Finding his wavelength

Clark College student Nick Gibson, left, interviews Shannon Chasteen during his internship with Oregon Public Radio. Photo courtesy of Nick Gibson.

Clark College sophomore Nick Gibson successfully pursued two hands-on community journalism opportunities over the summer. The experience he gained will enhance his job as editor-in-chief of Clark’s student news magazine, The Indy, for the 2020-21 academic year.

His first project was working as a news intern at The Columbian, Vancouver’s daily newspaper. The paid internship was provided by the Dee Ann Finken Fund through Clark College Foundation.

NPR’s Next Generation Radio 

Gibson’s second summer project was being selected by Oregon Public Broadcasting to participate in National Public Radio’s Next Generation Radio Project for outstanding college journalists. Now in its 20th year, NPR Next Gen selects emerging journalists who are either still in school or recently graduated and provides them with five days of training to produce a radio news piece.

Clark journalism professor and Indy adviser Beth Slovic encouraged Gibson to apply to Next Gen. Gibson applied, but was doubtful that a community college student would be selected.

“I didn’t believe I had any chance of getting this NPR fellowship experience,” he says. “I don’t have access to the equipment or the training that these big institutions have.”

“I like to think The Indy lets students follow their interest,” Slovic says. “I knew radio was Nick’s primary interest. I’m proud of the work Nick did with the project. I think it was great preparation for his work at The Indy, and I know he’s super-energized to share his enthusiasm for telling people’s stories with the rest of the staff.”

Despite his initial concerns, Gibson was encouraged that another community college journalist, Kanani Cortez from Portland Community College, also was selected to participate in his Next Generation cohort.

Gibson’s NPR project told the COVID-19 story of Shannon Chasteen, chef de cuisine for Portland’5 Centers for the Arts. When the pandemic shut down restaurants and event venues, Chasteen was furloughed indefinitely. Looking for something productive to do with her time off, Chasteen began volunteering to cook at Blanchet House, a nonprofit organization that feeds and houses people in need in downtown Portland.

When Gibson went to Blanchet House to interview Chasteen, she was nervous. She had never been interviewed before.

“It was really about making Shannon comfortable,” Gibson says. “It’s a non-narrated piece so I had to rely on Shannon to tell her story.”

His next challenge was to edit his 45-minute interview down to a four-minute story. OPB provided journalists, editors, and illustrators to support Gibson and the other Next Gen journalists. He was given a short lesson in editing with Adobe Edition software. He had only five days to complete the project: interview, audio editing, taking photos, and writing the print story.

Gibson says he appreciates the network and support provided by the 600 journalists who have participated in the Next Gen project over the past 20 years. They often share internship and job opportunities across the U.S.

Finding his niche—and his passion 

Nick Gibson. Photo courtesy of Nick Gibson.

Gibson’s original career plan was not journalism, but psychology. After graduating from high school in Montrose, Colorado in 2016, he received a full-ride scholarship to Colorado Mesa University in Grand Junction, about an hour from home. Settling into his new city and the university campus, he started his classes. Whether it was the coursework, the school, or the timing—or a combination—it didn’t take long for Gibson to realize it wasn’t a good fit. After his first term, he took a break from school, but he stayed in Grand Junction for about a year working and getting involved in the community.

He found purpose, connection, and perhaps even his passion when he started volunteering at 100.3 KWSI-LP, a fledgling community radio station. In sharp contrast to how his university classes had felt, radio clicked for him. First, he helped paint the studio and set the antennae. After the station’s engineer taught him to work the radio equipment, Gibson hosted a music show, and then a League of Women Voters program. He did stories on ballot issues and teen suicide.

Gibson explains, “Volunteering at the community radio station was a life-changing experience. I realized I was having fun and decided to get into audio storytelling.”

He says, “I’ve always worked best by doing. I think journalism is a lot like cooking. It’s best to be in the kitchen, doing it every day. I’ve always been hands-on, getting to know my community, getting to know how to work the board.”

His success at his volunteer gig at the radio station led him down a new career path as an audio journalist. He relocated to Vancouver and moved into his aunt’s home to save money. After he learned about Clark College’s journalism program, he established Washington residency, which made school more affordable. Eventually, he moved into his own apartment down the street from campus.

The resiliency of students: Learning to pivot and seek help  

Gibson was ready to try college again, but he didn’t want to repeat the negative experience he’d had in Colorado. Recognizing he needed to develop coping tools to help him be successful in navigating the challenges of college, he sought therapy. One of the tools he developed in therapy was practicing mindfulness.

“It changed my life,” Gibson says. “It helped get me to a place to be able to go back to school.”

Three years after his high school graduation, he started attending Clark College in fall of 2019.

Gibson, 22, says, “I understand I’m a couple of steps behind some people I graduated high school with.” Then he adds, “But there is no timeline.”

Pursuing a journalism career 

Nick Gibson taking photos as part of his Oregon Public Radio story. Photo courtesy of Nick Gibson

His first quarter at Clark, he took Journalism 101 taught by Beth Slovic “because I knew I wanted to pursue journalism.”

The next term, he joined The Indy staff. On his first day, he produced an audio story about the faculty strike.

Gibson says, “I wanted to bring my experience at the radio station. As editor-in-chief, that’s one of my goals—to diversify The Indy’s content. With a digital format, you must have engaging content that people want to stay with. Beth (Slovic) is there guiding you. She’s an advisor in the best sense. It’s student-run.”

Slovic agrees. “I don’t control what they do. I give them instruction and assignments in class, but I ensure my assignments don’t bleed over into their stories for The Indy.

Clark’s journalism program teaches students to report and write, but also to produce multimedia stories, including audio and video.

“Entry-level journalists today are expected to do it all, so I give students the freedom and the tools to experiment with a lot of different story formats,” Slovic says. “Students like Nick, who come to Clark with radio experience, can take it as far as they want. We have had training in podcasting in past quarters in that class, and our newsroom includes podcasting equipment and dedicated space for recording.”

