Summer 2018 Classified Excellence Award

Sherry Smith

Sherry Smith

Congratulations to Sherry Smith, recipient of the 2018 Summer Quarter Classified Staff Excellence Award!

Sherry Smith is the Administrative Services Manager B for the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) department. Smith shows exemplary work performance in many ways and is said to be the “go to” person in STEM for mostly everything. Smith has strong ethics, is extremely well-respected for her diligence and hard work, maintains good working relationships with people around the Clark campus, and often goes above the call of duty. Over the years, Smith has been both a supervisor and a colleague; and those she has worked with have observed her professionalism/integrity. She is resourceful and her high quality work performance at the college is outstanding and is creative with finding ways to solve problems and presents workable solutions for her staff and department. She wants people to be successful and can simplify tasks so that they happen accurately and timely.

These are just some of the comments and highlights that are echoed by many staff, faculty and colleagues:

“She has handled her position with impeccable skill, resourceful determination, and intuitive propriety. In making decisions, she often gets a consensus of perspectives from several individuals, or group discussion participants, who have knowledgeable understanding of the topic at hand. Organization and planning are two subjects she has fine-tooled to achieve her objectives. In her daily operations and conversations, she sets a calm, cool-tone persona, when engaged with concise dialogue for key issues needing acceptable conclusions by all in a timely manner.”

“Sherry exemplifies leadership, initiative, cooperative spirit and positive energy. She is able to share her perspective with others respectfully. She excels in a team environment in ways that make everyone feel respected and heard. She extends an understanding to students with whatever situation or question they may have, and puts them at ease so that progress can happen.”

“Sherry is the pillar that supports the whole STEM Unit. She is always happy to assist students, faculty, and staff. When her staff have questions or concerns, Sherry is quick to respond and offer solutions. When students or faculty are directed to Sherry, they are in good hands and Sherry will do everything in her power to help them.”

“Sherry is a real asset to the college and the unit. She is always positive and a pleasure to work with. Her extensive knowledge of Clark College has been critical to the staff and faculty’s ability to do their jobs.”

“Sherry’s exemplary work ethic is also evident through her continued commitment to supporting students. While fostering a welcoming atmosphere, she shows a genuine interest and ability in helping them with a multitude of issues. As a result, they are compelled to reach out to her. It is not out of the ordinary for Sherry to step out of the office for one purpose then return with an additional one; many times returning with students that needed assistance in tow. It seems that when students cross her path with an issue, she makes the time to ensure their needs are met rather than delegate the task to her staff, even though her schedule is always seemingly very hectic. Sherry understands that students are a very important element of her job, and she really does care about them. She is very aware that they are a critical component to the success of Clark College and the community.”

Congratulations, as well, to all nominees for the Summer 2018 Quarter Classified Staff Excellence Award:

Heather Adams is the Administrative Assistant 4 to the Dean of Student Engagement for Student Affairs. In that role, she has provided administrative coordination the office of the Vice President of Student Affairs, as well as for the BITA, Title IX and conduct areas. She tracks budgets, makes travel arrangements, facilitates communication via email, phone and in-person with students and community partners, and has coordinated team meetings and special projects on behalf of the Dean. Adams is described as a high-performing, detail-oriented, global-thinking, and emotionally intelligent professional.

Other comments about Heather Adams:

  • “Heather creates a positive, welcoming atmosphere for students and colleagues to stop by and ask questions, or to wait to meet with me regarding conduct issues. She has strong knowledge of not only the college community, but the larger Clark County community. She readily offers this information to coworkers and students who have questions that reach beyond the Dean of Student Engagement’s office. Heather engages students in a meaningful way even when her interactions with them, or theirs with our office, is brief. She continually provides information to students about how the Dean of Student Engagement, and Student Affairs, can be of assistance to the student’s individual success. One of my favorite things is when these students take Heather up on her offer to ‘stop by and say hi’ to our office even when they do not have a question or need; it is clear evidence that Heather excels at community-building and cares for Clark.”
  • “Heather is continually looking for ways to interact with all levels of the Clark College community. She has become a valuable resource with her creative ideas and solid problem solving. Heather has taken on the role of co-presenter on various Student Care presentations – specifically within the areas of BITA, Conduct, and Title IX. Heather is regularly scheduled to co-present at the quarterly New Faculty Orientation meetings and other invitations that arise; she is a competent and engaging presenter who can easily take the reins if the other presenter is unavailable.”
  • “Heather serves as investigator for student related Title IX cases by investigating alleged discrimination and/or harassment. In addition, she interviews complainants, respondents, and material witnesses; and obtains and review documents and other relevant materials from complainant and/or respondent. This work can be difficult and draining; she handles it professionally and efficiently.”

