Summer 2020 Classified Excellence Award recipient: Connor Cantrell

Connor Cantrell at Cannell Library desk
Connor Cantrell. Photo courtesy of Connor Cantrell

Congratulations to Connor Cantrell, Library & Archives Paraprofessional 4, Libraries, recipient of the 2020 Summer Quarter Classified Staff Excellence Award! 

One nominator wrote, “Connor has helped the library become a welcoming and inclusive place by making improvements to services, procedures, and processes. The training Connor has done with employees has helped them use equity-based critical thinking when responding to complaints and/or observing biased based incidents.” 

When the college shifted to remote operations, Cantrell established new interlibrary loan (ILL) processes to accommodate the need to work from home. She used her organizational skills to ensure all necessary staff had access to digital paperwork when needed and worked with each employee to make sure they had adequate support and the essential tools to perform their work during remote operations.  

One colleague wrote: “Connor has shown outstanding customer service by listening to library patrons and adjusting normal procedures as needed to ensure each patron has the support to succeed. She worked with students to make sure they could register when they had fines and extended due dates when they required items longer for assignments. 

“Connor’s dedication to ensuring our students have the best Clark College experience is one of the things that makes her a remarkable asset to the library. She listens to students when they are upset, confused, angry, and defeated and ensures that students are connected to needed resources.”  

Another comment said: “Connor often leads by example and is always willing to offer a helping hand. Her ability to connect with people and provide clear communication while ensuring staff and patrons feel heard are some of her best attributes. Connor’s history of rising above and stepping into challenging issues while providing others the tools and knowledge to succeed and grow contributes to the best parts of the Clark Community.” 

Congratulations, as well, to all nominees for the 2020 Summer Quarter Classified Staff Excellence Award (excerpts of their nomination forms included): 

Chris Chaffin, Program Coordinator, Student Tutoring Services 

“Chris has exceeded every expectation. His role has shifted with increased responsibility and duties because of his abilities and his passion for excellence in everything he does. Chris has made it his personal mission to not only excel at his tasks but also to cushion others from being stretched too thin. He works independently and proactively and does everything in his power to solve all problems that come his way, including always looking ahead and problem-solving for the next step. This is no small feat and speaks highly of his ability to prioritize complex problems and situations. Chris is highly active in many aspects of college life, dedicated to social equity on this campus, and is an advocate for all employees and students that seek his council. He always makes time to make everyone feel heard and valued. He faithfully attends speaker luncheons, trainings, festivals, and other events whenever he can. He regularly donates to college initiatives such as the Backpack Program, Foundation, Penguin Pantry, and more. He is also regularly asked to serve on hiring committees and councils. He bravely accepted the task of being a speaker for the Queer Student Luncheon and bared his soul to all in attendance regarding his struggles, fears, and triumphs. Chris gives of his time, money, heart, and spirit on a daily basis.” 

Dan Ellertson, Retail Clerk Lead, Bookstore 

“Dan is a valued leadership team member at the Clark College Bookstore. His strong work ethic is consistently and clearly demonstrated on a daily basis. He performs his job with forethought, professionalism and accuracy. Dan’s positive attitude and his willingness to go above and beyond is apparent in all his interactions. There are days when he is pulled left and right; he deals with each situation, good or bad, with the highest degree of professionalism and a positive attitude. In his work, Dan looks for ways to improve efficiencies for the bookstore. Due to COVID-19, the bookstore changed their business model to serve students more efficiently while maintaining a high level of customer service. Dan collaborated with Web Services and management to implement an appointment tool, to schedule individual appointments for students to come into the bookstore for limited services, such as prepaid book pickup. Dan also has the innate ability to prevent difficult situations from intensifying. When a difficult situation arises with a customer, he de-escalates it by listening to their concern, communicating to them in a considerate manner, empathizing with them, and working with them to find a resolution. Dan is well respected, admired, and appreciated by fellow employees.”  

Jeff Kaliner, Program Specialist 3, Security & Safety Services 

“Since his hiring in August of 2018, Jeff has taken on leadership roles in unanticipated events such as free speech activities and a potential measles outbreak in Clark County. Beginning in March of 2020, Jeff’s knowledge, skills and abilities were tested as he was tasked with leading the college’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Jeff identified the potential for the disease to reach pandemic levels early and convinced college leadership to enter into a planning phase. Jeff revised the college’s Emergency Operations Plan.  

“It might be an understatement to call COVID-19 a ‘special project’ but it certainly presented a unique set of challenges for Clark College. For an institution unaccustomed to managing an emergency of this size and complexity, COVID-19 could have been a completely destabilizing event. Fortunately, the College has Jeff Kaliner as our Emergency Program Manager – precisely the right person at the right time to lead us through this crisis. 

“Former Interim President Sandra Fowler-Hill had this to say about Jeff, : ‘Jeff performed exemplary in managing several crises confronting the college last year. I was very impressed as I saw him quickly rise to the challenge of the COVID-19 crisis. All of his experience and skills were an asset in managing the college community safely through the crisis and onto recovery.’” 

Charla Kimball, Fiscal Technician Supervisor, Accounting Services 

“Charla is always available and ready to help. It is often difficult for international students to admit that they are having financial difficulty. It can be difficult for some cultures to ask for help. Charla always has the students’ best interests at the forefront and always manages to be kind and understanding. Students often feel relieved and encouraged after speaking with her. She always goes beyond the task, offers alternative suggestions or new ideas on how to improve processes, and always follows-up when issues do not get resolved immediately. Charla has demonstrated exemplary work performance.  

“A student wrote: ‘Financing college studies is never easy and as a member in this department, she has been instrumental in delivering her duties, understanding, patient, and also prompt in answering questions of any concerns. Despite remote operations and workload, I personally have been helped by Charla in different circumstances making me feel safe and comfortable in seeking advice from her.” 

Fall 2019 Classified Excellence Award Recipient: Bryton Williams

Bryton Williams
Bryton Williams

Congratulations to Bryton Williams, recipient of the 2019 Fall Quarter Classified Staff Excellence Award! 

An Administrative Assistant 3 for Business & Health Sciences, Williams is said to be someone who greets every situation with a smile and a positive attitude and who has made many contributions to the college’s CCW location.  

True to their name, Williams says that they were born to “brighten” everyone’s day, joking, “If my mom wanted me to be negative, she would have named me Darken.” Nominators say that, puns aside, Williams’ consistent positivity and continued relationship-building is appreciated by all at CCW, including the WSUV employees there.  

Williams assists staff and faculty with submitting and using Penguin Packs from the Bookstore and helps them to stay under the yearly printing budget. They are consistently going above and beyond for all residents in the building they help manage, responding promptly to requests and providing status updates. They consistently offer suggestions that benefit not only Clark College but WSU as well. 

Bryton is managing several equity-minded projects centered on CCW and has engaged in self-education, as well as participated in several events with the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Recently, Bryton recently developed a new system for booking time in CCW’s new lactation room, which has allowed lactating mothers to remain focused on their studies. Bryton has also made it a point to make sure the CCW space is as welcoming as Clark’s main campus is to systemically non-dominant students. 

Others had this to say about Bryton: 

  • “Bryton regularly engages in discussion and clarification around collaborative projects. Bryton is amazingly thorough, allowing others to be more focused and productive in their areas.” 
  • “Bryton participates regularly in college activities and events. Most recently, Bryton was regularly reminding and encouraging everyone to participate in the Walktober Challenge. Bryton even spurred on a friendly competition between CCW and the WSU Facilities personnel. These sorts of bonds go a long way when we need to collaborate with our WSU partners.”  
  • A new employee wrote, “Bryton brought me a stuffed penguin for my office, stating, ‘No Clark office is complete without a penguin, welcome to the team.’” 
  • They are “generous beyond measure.” 
  • “Bryton regularly is the first to offer assistance to students, staff, and faculty, regardless of the fact that the duties are not required of them.” 
  • “Bryton’s commitment to collaboration and a positive college environment was evident in one of my first interactions with them. Bryton went out of their way to make three different kinds of muffins (this included vegan and gluten-free options, this illustrates the sheer thoughtfulness of Bryton in making sure everyone was included) which they brought in to share with the staff and faculty of all the programs at CCW, the students, our iTech partners, and the WSU Facilities personnel. While this already seems thoughtful, let me clarify that these muffins were not purchased, they were handmade with care and with a mindset that included every individual they come into contact during the day (this included people who they don’t come into contact with as well). Not only did Bryton make these extremely thoughtful snacks but they also hauled them on a one-hour public-transit ride to CCW. If that isn’t an example of caring above and beyond, then I don’t know what is.” 
  • “Bryton is amazingly thorough, allowing others to be more focused and productive in their areas.” 

Congratulations, as well, to all nominees for the 2019 Fall Quarter Classified Staff Excellence Award: 

Brenda Shular, Procurement & Supply Spec 2, Purchasing & Central Services 

Brenda is described as someone who is a helpful resource in the Purchasing and Central Services area. A nominator wrote, “Brenda has provided me with direct training and she helped me feel like I had someone to reach out to when I needed an answer. She always maintains a positive presence, is professional, and solution-oriented. I’m sure Brenda has been integral to our switch to the new ctcLink system, taking on an inordinate amount of work. When there are issues or questions, Brenda makes herself available to investigate and explain. Brenda has answered countless questions on the spot over the phone.”  

Other comments about Brenda: 

  • “[Our department] requires a lot of supplies, and a fair amount of equipment. No matter how many requisitions we send over, I have faith that Brenda will get them turned into orders.”  

Everett Yu, Equipment Technician 3 for Grounds 

Everett Yu is someone who demonstrates exemplary work performance on a daily basis. Overall, Everett is responsible for maintaining all the vehicles and riding equipment at Facilities Services used by custodial, maintenance, and grounds. He is consistently working to keep vehicles and equipment (some built the 1980s and 1990s) operating at a high level. For instance, Yu just finished installing a hydraulic lift kit into the back of the F-250 (manufacture year 1995) so that staff can dump debris with the flip of a switch and get right back to work. Yu recently utilized scrap metal to custom-build a new trailer for transporting small grounds equipment. 

A nominator wrote, “When something breaks down, we don’t panic, because we know Everett will be able to troubleshoot the problem and successfully complete the repair in a timely manner.” 

Other comments about Everett: 

  • Everett has completed many special project work orders. If a co-worker encounters a complicated problem Everett will likely have a solution and be willing to help complete the job.” 
  • Security and Events rely on Everett to maintain their vehicles regularly.” 
  • “Completing the majority of work orders on time and staying under budget is a special achievement.”Page Break 

Group Nomination for Brandon Johnson, It Support Technician 2 for Information Technology Services; John Condit, Media Technician Lead for Event Services;  Mike Silva, IT Support Technician 2, Information Technology Services; Richard (Rick) Bartz, IT Support Technician 2 for Information Technology Services 

The following is the nominator’s comments about this team: 

“A recent recruitment was unusual in nature due to unforeseen circumstances. At a moment’s notice we found out that we needed media assistance for a couple f upcoming campus events. Normally, we try to be considerate and notify the media team when we need their assistance at least 48 hours prior to the event. This certain situation was less than 24 hours. I thought for sure the media team was going to tell me, ‘No way, not with that short of notice.’ 
Mike Silva was contacted and was so kind and provided exceptional service in some many ways. He reassured me that the request was not impossible and that he was certain they could assist. After my repeated thank you’s and apologies, he spoke with his staff and quickly called me back and said, Okay, everything is lined up and it’s a go!’ The media team had quickly organized all that was needed of them and organized coverage for said activities. 
Rick Bartz assisted in setting up one room for Skype and then quickly ran to set up the next room for the next activity, and so on until all activities were completed. 
Brandon Johnson and John Condit provided back of the scene assistance to make our request successful. 

The media team from the very beginning gave exceptional customer service! From reassuring that the request wasn’t that big of deal. Mike repeatedly stated that it was ‘no problem’ when I thanked him for his last-minute help. 
Rick was sure to get each activity started via Skype and then he was on to the next location–not skipping a beat. 
“This isn’t the first time that this group has been phenomenal and extremely helpful! The customer service provided was appreciated by so many: HR, the hiring department, and the candidate. 
“Because of the customer service that the media team provided, the candidate experience was amazing and the candidate expressed his appreciation for all involved. This is what we want here at Clark. I can’t thank this team enough. Without them, this wouldn’t have happened. 