She says learning to pitch stories is a key focus during class for The Indy.

“Students collaborate over Zoom, phone, Slack, Canvas to share story ideas. As part of the class, they’re required to write story pitches. The editors—Nick and his staff—evaluate the pitches and make assignments. We have new students joining the class every quarter, so not a lot of experience pitching. That’s one of the things we practice the most.”

Gibson says he is grateful for his Clark instructors: “Professors at Clark are so engaged and passionate about their subjects, and they’re in the field doing research. I think they really care about their students. They understand the circumstances of their students who are working or are parents.”

At the end of NPR’s Next Gen production week, Gibson and the other journalists were asked to write a reflection piece. Gibson wrote about the value of community college journalists and community colleges in general. Read Gibson’s reflection here.

“[C]ommunity college students are a valuable part of this industry and should be recognized as such,” he wrote in his reflection. “Those students are often working with limited funding and limited access to equipment while juggling other responsibilities like parenting or a part-time job. When those students are overlooked it leads to a lack of diversity in newsrooms, which in turn leads to underserved and under-covered communities.”

Gibson says, “When you talk about community college students, you’re talking about lower-income, many POC [people of color], first-generation college students. I love my peers. I want them all to go on to do great things.”

Meanwhile, Gibson is planning for his own great things. After he graduates from Clark, he plans to transfer to WSU Pullman and continue pursuing his journalism education at the Edward R. Murrow School of Journalism and Northwest Public Broadcasting.


Dental clinic re-opens

Dental patient lying back in dental chair while dental hygiene student examines her teeth
Pat Niesz, 73, has been coming to Clark College’s dental clinic for three years. On this visit, student Stefanie Hatley took x-rays and cleaned Niesz’s teeth. Hatley would have graduated Spring quarter. Now she will graduate at the end of August.  Photo: Clark College/Susan Parrish

For 51 years, Clark College’s dental hygiene clinic provided affordable dental service to the community—until the COVID-19 pandemic forced it to close in spring term. Now, thanks to careful planning by the college’s dental hygiene program, the Firstenburg Dental Hygiene Education and Care Services is back open to serve the community and train the next generation of dental caregivers.  

The clinic is a win-win for both the community and the students.

“It’s a two-way street,” says Program Director Kristi Taylor. “We’re helping the community, but they’re helping the students gain real-world experience. We’ve set up our clinic so students have the feel of a private practice. Our goal when students leave here is to be prepared to walk into a private practice. They are very job-ready.”

COVID-19 safety measures added 

Before the clinic could reopen, Taylor and instructors scrambled to adapt the lab classes and clinic to meet safety guidelines prescribed by the Centers for Disease Control, Washington State Department of Health, and American Dental Association to protect students, staff and patients.

“It’s a lot of changes across the dental and medical fields,” says Taylor.

The program was helped by the fact that many safety procedures were already in place. Even before the pandemic, students and instructors wore face masks in the clinic when working directly with patients. Frequent handwashing and wearing gloves were also standard.

“We have always been very conscious of infection control,” Taylor says.

Since COVID-19, the program has implemented these new safety measures:

  • Scrub caps now are mandatory. 
  • Clear plastic face shields are worn by students or instructors who are within six feet of a patient.
  • Two-feet-tall clear plastic partitions were installed to separate individual stations (called “operatories”) from each other and from common spaces.
  • Following social distancing guidelines, the clinic has reduced the number of patients and students on site. The clinic has 30 operatories. Normally, 25 students are working at a time, and they treat 22 patients. Due to COVID restrictions, the students and patients are divided into two groups, and only 10 to 15 patients are scheduled at a time.
  • N-95 masks will be required when the clinic is using aerosols again. For now, the program has opted out of using aerosols in the clinic because they potentially could spread COVID-19 particles through the air. Normally, student hygienists use aerosols to polish teeth and to cut out decay before filling cavities. During the pandemic, if a patient needs a filling, the clinic refers them to an outside dental office.

“These precautions are probably long overdue,” Taylor says. “I think we’ll see many of these safety measures remain [after COVID-19].”

Students were assigned patients to call and explain the safety protocols put in place. Some patients chose not to come into the clinic during the pandemic. 

Dentist and dental hygiene student, both wearing masks, look at clipboard together.
Dr. Eugene Sakai works with student Shaylin Breen in Clark College’s dental clinic. Photo: Clark College/Susan Parrish.

A dentist oversees every clinic session. On this day Dr. Eugene Sakai, retired from his own dental practice, is on site to examine patients and diagnose issues, do soft-tissue exams, and look for disease.

Dr. Sakai says, “COVID is changing things a lot.”

CDC guidelines recommend that people maintain six feet distance from others.

“We cannot do our work from six feet away,” Taylor says. “A lot of active hygienists have decided to retire due to COVID.”

As a result, Taylor says, the industry is short of hygienists. This is good news for Clark’s student hygienists.

Taking care of students 

Public health restrictions meant instructors and students worked remotely Spring quarter. Before COVID-19, students had all face-to-face classes, except for one online class per quarter. It took team effort to adapt Spring classes for remote learning. By moving the didactic portion into spring and the labs/clinics into summer, instructors didn’t have to create many instruction videos.

Dental hygiene students who were scheduled to graduate Spring term had missed an entire quarter of crucial hands-on instruction, both in the lab and working with patients in the clinic. Taylor and her team got to work figuring out how to schedule clinical hours for all students while also observing the social distancing protocols that reduced the number of students allowed to work simultaneously and the number of patients allowed in the clinic.

By the time dental hygiene students returned to campus on June 21, all the lead instructors had put together a plan for their respective clinics.

“We all worked together to create the overall schedule of courses that included all the labs and clinics they had missed in the spring,” Taylor says.  

Dental hygiene instructor Amy Johnson holds the color-coded schedule her department created to ensure all students got the required lab time to graduate.

Then all the plans were compiled onto a detailed, color-coded schedule to ensure all students completed their required hours for labs including local anesthesia, nitrous oxide, radiology, cleaning and clinic. Implementing social distancing while compressing all the labs and clinical experience into the shorter summer schedule has required most students and faculty to work six-day weeks, and to sometimes work Sunday too.