Ian Beckett is an Instruction and Classroom Support Tech 4 for the Art department and has provided outstanding service to the college community for over 17 years. Ian is described as a highly skilled professional, knowledgeable, polite, and respectful to all everyone that he works with who provides unparalleled customer service to the Clark College art community.

Other comments about Ian Beckett:

  • “He has always been a fabulous help on short notice anytime and all the time for all my needs! Ian really reaches out to all students in all their needs and questions for assistance and guidance.”
  • “Not only does Ian create a master schedule that staffs our labs fully with both employees and volunteers, but he is always there to help with any questions, conflicts, and concerns—whether school-related or not. I’ve heard him talk down crying students dealing with failing classes, going through breakups, and any variety of things that happen to students while in college. The bond he builds with his workers is lasting and many see him as a very supportive mentor. There is no way we could staff the building as we need to without the strong relationships that Ian builds with the people in our community.”
  • “Ian is loyal, hard-working, consistent, of high integrity, and witty! We are so lucky to have him on our team.”
  • “Ian is also innovative in resolving issues. An example is a need that came up in the ceramics lab. He worked with my theatre shop crew to design and build tables and shelving to resolve the issue in a cost effective way. I also view Ian as a resource for anything that might come up in the building that needs attention. He’s my ‘go-to’ guy.”
  • “[As a photography student] my first interaction with Ian was when I wanted to borrow a camera from Clark and emailed Ian for that. I was amazed by how willing he was to reply to my questions and help me through the process. Also after handing me the camera he said: ‘Now you go and make some art!’ I don’t think any other staff member motivates a student as much as he did on the very first meeting.”

Chris Chaffin is the Interim Program Manager A for Tutoring Services and is described as someone who shows passion and excellence in everything he does. He is highly active in many aspects of college life, dedicated to social equity on this campus, and an advocate for all employees and students who seek his council. He always makes time to make everyone feel heard and valued. Communication, both written and verbal, are perhaps Chris’ greatest talent and is thoughtful and articulate in his interactions. Chris is (perhaps unknown to himself) a self-appointed ambassador of the campus community. He makes a point to meet everyone, file away names and important facts, and maintain positive relations amongst the faculty, staff, students, and public. He is always positive and welcoming to those entering tutoring spaces and regularly cannot trek from one space on campus to another without multiple interruptions from others seeking his council or simply wishing to touch base.

Other comments about Chris Chaffin:

  • “Chris has a strong work ethic. He is very organized and likes things to be done correctly, the first time. He is not shy about asking questions for clarification or to provoke thought. One of his greatest skills is the ability to critically think and challenge others to do so as well. I have observed him doing this in a variety of settings, with students, faculty and staff. He serves on various committees and initiatives here at Clark. He is committed to a wide range of social justice issues and acts in a manner that so many find approachable and supportive. He believes in equity for all while at the same time insisting on personal responsibility and accountability. He is the very first one to lend a helping hand, only after the individual has given it an honest effort to begin with.”
  • “I am very active in asking questions and sharing ideas/suggestions/concerns. Chris has always been gracious, accepting, and liberally gives me his attention and consideration. I feel safe and confident reaching out to him about anything on my mind.”
  • “Chris takes the time to talk with others on campus, gets to know them, finds out what they contribute to the campus community and leaves with better information to refer other students/employees to them or to a particular department.”
  • “Chris always makes sure employees are up-to-date on changes, and is always asking for feedback on how we feel, and if there is anything he needs to work on. He is constantly checking up on his employees and gives us confidence. Chris is always caring and understanding towards all of his co-workers and employees.”

Denise Deane is the Custodial Supervisor in Facilities-Custodial and is described as someone who provides excellent customer service to people using the college campus for events. Though much of her work is behind the scenes, her passion for our custodial team to perform and provide clean facilities provides daily customer service to the entire campus. She works closely with groups and supports many of the activities on our campus. She encourages teamwork and cooperation for the custodial department.

Other comments about Denise Dean:

  • “Denise has been involved in many departmental projects. She recently completed training manuals and worksite books to help the custodial staff in their organization and efficiency.”
  • “She will reach out to other departments to help coordinate events, special cleaning, and to ensure that we are providing a good service to the school.”
  • “Denise has shown excellence consistently in her duties as the Custodial Lead Person. Recently she has seen a need, leapt into action, and started several projects to help the custodial team. This was all done behind the scenes to help ensure that others have the information that is needed to thrive in doing their work.”
  • “Last winter, when the campus was hit with graffiti, Denise was here on a weekend in the cold rain helping make sure the campus was cleaned up and ready and looking good for Monday morning.”
  • “She has been carrying an extra-heavy workload, being the only permanent custodial supervisor for the last year. Denise takes great pride in her work and excels in any task that are delegated to her. She ensures that events are set up as the groups outline and she will reach out to the events staff if there is something that she needs defined.”