“Hands down the media team took the initiative to assist us with our request. Without their assistance, the Skype activities wouldn’t have happened, as it took multiple arrangements to make it successful. The team was helpful, super-efficient, accommodating, and so cooperative in completing the request. This was going on while the college was bearing down to the final days of ctcLink preparation… 
“Working with coworkers who provide exceptional customer service, positive demeanor, and have the ‘no worries’ attitude not only provides myself an example that I can learn from but also makes me proud when interacting with the candidates. When a candidate thanks me for all the organization and assistance and provides so many words of appreciation, I can’t take all the credit–and for that reason I nominate this team for acknowledgement.” 

Margaret (Peg) Estes, Program Specialist 2 for Credential Evaluations 

Peg Estes is described as someone who shows initiative, positive spirit, participation in college activities, and willingness to support not only students, but also the greater college community. She is also known as being highly knowledgeable and accurate in her work evaluating applications for program completion at Clark College. 

This past year has marked a time of significant change for the Credential Evaluations team. In addition to new programs coming on board, a significant amount of workflow changes, changes to the graduation-application database, and the expectations around communication with students, there has also been a significant amount of work to prepare for ctcLink implementation. Estes responded positively and prioritized her work tasks to meet the needs of the department. She is said to have a positive attitude and show adaptability during times of rapid change. This has been a significant undertaking and has required substantial effort to review work tasks and provide regular and consistent feedback.  

Other comments about Peg Estes: 

  • “Based on the positive impact that she has had with regard to communicating proactively, it resulted in the Credentials Department adopting and adapting Peg’s communication timeline as the departmental standard. This resulted in the department workflow being more proactive in communicating with students and within a much shorter window of time. Students are also proactively provided evaluation results, and then provided with updates each term, whereas before it was only in the term they planned to complete and subsequent terms afterwards. I appreciate Peg’s willingness to try new things in the name of supporting students to achieve their educational and career goals.”  
  • “I have worked in the same office as Peg for about three years now and I am grateful to work with such an outstanding employee. Within the last three years, I have never witnessed such tireless dedication to doing a job and doing it well, such as I have seen with Peg. She has picked up other’s work without question, she has thoroughly examined policy and procedure to ensure best practice for employee and students alike, and she has done it all with a smile on her face. Her commitment and positive attitude throughout endless change and turnover in this department has been a prime example of what an ideal employee looks like. I am honored to work with her and I could not think of a more respected and deserving person to receive such an award. #teampeg”  
  • “Prior to going live in the new system, Peg was given the ‘Jill of all Trades’ certificate of appreciation by Susan Maxwell to recognize her for all the hard work that she put into data validation. According to Susan, ‘Peg spent many hours in the lab, was always willing to help other staff who were validating, helped Ryan to understand where to find information in SMS, and was willing to validate data she had never seen before.’” 
  • “Peg has been so helpful to our office with all of the training that she has provided not only to new staff, but helping with the training of staff in new business processes in the new People Soft environment. She is always so patient, courteous and helpful even though she is constantly interrupted with questions both from within our department, and while assisting other departments. Peg goes above and beyond to help solve problems no matter how busy she is at that time. She always has such a positive attitude even during these trying times with having to learn a new computer system, learning new business processes and dealing with staffing shortages. Our office wouldn’t be so functional without Peg’s great knowledge of the department and the willingness to help others.” 

Mitch Sott, Engineering Technician 3 for Workforce, Professional & Tech Ed 

Mitch is described as someone who is extremely conscious of the deep level of support the McClaskey Culinary Institute and its programs need. He is constantly proactive in clarifying needs and trouble-shooting issues before they become major issues. Sott applies both knowledge and creativity to fixing and maintaining the facility. One nominator said, “In my opinion, Mitch is not only an asset to this college campus, but a long-standing employee that makes our Prof Tech unit better and he is always willing to help anyway he can. He deserves to be acknowledged for his positive spirit and his service.” 

 Other comments about Mitch Sott: 

  • “Mitch is a master fabricator and effortlessly creates solutions that would otherwise take major time and money if we went through equipment companies. A specific example is our steam-jacketed kettles that we make soups, sauces, etc. The factory draining system was ridiculously inefficient and was a potential cause of injury to students and staff. In a couple short hours, he fabricated an insert that completely solved the problem with minimal cost to college both in materials and time.” 
  • “Mitch is a joy to work with and we enjoy seeing him in the bakery. He has fixed mixer attachments that were broken accidentally by students, put wheels on racks for easier movement, fabricated many cutters and cake frames, made a specific rack for cooling angel food cakes (which must hang upside-down while cooling), created a wall -ength hanger for the cookie cutters in the bakery, and so much more. Mitch has made our jobs smoother by all the various things he has done and continues to do for us.” 
  • “Often Mitch will come to the bakery simply to check on us, say hello, and see if we have anything that needs fixing. He is always happy to help, and I honestly can’t remember a time he has said no. If Mitch does collegewide what he does for us in the baking program, I cannot imagine a better example of cooperative spirit than that of Mitch.”  
  • “Mitch recognizes the importance of what we do, and that we couldn’t do it without his help. He always has anything he is fixing for us done and back to us the very next day. Mitch will always walk it back to the bakery when he could easily have us come and get it.” 
  • “Mitch was directly responsible in helping solve what could have been a serious issue with our air handlers on the roof of the cuisine kitchen. Without his diligent efforts, potentially very costly issues with the equipment could have occurred, as well as the impact of the air handlers to properly filter internal kiosk and kitchen airflow.” 
  • “Even when not called to help on something happening in kitchen, Mitch when available, comes to the kitchen facility and checks on equipment, with the Chefs, or items he has worked on to ensure equipment is running smoothly, that the staff isn’t in need of something, and handles minor tweaks on on-going equipment maintenance. Specifically, our smoker, which is quite old, he has maintained in working order so it is always available for our students and FSO needs.” 

Neil Fykerud, Program Specialist 2 for Transitional Studies Division 

Neil Fykerud is described as a colleague who goes above and beyond to positively impact student learning and who has served both the college and the community for decades. He is praised for his breadth of knowledge, constant professionalism, and ability to turn data into productive information. Co-workers, supervisors, community partners and the WorkFirst/BFET (Basic Food Employment and Training) state board office have appreciated Fykerud’s hard work and consistent accuracy. He is willing to take on demanding projects that others would find overwhelming and completes them in a timely, precise, and proactive way. 

Fykerud has participated on many college committees, including safety committees, the Climate Committee, and hiring committees. He makes sure the college’s community partners are informed about what is happening at Clark College and how it may affect students who are also clients of external organizations. He has made many important connections with agencies such as the Department of Social and Health Services, WorkSource, and Partners in Careers, to name a few.  

Fykerud also knows the importance of making connections within the campus community to ensure Transitional Studies students get the support and valid information they need. He strives to help the students become successful in their school lives, as well as in their family lives and in the community. He readily attends college trainings as well as WorkFirst and BFET trainings and informational sessions.  

Other comments about Neil Fykerud: 

  • “He collaborates often with advising staff to provide multiple layers of connection and relationship building necessary for their success. If he is unsure how to help a student with a particular issue or resource, he connects with colleagues who can help and continues to utilize these connections with other students as relevant. His attitude is always positive and one of integrity that is infectious to students and staff.” 
  • “Neil always comes to work with a smile and leaves with a smile. His positive attitude is infectious and he never waivers from this positivity, even when the work gets challenging—as it can be with students who have a lot of barriers to success and/or living in crisis. He relays this positivity to students and they leave his office feeling capable and supported.”  
  • “Neil’s work with our ESL, HS+, CAP, and GED students is always exceptional. He will take time to make sure the student is not only advised on what is expected of them as a Clark College student, but also what is required of them as a student who is receiving support through one of our community partners. He will to go over the information as often as the student requires, find support services to help make sure the student is successful, as well as provide a contact figure that the student can rely on during their college life. He follows up with advisors within the Transitional Studies and WES (Workforce Educational Services) departments to ensure students are engaging with these supports. This is a level of support most college students do not get, but most desperately need. He recognizes that students with the types of barriers we see need a compassionate connection to the college community in order to be successful and he takes explicit and intentional steps in his work to ensure students make these connections.” 
  • “In his role as a WorkFirst Program Specialist II and working with our English as a Second Language students who are on Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, he was able to find a way to provide them with translated forms that they are required to read and agree to. He has served as a Liaison for the WorkForce Education Office by attending Local Planning Agency meetings as needed. Neil is an amazing representative of any office, unit or committee he is on. He always seeks out the information needed to be present at the meetings he is attending. I honestly believe he is often overlooked for the amazing spokesperson he is, when it comes to making Clark College a better place to work and a true contributor to our community.” 

Thao Schmidt, Human Resource Consultant 2, Human Resources 

Thao Schmidt is described as someone who has won the confidence of her peers and colleagues and the college community in general. She is not only knowledgeable about her area of specialty, but shows deep connection to the work she does every day. 

Thao corresponds with many people on a daily basis and pays careful attention to the details and thoroughness in her work. She is very efficient in executing her responsibilities, including the posting of shared-leave requests, in a timely manner.  

Her nominator said, “Several years ago she took a real interest to help me when I became suddenly ill, and worked with my son to clarify things and take the necessary steps within her purview. I have observed her polite manners and the friendly disposition of treating others too. Moreover, she takes initiatives to inform and remind the college community members about their benefits, deadlines, etc.” 

Spring 2019 Classified Staff Excellence Award

Amanda Brown
Amanda Brown

Congratulations to Amanda Brown, recipient of the 2019 Spring Quarter Classified Staff Excellence Award!

Brown is a Library and Archives Paraprofessional 3 for Cannell Library. During her career at Clark College, she was promoted to a part-time supervisory position and then to her current full-time role. Colleagues say that few people know Clark Libraries operations as well as Brown does. Focused on customer service and students, she is committed to encouraging students whenever possible.

“From hiring to graduation, Amanda is an active participant in our student workers’ success,” wrote a nominator. “She organized our department’s participation in the Winter 2019 student job fair to broaden the applicant pool for the position. She spends weeks collecting nominations for OSWALDs for students because she is committed to encouraging them at every level possible. Amanda also makes sure to promote students to more-advanced jobs when there are openings in our department.”

In addition to being student-focused, Amanda is someone who is seen as a resource in the library. “Many people pass through her office every day to ask her questions, which she patiently and thoughtfully answers,” observed a colleague.

Amanda is also committed to advancing Clark College’s mission and values by serving on various teams and committees such as the User Experience Committee for Clark Libraries, the Clark Art Committee, and the Clark College Community Emergency Response Team (CERT). One person said, “No matter the committee on which she serves, Amanda is quite simply a leader. Our department is lucky to have her, and so is Clark.”

Below are additional comments about Amanda:

  • “As an alumna as well as an employee of Clark, Amanda always looks for ways to contribute her time and skills to the community. In addition to her work on the User Experience Committee for Clark Libraries, Amanda also serves on the Clark Art Committee, CERT, and has been working with the administration on a comprehensive Libraries policy review. Her work on CERT especially has made her coworkers feel safer and more prepared to protect ourselves and our patrons in case of an emergency. As an advocate for Clark Libraries in these committees, Amanda makes sure that our department aligns itself with collegewide initiatives.”
  • “I also want to highlight how Amanda’s creativity has specifically benefited the library. The Clark Libraries Marketing Committee (on which she served for several quarters) recently designed an extensive set of templates to use for signs that are in line with the Brand Guide. Amanda was one of the lead creators of this project, and we print new signs from her templates almost every week. Additionally, every time I create promotional materials using the templates, I always check in with her because she knows just the expressive pop to make the sign really stand out, such as using the bold rather than standard font.”
  • “Amanda actively looks for ways to go above and beyond to serve Clark students. Last week, a student came to the Check Out Desk to check out a course reserve and was clearly upset. Amanda asked them about their day, and they told her that they were checking out the reserve because they had left their backpack on the bus an hour ago. Amanda was able to find the right numbers for them to call and even offered to get in touch with her own contacts at C-TRAN to make sure they were checking in all the right places.”