“This summer has been full of catching all the students up on their hands-on skills,” Taylor says.

“It’s been really hard on the students,” adds instructor Amy Johnson. 

The Bachelor of Applied Science in dental hygiene is a four-year degree. The dental portion takes two years to complete. Each year about 100 potential students from as far away as Seattle and California apply for the program’s 25 slots.

“Students can come to Clark, pay a much lower tuition [than at a four-year university], and get the same training,” Taylor says.

Seniors will graduate at the end of August after completing their hands-on clinics.

Taylor says some students already have jobs waiting as soon as they pass their six clinical boards and get their license to practice.

“In recent years, all of our students have found jobs,” Taylor says. “I get four to six phone calls a week from dental offices looking for hygienists. I’m extremely happy we could return to the lab.”

Clark’s dental hygiene clinic is open to the public and offers affordable dental care to adults and children. To schedule an appointment, call 360-992-2158. Learn more at

Automotive Technology steers through challenges

Two students looking at a car with an open hood, exposing the engine, and checking a notebook
Clark College Automotive Technology students maintain their distance while learning about air conditioning systems.

When Clark College made the switch to online instruction during COVID-19, students showed their tenacity by adapting to new ways of learning. But some challenges take more than determination to overcome. For instance, what if your “homework” is an automobile you need to repair—what then?  

Well, that’s when your professors’ creativity and flexibility come in. When Clark’s Dealer Ready Automotive Technology programs faced COVID-19 restrictions, the college found a way to help students complete their hands-on labs in the shop.   

The college set up a system for daily health screening checks. It has required face coverings for both students and employees. To comply with social distancing, the professors re-organized the garage with fewer students. The programs integrated online learning with in-person labs to keep students on the path while minimizing in-person class time. The program’s creative solutions for keeping its students learning were featured in the July edition of Northwest Automotive Trades Association (NATA) Industry Review.  

Similar models will be used throughout summer and fall terms for all students taking Career Technical Education classes that require hands-on labs. 

President Dr. Karin Edwards recently had the opportunity to visit Clark’s Toyota T-TEN program to talk with instructors Tonia Haney and Mike Godson and observe students working in the reconfigured, socially distanced lab environment. She learned how the automotive instructors adjusted the program to COVID-19 restrictions, helping students complete their programs while putting safety first. 

Dr. Karin Edwards and professors Tonia Haney and Mike Godson, all wearing PPE masks, in a car-filled garage.
Dr. Karin Edwards, left, meets with Automotive Technology professors Tonia Haney and Mike Godson.

Smaller classes, safer classes

Two new cohorts of students start in the Automotive Technology program each fall: T-TEN (Toyota/Lexus) and HiTECC (Honda PACT, Audi AEP and Dick Hannah dealers). Normally, each program starts with 20 students per cohort, for a total of 40.

But to maintain social distancing requirements, fewer students will be admitted in each cohort this fall. 

Haney says that to begin an automotive program, a student must be hirable, have a good driving record, and be at college-level math and English. 

“To diagnose with computers, you must have a good understanding of electronics,” Haney added. “But you have to be able to turn a wrench.” 

Making apprenticeships work

Clark College provides hands-on instruction so graduates are equipped to step into good jobs. Clark’s automotive programs are apprenticeships that require students to concurrently be working at a dealership garage or independent repair facility so that they can put into practice what they learn in the automotive lab. Students have three days of instruction in Clark’s automotive labs weekly, followed by three days of in-dealer apprenticeship experience. 

Most students work in shops in the Vancouver-Portland metro area, but students have worked at dealerships as far north as Centralia (83 miles from campus) and as far east as The Dalles (90 miles). 

Although auto repair and maintenance facilities are deemed “essential services” during the coronavirus outbreak, Haney says there may be fewer apprenticeship slots available because dealers may not be hiring as many people. 

Haney adds, “We may make exceptions to the apprenticeships, due to COVID.” 

Student Nick Ferguson, wearing a PPE mask and gloves, works on an automotive gear.
Nick Ferguson entered Clark College’s Automotive Technology program to move up in his career.

From a hobby to a career

Nick Ferguson, 33, lives in Tigard and has been working at Lexus of Portland for 10 years as a lube technician doing oil changes, minor maintenance and repairs. He realized that in order to advance in his career and be considered for promotions, he needed more training. 

He enrolled in Clark’s Toyota T-TEN program because “I wanted to move up in the shop. It was the only way to move up.” 

Ferguson earned his GED in 2005. He hadn’t attended any college classes. When he started Clark’s program two years ago, in the Lexus shop he could do work that was supervised by a team lead, but as he neared graduation from Clark’s Toyota T-TEN program, he says, “Now I’m doing anything and everything they’ll let me do.”  

For the past two years, Aaron Quick, 19, has driven 140 miles round-trip between Winlock and Vancouver to participate in Clark’s Toyota T-TEN program.  

“I’ve always enjoyed working on cars,” says Quick, who graduated from the program this spring. “I work on my own cars, and I work on my parents’ and friends’ cars too.” 

Student Aaron Quick commuted to and from his home in Winlock for two years to complete his Automotive Technology degree at Clark College.

During his senior year at Centralia High School, he started looking for a robust, hands-on automotive technology program close to home, but he couldn’t find one, so he applied to Clark and started the program immediately after high school graduation. Clark has turned Quick’s hobby into a vocation.  

Haney says, “Most students starting in the fall already have been hired by a sponsoring dealer and are working throughout the summer in a variety of different positions—from lot porter to lube technicians or even line tech, depending on their skills coming in. When classes start in the fall, most students will have three months or more of experience in the dealer to relate to instruction. Even if that experience is parking cars, it still helps to relate to daily instructional topics.” 

