Opening Day: Award Recipients

Clark College employees gathered on September 18 to kick off the 2023-24 academic year during Opening Day festivities at O’Connell Sports Center. During the event, the following staff members were recognized for their service to the college.

Years of Service Awards

Brad Avakian, vice president of human resources, presented the years of service awards to employees with 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 years of service by reading their names. Employees with service more than 25 years were invited to come to the front to receive certificates. All years of service awards also come with monetary compensation based on the number of years served.

Vice President of Human Resources Brad Avakian presented years of service awards.

5 years:

Foundation: Dan Palow

Human Resources: Carrie Ann Gallagher

Information Technology Services: Yaremy Clara

Instruction: Kyle Anderson, Michiko Anderson, Bryan Blehm, Gabriele Canazzi, Jennifer Capell, Virginia Davidson, James Demartini, Charlotte Derkacht, Jason Eversman, Tyler Frank, Monte Gantka, Dr. Douglas Harris, Shawn Henderson, Christina Howard, Nami Inoue, Rachel Irvin, Ryan Jeannet, Dr. Soohyon Ji, Dr. Alan Koenig, Sarah Kuzera, Martha Lewis, Robert Long, Lucas Martin, Petra Redinger, Samuel Robinson, Christina Smith, Brogan Sullivan, Heidi Summers, Elizabeth Van Buecken, Katarina Wallis, Dr. Michelle Walty, Patricia Witherspoon

NWACC: Alexandra Young

Operations: Zhong Chai, Cody Claassen, Kevin Damore, Bradley Hansen, Bellamy Holt, Jeffrey Kaliner, Daniel Lane, Christopher Layfield, Lindsey Mckim, Julia Perdue, Seumas Ross, Katlyn Simpson, William Thompson

Student Affairs: Jorge Argueta, Yuliya Demyanyuk, Kimberly Forbes, Tisha Pasquinelli, Torin Tashima, Carley Willis

10 years:

Instruction: Dr. Roberto Anitori, David Benedicktus, Sascha Blocker, Bruce Elgort, Melanie Hendry, Grant Hottle, Garrett Hoyt, Deborah Jack, Chad Laughlin, Kenneth Luchini, Michael Ludwig, Sarah Luther, Dr. Nick Macias, Dr. Mika Maruyama, Natalie Miles, Deane Morrison, Kelly Pfeifer, Kristin Sherwood, Dawn Steele, Janice Taylor, Adriana Thomas, Caleb White, Beth Wulf

ODEI: Degundrea Harris

Operations: Eben Ayers, Julie Donovan, Tanya Kerr, Johann Langley, Everett Yu

Student Affairs: Kimberly Blahnik, Jessica Hash, Kevin Thomas

15 years:

Instruction: Robert Abrahamson, Sheldon Atwell, Scott Bailey, Angie Bailey, Marci Bohac, Rebecca Boyer, Tammy Boyer, Tony Chennault, Cheryl Davenport, Michael England, Jason Herz, Dr. Philip Jones, Timothy Kent, Dr. Shon Kraley, Michelle Mallory, Kaye Manchester, Ruby Moore, Erika Nava, Ying Nollette, Michiyo Okuhara, Archer Parr, Joshua Patrick, George Salos, Nicoleta Sharp, Suzanne Southerland, Jennifer Ward, Kristin Woitte

Operations: Vickie Malcolm, Richard Nevis, Jennifer Shadley

Student Affairs: Marla Derrick, Dr. Sabine Falkenberg, Michelle Mussen

20 years:

Information Technology Services: Alan Logsdon

Operations: Brandi Roberts

Instruction: Aaron Campbell, Lisa Conway, Jill Darley-Vanis, Deena Godwin, Karina Gress, Dwight Hughes, Lynne Nolan, Sherry Smith, Samuel Triebs, Wayne Utehs

25 years:

Instruction: Grace Anukam, Dr. Marylynne Diggs, Mary Evens, Christine Krug, Kathleen Mitchell, Douglas Smith, Mitchell Sott, Jeanette Steinmueller

35 years:

Instruction: Dr. Kelly Fielding

Operations: Jonni Hattershide

Exceptional Faculty Awards

The award honorees were announced at Commencement in June and were honored at Opening Day.

Dan Alberghetti, Network Technology: A student wrote: “I was struggling to find a ‘place’ in the field. I often felt discouraged because some material wouldn’t click. But Dan encouraged participation, and stopped to give well-thought-out answers that helped us grasp the ‘why’ as well as the ‘how.’ The more I learned, the more excited I became about what I was learning. And I finally felt like I had a place and that I belonged.”

Exceptional Faculty Award recipient Dr. Jacob Funk with Dr. Wilkins-Luton and Dr. Edwards.