Congratulations, as well, to all nominees for the 2019 Spring Quarter Classified Staff Excellence Award:

Margaret (Peg) Estes is a Program Specialist 2 in Credential Evaluations. Among her other duties, she does all the diploma printing for Commencement.

Estes is described as someone who is not only good at her job, but is said to go above and beyond every day. One person said, “She not only does her job duties but she takes on new project whenever asked. Peg is amazing about just getting the work done, no excuses. Peg will stay overtime if asked, she has been helping with the build for the new CTC systems. Even when she has a lot on her plate, she still is very helpful with training and positive in giving directions. I really enjoy learning from Peg as a new employee. I think she is an amazing person and I look up to her work ethic!”

Additional comments about Peg:

  • “Peg has saved a lot of students from having to take extra classes or having to move their files. She is very in touch with her students and helps them stay on top of graduation requirements. Peg puts the students first even if she has a lot of other projects to work on, she always make sure students question are answered or problem gets taken care of right away.”
  • “Peg has great communication skills, she is very interactive with the faculty, staff, students and the public. She has shown me what a positive, hard-working employee looks like and she definitely goes above expectations on all her work.”

Darci Feider is a Program Coordinator for Student Life. She is described as someone who consistently goes above and beyond and is said to be a great team player. One person even said, “Darci is the best team player that I have ever had the joy of working with.”

Feider regularly manages the entire Student Life office on her own during the coffee rush, helps students fill out purchasing paperwork, and even sometimes puts together entire one-time funding request packets together on the student’s behalf when they are unable to do so on their own. Taking a student-centered approach, she is always helping with events, representing Student Life, and is said to be the “backbone” of any successful event that is sponsored by Student Life. It is said that “students (and the Student Leaders) always feel comfortable coming to Darci with questions because she never wavers with her helpful and cheerful nature.”

Additional Comments about Darci:

  • “Recently, Darci has taken on the project of planning a new floorplan for Student Life that is more inviting for students, because some students think the front desk and double doors are intimidating. This was a huge undertaking and she wasn’t asked to take it on, but it looks like, thanks to her, we are working on getting a quote to see how much a remodel might cost. Since this is a huge obstacle for Student Life, this project is a game-changer for the office.”
  • “If ASCC or APB is shorthanded and she can catch a break from her 1000 other responsibilities, she will be there to lend a hand, especially with preparation and set-up which is the backbone of any successful event. Darci makes every student in the office, in clubs, or visiting Student Life feel welcome, respected, and valued.”
  • “Her door is always open so students involved in clubs and programs always have access to her wealth of knowledge. She always helps students navigate through the treacherous sea that is purchasing, travel, and one-time funding request paperwork.”

Karina Gress is an Instruction and Classroom Support Tech 2 for Chemistry who colleagues say is a key contributor to the success of the Chemistry department. One person said, “She strives to ensure that students have the materials they need, that faculty are happy with the set-up, and that errors are corrected quickly.”

Gress’ work has a positive impact not just on her direct department, but on STEM as a whole. A nominator wrote that she “was a key contributor to the design and planning of the STEM Building. Karina learned how to read blue prints and schematic diagrams, and spent hours poring over them, ensuring that our labs and prep spaces had adequate power, storage, and experimentation space. She worked with movers and Facilities to coordinate moving equipment, chemicals, and materials while classes were in session during the summer 2016 term, to ensure that everything was ready for a busy Fall term in the new building.” One person said, “Karina has been an important liaison between the chemistry department and Facilities Services, ensuring that our students are experimenting in a safe and supportive environment.”

Additional comments about Karina:

  • “Karina has stepped up again in the spring term, as the other lab technician has left Clark College for other opportunities. Although this time, she was able to transition into the additional workload, Karina is still facing similar challenges as before. As she had some warning, Karina has worked diligently to prepare materials for her main job early, to carve out time for the additional workload. This has benefitted many of our students, as they have been able to work on experiments early, allowing the students to manage their time and workload heading towards some large, culminating projects in their science lecture courses.”
  • “During the winter 2019 term, Karina’s increased workload came with an additional challenge – the other technician was set to prepare equipment and materials for the Regional Science Olympiad (RSO). Again, with only few weeks to prepare, while performing regular fulltime duties of her own and of the other lab technician, Karina worked with the RSO coordinators and faculty to prepare chemical materials and equipment for this event, which is attended by middle and high school students across southwest Washington. This event is important to attract the next generation of Penguins to STEM at Clark College!”
  • Another faculty member writes: “She is quick to respond to faculty needs when equipment fails, is ready to lend a helping hand, and replaces broken equipment and empty stock bottles when we call. She’s like the Batwoman of the chemistry lab – always there to answer the call.”

Jennifer King is a Program Coordinator in Advising Services. Jennifer is praised for her high commitment to the college, exemplary customer service, and great value to Advising Services. Her contributions to the Clark College community include not just her technical ability, but also her customer service skills and her commitment to making Clark a welcoming environment.

One person said, “Recently we have been tasked with getting Insight, a new scheduling tool, up and running for Advising Services to pilot. This has been a daunting task and Jen has been instrumental in moving us to a place where we can be assured of a smooth roll-out. This took many hours of combing through the program, investigating all the options, syncing issues, and more. Jen developed a detailed training guide for advisors and another for support staff, making it easier to acclimate to this new program.”

Additional comments about Jennifer:

  • “Jen has been observed showing empathy for a student that was faced with personal difficulties that affected their education. She was caring and empathetic to the need and, as always, went the extra mile to facilitate a solution. This same attention is given to each student that Jen works with.”
  • “Jen is not shy to give feedback or ask questions, both in our office or in meetings. She seeks clarity and understanding. The college benefits from her willingness to do so.”
  • “Jen’s previous experience working with Running Start students and parents has been a benefit to Advising since the move of that area to our shared offices. She has a vast knowledge and is very helpful to both parents and front staff who have Running Start questions. Support staff are appreciative of her willingness to assist.”

Winter 2019 Classified Excellence Award

Sara Seyller

Congratulations to Sara Seyller, recipient of the 2019 Winter Quarter Classified Staff Excellence Award!

Sara Seyller is a Program Specialist 2 for the Office of Instruction and is described as a “super hero” by her colleagues. “It’s very easy to underestimate the centrality of the work that Sara undertakes for Clark,” wrote one nominator. “A huge number of college processes pass under her watchful eyes, and without her sharp proficiencies in technical detail, there would be delays and consequences for the College as a whole. She demonstrates a determination and commitment that often sees her take on additional tasks and oversight to ensure that all the many processes she contributes to run smoothly. Sara’s spirit is indomitable: She always brings humor alongside her professional drive to move things forward, create improvements, and work within very rigid systems to ensure the best outcome for Clark. She goes above and beyond, and makes herself a resource for those who are struggling and without assistance from any other corner.” 

Seyller gets praise for her tireless committee work. One person said, “As the Chair of the A.A. Advisory Committee, I find Sara to be invaluable in creating the connections between the various committees. While each one has a different purpose and focus, they are all entangled. Decisions made in one committee can have positive or negative effects in the next committee. With Sara’s institutional knowledge as well as her expertise in the legalities of our degree programs, she significantly contributes to the discussion and decision-making regarding curriculum choices and design.” 

Completing tasks with a smile on her face, Seyller’s positive attitude is said to allow for better partnerships, which positively impacts student learning. She is also described as someone “reliable, responsible, and accurate in her work,” whose quick response time and problem-solving skills are “invaluable.”  

Seyller’s timeliness, her quality of work, her willingness to help faculty and staff are appreciated. Her positive and helpful guidance is said to create “a peaceful, collaborative work environment, which has made the college a more productive environment, a friendlier place, and more responsive to our students.” Her positive attitude, humor and smile are contagious to all who come through the Office of Instruction. 

Below are additional comments about Sara 

  • “Faculty and staff that take part in College Committee work are well aware of the collaboration, support, and great leadership that Sara brings to the college. Without Sara in her current position, we would have a catastrophic mess of information, and our college processes in regard to curriculum, outcomes, assessment, and instructional planning would certainly not be as organized and effective as they are today.” 
  • “She is not afraid to speak up or speak out when students or colleagues need advocacy. She values the hard work of others and in turn works hard to make our campus and our community the best that it can possibly be. She serves on councils and committees and is involved in many different campus initiatives that ask her to give freely of herself and of her time; she does so without asking anything in return except that we do our best to help her carry out the work that she has taken on and truly believes in.” 
  • “Sara goes well above and beyond her job description in offering training and resources to all members of campus, particularly faculty, so that they can successfully navigate the college’s systems. She spends an incredible amount of time personally responding to emails, phone calls, and scheduled and impromptu office visits with people who need help and have questions. She never turns people away if they have questions. She does this not only to make sure that people are informed, but also because she has great empathy for the workload and challenges that her coworkers face.” 

Congratulations, as well, to all nominees for the winter 2019 Quarter Classified Staff Excellence Award: 

Shannon Alicea, Program Support Supervisor 2 Disability Support Services  

Shannon Alicea is described as someone who provides a consistently high level of service to the students, public, the community, and coworkers on a regular basis; demonstrates excellence in all areas of her position; and exudes excellent performance of her duties by going above and beyond. One way Alicea shows exemplary work performance is by collaborating with different departments to ensure all public events have sign language interpreters, whether or not there has been an official request from a Deaf consumer. Alicea also works diligently with faculty to ensure videos and content shown in classes are close-captioned; in doing so, she has become a college resource for accessibility and universal design. In her role, Alicea not only provides accommodations for our Deaf and Hard of Hearing students, she provides an outlet for students to have a place to express their concerns, challenges, and situations with classes, campus life, and personal affairs. She advocates and empowers students to utilize all resources and connects them to departments around the college. Shannon’s work is not only limited to the office of Disability Support Services. She actively contributes to special projects, efficiency measures, and serves in leadership roles for the betterment of the college community. 

Additional comments about Shannon: 

  • “Shannon … works closely with students, facility, and interpreters on a daily basis to ensure access and communication in a way that empowers all parties. A vast amount of college community members look to Shannon for her expertise to navigate situations that might otherwise present barriers to communication and access. Shannon demonstrates this with our students by collaborating on solutions and ideas to problems they may face.” 
  • “She works with her fellow interpreter colleagues attentively and diligently to provide feedback and support in interpreting and professional situations, and because of this many interpreters strive to work at Clark College.” 
  • “Shannon strives to fill all interpreting requests, but there are times when interpreters are not able to take these last-minute assignments; in these instances, Shannon takes it upon herself to rearrange her schedule and fill those assignments to ensure equitable access.”  

Lizette Drennan, Program Specialist 2 for the Office of Financial Aid 

Lizette Drennan is described as “extremely detail-orientated, maintaining excellence in her work consistently, and someone who goes above and beyond while working with students to make sure they are on the right track.” With her constant patience, Drennan takes the time to listen to students so she can do the best to serve them. Within her work, Drennan often provides scholarship presentations to the public and community, and is said to make an impact wherever she goes. She goes to scholarship information conferences so she can learn about recent scholarships and teaches her assistants of new offerings to share with students. She works closely with the Clark College Foundation to better serve the students and her colleagues. One person said, “Her work is inspiring, and she has been a great role model as a co-worker.”  

A leader in the LatinX community, Drennan provides a “one-stop” experience to students, showing them a high level of service. One person said, “Any student that comes into the office, she always treats them with a genuine smile and respect.”  

If Drennan cannot assist someone directly with scholarships, she will find a way to find other alternatives, which means she is also contacting different departments that can support the student’s requests and needs. This requires creativity and efficiency, as every student is different. Once she’s able to understand a student’s situation or story clearly, Drennan is described as someone who does her absolute best to find a solution or suitable route that she knows will benefit the student overall. 

