family Studies
  • Grace Chen, Child and Family Studies
  • Jozi Eller, Child and Family Studies
  • Cindy Ildefonzo, Child and Family Studies
  • Kristen Jensen-Minkler, Child and Family Studies
  • Aspen Mallory, Child and Family Studies
  • Uliana Rudoi-Kostyshyn, Child and Family Studies
  • Ami Teramura, Child and Family Studies
  • Naomi Lauser, Environmental Health & Safety Dept.
  • Cassandra Williams, Environmental Health & Safety Dept.
  • Jessie Donehey, Library
  • Paden Geddings, Library
  • Preston Hagan, Library
  • Daniel Diego Hernandez, Multicultural Student Affairs Peer Mentors
  • Tracy Fung, Multicultural Student Affairs Peer Mentors
  • Leonardo Miguel Gallardo Dextre, Multicultural Student Affairs Peer Mentors
  • Mercy Kariuki, Multicultural Student Affairs Peer Mentors
  • Susanna Sixto, Multicultural Student Affairs Peer Mentors
  • Zachary Pfenning, Transitional Studies
  • LilyAnna Babien, Tutoring Services
  • Caroline Campbell, Tutoring Services
  • Hailey Cassell, Tutoring Services
  • Anna Chaffee, Tutoring Services
  • Jessica Clark, Tutoring Services
  • Gurraj Dhami, Tutoring Services
  • Hana Feldheger, Tutoring Services
  • Eric Holtz, Tutoring Services
  • Grant Hovik, Tutoring Services
  • Kennadi Jones, Tutoring Services
  • Nicholas Le, Tutoring Services
  • Emma Mady, Tutoring Services
  • Michelle Nguyen, Tutoring Services
  • Ambrosia Stringer, Tutoring Services

Outstanding Student in a Department Award

  • Lindsey Bross, Art
  • Tanya English, Early Childhood Education
  • Sarah Timmer, Early Childhood Education
  • Ian Arellano Mendez, Music Department
  • Lana White, Music Department
  • Casey Nichols, Pharmacy Technician
  • Eduardo Ramírez, Spanish Department
  • Rohan Benda, Tutoring Services

Outstanding Student in an ASCC Club Award

  • Colton Coughran, Japanese Club
  • Jessie Mendoza, Japanese Club
  • Sydney Phanthamath, Japanese Club
  • Braedon Pitman, Japanese Club
  • Zoe Rojas, Japanese Club
  • Yaksi Amezcua, Spanish Club
  • Ayden Borgoyne, Spanish Club
  • Justin Cayambe, Spanish Club
  • Nathan Gauna, Spanish Club
  • Carolina Lovato, Spanish Club
  • Eduardo Ramirez, Spanish Club
  • Emily Subroto, Spanish Club
  • Stephanie Wagner, Spanish Club
The Spanish Club gathered in the photo booth for a fun keepsake photo.

Outstanding Student in an ASCC Program Award

  • Justin Cayambe Molina, Activities Programming Board
  • Hanna Colwell, Activities Programming Board
  • Austin Newton, Activities Programming Board
  • Jaelyn Sayler, Activities Programming Board
  • Mia Autumn, Aerospace & Robotics
  • Alex Kari, Aerospace & Robotics
  • Ethan Walter, Aerospace & Robotics
  • Emma Sturm, ASCC Student Government
  • Kathryn Johnston, Model United Nations
  • Chela Donaldson, Orchestra
  • Hana Feldheger, Orchestra
  • DayAn Le, Orchestra
  • Jackie Steidel, Orchestra
  • Ziyad El Amrani, Phi Theta Kappa
  • Michael Harrison, Phi Theta Kappa
  • Mary Harter, Phi Theta Kappa
  • Addison Johnson, Phi Theta Kappa
  • Natalie Perdun, Phi Theta Kappa
  • Nikhil Sahgal, Phi Theta Kappa
  • Fennic Tatum, Phi Theta Kappa
  • Connor Slattery-Piatt, STEM Nerd Girls & Engineering Program
  • Johanna Wagner, STEM Nerd Girls & Engineering Program
  • Madi Beck, Student Ambassadors
  • Kaden Cole, Student Ambassadors
  • Ziyad El Amrani, Student Ambassadors
  • Jude Georgeades-Tambara, Student Ambassadors
  • Mary Harter, Student Ambassadors
  • Tiffany Lounsbury, Student Ambassadors
Award recipient Ziyad El Amrani takes a selfie with Clark College President Dr. Karin Edwards at the OSWALD Awards.