Learn more about Clark’s Automotive Technology programs at  

Clark’s All-Washington Academic Team

Julisee Hopmann and Kellie Langston, smiling
Julisse Hopmann and Kellie Langston

Congratulations to Clark College students Julisse Hopmann and Kellie Langston, who were named to the 2020 All-Washington Academic Team. The students were recognized for their achievement during the June 10 Board of Trustees meeting. 

Julisse Hopmann is earning her Associate of Applied Science degree in Business Administration with a Certificate of Proficiency in business management. She expects to graduate Winter 2021. Running Start student Kellie Langston graduated from Clark College in June with her high school diploma and her Associate of Arts degree. Read more about Julisse and Kellie below. 

Julisse Hopmann  

Sometimes we find ourselves in over our heads—treading water and about to go under. But then a stranger comes along at just the right moment and pulls us to safety. Four years ago, when Julisse Hopmann was a 25-year-old diner waitress, a customer pulled her from the brink and changed her life. 

Julisse explains, “During that period of my life, I was drinking heavily. I wanted help, but I didn’t feel I could get the help I needed.”   

An astute customer approached Julisse, pressed a card into her hand, and told her she had turned her own life around through a 12-step program.  

“She probably could smell the liquor coming from my pores,” Julisse recalls. “She gave me her card and said she could help me. Sometime later, [I had] one really bad night when I was drinking so much that I didn’t think I was going to wake up, and I didn’t want to wake up. But I did wake up—so I called her that morning and asked her to help me.”  

Julisse says, “My life was one big struggle, but at age 25, I turned my life around. That was my second chance. My redemption. Now I ask myself how I can be a beacon of hope.” 

Today she juggles her classes at Clark, cares for her 3-year-old son, and helps others through her involvement with a 12-step recovery program.   

“I try to help others the way I was helped,” she says. “Some people just need to get to 12-step meetings. Some people need resources. Alcohol and addiction come with other issues, including mental health issues.” 

Before her alcohol addiction and recovery, she ran away from home and joined the carnival when she was 18. She had always wanted to travel. Shortly after earning her high school diploma via Clark’s Running Start program, she told her parents she was joining a friend and going on the road to work at a carnival, Funtastic Traveling Shows.  

“My parents told me they’d do anything they could to stop me,” Julisse recalls. “So, I left a note on the kitchen counter and left in the middle of the night. I caught up with the carnival at the rest stop near Battle Ground. I left everything behind.” 

For six seasons she traveled with the carnival to state and county fairs throughout Washington and Oregon. She discovered she enjoyed the work and was good with people and at business management. The carnival owner, Ron Burback, who had earned a business degree at Portland State University, saw something in Julisse and gave her increasing responsibilities. She started out making cotton candy, but by the time she left, she was managing a burger stand and two cotton candy stands.  

She recalls the 80-year-old carnival owner telling her, “This carnival is my dream. You need to go back to school and find your own dream.” 

She doesn’t have any regrets about joining the carnival. “I picked up a lot of useful skills: leadership, communication, working with people, learning how to handle stress, working long hours,” she says. “When people tell me starting your own company is hard work, I know I can do it.” 

Five years after leaving the carnival, she’s following Burback’s advice. She’s back at Clark College and pulling straight A’s. She’s been a Clark student before. She completed her high school diploma as a Running Start student in 2009. After she left the carnival, she enrolled at Clark but didn’t stay. “I wasn’t in the right mental space to take care of myself,” she says. “My drinking picked up. I got depressed. I couldn’t do it.” 

Julisse grew up on Larch Mountain near Hockinson, “way out in the sticks,” she says. “I was always in the woods. Nature is healing for me.”  

After she graduates from Clark, her career goal is to combine her love of nature with her desire to help people struggling with addiction to find connection.  

“I get a lot of personal connection from a 12-step program. Everybody needs connection,” she says. “My goal is to start a nonprofit naturopathic clinic to help people with addictions to connect with each other and with nature.” 

Kellie Langston 

If there’s a volunteer project to be done, Kellie Langston is likely rolling up her sleeves. During COVID-19 quarantine, the 17-year-old volunteer helped distribute meals to the students at Hearthwood Elementary, where her mother is a teacher.  

Kellie has faced multiple challenges: coping with her parents’ divorce, abuse, toxic households, and going back and forth between two families. As a result, she struggled with mental health issues. She chose to use that struggle to guide her volunteerism. During her first two years at Mountain View High School, she volunteered with her school’s chapter of Youth Suicide Prevention Program, which trains youth to recognize the signs, risks, and triggers of suicide and how to get help. 

“I wanted to use my story to help other students realize that they aren’t alone,” she says. “I know how someone with suicidal thoughts feels. Students pay more attention when it’s a peer speaking rather than an adult.” 

Kellie served as the club’s co-president her freshman and sophomore years. She and fellow club members wrote inspirational chalk messages on the school’s walkways and opened doors for and greeted students when they arrived at school to help them feel welcome and connected. 

But what Kellie enjoyed most about being involved in the club was speaking to more than 50 classes and leading discussions about youth suicide, mental illness, stressors, helpful hotlines and how students could find extra support when they needed it. “Presenting helped me deal with my own mental health problems and my trials and tribulations,” she says. “It was powerful and rewarding.” 

Kellie was invited to participate in a KATU News town hall on youth mental health along with other teen volunteers with youth mental health programs. She had her turn on the air answering students’ questions. 

During her junior year, Kellie became a full-time Running Start student. She joined Phi Theta Kappa and volunteered for service projects including distributing Thanksgiving meals to more than 100 Clark students in need. 

In the fall Langston plans to continue her studies at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah. If the campus isn’t open for face-to-face instruction due to COVID-19 restrictions, she says she likely will stay home in Washougal and take her courses online. She plans to pursue a degree in education or perhaps business entrepreneurship. 

“My dream job is to be a writer and a public speaker,” Kellie says.  “I hope to inspire youth to overcome their own obstacles.” 

About the All-Washington Academic Team 

In all, 65 students from Washington’s community and technical colleges were named to this year’s All-Washington Academic Team. Traditionally, students are honored at a reception at South Puget Sound Community College in Olympia in late March, but this year, the COVID-19 outbreak canceled the event.  