Spring 2018 Classified Excellence Award

Shelly Williams

Shelly Williams

Congratulations to Shelly Williams, recipient of the 2018 Spring Quarter Classified Staff Excellence Award!

Williams is a Program Coordinator in the Fine Art Division and is described as someone who brings “energy, enthusiasm, and dedication” to the Music Department. Her nominators said, “Her dedication to the department and college is an invaluable and immeasurable resource to Clark and the greater Vancouver community. The reputation the Clark Music Department and Clark College Jazz Festival holds throughout the nation clearly demonstrates the excellence Shelly demonstrates in her execution of her duties.”

Shelly has many noted accomplishments, one of which is her role as the festival coordinator for the annual Clark College Jazz Festival. The three-day Clark College Jazz Festival is the largest community music event in Southwest Washington during winter. The festival showcases Clark College to over 1,200 middle and high school students as well as over 3,000 community audience members. The festival welcomed Shelly as an official member of the festival administrative team in 2015. One nominator said, “The organization, resourcefulness, and vitality she has added to the festival has helped bring exponential community awareness to Clark College, and her adept management of the student managers and volunteers adds another level of educational resource to the department, one that cannot be taught in the classroom.”

Although scheduling and coordination of Music Department events and the festival are part of Williams’s job, she goes above and beyond her required responsibilities because, nominators say, she sees the viability of this event to Clark College and the community.

Williams brings skills from her prior experience as business manager of the Columbia Symphony which have been invaluable assets when it comes to raising funds for scholarships and to recruiting and retaining students. “From her first month at Clark, Shelly’s enthusiasm for raising awareness and funds for the various music programs was apparent,” wrote Vivian Cheadle Manning, Director of Development at Clark College Foundation. “She wants the best for the students and is willing to work at making both fundraising and public promotion key to her duties–and fun for those of us who get to work with her. She understands the value of relationships, community involvement, and education.”

Below are other supportive statements from faculty, staff, and students:

  • “Shelly is one of the most generous and uplifting people I have had the pleasure to work with, but she is also a true professional in her ability to take care of business. After running the jazz festival for a couple of years by myself, bringing Shelly on board as the coordinator was a blessing and her contributions have been integral to the festival’s success. Working with her in the department, Shelly has the uncanny ability to see a need, develop strategies to fill the need, present her strategies to fill the need to the department, and successfully implement the strategy for the benefit of everyone. It is a privilege to work with someone of this caliber and I hope the committee will give her the consideration she deserves!” – Rich Inouye, Band and Jazz Festival Director
  • “I have worked with Shelly for the last three years and she is wonderful to work with. She is a huge asset to the music department keeping everyone organized. Shelly assists with the details of the Jazz Festival, ensuring paperwork is submitted in a timely manner so participating folks get their stipends. She organizes the money and verifies that all is correct and accounted for. She is passionate about the students doing what she can to keep them engaged. The music department is honored to have such a wonderful and caring person supporting them.” – Chris Plamondon, Foundation Accounting Manager
  • “Shelly goes the extra mile for all of us. Her work with the orchestra in assisting to solicit ads for the program is tireless. She is always glad to help regardless of the request. She has frequently gone beyond the call of duty to assist in organizing such as the Faculty Recital to raise funds for applied lesson scholarships. Her cheerful nature is consistent no matter what the situation! When she is unsure of the answer to a problem or question, she does not hesitate to research for the solution. Her concern for the needs of our students is boundless in nature!” – Don Appert, Orchestra Director
  • “Shelly Williams goes the extra mile for students here at Clark, reaches for that extra inch to make sure we have a bearable if not amazing college experience. I am amazed by her desire to help every student with something as simple as a pencil, to a ride to class when something goes wrong, and everything in between.” – band student
  • “Shelly Williams is an extraordinary member of the Clark College music program. She goes out of her way and does everything she can to ensure smooth operation of the various bands. Shelly is genuine, and cares for the well-being of the many students here at Clark.” – dental hygiene student
  • “Shelly Williams is an incredible individual who has exceedingly aided me in my endeavors, as well as those of my peers. Whenever you are stressed out, worried, or need somebody to talk to, Shelly is the person to help point you into the right direction.” – orchestra student
  • “Shelly approaches every day with a positive outlook and a smile. Shelly is infallibly positive and is able to find the good in any situation. Her presence alone helps to uplift the morale of our team and the sweet treats she regularly shares only further increases our spirits.  Shelly has demonstrated an increased awareness and has changed practices to accommodate budget, ethics, and diversity issues, as these are important issues on campus.” – Kate Ireland, SOFA Admin Services Manager
  • “She’s always positive! She is the most positive and upbeat person I’ve ever met! She can find the bright side in any situation, and always sees the cup half-full and never half-empty. She genuinely cares for students and puts their needs first! With her, they can share their fears, needs, stories, jokes—the list goes on! Not only has she become their trusted confidant, but their friend, too. She has proved to be an invaluable and extremely dedicated member of the Music Department. It would be lost without her!” – Vanessa Meyer, SOFA Senior Secretary