Learn more at  OSWALD Awards (

Photos: Clark College/Susan Parrish

Phi Theta Kappa Spring Induction Ceremony

PTK incoming and outgoing officers along with co-advisors Heather Leasure (far left) and Darci Feider (far right).

Congratulations to the 144 Clark students who became members of Alpha Sigma Phi, Clark College’s chapter of Phi Theta Kappa honor society during spring term. PTK celebrated these new members with their families at the 2024 spring term Induction Ceremony on May 28.

The official honors society for two-year colleges, Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) recognizes the academic achievement of college students and provides opportunities for its members to grow as scholars and leaders. Students are invited to join PTK when enrolled in at least 12 credits per term and achieve a minimum 3.25 grade point average. Clark’s PTK co-advisors are Darci Feider and Heather Leasure.

During her keynote address, Clark College President Dr. Karin Edwards said, “I am confident Clark’s PTK chapter will continue to make an impact on our community.”

Dr. Edwards continued: “To our graduating students, I want to extend my congratulations. Your resilience and passion have brought you to this moment… Access to a good education is life changing. Education is a great equalizer. Never forget the power of education. Never stop learning.”

Incoming PTK officers for the 2024-25 school year.

During the event the 2024-25 PTK officers were sworn in:

  • Alexander Chastain
  • Beheshta Eqbali
  • Deserea Franz
  • Jude Georgeades-Tambara
  • Em Geromichalos
  • Malina Siharath

The outgoing 2023-24 officers are Ziyad El Amrani, Mary Harter, Addison Johnson, Fennic Tatum, and Natalie Perdun.

Outgoing PTK President Ziyad El Amrani spoke about the chapter’s accomplishments in the past year, including receiving three international awards, a first in the chapter’s history.

El Amrani said, “Together, we have achieved what seemed impossible…It’s more than joining an honor society. It’s about volunteering, service, and yes—having fun.” He added, “The PTK family is forever. Let’s continue this journey together.”

PTK outgoing President Ziyad El Amrani presents Dr. Karin Edwards with honorary PTK membership.

Then he announced the chapter was bestowing honorary PTK membership to Clark President Dr. Karin Edwards.

Clark College has recognized Phi Theta Kappa as an official honor society since 1991. In addition to recognizing students’ academic success, PTK also provides them opportunities to develop professional and leadership skills, earn scholarships, explore career paths — and make their worlds a lot bigger. Learn more about Clark’s PTK chapter at

PTK 2023-24 Highlights

PTK International Awards

  • 2023-2024 REACH Rewards Chapter
  • 2023-2024 Top 100 out of 1,247 chapters
  • 2023-2024 Distinguished College Project Award. Read more here.

PTK Regional Awards

  • Honors in Action project, second place
  • Honors in Action theme, second place
  • College project, third place

PTK Individual Recognition

Four PTK scholars from Clark College were named to 2024 All-Washington Academic Team and were recognized at a state ceremony in April.  Read more here.

  • Alexander Cole
  • Addison Johnson
  • Ethan Mahan
  • Lisa Segretto

About Phi Theta Kappa

Phi Theta Kappa is the international official Honors Society for two-year colleges. PTK has a presence on almost 1,300 community college campuses in 11 nations. Phi Theta Kappa recognizes the academic achievement of college students. It provides opportunities for its members to achieve academic and career success through scholarships and leadership training. More than 3.5 million students have been inducted into PTK. There are about 250,000 active PTK members in the nation’s community colleges.

Learn more at

Photos: Clark College/Susan Parrish

Disability Luncheon

Dana Quintana and her husband Alberto Quintana at the Disability Luncheon.

Dana Quintana, Clark College student, employee, and disability rights advocate, shared her story with Clark students, faculty, and staff at the Spring Disability Luncheon on May 16 in a presentation titled “Disability Rights: It’s Not All About Ramps and Restrooms.”

The free event is presented each term by Clark’s Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. The purpose of the luncheons is to allow students and employees to hear inspiring stories, connect with faculty, meet new friends, consider different career paths, and identify community resources and potential mentors.

Quintana is a peer mentor in Clark’s Disability Support Services office. Last academic year, she held the same position for the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.

Not so many years ago, Quintana says, “I was healthy. I was running marathons. Lifting weights.”