Additional Comments about Lizette:  

  • “Students love working with Lizette. They constantly come to her for help with more than just scholarships.”  
  • “She is a well-rounded individual who is very humble, respectful, and always optimistic. She communicates strongly with others by being attentive to their tone of voice, body language, and open ears to everyone.” 
  • “Lizette is a hard worker who is skilled in her position and performs excellently and independently.” 
  • “She shows team cooperation by helping her assistant and student workers with things we need help with.” 
  • “She is full of energy and that brings out the positive environment she portrays every day. Lizette. She constantly checks up on current and graduated students and keep them motivated and going.” 

Amy Harrington, Human Resource Consultant 2 for Human Resources 

Amy Harrington is described as someone who demonstrates and consistently provides high level service to the students, the public, the community, and co-workers. Beginning with a front-desk position, she was promoted a few months ago and has been training in her new job as an HR Consultant 2. Although her new position does not require her to assist customers who walk into HR, she is always one of the first to provide help when the front desk is short-staffed.   

Additional comments about Amy Harrington: 

  • “Amy has the ability to anticipate the needs of her customers and she is an active listener, knowledgeable of available resources, communicates in a kind and confident manner, and follows up in a timely manner.”
  • She is “always willing to help and even if the HR office is busy, Amy always maintains a great level of customer service.”   
  • “Amy is dependable and committed to collaborate to achieve our goals. She is an asset for the HR team.”  

Jonni Hattershide, Program Support Supervisor 2 for Production Printing 

Jonni Hattershide is described as someone who exemplifies the same level of dedication day after day. One person said, “She knows what it means to care about her job and care about people.” Hattershide is friendly and knowledgeable and is quick to get a print job delivered in a timely fashion. One person said, “There were times I sent a print job in ‘last minute’ asking if a ‘rush’ could be put on the job, and within a couple of hours my print job was finished. Jonni is a hard worker and she is dedicated to what she does at Clark College.”  

Additional comments about Jonni Hattershide:

  • “Jonni has great customer-service skills. She is dedicated to helping employees in an efficient and friendly manner. She goes above and beyond to do her job and she does it well by building and maintaining good relationships with Clark employees.”
  • “Jonni has taken on the role of managing the everyday processes of Production Printing. She was involved in the process of moving away from a paper receipt (which required someone to sort and mail out a copy to the departments) to an online copy.”
  • “Often, you will see Jonni driving the golf cart around campus as she delivers bundles of completed print jobs (which are nicely wrapped in brown paper to protect them). Whatever task Jonni takes on, she always maintains a positive attitude.”
  • When Administrative Services has a potluck, Jonni is always ready and willing to help by making decorations for the tables, printed “ice breaker” games, or pictures to hang on the walls, making the area very festive.

Vanessa Meyer, Administrative Assistant 3 for Social Sciences & Fine Arts 

As the primary support for all of the Social and Behavioral Science Departments as well as the Clark College Honors program, Vanessa Meyer is described as someone who always go above and beyond to service students, faculty and administrators in a collegial fashion. One person said, “A student asked for directions to a classroom and instead of just pointing in a direction, Vanessa walked that student to her destination.” Another wrote, “I have witnessed how she staffs the front the desk in Foster Hall engaging students who arrive in a number of emotional states. I have seen her listen to students before responding; calm an agitated, stressed-out student trying to submit a paper to an instructor he could not find; and promptly fix the copier for a faculty member on his way to giving an exam.” Another person said, “As one of her department and division chairs, I can attest to her important role as the Social Science Administrative Assistant.” 

Meyer is also said to be a reliable source of institutional knowledge and thinks creatively to address the needs of students: “Vanessa is absolutely reliable at serving anyone who asks. She goes beyond crossing all the t’s and dotting all the i’s if asked to assist in any task. There has never been a time that I asked for guidance, assistance, or explanation that Vanessa has let me down. She simply sees the people on the other side of her desk as her colleagues worth her time and respect, or students deserving of her service. This is a rare quality in a person.”  

Additional comments about Vanessa: 

  • “Vanessa has been quick to dive into the work and expectations of her new role as an Administrative Assistant 3 (AA3). Vanessa has worked closely with the Bachelors of Applied Science in Human Services (BASHS) Faculty Program Director to build the foundation for this budding program. Before student enrollment began, Vanessa organized a BASHS information session to market the program to students and faculty.” 
  • “Vanessa is quick and responsive to the needs of BASHS faculty, students, and the program as a whole. She has worked hard to ensure consistent division, program, and unit-wide operations.” 
  • “Vanessa demonstrates her commitment to the college community in a number of ways. She is always looking for ways to do things better and more efficiently. In addition to her regular duties, Vanessa serves on the Safety Committee, where she represents Foster Hall. She volunteered to take on this role when no one else was willing because she recognizes the importance of maintaining a safe campus. Furthermore she regularly volunteers to perform building inspections for the Safety Committee.”  
  • “Vanessa knows a lot about this college, and can answer virtually any question from multiple perspectives (besides her long employment here, she was also a student at Clark). I know this is hard to quantify, but I cannot downplay the importance of knowing that someone has your back. Vanessa is simply good for morale, productivity, and instruction and student service. I wish we could clone her.” 

Kate Poffenroth, Program Coordinator for Disability Support Services  

Kate is described as someone who “stands out in terms of her superb reliability and efficiency.” Kate’s devotion to her work allows accommodations to be coordinated in a timely, flawless manner, and her commitment is apparent in the way that she creatively addresses issues. One person said, “I cannot think of a way that a staff member could provide better customer service than Kate does. Each and every day, Kate arrives at the office with energy, enthusiasm, and a great sense of humor that she shares with every person that she sees that day. Our department handles sensitive and difficult issues as students walk into our office for accommodations related to a myriad of disabilities. Kate handles every student situation with tact, professionalism, and sensitivity.”

Another comment shared  is that “Kate is also extraordinary in terms of her ability to multi-task. Within a five-minute span of time, Kate will help a student at the front desk, answer two phone calls, and assist staff in relation to an office matter. Kate is rarely able to complete one task without being interrupted at least several times, and yet she never misses a beat it seems. When Kate is out for lunch or on break, the rest of the office staff covers for her position. It is not uncommon for us all to remark that it easily takes two-plus staff for us to cover the tasks that she singlehandedly addresses every day!” 

Additional comments about Kate: 

  • “Kate’s positive and sunny demeanor not only impacts our students, but the department as a whole. Her boisterous laugh is infectious, and Kate always creates a warm environment that builds collegial cohesion and teamwork.” 
  • “Kate tracks hundreds of details that require high-level processing. This kind of tracking is only possible by a staff who really takes to heart the saying that the ‘devil is in the details.’ For example, some students connected to our office are eligible for an accommodation of priority registration (PR). In order to properly track the use of this accommodation, Kate must use multiple software interfaces that function independently from one another. Just one overlooked detail can have very significant consequences for a student with this accommodation.” 
  • “Kate is concise and user-friendly in how she instructs people. Kate herself has been a quick, sharp learner, as she easily adopts new software processes and encourages others to make necessary changes.” 
  • “During weekly staff meetings, Kate is always an active contributor to group discussions on issues which affect student engagement. She repeatedly demonstrates in depth knowledge of the issues impacting delivery of services to students with disabilities. The solutions that she formulates are grounded in principles such as student-centered principles and improving efficiencies.”  
  • “The department literally would not run without Kate’s help. She is central to every single function of the department. She works collaboratively and respectfully with each staff in the office, and takes the time to understand the nuances of every staff’s particular work assignments. Kate’s strong work effort is deeply appreciated, and everyone on the team displays a high level of respect for her.”  

Leslie Richards, Cashier 4 for the Bookstore 

Leslie Richards has worked for the Bookstore since September 2008 and is described as someone who excels in interpersonal skills. One person said that Richards “is friendly with everyone she interacts with, from customers to co-workers, and greets each person with a smile.” Richards is said to be a born leader who cares deeply for her team and helps them grow while they work at Clark. She is said to keep her team motivated and excited about their job by playing customer-service Bingo games. It is said that “Leslie is a leader who leads by example, and her team mirrors this quality. She can multi-task like no one else. Just the other day, she was repairing the register, answering a student’s question and assisting a cashier—all while smiling. You never see Leslie not smiling. She is amazing with people.”

Additional comments about Leslie:

  • “Her outgoing, positive personality and caring attitude make us love working with her. She builds strong relationships with her team and approaches all customers with a smile and positive attitude. I am thankful that I get to work with this amazing, hardworking team managed by Leslie.”  
  • “Leslie has also served on hiring committees since she has so much experience in hiring and training staff. Her knowledge and experience are invaluable.” 

Thao Schmidt, Human Resource Consultant 2 for Human Resources 

Thao Schmidt is described as someone who provides a high level of service to the students, staff and supervisors, the community, and co-workers. Throughout her employment with Clark College, Schmidt has built and continues to build relationships, and she demonstrates excellent customer service in her interactions with students, staff and supervisors. She has taken it upon herself to learn the basic front-desk procedures and is often one of the first ones to offer help and to cover breaks and lunches when the front desk is short-staffed. One person said that Schmidt is “dependable and adapts to challenges while maintaining a positive outlook and great customer service.”

Additional comments about Thao: 

  • “In my observation, Thao has an ability to listen to her customers and offer solutions. She is knowledgeable of internal and external resources that can help an employee and communicates in a professional and kind manner.”   
  • “Thao is professional and always willing to help.”  

 Joanne Vaughn, Program Specialist 2 for Financial Aid 

Financial aid is not easy to navigate, and one of Joanne Vaughn’s best qualities is her ability to teach others by breaking down complex rules and processes into more simple and easy-to-follow steps. She is described as someone who “understands differences in learning and communication styles and tailors her own training methods to ensure comprehension. By doing so, she not only helps others learn – she helps them build confidence.”  

Vaughn reviews financial aid applications to award funds, helps balance student accounts, and ensures the college is in compliance for the Pell Grant program. This includes verifying the right amount of funding is going to eligible students, submitting weekly reports to the Department of Education to authorize Pell Grant payments, and helping students resolve eligibility issues. Vaughn is a Pell Grant expert who keeps a complex program operating smoothly.  

Vaughn is also said to demonstrate “genuine care and respect for her colleagues and students and is known to always support her teammates through helping with projects and lending a listening ear when someone is having a rough day.” 

Additional comments about Joanne Vaughn: 

  • “Joanne’s kindness, patience and expertise makes a difference in even the most difficult situations.”   
  • “Although much of her work is technical in nature, Joanne has never lost sight of the impact her work has on students. Joanne has been instrumental in driving changes that have reduced the length of time it takes for students to receive their financial aid awards, and she continues to analyze processes and make recommendations for continuous improvements – all with the student experience at the forefront.”  

Fall 2018 Classified Excellence Award

Ian Beckett

Ian Beckett

Congratulations to Ian Beckett, recipient of the 2018 Fall Quarter Classified Staff Excellence Award!

Ian Beckett is the Instruction and Classroom Support Tech 4 for the Art Department and has shown exemplary work performance and outstanding service to the college community for over 17 years. As a highly skilled professional, Ian is responsible for the daily operations of the Clark College ceramics studio, dark room, painting and drawing studios, graphic arts lab, and metal arts studio. Ian has a great breadth of specialized and technical knowledge and is said to effectively navigate the labs and studios to ensure they are always clean and operational for an optimal student learning environment. Ian is said to be someone who “always considers the needs of art students and the art department above all” and is always “polite, professional, and respectful to all everyone that he works with.” In addition, Ian is described as loyal, hard-working, consistent, of high integrity, and witty.”