Congratulations, as well, to all nominees for the Spring 2018 Quarter Classified Staff Excellence Award:

Elizabeth (Beth) Ernst is a Secretary Senior for the Health & Physical Education (HPE) Division and is described as someone who is knowledgeable, involved, supportive, collaborative, and helpful. As the first line of contact with many students, Ernst is always eager to offer assistance. Her positive attitude and smile are contagious to all who come through the HPE department. In her time at Clark, Ernst has been described as “a pillar of strength for the HPE division.”

One nominator said, “Beth regularly goes beyond the call of duty to perform her daily responsibilities; she does so graciously while making HPE faculty feel supported and while being present and attentive to the needs of students and community members. Her consistency in excellence has been a tremendous addition to our work and student learning. Not only is Beth present and always in a good mood, she goes well beyond what is expected of her. We can think of numerous occasions when Beth has gone the extra mile to respond to community member or prospective student questions; when Beth has personally worked with individual students to help them navigate the college system; and when Beth has supported faculty/staff with quick proofreading, printing support, computer assistance, and project completion. In taking the time to recognize Beth’s outstanding customer service to the college, her support and dedication serve as an integral function in the day-to-day and long-term operation of the HPE Division and the college as a whole.”

Other comments about Beth include:

  • “Beth has been a wonderful addition to our department since her very first day here. She has a calm and joyful manner when meeting and greeting students, faculty, and anyone else who comes through her office door. She has become very knowledgeable with procedures, processes, and paperwork not only for our department but also across campus, with students needing enrollment paperwork, etc.”
  • “An example of her excellent skill-set in dealing with people is exemplified in this student testimonial: ‘I was confused about what paperwork I needed to enroll in a class. I ended up in Beth’s office asking for help. Beth took the time to help me, asked me what I was trying to do, came from behind her desk, and showed me where the paperwork to do that was. She then gave me the proper form and gave me directions as to where to find the instructor who was teaching that class.’”
  • “Her willingness to be committed to the many activities that we are involved in within the HPE Division, give us a central person who has a handle on supplies needed, supporting paperwork, and or the proper budget from which to access funds. This makes our lives as faculty easier, allowing our focus on teaching and the delivery of the information to the students.”
  • “Her timeliness, her quality of work, her willingness to help faculty who are not as familiar with software, computers, and the like, has also been appreciated by staff members. They feel like her guidance has always been one that is positive, helpful and without judgement. This creates a peaceful, collaborative work environment, which has made the HPE Division more productive, friendlier and responsive to the college and the students served here.”

Thao Schmidt is a Human Resources Consultant 2 for the Human Resources Department and is described as someone who “consistently performs with a high degree of accuracy and professionalism. Often, Thao is quick to offer help, volunteer for projects and she contributes suggestions for improvement. She also helps the Human Resources department in maintaining a positive, professional and service-oriented atmosphere.

Her nominator said, “One example of Thao’s excellent work performance is the most recent seniority list. Due to some College Bargaining Agreement (CBA) changes, the format of the seniority list changed and it required extensive research on conversion from hours worked to dates and notification to employees. Thao sought clarification on the CBA language and followed guidelines provided by the appropriate parties, partnered with Information Technology Services (ITS) and oversaw the conversion from hours to dates. She documented changes to dates, resolved discrepancies, and provided a comprehensive, clear and accurate seniority list.  In addition, she was efficient and conducted several meetings with ITS and HR Management to provide updates on the progress of the project and requested feedback. After several weeks of work, she conducted a detailed revision of the final seniority dates and submitted a comprehensive, clear and accurate seniority list.”

Other comments about Thao include:

  • “The new process that Thao developed has saved the department many work hours, and provides an effective way to produce the seniority list in years to come.”

Sherry Smith is the Admin Services Manager B for Science Technology Engineering Math (STEM) and is described as someone who is respectful, positive, helpful, professional, collegial, and always ready and willing to assist. While fostering a welcoming atmosphere, she shows a genuine interest and ability in helping students with a multitude of issues. One nominator said, “On a couple of occasions on the way to meetings, I have watched her notice students struggling or looking lost and then immediately stop and help them or make sure they were okay. Sometimes when students were lost, she had even walked them to their classrooms.”