She had thrived in her nursing career, which was physically demanding. But after running the 2014 Portland Marathon, something changed. Her body was very sore. Months later, the soreness persisted, and she began to have health problems. Over the years, she has been diagnosed with multiple diseases and chronic conditions. Eventually, she retired from nursing due to her health.

For her safety, Quintana gets around in a wheelchair. She demonstrated that she can walk slowly with a cane, but it takes great effort, and she could collapse or faint at any time.

At Clark College, she advocates for people with disabilities, and she encourages them to advocate for themselves.

After retiring from a rewarding career as a nurse administrator in 2015, she embarked on a new journey, pursuing computer science and engineering as a second career, and plans to earn a doctorate in biomedical engineering.

Advice from Dana Quintana

Quintana encouraged students who would benefit from accommodation to contact Disability Support Services.

“You do not need a doctor’s note to receive accommodation. Hear my words: You are worth getting accommodation.”

“Part of advocating for yourself as a handicapped person is you must be forceful. You have to advocate. Do not ask. Tell.”

“The worst thing that can happen is being told ‘No.’ But if you don’t ask, the answer will always be ‘No.’”

Clark College Disability and Support Services

Photo: Clark College/Susan Parrish

Women in STEM Tea

Mechanical engineer Amelia Palmer Hansen demonstrates a tool that measures the temperature at air vents.

Amelia Palmer Hansen, an experienced mechanical engineer, sat at a table with five female Clark College students pursuing degrees in STEM fields.

Palmer Hansen described her work inspecting building projects seeking LEED certification. “My job is super interesting, and it pays well.”

She also spoke about the difficulty of engineering courses. “It’s hard to go to school to be an engineer, but it will open so many doors for you. I feel very fortunate to have my engineering degree.”

Palmer Hansen was among five women working in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) careers who shared their expertise with Clark College women pursuing technical degrees during the Women in STEM Tea on May 15.

Experienced women engineers answer questions posed by engineering students at the Women in STEM Tea.

The event is organized by Professors Tina Barsotti and Carol Hsu. At last year’s event, a panel of Clark alumnae working in STEM fields sat at a table at the front of the room.

Professor Hsu said, “Always looking to improve and create more interactions to help our students network, we decided to try a different format this year: speed networking.”

The speed networking format proved a useful way for Clark College students pursuing STEM careers to mingle and connect with women who paved the way by earning degrees years and even decades earlier. Students formed groups and every 15 minutes, they rotated to another table to converse with other professionals.

Some high school students and women from the community also attended.

Participating STEM professionals were:

  • Lisa Barsotti, Clark College Allied Health programs
  • Melanie Handshaw, ConMet
  • Amelia Palmer Hansen, Glumac
  • Cynthia Stewart-Irvin, H.B. Fuller
  • Susan Wagner-DeBusman, Kaiser Permanente
A group of engineering students listen to Cynthia Stewart-Irvin, a senior scientist with H.B. Fuller.

The advice given and comments made by the professionals included:

“The communication, collaboration, and team-building skills that women have are assets in STEM fields.”

“As a woman studying engineering, don’t beat yourself up if you’re getting B or C grades. I’ve rarely seen men questioning their ability. Be patient with yourselves. It takes a while to get there.”

“Get involved in professional development and networking groups, even as a student.”

“It’s exciting to see young women going into the engineering field because we need innovation.”

“The industry could use more diversity today.”

The format worked. Students interacted with the professionals, who offered advice and answered questions. Connections were made.

STEM at Clark College

In Clark’s STEM programs, students gain hands-on, real-world experience—doing everything from studying microbes to designing rockets to troubleshooting computer networks. With an emphasis on innovation, collaboration, and creative problem-solving, our programs prepare students for a rapidly changing global society.

Learn more

Clark College STEM programs:

Clark’s state-of-the-art STEM Building:

Photos: Clark College/Susan Parrish

Professional Baking Capstone

Gage Gwynn was pursuing a general associate degree at Clark College when he mentioned to his math professor that he enjoyed baking and had heard positive reviews of Clark’s Professional Baking and Pastry Arts program. His professor talked so effusively about it that Gwynn eventually enrolled in the program.

Gage Gwynn holding a loaf of sourdough focaccia.

“I’m really good at math,” he explained. “And I also like baking. They go together.”