These are just some of the comments and highlights that are echoed by many staff, faculty and colleagues:

  • Ian’s efforts and dedication to his job and the school make him more deserving for the Staff Excellence Award than anyone. I have always wanted to show my appreciation for Ian’s work and this is just a humble attempt at that. His spirit of work and exemplary performance makes him a role model for me and, I find it safe to assume, numerous other students. I really hope that Ian Beckett gets the appreciation and recognition he deserves.”
  • “Ian goes above and beyond the requirements of his job when helping students.  He is the source for all camera and equipment check-out in the Art Department.  I’ve seen him modify his schedule to accommodate students and give one-on-one tutorials on how to use equipment.”
  • “Ian serves the students daily. They clamor around his office door, waiting for him to dispense photography equipment, and I often hear him talking at length to students about their projects. He is so busy that sometimes they have to wander around the building looking for him, as he might be replenishing supplies or checking equipment for the studio classrooms, but he is always accessible, never loses patience with students, and is always welcoming.”
  • “I’m overwhelmingly nominating Ian Beckett for the Classified Staff Excellence Award! He has always been a fabulous help on short notice anytime and all the time for all my needs! And helpful in any assistance I may need. Ian really reaches out to all students in all their needs and questions for assistance and guidance. I can go on and on!”
  • “When onboarding new hires and volunteers, Ian has a strong focus on preparing them to support the success of the art department and art students. Ian encourages student employees to seek guidance in their work from the art faculty that they are supporting in the art lab and studio spaces to help to maximize the experience of the art students.”
  • I have been a metal shop monitor for the last year and a half. Ian Beckett is the most supportive and caring boss I have ever worked for. He checks in with me every shift to see if I need anything and to just ask how I am doing. I help him with the overwhelming task of cleaning the classrooms at the end of each quarter and he is constantly thanking me for my help. He is the type of boss that employees will go above and beyond to help support him in any way possible. He is completely dedicated to support staff and students while never showing the fatigue he must have from the massive responsibilities he deals with every day. I am so grateful he saw in me the potential to work for him and this department and will always call him a friend.”
  • “We are one of the last departments on campus that uses volunteers to assist students and to staff the various labs in the building. Not only does Ian create a master schedule that staffs our labs fully with both employees and volunteers (some seven days a week), but he is always there to help with any questions, conflicts, and concerns whether school related or not. I’ve heard him talk down crying students dealing with failing classes, going through breakups, and any variety of things that happen to students while in college. The bond he builds with his workers is lasting and many see him as a very supportive mentor. There is no way we could staff the building as we need to without the strong relationships that Ian builds with the people in our community.”

Congratulations, as well, to all nominees for the Fall 2018 Quarter Classified Staff Excellence Award:

Angela Dawson is a Secretary Senior in the Life Sciences Division for Science Technology Engineering and Math (STEM) department and is described as someone who approaches work with positive attitude and provides is a pillar of support for her department. One nominator said, “During the first few days of each quarter, you can see her standing in the lobby of STEM building to help students find their classroom and answer typical early-quarter student questions.” Not only does she provide top-notch service to students, but also to fellow faculty and staff. Often, Dawson is the point of contact for many questions and concerns had by adjunct faculty teaching in her division. Dawson’s ability to be a team player, problem-solve, and maintain positive working relationships have allowed her to build strong relationships across campus.

Here are comments about Angela Dawson:

  • “Angela is an awesome team player and we are so fortunate to have her on our STEM Team. She is always willing to volunteer to help with projects that need to be completed in a timely manner. I have observed her faculty asking her for various information and she responds to them in such a helpful, positive manner. I can’t stress enough what a joy she is to work with and she makes it such a pleasure to come to come to work and know that I can count on her if I need any assistance with whatever may arise.”
  • “Angela is the smiling face that everyone sees when they come into the STEM building needing assistance. She makes sure that she answers any questions asked of her thoroughly. If someone needs direction and they are not sure where to go, she will walk them to the indicated area, so they feel comfortable that they are headed in the right direction. She is always excited the first couple of weeks of the quarter because she really enjoys helping the students find their way as they are experiencing possibly coming to Clark for the first time.”
  • “Angela Dawson has been the Secretary Senior for Life Science for only two years, however she is a pillar of support for the department. She has quickly and efficiently learned the policies and procedures to navigate the entire college including working with grants, budgets and purchasing. She keeps track of not only the departmental budget, but also the budgets for each individual faculty member, reminding us to use our development funds and ensuring we meet deadlines to do so. Her professional manner makes it clear that she is invested in the success of our department, our students and our faculty. She’s in integral part of the community in the STEM building.”
  • “Angela has been working for the Life Sciences Division for a few years now, and from the beginning has made life incredibly easy for students, faculty and other staff. There seems to be nothing she can’t handle, whether it’s helping students find their class, helping with faculty development funds, petty cash, a lost wallet found in the parking lot, a classroom that’s running too warm, needing a bookshelf, or finding information about Clark regulations (all of these have come up just this Fall quarter!). Angela either knows the answer or can find the answer (usually in a few minutes). Moreover, she always has such a positive attitude, and is genuinely happy to help.”

Denise Deane was the Custodial Supervisor for Facilities and as of November 2018, is now retired. Deane is described as someone who provides excellent customer service to people using the college campus for events. Though much of her work is behind the scenes, her passion for our custodial team to perform and provide clean facilities provides daily customer service to the entire campus. She works closely with groups and supports many of the activities on our campus. She encourages teamwork and cooperation for the custodial department.

Other comments about Denise Deane:

  • “Denise has been involved in many departmental projects. She recently completed training manuals and worksite books to help the custodial staff in their organization and efficiency.”
  • “She will reach out to other departments to help coordinate events, special cleaning, and to ensure that we are providing a good service to the school.”
  • “Denise has shown excellence consistently in her duties as the Custodial Supervisor. Recently she has seen a need, leapt into action, and started several projects to help the custodial team. This was all done behind the scenes to help ensure that others have the information that is needed to thrive in doing their work.”
  • “She has been carrying an extra-heavy workload, being the only permanent custodial supervisor for the last year. Denise takes great pride in her work and excels in any tasks that are delegated to her. She ensures that events are set up as the groups outline and she will reach out to the events staff if there is something that she needs defined.”


Nichola Farron is the Program Specialist II for the Teaching and Learning Center and is said to exemplify the definition of being creative and efficient in accomplishing tasks while providing outstanding support to faculty and staff. Farron currently serves on two committees, Teaching and Learning Days and Focus on Learning, and is often quick to help and support her team and colleagues. She is also someone who brings forward ideas and explores possibilities outside of the typical way of approaching and task or project. Through her work, Farron can see the big picture and is always interested in ways to support the mission and vision of the college and her commitment shows through her involvement in our campus community.

Other comments about Nichola Farron:

  • “Nichola provides outstanding support to faculty and staff. Following a recent professional development event, a faculty member approached me to say how much he appreciated Nichola’s support throughout their first quarter. The faculty member commented how quickly Nichola answered his emails, provided referrals, and connected him with other campus resources. Our colleague emphasized that whenever he had a question, he contacted Nichola because he trusted that she would respond with accurate information or would research his request until she had an answer for him. Her prompt response, friendly demeanor, and no non-sense attitude, he states, are the reasons that let him know he had made the right choice to join the Clark College team.”
  • “In collegewide committees, colleagues praise Nichola for her insight and collaborative nature; they emphasize her willingness to support the college and its mission.”
  • “She is quick to identify gaps in service and create a plan to address said gaps. For example, in preparation for her first Focus on Learning, Nichola asked about what tasks needed to be completed and why. She took the time to learn processes and procedures for the office. Once she understood processes, she recommended a procedure to reduce staff time and resources.”

Kate Ireland is the Administrative Service Manager B for the Social Sciences & Fine Arts (SOFA Unit) and is known for her positive and welcoming attitude. Regardless of what she has on her plate, Ireland is always willing to listen, lend a helping hand, and engage in her own professional development. Ireland is also someone who goes above and beyond for students, staff and faculty and ensures that our students are learning effectively and supported at Clark.

Other comments about Kate Ireland:

  • “She is ALWAYS so supportive for students and faculty members and she always tries to find a solution to any tasks that seem impossible to complete.”
  • “She responds to all emails so quickly and completes tasks in timely manner. Personally, I could not do a research project at Clark with her support and having someone like Kate whom I trust fully makes our job so much easier. Thanks to her help, I have more time to focus on my own students (instead of working on paper works and communicating with other offices) and do my job effectively.”
  • “Kate clearly demonstrated that she has a strong desire to support students at Clark (by attending many workshops to learn about how we can support students) and help staff members effectively (e.g., supporting projects that are not responsible to do so.”

Kate Poffenroth is the Program Coordinator for Disability Support Services (DSS) and her nominator describes her as an “excellent, long-term employee who stands out in terms of her superb reliability and efficiency.” She is also said to be someone who shows a tremendous amount of commitment to creatively addressing issues. Arriving to the office every day with a high level of enthusiasm, energy, and a great sense of humor, Poffenroth creates a “creates a warm environment that builds collegial cohesion and teamwork.”

Other comments about Kate Poffenroth:

  • “Kate is always an active contributor to group discussions on issues which affect student engagement. She repeatedly demonstrates in depth knowledge of the issues impacting delivery of services to students with disabilities. The solutions that she formulates are grounded in principles such as student-centered principles and improving efficiencies.”
  • “Kate always communicates in a manner that allows the student’s needs to be met, while also keeping in mind the available resources of the college. She neither overpromises nor under delivers when working with students in crisis or distress, which is a critical skill in maintaining the integrity of our dept.”
  • “Kate handles every student situation with tact, professionalism, and sensitivity. Even during escalated or tense moments, Kate remains calm and lets students know that their concerns are being heard by a staff who cares for and respects them.”

Leslie Richards is the Cashier Supervisor at the Bookstore and is described as “amazing.” Keeping a calm demeanor as issues arise, she can present a smile even during difficult interactions with customers. Richards is also described as an excellent communicator and cares deeply for her team as she works to accommodate their schedules along with staffing needs at the store. Interacting with the college community daily, Richards is an essential part of the team that keeps the bookstore running and shelves stocked, as well as the ordering and distribution of all the caps and gowns for graduates.

Other comments about Leslie Richards:

  • “Leslie Richards has worked for the Bookstore since September 2008. She started her position as a cashier, became our night supervisor and is currently working as our cashier supervisor. Leslie is amazing! She approaches every task with a smile and friendly/positive attitude.”
  • “Leslie leads by example. If someone calls in sick, she is out on the front lines. No task is ever too much.”
  • “She definitely leads by example with a great, positive attitude and ‘we can do it’ attitude. She never shows stress even though this job can be quite stressful. She always smiles and handles whatever is tossed at her.”

Tiffani Young is a Lab Tech 2 in the Chemistry department and is described as someone who is “organized, thorough, and innovative in how she approaches her duties.” Constantly examining student lab procedures, reorganizing student labs, and establishing a new code of ethic for how labs are prepared for students, Young exemplifies the role of leader among the lab support technicians at the college. Her work both inside and outside of the lab is a testament of how actively she works to foster a climate at the college that models all aspects of its stated mission.

Other comments about Tiffani Young:

  • “Tiffani has worked over the years to ask what needs colleagues in Geology or Environmental Science might have that she could support. This has brought many areas together into a shared space, fostering cross-discipline conversations and collaboration. This not only impacts direct instruction, but also community-basedevents like Science Olympiad, which Tiffani works to support as part of her other duties.”
  • “Tiffani is always professional, polite, respectful, and inclusive with everyone she encounters. It is clear Tiffani understands that all employees represent Clark College in their capacity at work, and that each of us has a direct impact on students and the climate we work in.”
  • “Tiffani’s work area is exceptionally well organized and clean – something Tiffani took on immediately with her position. Her workspace is built around efficiency and safety. Having worked in that area in the past, the change is both dramatic and is a model for the campus.”
  • “Her attention to detail and knowledge of chemical handling and packaging gave all labs she prepared a very professional appearance, each optimized around student use. For example, reagents for a lab experiment that once were just set out on a bench are now put together in well labeled kits. This ensures students have the materials they need and allows a greater focus on the procedural work vs. having the right chemicals or equipment. All chemical storage and waste bottles receive fresh labels each term, with the correct information displayed in compliance with state and local regulations. All student areas are well kept, tidied, and cleaned several times during the day.”



Winter 2018 Classified Staff Excellence Award

Eben Ayers

Eben Ayers

Congratulations to Eben Ayers, recipient of the 2018 Winter Quarter Classified Staff Excellence Award!

Eben Ayers is a Campus Security Officer for Security and Safety and is described as someone who “consistently demonstrates a high level of professionalism and compassion for his fellow human beings” and “frequently looks for opportunities to help someone “have a better day.”’