Smith is also known as someone to ask if you need to learn about the proper college procedure to accomplish a task. No matter how busy she is, Smith is always willing to share her in-depth knowledge about how the college works.

Other comments about Smith include:

  • “Sherry consistently shines in her attitude, teamwork, and support of others. She is the key employee for making sure that all operational aspects of the STEM Unit, the largest instructional unit at Clark College, runs smoothly. For example, she provides in-depth counsel and assistance to the deans, division chairs, department heads, adjunct coordinators, directors, and program managers in the areas of a) appropriate personnel practices and adherence to AHE and WPEA contracts, b) institutional policies and procedures, c) appropriate uses of the many different funding sources that support the STEM Unit, and d) STEM Unit procedures, practices, and history. The high level of work she provides goes above and beyond the call of duty. I often have a need with a short timeline turn-around, and she is always able to accommodate those requests. Lastly, she is creative and efficient in accomplishing tasks. Much of the last year we have been short-staffed for one reason or another, and she has managed these staffing shortages creatively and efficiently.”
  • “Sherry Smith has been an employee at Clark College for 15-plus years. I have had the good fortune of working closely with her these past few years, which has given me the opportunity of witnessing her exemplary work ethic. One way that is evident is through her continued commitment to supporting students. While fostering a welcoming atmosphere, she shows a genuine interest and ability in helping them with a multitude of issues. As a result, they are compelled to reach out to her. It is not out of the ordinary for Sherry to step out of the office for one purpose and then return with another; many times when she returned, she would have students who needed assistance in tow. On a couple of occasions on the way to meetings, I have watched her notice students struggling or looking lost and then immediately stop and help them or make sure they were okay. Sometimes when students were lost, she had even walked them to their classrooms. It seems that when students cross her path with an issue, she makes the time to ensure their needs are met rather than delegate the task to her staff, even though her schedule is always seemingly very hectic. Sherry understands that students are a very important element of her job, and I believe she really does care about them. She knows that they are also a critical component to the success of Clark College.”
  • “Sherry goes above and beyond the call of duty by taking the time to meet with each support staff on a weekly basis to enable them time to discuss projects, concerns and feel connected. She is a good listener, very supportive, and a team builder!”
  • “Sherry has been my supervisor for 12 ½ years. She is absolutely AWESOME to work with. I can’t imagine working for anyone else on campus. If I ever need assistance in resolving an issue, she is always there for guidance. She isn’t a micro-manager. She has always been approachable and will always listen. She also leads by setting a good example and has a great work ethic. I admire and respect her as a person and a great supervisor.”
  • “Sherry is the ‘go to’ person in STEM for everything. Most importantly, when we were preparing to move into the STEM building Sherry took the lead. Sherry was the liaison for faculty and staff, making sure we had what we needed to make the processes as smooth as possible. This was an immense relief to faculty, as we knew with Sherry in charge nothing would get overlooked. Then once moved in, she made sure to address any issues that came up and always checked in with us, caring about how everything was working. Sherry has strong ethics and is extremely well respected for her diligence and hard work. In one statement, the STEM unit would not function smoothly without Sherry.”
  • “Sherry is a real asset to the college and the unit. Her willingness to solve problems and her extensive knowledge of Clark College has been critical to our ability to do our jobs. She is always positive and a pleasure to work with.”

Peggy Sweesy is a Program Assistant for Transitional Studies/BEECH Unit and is described as someone who “willingly tackles any task I hand to her, finding the best approach to complete it while continuing to provide a high level of service with her regular tasks.” Peggy is also known to be pleasant to work with as well as encouraging and caring. One nominator said, “I know if you were to ask anyone who knows her, Peggy’s positive demeanor and sunny disposition would be the first things they would mention. If I am having a tough day, she can help me see the positive side of things and make me laugh. She is truly one of the things that make Clark a great place to work for me!”