The All-Washington Academic Team is a program of Phi Theta Kappa, the international honor society for two-year college. It recognizes academic achievers in the state’s community and technical colleges who have demonstrated a commitment to scholastic achievement and service to their college and community. To qualify for the team, students must participate in PTK and fulfill other competitive criteria.

Each All-Washington Academic member receives a Phi Theta Kappa medallion and a $250 scholarship from KeyBank. The top-qualifying students also will receive scholarships from Washington State Employees Credit Union and the Washington State Association of College Trustees. Additionally, students who choose to attend Washington State four-year colleges and universities are eligible to receive additional scholarships ranging from $1,000 to $12,000. 

Photo: Clark College/Jenny Shadley

A remarkable journey

Evans Kaame stands smiling in front of Clark's Chime Tower
Evans Kaame

This year’s recipient of the Community College President’s Award in Honor of Val Ogden is Evans Kaame, a student who has been through much and traveled far to pursue his educational dreams.

About Evans Kaame

Evans Kaame was born and raised in a small community in northwestern Kenya. After his father died, the family was thrown into hardship and poverty. “I watched my younger siblings crying as my mom left early in the morning and came home at 9 p.m.,” he recalled. “We didn’t know if we were going to eat at night or not.” 

When Kaame was in his early teens, he decided to leave home and live on the streets to ease the burden on his mother and siblings. “The street was a new life with so many barriers … but because tragedies happen in life, I had to do this,” he said. “I had no other option. I fought cold nights in the street … being on drugs and breaking into people’s homes. I had to survive. I had no choice.” 

In 2009, the course of Kaame’s life changed once again, when a charity called New Hope Children entered him into its program providing housing and education to street children. At New Hope, Kaame’s academic potential became realized. He graduated from high school in 2016 at the top of his class. However, his challenges were not yet over: He could not afford to enroll in college in Kenya. 

New Hope’s founder, Rachael Swanson, lives in Vancouver and graduated from Clark College. She encouraged Kaame to apply to Clark, and in 2018, after securing a student visa and scholarship funding from Clark College Foundation, Kaame enrolled at Clark as an international student. 

Kaame has thrived at Clark College. This past academic year, he has served as student government president. He has run on the college’s track-and-field and cross-country teams. He has volunteered with multiple local organizations, as well as at Clark College’s Penguin Pantry and as a Peer Mentor for international students. And he has earned a Grade Point Average of more than 3.9 while doing so. 

After graduating from Clark College with his transfer Associate in Arts degree, Kaame intends to continue his studies, focusing on business administration, political science, and comparative religious studies. He hopes to one day create a global initiative focused on leadership and management. 

About the Community College President’s Award

The Community College President’s Award in honor of Val Ogden is given each year to a student who has completed their studies at Clark College and is transferring to Washington State University Vancouver. They receive full tuition and fees for two years while they finish their bachelor’s degree at WSU Vancouver. The award is traditionally announced during that year’s Commencement ceremony.

When your internship is in the middle of a pandemic

Student in mask and gloves putting baked goods into a plastic to-go container.
Sofiya Saakyan wears safety gear during her internship at Eurobake. Photo courtesy of Sofiya Saakyan.

When Sofiya Saakyan, a student in Clark College’s Professional Baking and Pastry Arts program, called Baron Patisserie in early April to check on her planned spring quarter internship there, the bakery was closed indefinitely due to COVID-19. The owner told her he wasn’t sure when the bakery could open again—or when Saakyan could fulfill her internship.  

Saakyan is one of nine students graduating in June with an Associate in Applied Technology degree in Clark’s Professional Baking and Pastry Arts program. The program’s final requirement is to complete a five-week industry internship during spring term. Students work 24 hours a week gaining real-world experience before they graduate. Students cannot graduate without completing an internship. 

Department Head Alison Dolder had arranged student internships in bakeries, patisseries, and chocolatiers in Vancouver and Portland. When COVID-19 restrictions shut down most food operations, Dolder had to act quickly to secure new internships for Saakyan and the other students. Because of the COVID-19 shutdown, all internships were pushed to the second half of the quarter while the department figured things out.   

That’s when Dolder called Josh Svenhard, co-owner and Vice President Operations at Eurobake.

Coming up with a Plan B, in a hurry

Eurobake, a Portland wholesale baker, remained operating as an essential business during the COVID-19 shutdown. Svenhard is a member of Clark’s Professional Baking & Pastry Arts Advisory Committee. This is the first quarter Eurobake has provided internship opportunities for Clark students. 

“I think we’re a perfect fit,” Svenhard said. “We can bring in students during COVID-19 because we’re not a retail bakery with customers, so students aren’t being exposed to the public. It’s important for a business to give back to its own industry, as well as the community.” 

Dolder offered all nine of the students the option of an internship at Eurobake, which is near Portland International Airport.  

“We left it up to the students to do what’s best for their families,” Dolder said.

Six of the nine Clark students chose to complete an internship at Eurobake spring quarter. One student chose not to do the internship at this time due to family reasons. Two other students had been laid off from their jobs and couldn’t afford to travel to Portland for the internship. Those three students are waiting for an opportunity to do an internship in Vancouver during summer term, when COVID-19 rules allow more bakeries to open. 

Two students per week are scheduled to work at Eurobake. The bakery operates from 3:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., providing ample opportunity to work around the students’ schedules. It allows students to maintain their other jobs. 

Dolder said, “Eurobake is rotating our students through their bakery for their internship and is providing hands-on learning following proper social-distancing protocol. It’s a great opportunity for our students. Some want to finish the program and be available to be hired when everything opens up.”

To accommodate students, Dolder said the baking program is not taking its standard break between spring and summer term to allow students to finish their internships, even if they started later in the quarter. 