Gwynn was one of eight second-year baking students who presented their capstone project to the college community and their families on May 9 in the McClaskey Culinary Institute Food Court in Gaiser Hall.

An enthusiastic crowd of Clark students, staff, and community members waited in a very long line for an opportunity to sample artful and delicious baked goods prepared by the students.

The much-awaited annual event is the culmination of their capstone project. They spent the first five weeks of spring term creating their final presentations. Each student chose their focus: bread, plated dessert, or viennoisserie (laminated doughs).

Before the ravenous crowd was allowed to storm the bakery tables, all the baked goods were judged by professional bakers who examined the baked goods, asked students questions about their techniques and ingredients—and then tasted everything.

Finally, the judges finished. By this time, the crowd was growing restless. The line snaked through the food court, down the hall, and nearly to the north entrance of Gaiser Hall.

Alison Dolder, center, stands with the judges who volunteered to rate the student’s work.

Then Alison Dolder, Professional Baking and Pastry Arts instructor stepped to the front of the waiting crowd and introduced the 2024 capstone project. She stepped aside as people made a beeline to tables where baking students stood behind mouth-watering displays of their baked goods. 

The bakers patiently offered samples of pain au chocolat, tiramisu, cambozola cheesecake Napoleon, salted caramel cream puff, chocolate babka, and much more to the eager tasters.

Students prepping for their final project in the McClaskey cake room.

Real-world experience

These students have completed their classes at Clark. Next, they will get hands-on real-world work experience immersed in internships in professional bakeries in Vancouver and Portland. During the five-week internships, students must work a minimum of 24 hours per week. Some will work more.

In June these students will earn an associate in applied technology degree in Professional Baking and Pastry Arts Management.

First-year students help the bakers get their pastries plated for presentation.

Meet the Bakers

Miranda Kirby

Capstone focus: Viennoiserie (laminated doughs)
Internship: Bakeshop in Portland

Isabella Alvarez

Capstone focus: Individual desserts
Internship: Di Tazza Gourmet Coffee and Café, Vancouver 

Max Harrell

Capstone focus: Viennoiserie (laminated doughs)
Internship: Forevers Bakery, Hazel Dell

Genesis Skjeie

Capstone focus: Viennoiserie (laminated doughs)
Internship: Di Tazza Gourmet Coffee and Café, Vancouver 

Annika Davila

Capstone focus: Individual desserts
Internship: Farina Bakery, Portland

Emily Baker

Capstone focus: Individual desserts, particularly petit four
Internship: Chandelier Bakery, Vancouver 

Jessica Ray

Capstone focus: Individual desserts
Internship: Dream Cakes, Portland

Gage Gwynn

Capstone focus: Artisan breads, particularly sourdough
Internship: Fleur De Lis Bakery & Cafe, Portland

View photos on our Flickr page:
Photos Clark College/Jenny Shadley

The Swift Literary Journal

For many authors, this was their first time reading their work publically.

The Clark College community celebrated the annual publication of The Swift, the college’s student-run literary journal at a release party that included student readings, coffee and pastries, and stacks of the 2024 issue on May 9 in PUB 161.

As people entered the room, they picked up the journal, sat, and began reading. Many who attended were published in this issue. For some, it was their first time being published.

The event had a very supportive and attentive crowd for the newly published authors.

The Swift’s contributing writers and poets are Clark students and alumni. This edition features the work of 23 writers and includes 10 poems, 10 works of short fiction, and 6 works of short nonfiction. The annual journal was edited by first-time student editors.

In 2023, Clark published the first issue of The Swift. Formerly, Clark College featured art and literature in a single magazine Phoenix, which now focuses strictly on art: This is the second annual volume of The Swift.

Dawn Knopf, Clark English professor (pictured above) and advisor of The Swift, welcomed the guests and invited the writers to take a turn reading their work at the podium. What followed was a lovely time of students reading their work aloud for the appreciative audience.

Poet Colin Sandberg (pictured above) introduced his poem, “Rock and Stone” by saying, “This is my first published work. It starts with an epigraph from Mary Oliver’s A Poetry Handbook.”

As he read, all listened intently. When he finished reading, they clapped. Then the next published writer walked to the podium.

About The Swift

Funded by the Associated Students of Clark College (ASCC), The Swift: Clark College Literary Journal is dedicated to publishing skillful and inventive creative writing by Clark students, alumni, and staff. The journal is student-run and supported by faculty and staff from the Art and English Departments. Students enrolled in English 277 start the production of the journal each Fall Quarter. An editorial staff of literary students continues production work during winter term with the publication and distribution of the annual journal occurring spring term each year.