Other comments about Peggy include:

  • “Peggy cares deeply about doing a good job. We know we can count on her stability and dedication, everyone feels safe and comfortable with her. She helps to create a positive atmosphere here.” — Jeri Kemmer, BEECH Unit Operations Manager
  • “I wish I had more time to write all the things I appreciate about Peggy. I think foremost is her cheerfulness and willingness to listen to requests (even if they aren’t necessarily in her purview). I always feel comfortable communicating with Peggy. She listens with care/caring. On short notice and with many many requests for help, she came through in a timely manner recently. This has happened on numerous occasions. She was careful about using a cardboard box she needed for moving things around from a classroom. Checking first to see if anyone needed it, and afterwards promptly replacing it. (she is very thoughtful and considerate)” — Jackie Allen-Bond, Transitional Studies Faculty
  • “Great choice. Peggy is an amazing team player dedicated to supporting each of us so that we can serve our students well. I appreciate her dedication and support.” — Sam May-Varas, Transitional Studies Faculty
  • “Peggy is the most positive, upbeat, always-a-smile, willing-to-help staff person I have ever worked with. She has excellent follow-through and always goes the extra mile. She is both very professional and very personable. Everyone loves her and she is an absolute joy to work with. She is a wonderful listener. “ — Les Rivera, Transitional Studies Faculty
  • “Peggy always displays a high degree of integrity, responsibility, and positive energy. She is an inspiration to others and you always feel better after spending time with her. She is truly a ray of sunshine and a joy to work with.” — Gayle Lee, Transitional Studies Staff
  • “I just want to say that Peggy is one of the most amazing ladies I have ever met. She is dedicated, respectful, and very friendly. It is simply a joy to work with her!!!” — Marilú DeYoung, Transitional Studies Office Assistant

Summer 2017 Classified Excellence Award: Rebecca Udwary


Rebecca Udwary

Rebecca Udwary

Congratulations to Rebecca (Becky) Udwary, recipient of the 2017 Summer Quarter Classified Staff Excellence Award!

Udwary is Secretary Senior for the Art & Theatre department and is described as someone who “demonstrates her commitment to the College Community in a number of ways.” Whether Udwary is serving on Clark College’s Safety Committee, assisting someone in need, coordinating usher coverage for all Clark College Theatre productions, applying data analysis techniques to find equitable practices that better accommodate the needs of students and her department, or greeting folks with a warm, friendly smile – she is seen as a “valued member of the Penguin Nation.”

Other comments about Udwary include:

Udwary is described as someone who treats those she meets with respect and understanding. One nominator wrote, “Becky maintains a welcoming, upbeat, ‘can-do’ attitude within our whole department. No problem is too small or big for Becky. I’ve seen her greet lost people tumbling in off the street with the same graciousness as she would the president of the college. Becky does a particularly good job of meeting the needs of both faculty and students in the Art department, and does an excellent job of communicating back and forth across that spectrum. Students and faculty all appreciate how welcoming, informative and helpful Becky is.”

Udwary is not only described as welcoming and supportive, but as someone with many diverse talents and interest areas. In fact, one nominator wrote, “Her talents know no bounds.” With a former career in information technology (IT), Udwary applies her skills in graphic design, social media promotion, and troubleshooting to assist the needs of her department. Outside of her interest in technology, “Becky has enthusiastically taken classes in photography and ceramics, as evidence of her comfort in being in the ‘learner’s seat’ at Clark – a good role model for us all!”

Directly related to her job, Udwary models excellent work performance and outstanding customer service to the college and broader community. A nominator mentioned, “Becky operates as a highly skilled professional, assisting the Art department with advanced administrative techniques and acumen. Each quarter, Becky compiles a spreadsheet that outlines all of the Art classes, class times, instructors, and class locations. This spreadsheet enables students and faculty to quickly determine the most efficient means of addressing their needs. It is an invaluable resource.”

Udwary not only provides great assistance to her department, but also does so for Clark College’s Safety Committee. One nominator wrote, “In addition to being pleasant, helpful, and willing to help others on campus, Becky also directly contributed to making Clark College a safer place to work and study.” An example of this is when Udwary volunteered “to expand her role as an Emergency Building Coordinator to serve as a member of the Emergency Communications Team and acting as the South Campus Lead. In that role she helped to restructure the radio communications protocols for the Emergency Building Coordinators (EBC’s), took a lead role in reprogramming all EBC radios, found time to help the Emergency Manger conduct comprehensive testing of two separate radio systems, provided training to her fellow EBCs on the new radio protocols, and took on a lead role in coordinating communications during the evacuation drills that were conducted on main campus in May.”

Congratulations, as well, to all nominees for the 2017 Summer Quarter Classified Staff Excellence Award:

Jessica Beach is Secretary Senior for Transitional Studies. She is described as an excellent employee who displays a “can-do” attitude, is tenacious when faced with problems, knowledgeable, thorough and efficient, and provides outstanding customer service. She is also commended for attending trainings to “increase her skills as a supervisor and understanding of labor law.”

Additionally, nominators say, Beach goes above and beyond by offering to take on additional tasks, contributing creative solutions, and extending her great customer service to other departments. One nominator said, “Jessica is thorough and efficient in the way that she supports 65 employees in the Transitional Studies Division (50 faculty and 15 staff). She is quick to respond to emails, phone calls, and in-person inquiries. When there are problems, she is an excellent researcher and digs into the details and stays with it until everything is sorted out.”