Safety first

Working in a wholesale bakery during a global pandemic is no different from working in a bakery pre-COVID-19, Svenhard said. Eurobake’s follows strict safety protocol. “The baking industry has become one of the most careful,” he said. “Food safety starts with washing your hands and ends when the product gets into the packing in an unadulterated form. The industry has evolved to require handwashing, not touching your face, wearing hairnets and gloves. These things are common practice every day in a bakery. We can show student interns how these safety measures can be used to safely operate a business.” 

Svenhard said, “We want to ensure the Clark students aren’t just working at Eurobake, but also learning. We’re working with only two Clark students at a time so we can give them individual attention.” 

Dolder said, “It takes time to train students. Bakeries that accept students for internships are training students for the way their business operates, their product line.” 

Svenhard explained the importance of students getting hands-on experience: “They’re learning to use their skills. Learning the repetition and how to become efficient with your movement is a key part in baking, or any manufacturing business. To make hundreds of uniform products. To develop a rhythm.” 

He added, “The real-world bakery experience is production at speed, keeping up with line and the crew. Teaching students about food safety, R & D [research & development] projects we’re working on. We have a cake department, a bread department, and a pastry line. Students are operating different kinds of machinery in each department.”  

Eurobake staff also talks with interns about the business side of operating a bakery. They work with their interns to do a cost analysis on what to charge for each product in order to make a profit.  

There’s always summer 

Dolder told her students who chose to intern at Eurobake that she would contact the other shops where they had planned internships before COVID-19 shut everything down, to see if they will allow Clark students to do internships in the summer after more businesses can open.  

Dolder and the program’s other instructors have worked to build relationships with local bakeries. In previous years, Clark baking students have completed internships at highly respected Portland restaurants and retail bakeries including Papa Haydn, St. Honore Patisserie, and Fleur de Lis Bakery and Cafe.  

Dolder said, “The best outcome is if we get a student interning at a bakery or shop where they want to be, and then they get hired. It happens quite a bit.” 

Sofiya’s Story 

During a class Zoom meeting after COVID-19 pushed the pause button on baking internships, Dolder told students about the new internship opportunities at Eurobake. Sofiya Saakyan chose to start the internship as soon as possible so she could graduate from Clark and start working in her chosen field. She works three eight-hour days at Eurobake. One of her favorite tasks is at Eurobake is braiding sweet raisin bread. 

“You get to practice it a lot,” Saakyan said. “We make hundreds of loaves. There are multiple people making it on the same bench.” 

She said her classes at Clark prepared her for her internship.  

“I built confidence in my classes at Clark,” Saakyan said. “You learn good skills and get to practice so you can be confident that you know how to do certain things and not be afraid of many challenges.” 

Saakyan grew up in Ukraine, where she learned home baking from her mother. Her family immigrated to Vancouver five years ago when she was 15. She graduated from Fort Vancouver High School, where she spent three years in that school’s baking program.  

Saakyan said she hopes to land a baking job that allows her to stay in Vancouver.

“I’m very thankful for the internship,” she said. “I thank my advisor and Eurobake, who took me in. The opportunities—and the internship opportunities—at Clark College are awesome.” 

Those opportunities haven’t ended: With Dolder’s help, Saakyan has landed a summer internship at the Vancouver-based Baron Patisserie, where she had originally planned to intern during spring term.

Saakyan offered advice to future baking students: “Make sure you love what you do. When you’re a baker and you love baking, I think people can taste that.”  

Let your Voice be Heard

ASCC President Evans Kaame


We the people of this college, community, and the nation have been impacted by the wave of horrific events of unrest sweeping across the nation, beginning with the COVID-19 global pandemic and now the tragic death of George Floyd in the hands of police officers–those who have sworn to protect and serve the community. As student leaders, we share your grief and uncertainties. Some of us are wondering, why are thousands of people protesting and expressing their concerns in different cities across the nation?  

Therefore, LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD is the theme to explain the reasons for the protests and unpack the long history of injustices that the minorities have been experiencing. 

LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD, that our political system has been less functioning to meet the demands of creating a just justice system which has resulted in an exponential increase in incarceration that restoration.  

LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD, that the justice department needs absolute change and complete reformation to serve our society equitably.  

LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD, that our history has been distorted to reflect the reality of our justice department. 

LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD, that there has some reluctance in changing the policies that drive the police department’s priorities when they issue stops, searches, and arrests.   

LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD, that injustices have been prone to the minorities due to unconscious biases, economic status, disproportionate representation, lack of adequate legal assistance, and the reinforcement of one race is superior and just than the other. 

LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD, that a significant population of the minorities have been incarcerated. 

LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD, that the Private Prison System in America is detrimentally impacting the lives of the minorities and those with less economic status.  

LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD, that we all as a society has been reluctant to acknowledge the existence of these impacts and take the responsibility to address them and be willing to create change from ourselves, to our families, communities, and the nation. 


All Lives Matter Vs Black Lives Matter is not the issue but the reactions that are evidenced when injustices are done in the limelight over the Black people due to racism.  

RACISM IS ALIVE when citizens who exercise their First Amendment protesting that BLACK LIVES MATTER are labeled as domestic terrorists. 

RACISM IS ALIVE when it takes protestors to initiate the arrest of those who killed Ahmaud Arbery, George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and other Black people. 

RACISM IS ALIVE when BLACK LIVES MATTER Protestors are threatened by the head of state to invoke the Insurrection Act because they don’t matter to the system. 

RACISM IS ALIVE when minorities are perceived as a threat in the stores, streets, cities, etc. 

RACISM IS ALIVE when people of color call for change and are perceived as radicals and troublemakers in our institutions.  

RACISM IS ALIVE when one race is perceived as wrongdoers.  

The roots of racism are historic and systemic; woven into the fabric of our country. As people of color, we experience racism in all its many forms. We want people to acknowledge it and be willing to talk about it, willing to make changes, so we, as one nation, can move forward.  

AS SOMEONE WHO LEANS TOWARD HOPE, I strongly believe in humanity and in the conviction that racism is solvable. Our generation has seen the racial inequalities experienced in our society today—and now those who believe in change are stepping up to voice their quest for reformation. No single instrument can measure our progress toward ending racism. However, I assure you that you have the power and capability to influence others by doing what is just, right, and good for others. We have a long way to go, but we will get there.  