Learn more

Submit your poem, fiction, or nonfiction short piece for publication: The Swift: accepts submissions from the Clark College community, including students, faculty, staff, and alumni. For submission guidelines and timelines contact

Get involved as a staff member: Contact faculty adviser Dawn Knopf, Director of The Swift at or

Become a better writer. Sign up for a writing class offered during the 2024-25 academic year:

  • English 121: Intro to Creative Writing
  • English 125: Fiction Writing
  • English 126: Poetry Writing
  • English 127: Creative Nonfiction Writing
  • English 128: Graphic Fiction Writing
  • English 277: Literary Publication

View photos from the event on our Flickr page
Photos: Clark College/Jenny Shadley

Spring Welcome Week

Spring Welcome Week kicked off on Monday, April 8. Students returning to campus for spring term were greeted by blossoming trees and flowers—and a plethora of Clark staff members volunteering at information tables inside buildings around campus. Helpful volunteers answered students’ questions, offered directions, provided campus maps and more. These information tables were successful in helping students feel welcomed by the many staff and faculty who volunteered to help Clark students.

Warmer, dry weather invited students to gather outside to sit on benches or walk the paths around campus, and particularly to view and take photos of the blooming cherry trees. Inside Gaiser Hall, students congregated in their favorite gathering spots to catch up with friends and classmates.

Student Involvement Fair

Gaiser Student Center bustled with activity as students, staff, and faculty gathered for Clark’s Spring Term Involvement Fair on April 10. Students stopped at the tables that filled the hall to ask questions and to learn more about the college’s support services, student clubs, and programs.

Clark College wants to ensure students know about and can access wrap-around services, including Penguin Pantry, Disability Support Services, Counseling and Health Center, and more. The Student Involvement Fair, which is held during the first week of every quarter, is an excellent way for students—particularly new students—to learn more about these programs, services, and opportunities. Standing at the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion table, Rosalba Pitkin offered flyers and information about the Students of Color Luncheon, Noche de Familia, and other upcoming events. At the Counseling and Health Center table, students could learn about free health and counseling services and the center’s new sensory room, which has been popular among students.

At Clark’s ASCC student government table, student leaders answered students’ questions and shared information about getting involved with student government. Students stopped by the Activities Programming Board table to learn about upcoming opportunities to connect with fellow students—including making a Swiftie-themed bracelet, crafts, movies, free pizza and ice cream sundaes.

Students connected with peers with shared interests by stopping at many student club tables where club members talked about practicing speaking in Spanish to creating comics to bingeing on Korean K-dramas and more. At the Columbia Writers Series table, Professor Dawn Knopf chatted about the upcoming event with author Andrew Leland on April 26. At the Spanish Club table, students learned about opportunities to practice speaking in Spanish and participate in activities to immerse themselves in Hispanic culture. At the Clark Aerospace Club table student Ethan Walters showed off the club’s new rocket, dubbed “Emperor Penguin” and talked about their April 27 test flight in Brothers, Oregon.

Students also connected with representatives from various useful community resources. Volunteers from Clark County Food Bank offered flyers with food pantries and housing resources around the county. At the League of Women Voters of Clark County table, volunteers assisted students to register to vote. At the Clark County Volunteer Lawyers Program table, students who need legal assistance could find help.

Eight financial institutions participated in the event: Bank of America, Columbia Credit Union, IQ Credit Union, Key Bank, OnPoint Community Credit Union, Rivermark Community Credit Union, Umpqua Bank and US Bank.

In addition to helpful information and connections, the event also provided opportunities for students to pick up useful items at no cost. At the Activities Programming Board table students Hannah Colwell, Austun Fuerstenberg and Austin Newton offered reusable bags filled with travel-size toothpaste, shampoo and more.

They had placed many other free items on another table. Pointing to an electric air pump to inflate an air mattress, Hannah Cowell said the goal is to provide useful items that students can use and that might not be in their budget. Almost immediately, the air pump was snapped up by a student.

All around Gaiser Student Center, Clark students were making connections, learning about opportunities and receiving free items that will make their lives easier. Another Involvement Fair that lived up to its name.

Students can find all these resources and more at Support Services (

Photos: Clark College/Susan Parrish