Ayers began his career at Clark College more than 15 years ago as an intern from the Clark County Skills Center (now Cascadia Technical Academy). While he has pursued other opportunities over the intervening years, he has spent many years working for Clark Security and Safety, first as a Parking Enforcement Officer and now as a Security Officer. In that role, Ayers serves as a member of the college’s Title IX team. He also has taken the lead on coordinating with leadership within the STEM Building to develop and communicate security protocols and operating hours of the computer labs that are housed within the newest building on campus. Additionally, he serves as advisor for the Clark College Realm Runners Club.

One example of how Ayers applies compassion and professionalism to his daily duties took place last summer, when he helped the owner of a home across the street from the main campus that had caught on fire. Ayers escorted the homeowner to a nearby room where she and her dogs would be safe, then made sure that she had no immediate medical needs and helped her reach out to friends and family.

Another example can be seen in an article published in the Independent (and later republished in the Columbian) last October entitled “Clark after dark: a night with campus security,” in which a reporter followed Ayers on his rounds and documented his compassion toward some transient visitors to the campus. One nominator noted, “Eben does not seek the spotlight and was reluctant to give the interview, but he felt that helping a student reporter and representing the security department, and ultimately the college, was a higher priority than his personal comfort.”

Below are more comments from nominators about Ayers:

  • “Eben is a very reliable, personable and friendly person. When Eben works security for any major events on campus, I find him to be steadfast and committed; always willing to go above and beyond to help with no questions asked. Clark is lucky to have Eben on the Security team!”
  • “One of the most distinctive qualities about Mr. Ayers is that while he is very professional at his work, he also connects with people in a compassionate way. He works fervently in order to save the people dignity at the same time that he applies policies that need to be applied.”
  • “I have known Eben for over 15 years. All of those years have been in association with Clark. Eben first started with our department as an intern through a program he was attending at the Clark County Skills Center. This was in conjunction with his high school course work. Eben has pursued different opportunities over the years, but has always returned to Clark Security. After his time as an intern, he returned as a Parking Enforcement Officer where his attention to detail, willingness to help others, and excellent work ethic, were put on full display. He easily became someone the department could count on.”
  • “When I first started at Clark College, Eben was an invaluable source of information on both practices in the department, as well as policies and procedures for the College community as a whole. Eben was able to help me answer difficult questions I had about my position and suggest innovative and creative solutions to some of those problems. In particular, his thoughts and insights on crafting a database to track authorized access for students and staff helped me greatly.”
  • “Eben … is quick to follow up with open reports and always conscientious of the multiple departments that may be involved in cases. Eben approaches his work with a calm and clear vision for the potential outcome of a situation. He is thoughtful in his approach and thinks of the student/campus above all. Eben personifies what it means to be a Clark Penguin. He puts customer service at the forefront with the entire campus community including visitors. Eben has a calm sense about him and with that skill, he is able to deescalate situations that have the potential to go awry. In Eben’s role as a security officer and club advisor, he is a great listener, communicator, and role model. As a member of the Title IX team, Eben is thoughtful in his approach to investigations and working with students and staff that may be involved in the situations he is working with.”

Congratulations, as well, to all nominees for the Winter 2018 Quarter Classified Staff Excellence Award:

Heather Adams is the Administrative Assistant 4 to the Dean of Student Engagement for Student Affairs, a role that provides administrative coordination for not just the dean, but also for the teams handling Behavioral Intervention and Threat Assessment, Title IX, and conduct areas. Having recently earned her master’s degree in Student Affairs Administration, Ayers has become an integral member of the Title IX team, investigating alleged discrimination and/or harassment. “This work can be difficult and draining,” wrote her nominator. “She handles it professionally and efficiently.”

Other comments about Ayers include:

  • “She has strong knowledge of not only the college community, but the larger Clark County community. She readily offers this information to coworkers and students who have questions that reach beyond the Dean of Student Engagement’s office. Heather engages students in a meaningful way even when her interactions with them, or theirs with our office, is brief. … One of my favorite things is when these students take Heather up on her offer to “stop by and say hi” to our office even when they do not have a question or need; it is clear evidence that Heather excels at community building and cares for Clark.”
  • “Heather is continually looking for ways to interact with all levels of the Clark College community. She has become a valuable resource with her creative ideas and solid problem solving. Heather has taken on the role of co-presenter on various Student Care presentations – specifically within the areas of BITA, Conduct, and Title IX. Heather is regularly scheduled to co-present at the quarterly New Faculty Orientation meetings and other invitations that arise; she is a competent and engaging presenter who can easily take the reins if the other presenter is unavailable.”

Allison (Allie) Fjeldheim is a Warehouse Operator 2 in Purchasing and Central Services. Her nominator praised Fjeldheim for her attention to detail and commitment to customer service. As an example, they recounted an experience of trying to track down a tool that had not arrived as ordered. “Allie was on the spot, knew exactly what order I was speaking of, and was able to provide specifics on the order,” the nominator wrote. “Allie had already contacted the vendor and tracked the tool for us.”

Other comments about Fjeldheim include:

“Recently, I ordered some student supplies. I received the package, but was short some of the items. In following up with Allie, I was informed that not only had she noted the discrepancy, but had already contacted the vendor and the shorted items were being shipped.”

“It is really great to know that we’ve got Allie on our side when it comes to orders and tracking.”

Jennifer Lea is an Administrative Assistant 3 in the Business Division, where, a nominator writes, she “manages an enormous amount of information with accuracy, efficiency, and ease.”

“Responding to all requests on time and within the budget, she assists in planning faculty schedules; responds to catalogue requests; provides us with classrooms; oversees requests for book orders, supplies, travel, and equipment, along with any other number of office and managerial responsibilities,” the nominator added. “In addition, she supports the Director of the Bachelor of Applied Science in Applied Management (BASAM) program, by sending out timely correspondence to students in two cohorts, making sure each term that their classes are accurately represented in the schedule, providing students with appropriate class registration codes, and tracking the students within the program, as they might move from the two-year schedule to the three-year schedule. Orientation letters and materials prove to be accurate, and promotional/informational letters are always completed with expertise and professionalism. Jennifer provides logical and helpful advice in the completion of many of these tasks.”

Other comments about Lea include:

  • “Jennifer is a central part of the business department. She daily guides us and responds to our needs. Her interactions with the students are always positive.”
  • “Jennifer is patient and is always pleasant to everyone. When students go to her with questions, she either has the answer or finds the answer to their questions. This is also true of faculty. When we need accomplish something and we don’t know to do so, she figures it out or already knows.”
  • “Jennifer arranges for BASAM orientations beyond normal work hours. She has everything well organized to include every detail; i.e. name tags, ordering all the food, has the room organized stays into the evening through the event and then cleans up. The first BASAM orientation there was a lot of food left over so she took it to a homeless shelter. In my mind, that is going beyond expectations.”

David (Dave) Mott is a Custodian 2 in Custodial Services. He was nominated by members of a department that he helps to maintain. They noted his “positive attitude, great customer service, friendliness, and willingness to help. “Even though we only see Dave a couple of days a week for a short time, he always asks if we need anything else, offers help and always displays a positive attitude,” said one nominator. “He takes the time to get to know you while getting his job done.”

Other comments from the team include:

  • “On days when he has to vacuum and noise may be disruptive to the office, he is considerate and starts on the areas that are less disruptive to our team. He also asks if there are other areas that need vacuuming that may not be part of his regular duties. “
  • “Dave does a wonderful job of working quickly and efficiently, while still taking time to get to know his colleagues and build relationships with them. … I always looked forward to having Dave come through the office in the mornings and having a quick chat with him.”
  • “Dave always goes above and beyond to provide great customer service. For example, we put in a work order for tables to be delivered on a Friday for a going away party. Dave saw the work order and offered to take care of it sooner because he would already be in our building and had the right stuff to complete the order while he was also coming through to do his normal work. He always goes the extra step to make sure people are taken care of and get the things they need.”

Sherry Smith is an Administrative Services Manager B in the Science Technology Engineering Math (STEM) Division. She was instrumental in overseeing the move of the STEM Division into its new location at the STEM Building, which opened in 2016.

Comments about Smith include:

  • “Sherry is the ‘go-to’ person in STEM for everything. Most importantly, when we were preparing to move into the STEM Building, Sherry took the lead. Sherry was the liaison for faculty and staff, making sure we had what we needed to make the processes as smooth as possible. This was an immense relief to faculty, as we knew with Sherry in charge nothing would get overlooked.”
  • “If I have what seems to me to be a complex issue or question and pose it to Sherry, she graciously says she’ll look into it and get back to me. I am always surprised by a prompt and thorough response where she gets an answer and further helps me out by filling out necessary paperwork if needed. Usually all I have to do is sign something and what seemed like a daunting problem to me is solved.”
  • “In the years I have worked with Sherry, both when she was my supervisor, and also as a colleague, I’ve observed her professionalism and integrity to be accurate, resourceful and consistent in her work performance at the college. She is creative with finding ways to solve problems and presents workable solutions for her staff and department. She wants people to be successful and can simplify tasks so that they happen accurately and timely.”
  • “Sherry is a real asset to the college and the unit. Her willingness to solve problems and her extensive knowledge of Clark College has been critical to our ability to do our jobs. She is always positive and a pleasure to work with.”

Mitchell (Mitch) Sott is an Engineering Technician 3 in Workforce, Professional and Technical Education. He was commended by a nominator for his work in setting up the new McClaskey Culinary Institute kitchens, noting that often he had to design and fabricate elements like shelving, splash guards, and stands himself.

“He has been a key player in creating a safer work environment,” they wrote. “Mitch checks on his work, making sure items are functioning safely and properly.”

Other comments about Sott include:

  • “Mitch is a valuable member of the WPTE team – interacting positively with faculty, students and staff in the kitchens.”
  • “He communicates clearly with faculty and staff in the problem solving and design stages of custom fabricated solutions.”

Victoria Walters (Ong) is a Program Coordinator in Advising. Comments about her include:

  • “Victoria is always asking questions, and listens to student with an open mind. She is excellent at prodding our students for additional information to ensure she is using a holistic mindset to help our students navigate college life. She tries to connect with other staff outside her department in an effort to avoid pinging students. She consistently provides outstanding service and always has the student’s best interest in mind. She has contacted me on multiple occasions to confirm what the student needs in regards to appealing or requesting reinstatement. She has also provided students with my contact information directly in order to help the student navigate the complexities of financial aid.”
  • “I feel Victoria is consistent in providing excellent service to our students and goes above and beyond expectations by not pinging students and taking that extra time to evaluate the needs of our students and guide them in the right direction.”

Shelly Williams is a Program Coordinator for the Music department. Her duties are wide-ranging, from ordering sheet music to handling much of the organization of the college’s annual jazz festival, and from supporting faculty to promoting concerts. Outgoing band director Rich Inouye said, “Shelly is one of the most generous and uplifting people I have had the pleasure to work with, but she is also a true professional in her ability to take care of business. After running the jazz festival for a couple of years by myself, bringing Shelly on board as the coordinator was a blessing and her contributions have been integral to the festival’s success.”

Other comments about Williams include:

  • “Her dedication to the department and college is an invaluable and immeasurable resource to Clark and the greater Vancouver community. The reputation of the Clark Music Department and Clark College Jazz Festival holds throughout the nation clearly demonstrates the excellence Shelly demonstrates in her execution of her duties.”
  • From a student: “In all my four years at Clark College, Shelly is the most kindhearted and joyful staff member I have ever met. Her attentive spirit keeps music students (and faculty) organized and she develops a healthy and professional relationship with each student. With no favorites and a heart for music, she always finds a way to brighten up the music department and give weary music majors the tools to succeed.”
  • “She is the most positive and upbeat person I’ve ever met! … She genuinely cares for students and puts their needs first. With her, they can share their fears, needs, stories, jokes—the list goes on!”

Fall 2017 Classified Excellence Award: Jessica Beach

Jessica Beach

Jessica Beach

Congratulations to Jessica Beach, recipient of the 2017 Fall Quarter Classified Staff Excellence Award!

Jessica Beach is Secretary Senior for Transitional Studies. Jessica is described as someone who is committed, efficient, kind, respectful, timely, and responsible, and who provides outstanding customer service. One nominator said, “Jessica is an optimistic and enthusiastic team member, and she’s not only good at collaborating, but she also makes it fun. The work environment is made better by Jessica’s presence: She creates a welcoming and productive work space here, and this helps everyone else do their job more easily.”