We all possess the virtues of love, respect, and compassion–the determinants of our behavior in treating others. It is through love, respect, and compassion that people from different backgrounds are taking to the streets en masse across the country to demand justice for those who cannot. I believe in these virtues. Together, we can address these challenges. Together, we can create a society in which every individual feels they belong and have a place to exercise their inalienable rights and privileges enshrined in the Constitution. 

Let your voice be heard.   


Evans Kaame, ASCC President

A Quick Study

Supplies for students taking a ceramics class are bagged up in Frost Arts Center, ready for contactless pickup. Photo: Lucy Winslow

When Gov. Jay Inslee announced his Stay Home, Stay Healthy order in response to the COVID-19 outbreak, Clark College professors had less than a month to adapt about 2,000 classes’ curriculum to be taught online. Now, as spring term is more than halfway over—and the ongoing pandemic has led to most summer and fall classes being offered remotely as well–it’s clear that they were more than up for the challenge. 

“Our faculty are resilient and dedicated to student success,” said Vice President of Instruction Sachi Horback. “Though there were many reasons to settle for being ‘good enough,’ amidst this pandemic, our faculty pushed ahead, ensuring that our students had equitable opportunities for student learning. As educators, we were made for this, readily adaptable and willing to do whatever is needed in service to our community.”

Professional baking professor Melanie Hendry gets ready for a “Pop and Drop,” where students pop the backs of their cars for her to load lab supplies in. Photo: Alison Dolder

“Our motto is ‘we make it work,’” said Baking Professor Alison Dolder of her department’s faculty. “All of us jumped right in to record baking videos, to learn Zoom and Canvas. We are not technology-savvy people. But we are dedicated.”   

Faculty and staff worked to create take-home boxes of baking supplies for each student to use, filled with the ingredients and tools of their trade—rolling pins, measuring spoons, etc. They also worked to learn how to produce useful instructional videos, no small feat: It requires a certain amount of choreography to capture the best camera angle for a stand mixer. 

“Hands-on,” but online

Indeed, it was a challenge experienced across the college: How does an institution that prides itself on its “hands-on learning” adapt to a virtual educational experience? But over and over, faculty stepped up. 

In professional technical and allied health fields, faculty quickly re-organized curriculum so that students’ lecture classes took place during spring term and lab classes could be delayed until summer, providing additional time to set up safe social-distancing protocols for in-person lab work.  

Mathematics professors collaborated with the college’s Tutoring Services to place tutors right in Zoom classrooms so that students got the one-on-one help they needed to understand material. Tutors also worked to create a Zoom version of their regular English practice chats held for English as a Second Language students. Art professors arranged virtual tours of galleries and museums for their students.

Ceramics professor Lisa Conway drafted her husband, a professional video editor, into helping her create a series of instructional videos for her students. As with baking students, Conway’s classes received boxes of supplies and equipment to complete class projects at home.

“For the month before spring classes started, I was working hard and was busier than I’ve ever been in my 30 years of teaching college,” Conway said. “We’re all making videos. We’re all dealing with how students get their supplies and materials. We’re all completely changing how we function in this universe. We’re all reinventing our classes from scratch.” 

Learning from each other 

Bruce Elgort
Bruce Elgort

Professors have been sharing best practices and tips with one another as they develop their skills to deliver education online.  

Computer Technology Professor Bruce Elgort has become something of a go-to source for many of his colleagues during this shift. Elgort, a two-time Exceptional Faculty Award winner, has a long professional history in the tech field and already used many online tools, including Slack and videos, in his teaching.  

This spring, Elgort taught his classes using the synchronous modality, which means the classes meet the same time online as they would in the classroom. (“Asynchronous” refers to online classes that have no set time.) 

“The most difficult part of going online is learning new software and learning to shoot video,” said Elgort, who has provided tips and tricks to faculty on this subject and others. 

Faculty also have had a great resource in the college’s eLearning department, which oversees the college’s many online learning offerings. Even before COVID-19, more than a third of Clark College students were taking at least one class with online components. 

In fact, several programs are taught entirely online in Business Administration, Network Technology, and Psychology. They provide students the flexibility they need in balancing college, work and family. More eLearning programs come online each year.  

“Offering our business programs entirely online will allow our students to successfully complete their desired degrees regardless where they live,” says Business Administration Professor Adnan Hamideh.  “It will also attract working people who did not think about going to school because their work hours conflict with a school schedule.” 

A More Flexible Future 

Clark College has already announced that summer and fall classes will be offered primarily online, with some in-person labs conducted in career technical classes that require hands-on learning, using social distancing and safety precautions. But even when it becomes safe to congregate in large groups again, the current move to remote education may leave lasting changes on higher education. 

“Moving past COVID-19, I think more programs will go online as professors and students gain confidence,” said Bruce Elgort. “Professors and students enjoy personal interactions with one another. Most would not have chosen this sudden shift to remote learning. But through the process, many have acquired a taste for eLearning. It is a powerful tool. In the future, professors will have opportunities to blend different teaching modalities to include face-to-face and online instruction.” 

“No one really know what will happen in this next six months and how it impacts what we do at Clark College,” said Alison Dolder. “This experience has taught us that we are highly adaptable and that we can learn new technology. With each adjustment, we decide how to move forward—with our students’ success in mind.”   

Learn more: Watch this YouTube video for more stories about Clark College art faculty adapting to remote teaching.

Clark makes sure all students are ready to learn online

laptop open next to a backpack

Approximately 10 percent of Clark College students need assistance with technology to be able to take their classes spring quarter. Because of the state “stay home” orders, all classes have been moved to online formats.

Students were encouraged to fill out a Technology Loan Program Request Form to help them get connected with the resources they need to navigate this transition–whether that’s a loaner laptop, a wifi hotspot, or other technical needs.