Below are comments from Beach’s colleagues:

  • “I sincerely appreciate Jessica and her top-notch organizational skills. I know that I couldn’t do any part of my job– whether it’s teaching or working as division chair– without stellar staff like her.”
  • “Jessica is very supportive and assisting; she responds to needs quickly, and is always there to either assist with things directly or to help identify the right person if a request is outside of her role. I know that if I have a question or request Jessica will take care of it in a timely and thorough manner. I really appreciate this about her.”
  • “Jessica is always willing to help me navigate the paperwork involved with attending conferences [and] ordering supplies. She is very professional and timely and knows what she is doing.”
  • “Jessica is very knowledgeable! She is patient in her training and shows appreciation for a job well done.”
  • “Jessica does a great job of keeping the team moving toward our goals, maintaining a productive work environment.”
  • “Jessica is an optimistic and enthusiastic team member, and she’s not only good at collaborating, but she also makes it fun. The work environment is made better by Jessica’s presence: She creates a welcoming and productive work space here, and this helps everyone else do their job more easily.”

Roslyn Leon Guerrero is Administrative Assistant 4 for the Office of Diversity and Equity. Colleagues praised her support of the Office of Diversity and Equity as a safe space on campus for anyone who needs it. They also noted her “strong commitment and advocacy for students and coworker of color” and that she “is devoted to supporting those in the community who have been most vulnerable.” Always providing a welcoming atmosphere with a “warm and friendly face,” Leon Guerrero “helps to break down barriers, eliminates fears and helps students be successful while still honoring their authentic selves.” Recently, she received a full scholarship for the National Pacific American Leadership Institute (NAPALI) – Hawaiian word for “the cliffs” – to continue training as a Pacific American Emerging Leader. Additionally, in 2016, Leon Guerrero was appointed by Governor Jay Inslee to be a Commissioner for the Washington State Commission on Asian Pacific American Affairs. As a Commissioner, she is one of the 12 advisory board members appointed to be a voice for Washington’s Asian Pacific American communities.

Below are comments from Leon Guerrero’s colleagues:

  • “One way she provides support is by serving as one of the Advisors for APIC (Asian Pacific Islander Club). Roslyn has worked with students to help organize culturally specific events and activities on campus, created and maintained relationships with community organizations servicing the API community, which in turn creates resources and opportunities for our students. Roslyn’s advocacy for students stretches beyond our campus and will have a lasting impact on our community.”
  • “She is a trusted resource who will advocate for what is equitable and fair.”

Gayla Shanahan is a Grounds and Nursery Specialist 3 in the Grounds Department. She is said to go above and beyond in working to keep the main campus in such great shape. The campus is often described as beautiful and lush, and Shanahan plays an important role in making that happen.

Below are comments from Gayla’s colleagues:

  • “I always see Gayla going above and beyond at work.”
  • “She does an amazing job and deserves to be recognized for it.”
  • “The areas of campus that she tends to are always so lush and beautiful.”
  • “She really puts passion into her job and we all benefit from how hard she works.”

Photo: Clark College/Jenny Shadley

Winter 2016 Classified Staff Award: Rebecca Kleiva

Rebecca Kleiva

Rebecca Kleiva

Congratulations to Rebecca Kleiva, recipient of the 2016 Winter Quarter Classified Staff Excellence Award!

Kleiva has provided outstanding services to the college community for the past seven years. She manages the Worker Retraining Financial Aid program, positively impacting the lives of students, and has been a superb contributor to the Workforce Education Services team. She is regarded by her nominators as an “innovative thinker who always goes above and beyond the call of duty to support students.”

Nominators added that, due to Kleiva’s efforts and excellent work performance, Clark College has exceeded its Worker Retraining FTE target, which has resulted in the State Board allocating additional Worker Retraining funding to support the college and students. It has been Kleiva’s knowledge and eagerness to learn things outside her normal job responsibilities that have ensured the customer service she provides to the public, community and her co-workers is exemplary. One of her Worker Retraining students said, “Rebecca is an amazing agent who goes above and beyond. She made enrolling in your program a piece of cake.  She is very professional and has incredible patience and understanding. We are all very fortunate to have her.”