Being an active member of the college community, Jessica regularly participates on committees, serves in leadership roles, and takes advantage of a variety of professional development opportunities so that she can improve her skills as a supervisor. Jessica not only cares for her own training needs, but also the needs of her staff. Her nominator said, “Jessica ensures that she and her staff have the resources and training needed to meet the needs of everyone who seeks their assistance.”

Jessica supervises a classified Program Assistant, two part-time program assistants, and up to eight student employees, both in a computer lab and at a very busy reception desk. She takes her role as a supervisor very seriously. Her goal is to help her staff members to perform their jobs well, to grow professionally, and to work within the WPEA contract and the law. She voluntarily attends trainings to increase her skills as a supervisor and her understanding of labor law.

One of her direct reports states that, “Jessica is very knowledgeable! She is patient in her training and shows appreciation for a job well done.” Another says, “Jessica does a great job of keeping the team moving toward our goals, maintaining a productive work environment.”

Below are comments from Jessica’s colleagues:

  • “Over the past year, Jessica has taken on the role of BEECH’s primary administrator for EvaluationKit, the online software for student evaluations. In this role, she set up 284 classes to be evaluated in 2016-17. The process is very complex and the data needed to be entered perfectly in order for the nearly 6,000 students in these 284 classes to be able to complete and submit their evaluations. Jessica has done an excellent job with EvaluationKit and I find that with her overseeing it for the BEECH Unit, I never have to worry about this contractual part of the faculty evaluation process being completed correctly and on-time.”
  • “Jessica has been a joy to work with because she is always available to answer questions and clarify a process (no matter how many times I ask). She responds quickly to emails and phone calls. Also, she is always available if I just stop by with a question. All my interactions with Jessica have been pleasant and helpful. I am able to focus on my job because she provides such wonderful support. She is amazing and truly a collaborative partner in Transitional Studies.”
  • “Jessica is always willing to help me navigate the paperwork involved with attending conferences, ordering supplies. She is very professional and timely and knows what she is doing.”
  • “Jessica has been an essential resource for me as a new faculty member in Transitional Studies. Her support and assistance have been excellent, and I have found her to be VERY timely in responding to my many questions. I’m happy to have her!”
  • “I value Jessica’s input at staff meetings and her willingness to volunteer. I enjoy her sense of humor when she is attempting to rehome furniture and other equipment.”

Congratulations, as well, to all nominees for the Fall 2017 Quarter Classified Staff Excellence Award:

Amanda Brown is the Library and Archives Para 3 at Cannell Library and is described as a dependable colleague who is instrumental in inventing ways to make the student experience better. Brown started at Clark College as a work-study student assistant and loved the community so much that she decided to stay at Clark College. Brown was eventually promoted to part-time work leader and then full-time Circulation and Summit Borrowing Technician; shortly after, supervisor duties were added to her position.

Comments about Brown include:

  • “She always has great ideas and shares those ideas in efforts to make the library and Clark College even greater places to be. Amanda is truly an asset to the Clark College community.”
  • “Amanda is consistently a go-to person. She is respected immensely by faculty, staff, students and the public. Anytime someone has an issue or needs to learn how to do a task, they ask Amanda. She’s easy to work with, she is a great listener, and values the opinions of others.”
  •  “The students feel at ease as Amanda is approachable and warmly welcomes everyone to Cannell Library and Clark College.”

Heidi Eckman, Fiscal Technician Supervisor, and Amy Fankhauser, Secretary Senior, both work at the Bookstore. Both Eckman and Fankhauser were nominated on the same nomination form and are described as having infectious spirits that customers value. With staffing changes, Eckman and Fankhauser have stepped up tremendously, and their nominator calls them “rock stars!”

Other comments about Eckman and Fankhauser include:

  • “They have helped ensure scheduling for cashiers goes smoothly.”
  • “Even during the crazy times, they were very creative in finding ways to help students and faculty. Whether it is helping students with questions from other departments or covering for a sick co-worker, they were there.”

Audrea Hagen is Secretary Senior for Mathematics and is described as an incredible asset to the department as well as calm, welcoming, cheerful, and responds with diligence and grace. When the division chair, John Mitchell, suggested to the Math department that Hagen be nominated, the response was a flood of supportive emails and testimonials to the value she provides to the math division.

Many praised Hagen’s creative efficiency. Nominators said, “We especially commend her ability to stay focused and productive on strategic tasks, while at the same time being a calm, welcoming, cheerful presence to the many students who need her help,” said the nomination. “Audrea has to serve a large volume of students, faculty, and staff every day. She always offers exceptionally thoughtful, patient, and supportive service. A particular strength is working calmly with students who angry or upset. Her calm, helpful demeanor has helped defuse potentially difficult situations.”

Hagen’s nominators said, “We know that asking Audrea a question about anything will result in our getting a prompt answer. If she doesn’t have the answer, she researches until she finds our answer.” Here are some testimonials to that effect:

  • “Audrea displays an exceptional work ethic juggling large, strategic tasks such as tracking the math division budget, setting up new instructors with all that they need, keeping our division supplies stocked and finding ways to streamline and improve the workings of our large division.”
  • John Mitchell wrote, “As a new division chair I was impressed with her diligence in her work, her knowledge of college systems and procedures, and her willingness to help me with the many questions I had as I started out. She was invaluable in helping me adjust to my new role.”
  • “Audrea has exceptional communication skills. She takes clear, concise meeting minutes that capture the spirit of the discussion. She articulates college policy and procedure in understandable terms when the division has questions. She has a remarkable ability to make complicated concepts clear and has unlimited patience for explaining. Because of her ability to really listen, she can quickly respond to our needs. This is a notable, and sometimes rare, characteristic that is very much appreciated by her division.”

Heather King is the Administrative Services Manager B for Business and Health Sciences and is described as someone who shows a consistently high level of service to the students, the public, the community, and coworkers. King is said to work tremendously hard to keep on top of all the administrative needs of the unit. Her nominator said, “She keeps the unit abreast of meetings and opportunities, and from an instructor’s point of view, things seem to go smoothly and I know that she is responsible for doing the administrative duties that give the unit a sense of direction and stability. She always is available to help with any question I have and she has the answer.”

Other comments about King include:

  • “She is always smiling and has a composed demeanor.”
  • “Her communication skills are professional and helpful.”

Jennifer Lea is Administrative Assistant 3 for the Business Division and is described as someone who is helpful and displays a collaborative attitude. Her nominator said, “Everyone in the business division thinks so highly of her and have expressed gratitude to her for all she does on their behalf.” Lea ensures that students feel welcomed and supported in addition to making sure new adjuncts have what they need to contribute to student success.

Other comments about Lea include:

  • “Jennifer makes sure that every faculty member in the division is aware of his or her schedule, book orders, travel requests, and all other details in a timely manner.”
  • “Jennifer has taken on helping the Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS) to take off.”
  • “She makes sure to follow up with every faculty member to make sure they have submitted whatever they need to submit—syllabi, book orders, travel requests, etc. She is instrumental in orienting new adjuncts.”


Photo: Clark College/Jenny Shadley

Spring Classified Staff Excellence Award: Aleksandr Anisimov

Aleksander Anisimov

Aleksandr Anisimov

Congratulations to Aleksandr Anisimov, recipient of the 2017 Spring Quarter Classified Staff Excellence Award!

Anisimov is an eLearning Systems Specialist for the eLearning department and is described as someone who is “admired, respected, and appreciated by his peers and those he works with.”

Other comments about Anisimov include:

Anisimov is described as being someone who displays and exemplary work performance and “demonstrates what any institution of higher learning should represent: professionalism, academic excellence, and commitment to education.” One individual commented, “Alex is dedicated, resilient, creative, patient and kind. I know if I have an issue, Alex will solve the problem and explain what he’s done to improve the system. He is so very humble, never demanding, yet firm in his convictions.”

Anisimov has much enthusiasm for what he does and goes out of his way to assist faculty and students alike. One person commented, “Numerous times per quarter, I have seen Alex run out of the office and over to the TechHub in the library to help a student with a particularly difficult laptop, tablet or phone issue. He wants to personally see the problem, gather the facts and propose a solution. Often the student is under deadline pressure and Alex is outstanding at bringing a calming presence and logic to the situation. He will also reach out and call students who have requested phone assistance with Canvas issues they are having.”

Anisimov is responsible for providing support for a variety of services and systems to a very diverse group (students, faculty, and staff). One nominator wrote, “Operating complex enterprise scale technology systems requires dedicated individual initiative delivered in a team environment. For example, when rolling out the new Canvas User Interface, Alex applied extra individual effort to maintain user confidence and support, while at the same time moved forward with the team to successfully achieve the implementation we had to complete.”

Described as someone who delivers a “high level of service,” Anisimov’s nominators say that he is “a highly valued member of the eLearning department and CLASS unit. He has a genuine enthusiasm for helping faculty and students. I often receive compliments from faculty and staff about the consistently high level of service that they receive from Alex. Courteous, polite, thorough, effective–are all terms that I have heard frequently.”

Members of Anisimov’s team said, “As a co-worker, as a person, Alex is so worthy of this award!”

Congratulations, as well, to other nominees for the 2017 Spring Quarter Classified Staff Excellence Award:

Kay Martinez is at Custodian 1 for the Custodial Services department. Kay is described as someone who is a hard worker and follows through on her assignments. One nominator said, “Almost every Monday and Wednesday when I arrive at the STEM building at 6:30 a.m., I see Kay Martinez hard at work. She is wiping down table tops and tidying classrooms or using her backpack vacuum cleaner on the ‘miles’ of carpet in the building.” Though working hard, she is described as always taking time to be welcoming towards faculty, staff, and students. One nominator said, “I look forward to saying, “Hello,” and exchanging a few words with her in the morning … Kay’s excellent work ethic and affability have come up in conversations I have had with other STEM faculty and staff.” Other comments about Martinez include:

  • “She is always willing to help. If she sees something needs doing, she just does it with a very positive attitude.”
  • “Kay is thorough, conscientious and a pleasure to be around.”
  • “You can just tell she is a very dedicated worker and she is very much appreciated.”
  •  “She and her staff have been amazing in keeping our areas clean, our classrooms clean, our boards cleaned, etc.  It is wonderful.”
  • “She is very focused on doing her work right the first time and completing each task with expediency.  In all my encounters with Kay she has always showed a smile and a work ethic…”

Reesa McAllister is a Secretary Senior for the Computer Technology (CTEC) Division and is described as someone who has an “exemplary” work performance. McAllister brings a “balance to our chaotic and hectic high-tech CTEC division,” wrote one nominator. “She provides faculty with the peace of mind and assurance that whatever support our students or departments need will get done in a timely, efficient, and thorough process.” A faculty member from McAllister’s division recently shared that “Reesa should be noted for her flexibility … She continues to expand her knowledge of our department and is an excellent resource for inquiring students and the public at large.” McAllister is someone who is confident and well organized, providing “excellent support for her division.” When challenges arise, McAllister not only provides support for her division, but will also offer support to other units. For instance, “Reesa has reached beyond her division by helping with activities necessary for the Culinary Arts remodel project (packing boxes and cleaning offices).” Overall, McAllister “demonstrates a cooperative spirit and does her part to make Clark College a positive environment for faculty, staff, students and all constituent groups.”

Other comments about McAllister include:

  • “I appreciate her graceful diligence, her proactive approach, clear communication and delightful demeanor. Her positive attitude and warm/personal presence diffuses our stress.”
  • “Reesa keeps us moving forward, keeps us honest, and keeps us super-organized and informed!”
  • “Reesa demonstrates a cooperative spirit and does her part to make Clark College a positive environment for faculty, staff, students and all constituent groups.”

Amy Tam works as a Program Specialist 2 for Enrollment Services. Tam is described as an “exceptional employee” who “always has a welcoming smile and a positive attitude.” Working in the Welcome Center, Tam’s work “touches both new and continuing students, as well as coworkers across multiple departments. Each person she encounters feels special and receives the highest excellence in service.” Serving as an inspiration for her coworkers to “go above and beyond,” Tam’s commitment is described as “admirable.”