Laptops are being purchased through the college’s technology fee, which is managed by a committee composed of faculty, staff, and students. The funding will allow for 500 new laptops and 100 internet hotspots for students, in addition to loaner devices the college already had on hand.

To practice safe social distancing, the college is calling each student on the list setting up appointments to come onto campus to the O’Connell Sports Center to pick up the loaner laptop.

Because of high demand nationwide, the wi-fi hotspots that have been ordered for students are not yet available. The college has set up a wi-fi hotspot in the college parking lot “Orange #2” on the east side of the main campus. Buildings are not open to the public so students will not be able to use restrooms.

A different kind of spring term

Clark continues remote operations to comply with Governor Inslee’s “Stay Home Stay Healthy” order. Even so, college staff remain available by email and/or phone to enroll, advise, support, and answer students’ questions.

Dates and deadlines for tuition and drops have been pushed further out onto the calendar to provide students more flexibility.

“Despite the multiple challenges the COVID-19 pandemic has created, our dedicated Clark community is finding a way to overcome roadblock after roadblock on behalf of our students,” said Dr. Sandra Fowler-Hill. “We will walk with them working through issues and challenges every step of the way.”

Making business ideas a reality

Alison Warlitner works to create a custom order for the business she and her husband created with support from Clark Entrepreneurs’ Pitch Fest contest.

As the entry deadline approaches for Pitch Fest 2020 at Clark College, last year’s winners say participating in the Shark Tank-like competition sponsored by Clark Entrepreneurs made an enormous difference in moving their business to the next level.  

Teams of Clark College students are invited to apply for an opportunity to pitch their entrepreneurial business ideas at Pitch Fest 2020. The competition is open to any Clark College students enrolled full time from fall 2019 through spring 2020 and who maintain a minimum 2.0 GPA. The deadline to apply is 8:00 p.m. on Friday, January 31. See details and apply online at

Last year, when Clark College students Alison Warlitner and her husband, Scott Warlitner, entered the 2019 Pitch Fest competition, they hoped to glean expert advice from the business-owner judges. The couple recently had begun making CBD-infused bath bombs in their home, marketing them under the business name Cherry River CBD. Ali and Scott advanced to the competition’s final round of top three student businesses—and they won. 

Scott and Alison Warlitner met actor Jim Belushi when they were a sponsor at the 2019 Portland Waterfront Blues Festival.

Fast-forward one year after its Pitch Fest success. Cherry River CBD has tripled its gross sales, connected with capital investors, and hired their first employee, who markets their products at vendor trade shows. Emboldened by their Pitch Fest success, Ali pitched their business to a Shark Tank producer hearing pitches in Portland. Although they weren’t invited to pitch on camera on the TV show, the experience pushed the Warlitners to keep going. Last summer they were invited to be a sponsor of Portland’s Waterfront Blues Festival. Actor Jim Belushi, who owns a cannabis farm in southern Oregon’s Rogue Valley, hung out in their booth. 

Scott, a fine arts student at Clark, will graduate at the end of winter quarter. Ali, a Clark graduate, is pursuing an accounting degree at Washington State University Vancouver and plans to graduate in spring 2021. They live in The Dalles, Oregon, 90 miles from Vancouver. Four days a week, they drive to their classes—90 minutes, each way. Their sons, ages 3 and 5, attend the college’s Child and Family Studies program. 

The couple met when both were enlisted in the U.S. Navy in Virginia. After completing active-duty service, they moved to the Pacific Northwest, where Ali grew up. But one thing hampered their new life: Scott suffered from chronic pain due to injuries he sustained while in the military. Originally a nonbeliever in CBD, he was treating it with narcotics prescribed by the VA. But after Scott began taking CBD daily to relieve his pain, he realized the cannabinoids worked, and he stopped taking the narcotics.  

This experience led the couple to begin thinking about creating their own CBD business. And, as luck would have it, this is when Ali walked by a poster advertising Pitch Fest outside her math class at Clark College. Enrolling in the contest forced the Warlitners to clearly articulate their business plan, refine their marketing materials, and answer tough questions posed by judges. It also provided them with mentorship from successful entrepreneurs that helped them take the next steps in their business. 

“We’re absolutely a success story,” says Ali. “While we would have made those steps eventually, Pitch Fest is the reason we were able to move so quickly in establishing ourselves as a viable business. We wouldn’t be where we were today if not for the help we received from Pitch Fest, Clark College and the Clark Entrepreneurs.” 

The Warlitners produce their CBD-infused bath, beauty and wellness products in their home. The hemp oil is grown on Ali’s cousin’s farm in Woodburn, Oregon.  

Cherry River has been featured twice in Broccoli, a Portland-based magazine created by and for women who use cannabis. Ali has spoken on a couple of podcasts about being a veteran, a business owner, a full-time college student and a mother of young children. 

“I’ve become a sought-after formulator in the cannabis world,” Ali says. “I like to bake. It’s just with different ingredients.” 

So far, Ali and Scott have invested all profits back into their company. In 2020, they hope to start paying themselves a salary. They also are considering opening a production facility in Hawaii. Learn more at 

About Pitch Fest 

January 31 at 8 p.m.: Deadline for Clark College student teams to apply 

February 21 from 9 a.m. to noon: Top 24 teams participate in Clark Entrepreneurs trade show at Gaiser Hall Student Center. The free event is open to the public. In the afternoon, the top 12 teams pitch their business ideas to the judges in a format similar to the TV show “Shark Tank.” 

March 6 final round: Top 3 teams polish their pitches and present to judges; closed to the public. 

About Clark Entrepreneurs 

Founded in 2016, Clark Entrepreneurs is a student program under the Associated Students of Clark College. The club welcomes any student interested in starting a business. Its purpose is to encourage and support students with their entrepreneurial ideas and expose them to the resources to help grow ideas, support real student business ventures, and scale businesses. Program Director is Nathan Webster. Student Rebekah Sharp-Regnier recently became marketing event director. Learn more at 

Read more about the Warlitners and other student veterans in Clark College Foundation’s Partners magazine article.