Congratulations as well to this quarter’s other nominees:

Sherry Smith has been an employee at Clark College for 13 years. She is described as thorough, patient and understanding; working hard behind the scenes to go above and beyond in order to fulfill faculty requests or tasks that at times can seem unattainable.  While fostering a welcoming atmosphere, Sherry shows a genuine interest and ability in helping with a multitude of issues. Not only do the students look to her as a mentor, but staff do also. As one nominator explains it, “The STEM unit would not function without Sherry Smith. She is the heart of the unit. She is professional, collegial, and above all always ready and willing to assist.  She knows the answer to any question, and keeps track of a plethora of information. I am so very thankful for Sherry Smith, and I know no one more deserving of this honor.”

Manda Levie provides the sole staff support for the Communications and Humanities Division, which comprises nine separate departments. In addition, she supports the College Essentials Department, which serves faculty and students campuswide. Levie is commended for being a “strong and dependable addition to our staff team, who has made great contributions to process improvement and overall team workflow.” Described as a problem-solver, Levie is known for her collaboration, creativity, friendliness and efficiency.  According to one nominator, “Manda deals with issues promptly, professionally and with a spirit that can only be described as positive. She is keenly aware of what’s going on and repeatedly demonstrates her commitment to a good educational environment.” Another nominator sums it up like this: “Manda’s amazing!”


Spring 2014 Classified Staff Excellence Award

Sally Demos

Clark College Libraries Acquisitions Specialist Sally Demos

Congratulations to Sally Demos, recipient of the 2014 Spring Quarter Classified Staff Excellence Award!

Sally Demos has provided excellent service to the Clark College Community for the past 29 years. She currently holds the position of Acquisitions Specialist for the Clark College Library. A current member in the Shared Integrated Library, she has also served on the Clark College Foundation Employee Campaign Committee, is a convener for the Library of the Future Committee, a member of the library’s Floor Plan Work Group, and the Classified Staff Representative for the Library Leadership Team.

Sally frequently goes above and beyond her basic job responsibilities, displaying her earnest work ethic and commitment to the Clark College Mission. She has been described by her colleagues as “the epitome of efficiency,” and her supervisor states that Sally is “thorough, organized and succinct, meeting all deadlines and is often early in finishing her work.”

Sally exemplifies lifelong learning by participating in many staff and professional development training opportunities. Her excellent communication skills and wealth of information is a great asset to Clark College, its students, and staff.

Congratulations to all of the spring quarter nominees:

Kate Cascio: Kate has been an exemplary program assistant. She has brought a new level of professionalism to the office. Her ability to work individually to accomplish projects is outstanding. She is quick to take on several additional special projects and duties above and beyond her required assignments. Kate exceeds what is expected of her in all areas of her work.

Vanessa Meyer: Vanessa is doing an excellent job! She is supremely competent. She is organized and handles her responsibilities quickly and efficiently, assuring faculty members do not miss anything that is required. She is not just always pleasant and polite, but always in a good mood.

Brendan Pust: Brendan provides excellent customer service and does everything he can to help. He goes above and beyond each day to provide the best support for students and staff. Brendan never leaves any employee behind. He does his very best to train his employees to provide quality support for students. He has a positive and professional attitude.

Derald Richards: Derald consistently performs at a level above and beyond the scope of his job. Derald is very professional and courteous with his co-workers, students and the general public. Derald is continually looking for ways to complete a task more efficiently. He has been quick to submit ideas and solutions on various issues and will then take the lead on certain projects.

Denise Rotellini: Denise is all about quality work, continuous improvement, and excellent customer service. She does an exceptionally thorough job of managing departmental documents, libraries, and processes. Denise’s knowledge of the college structure, policy and procedures is exemplary. She is always willing to help solve a problem, figure out an answer, or provide support. Denise is always looking for a way to make everyone’s job easier and more efficient.

Billie Trimbo: Billie has a certain flair for bringing out the creative and empathetic qualities in others around her. She has been available to us when we needed information, and helpful in problem solving to get the job done. She always goes above and beyond in her work for our department! Billie is spontaneous with her friendship to her coworkers and friends.

Heather White: Heather’s performance is the very definition of “excellence.” Heather regularly checks in with other coworkers to see how she can help them. She is friendly and helpful to everyone that comes into our office. She works with the office to provide the best possible service to students. She is clear and concise and speaks to people kindly and considerately. She always listens actively and looks at each person as an individual. Heather has the utmost respect for fellow workers and students.

The College Community will celebrate all 2013-2014 nominees and recipients at the Annual Ice Cream Social held in September.

The Classified Staff Excellence Award was established in 2005 and recognizes classified staff who have demonstrated exemplary work performance, outstanding customer service, a positive and cooperative spirit, and special achievements or contributions to the college community. Thanks to the support of the Clark College Foundation, each quarter’s recipient receives a $400 cash award.

Karen Ferguson submitted this article. Photo: Clark College/Jenny Shadley