Tam oversees the Student Ambassador Program, a leadership opportunity for students who are dedicated to serving Clark College. In this role, Tam is committed to not only supervising Student Ambassadors, but also assisting them in overcoming obstacles they may encounter while trying to finish their degree program. A nominator said, “A student was feeling defeated and needed someone to help them find perspective. Amy was that person, she listened and encouraged the student.”

Another nominator said, “Amy is the employee and steward of higher education that the Clark College community deserves. She whole-heartedly devotes her time and energy as an advocate and mentor to both student and college staff.”

Other comments about Tam include:

  • “Amy is a people person who see the strengths in others, looks for opportunities to involve them, then allows them to lead.”
  • “I have appreciated her professionalism and consistent commitment towards student success for some of our most vulnerable populations.”
  • “Amy’s dedication to helping others succeed is [a] great gift to Clark College and our community.”
  • “I have worked with Amy Tam since 2010 in some capacity and have never worked with a more consistently positive, upbeat, competent and helpful colleague!”
  • Tam is overall described as someone who is “always doing what is best for the students and her co-workers. I could not ask for a better colleague than her.”

Tia Schmidt is an Administrative Assistant 3 in the Nursing Department and is described as someone who “consistently demonstrates excellence in her work.” Schmidt has “excellent attention to detail” and uses her experience in project management to assist in complex projects. A nominator said this about Schmidt: “During our implementation of new software for tracking student clinical requirements, Tia pitched in and helped team members with various aspects of onboarding students. This was a large-scale project, and Tia recognized that extra help was needed in order to make the project successful. Tia made phone calls to students and met with individual students to help them access the system when needed.”

Schmidt is described as a leader who takes initiative and as someone who is creative, helpful, and respectful. Schmidt’s nominator said, “Tia considers the team and department in everything that she does. She is inclusive and collaborative in her work, and takes actions based on the best interests of the department, unit and college. Tia is respectful of others and is sensitive to their needs. She goes out of her way to make sure people feel noticed and recognized for their efforts.”

Other comments about Schmidt include:

  • “Tia takes a creative approach and finds ways to make our projects fun. She has a knack for identifying opportunities to enhance teamwork and build positive relationships.”
  • “She is highly organized and solves problems with a systems focus.”
  • “She has helped our department build positive relationships with community partners through work on the WSUV/Clark College Preceptor Event, Hilma Speights Foundation events, and others.”










Winter 2017 Classified Staff Award: David Sims

David Sims

David Sims

Congratulations to David Sims, recipient of the 2017 Winter Quarter Classified Staff Excellence Award.

Sims is an Information Tech Specialist 4 for the IT Service Center and has 35 years with Clark College. He is described as someone who goes “far beyond the call of duty, giving our customers one on one personal attention when they have high severity issues with technology.”

Sims is described as being someone who embraces goals and assists in transitions to improve ITS and the larger college community. His nominator wrote, “David in the past year has stepped up as the technical lead of the service center group, taking on vastly different responsibilities than he has had over the past 35 years and he has absolutely flourished and become a vital leader of the group. His performance and dedication to the college is absolutely the foundation of his worth ethic; he is deeply rooted in making sure the campus faculty and staff have the tools they need to support our students.”

Being “extremely skilled in process and procedure,” Sims is able to provide solutions be the “rock” of his team, especially over the past year. Sims takes on the tough tasks and creatively produces unique solutions to challenges. For instance, “the service center was tasked with bringing in over 200 mobile devices for Windpws 10 upgrades, and David took this task and planned it out, created documentation, and ran scenarios before we went live. He came up with unique ways to make the Win 10 transition for our mobile laptop customers as easy and with the least impact as possible. David also trained all of the other technicians. This made our piece of the Windows 10 upgrade go extremely smooth, and his work ethic to get over 200 devices migrated to Win 10 was nothing short of amazing.”

Congratulations as well to this winter quarter’s other nominees:

Lorraine Browne Leedy is the Faculty Development Program Specialist at the Teaching and Learning Center. In her role, Leedy organizes many training opportunities for the faculty and staff. She is described as someone who is “very efficient in executing her responsibilities” and is “an excellent customer-service ambassador who is willing to listen to someone in need and help.” She is respectful to the faculty, staff and anyone who needs her services. Leedy’s nominator describes her as a good communicator, someone who pays close attention to detail, a leader, respectful and someone who maintains a pleasing personality.

Reesa McAllister is a Secretary Senior for the Computer Technology (CTEC) Division and is described as someone who has an “exemplary” work performance. McAllister is “precise, thorough and efficient in her work” and will not only learn new skills, but goes “above and beyond by teaching her colleagues” in these areas as well. McAllister’s nominator states, “Faculty count on her and she goes out of her way to assist everyone coming into the unit office, calling on the phone, or emailing with questions and concerns. If Reesa does not know how to answer a question, she seeks out that answer. She does not stop there, however! She then shares that information with others’ in the unit who will benefit from having that information as well.” McAllister is someone who is honest, organized, and “should be noted for her flexibility and willingness to contribute to the transition with a secretary retiring and being replaced in the past couple of quarters.” She is “confident to take on tasks and responsibilities,” provides “excellent support,” and “engages throughout the campus and across units for the betterment of her division, unit and the college.”

Kate Poffenroth works as a Program Coordinator for Disability Support Services (DSS). Poffenroth’s nominator describes her as “an excellent, long-term employee who stands out in terms of her superb reliability and efficiency.” Poffenroth is said to be someone who is “extraordinary in terms of her ability to multi-task” and “arrives at the office with energy, enthusiasm, and a great sense of humor that she shares with every person that she sees that day.” Poffenroth often tracks “hundreds of details that require high-level processing” and understands the importance of being accurate in her reporting. DSS is in the process of implementing a new software and “Kate … has been a quick, sharp learner, as she easily adopts new software processes and encourages others to make necessary changes.” Poffenroth’s nominator overall describes her as someone who is grounded in student-entered principles, concise, encourages others, and “builds collegial cohesion and teamwork.”

Tia Schmidt is an Administrative Assistant in the Nursing Department and “has been providing excellent service for many years” and “is the glue that keeps the nursing program going.” Schmidt is described as “smart and efficient” and “demonstrates her commitment to the college and to students by attending every pinning ceremony to cheer the student’s success and to support the staff who present.” Schmidt is quick to offer “assistance, suggestions, ideas, and empathy, all of which serve to facilitate problem resolution and encourage collaboration. She is respectful and models professional behavior and demeanor.” Through challenges, Schmidt approaches her work with a “realistic, yet optimistic viewpoint” and “is a believer in pro-action versus reaction.” Schmidt assists her group and helps them “deal with many new changes in both ACEN criteria and state regulations.” In assisting, “Tia created resource notebooks for each of us so we would have these references at our fingertips as we moved forward with the adjustment process.” Each day Schmidt “arrives at work she is cheerful, positive and ready to ‘tackle’ whatever task or responsibility we will face throughout the day.” Nominators said, “I see her as very positive about the college and committed to doing all she can to be part of its successful future” and that “her work demonstrates the highest quality both in terms of quality, but also integrity. Tia is an excellent communicator both verbally and in writing. She coordinates several monthly team meetings, stays accurate and timely with minutes and remains calm when meetings become stressful or chaotic.  She consistently exhibits calmness and respect for fellow workers and students.”





Fall 2016 Classified Staff Award: Carmen Roman

Congratulations to Carmen Roman, recipient of the 2016 Fall Quarter Classified Staff Excellence Award!

Carmen Roman

Carmen Roman

Roman is a Program Specialist 2 for the Advising Services department. She is someone who is described by her nominators as “giving a consistent high-level of service to the students, the public, the community and to co-workers.”

Nominators had the following to say about Roman:

“Carmen’s unique ability to adjust to all modes and levels of communication is unmatched … It is quite common for students from all walks of life and experiences to applaud this extra attention Carmen gives them during advising sessions. A recent example was relayed from the BMED department on how a student who met with Carmen spoke highly of her to the BMED department head and said that if it wasn’t for the encouragement she received from Carmen, she may have given up on her aspirations to work in the medical field.”

“Carmen is a consummate professional who combines her advising expertise with genuine care and concern for the best interests of students and of the college. She works actively and diligently to learn about and to provide information about all corners of the campus (important dates, instructional departments, program requirements, pre-reqs, assessment, financial aid, etc., etc.). She exemplifies the team approach that is necessary for effective delivery of student services. Knowing that students often “don’t know what they don’t know,” Carmen seeks to provide the most relevant pieces of information with the understanding that students’ needs change and evolve as they progress through their programs of study. She is outstanding at giving the right service, in the right manner, at the right time – all with seemingly limitless patience and kindness.”

Congratulations as well to this quarter’s other nominees:

Lorraine Browne Leedy is the Faculty Development Program Specialist at the Teaching and Learning Center. Many in the college community are aware of Lorraine’s “high-quality work” and she “seems to always be able to lend a hand when called upon–she consistently finds time to help her coworkers.” Browne Leedy displays creativity and superior communication skills that are invaluable when planning and delivering many professional development activities each year. Her ability to plan, organize and manage events is why she is considered a key member of any new training initiative. Browne Leedy is described as a “valued college employee, excellent team member, subject matter expert, superior communicator, and terrific example of a high-performing employee.”

Kay Martinez works as a Custodian in the Custodial Services Department. Nominators describe Martinez as someone who works hard and always maintains a positive attitude. Though Martinez works tremendously hard to keep the STEM building looking its best, she always takes a moment to be courteous and to greet faculty, staff and students. Many view her as someone who is excellent at her job, has a strong work ethic, and will go out of her way to assist others. In fact, “Kay’s excellent work ethic and affability” come up in conversations with STEM faculty and staff. A nominator stated that Kay’sdedication to Clark College should serve as a model for others.”

Hanna Maxwell is a Student Recruitment Specialist for the Enrollment Services Department and is described as an “essential” on the team. Maxwell is seen as someone who provides the best in customer service to students, parents, college partners, and community members while keeping a smile and positive attitude. A nominator stated, “no matter what the issue, she brings a determination to answer questions and find solutions in an accessible way.” Another wrote that she “brings a supreme level of care to her presentation and style. She has explained to hundreds, if not thousands, of students over her six months at Clark the benefits of a college education, and has helped many take the first step to changing their lives.”

Hannah Erickson is a Communications Specialist in the Communications and Marketing Department, but many know her as “the voice of Clark.” Being a steward of the voice requires masterful storytelling, openness, honesty, a caring nature, and the ability to be real and informative–all of which a nominator says Erickson represents. Erickson’s role can be challenging at times, but she always goes above and beyond and brings a “high level of integrity and dedication to her work.” One of her colleagues describes her as the “go-to for all things problem-solving. She is my sounding board from interpersonal work relationships, to navigating a project, to just finding the right word to make an email sound the way I want. She takes my ideas and makes them real with her great writing. I am happy to have her as my collaborator on all the things I do here at Clark.”

Tia Schmidt is an Administrative Assistant in the Nursing Department and sees things from an optimistic viewpoint. Her nominators describe her as “professional, respectful, thoughtful, mindful, and intentional in the way she approaches her job and her coworkers.” Unfailingly polite is how many view Schmidt’s interactions with faculty, staff and students, and she always seems to keep her eye on “the big picture.” A nominator wrote, “I have called on Tia repeatedly for assistance with a wide variety of needs/problems/challenges, and each time she has come through with information, guidance, resources, clarification, and direct help. She doesn’t complain or ask for any special acknowledgement–she just does her job to the best of her ability every day.”

Mitch Sott works in WPTE as a Maintenance Mechanic and is described as “indispensable” to the department–someone who “goes above and beyond the call of duty” to accomplish tasks. Students know Sott and the question isn’t, “What has Mitch fixed for us?” but rather, “What hasn’t he fixed for us?” Sott is described as positive role model, friendly, and a valuable asset to Clark College.  Nominators said his incredible work ethic is something for them to aspire to. “When we need something done, Mitch spends the time discussing it with us so that he knows exactly what we want and is able to accommodate our needs.”

Photo: Clark College/Jenny Shadley