Dr. Jacob Funk, Music: A student wrote: “Dr. Funk creates an open learning environment to instill the joy of music in his students. He is fun to work with and a joy to sing with. His enthusiasm to help each student achieve their best voice is evident not only in class but also during concerts.

Exceptional Faculty Award recipient Chef Earl Frederick serves up BBQ during Juneteenth 2023.

Chef Earl Frederick, Cuisine: A student wrote: “Chef Earl’s lectures include the history and exploration of different cultures through food. He is very attentive and conversational about how different people may have different dietary needs based on medical, cultural or religious protocols. My time with Chef Earl Fredrick has been very expansive, both in technical skill and professional development.”

Exceptional Faculty Award recipient Becky Herman with Dr. Wilkins-Luton and Dr. Edwards.

Becky Herman, Dental Hygiene: A student wrote: “Becky goes above and beyond for us in the classroom. She provides us with many different ways to learn and encourages us to reach out should we need it. Her door is always open, and she is always willing to help those who need a little extra.”

Exceptional Faculty Award recipient  Dr. Julian Nelson with Dr. Wilkins-Luton and Dr. Edwards.

Dr. Julian Nelson, English department: A student wrote: “As an adult learner from Ukraine, I really appreciated his flexibility and willingness to adapt to changing circumstances, always with care for individual student needs and my academic success. His supportive feedback and messages made me feel that he wasn’t some robot behind a screen, but a genuine human who cared for my wellbeing. This kind of human interaction motivated me in times when I felt depleted, confused or had anxiety.”

Exceptional Faculty Award recipient Michiyo Okuhara with Dr. Wilkins-Luton and Dr. Edwards.

Michiyo Okuhara, Japanese language: A student wrote: “500 characters is not enough to describe Okuhara sensei and the impact she has on each of her students’ lives. I am extremely lucky to have her as a teacher and so many students feel the exact same way. Personally, I was taking an oral assessment when I messed up the sentence. She took the moment to teach me correctly, allowed me to study and retake my assessment. She uses constructive moments to build her students up instead of giving them a poor grade and moving on. We are lucky to have her.”

Exceptional Classified Staff Award

Exceptional Classified Staff Award recipient Cheryl Davenport with Dr. Edwards.

Cheryl Davenport, Library & Archives Para 4, Libraries: Cheryl realized that outdated, biased vocabulary in the online catalog’s subject headings, such as the biased subject headings describing the LGBTQIA+ community, does not reflect the college’s inclusive views. Thanks to her efforts, Clark Library now uses Homosaurus, an international linked vocabulary of LGBTQIA+ terms in our online catalog. This helps ensure the bibliographic records use subject headings representing the inclusive terminology used by the LGBTQIA+ community to describe themselves.

Exceptional Classified Staff Award recipient Jennifer Lea with Dr. Edwards.

Jennifer Lea, Program Specialist 2, Business Division: During the pandemic lockdown, Jennifer took the lead in shaping our BASAM (Bachelor of Applied Science in Applied Management) program so it would meet requirements to move fully online. When that adversely affected our veteran students, she helped restructure the modality, so it met VA requirements and allowed our veteran students to receive their full funding.

Exceptional Administrative Exempt Award

A portait image of Vanessa Watkins.

Vanessa Watkins, Director of Entry Services: Vanessa was recognized for fostering a positive, collaborative, and supportive environment for her Entry Services team. She works behind the scenes to support and uplift her employees, which ensures they have a welcoming, supportive demeanor as they assist students and prospective students.

Lora Whitfield Social Equity Award

Lora Whitfield Social Equity Award recipient Ezekiel Wells with Dr. Edwards.

Ezekial Wells, Program Specialist 3, Workforce Education Services: Ezekial was recognized for his work making positive impacts for students by creating a welcoming environment, a safe, inclusive space and removing barriers for students so they can receive college and community support and move forward on their educational pathway.

After Dr. Edwards handed Ezekial his award, shook his hand, and led the staff in clapping, she said, “I am thankful to each of you. I am pleased to see our colleagues recognized for their tremendous work. Congratulations to all our award winners and our employees who have demonstrated their dedication to Clark College over the years.”

Opening Day 2022

Oswald, Clark’s penguin mascot, lead a dancing executive cabinet into Opening Day while “Don’t Stop Belivin'” by Journey played.

On September 12, Clark College employees came together to celebrate the start of the 2022-23 academic year, with its first in-person Opening Day since 2019. President Edwards said that although she has been at Clark College for over 2 years, this was the first in-person opening day celebration, and she was loving it!

A video introducing executive cabinet members featured Chris Layfield driving each member around campus with Oswald (Clark College’s penguin mascot). They shared why they work at Clark College and even had a little fun sharing their favorite songs in a short sing-along with Chris and Oswald.

This was President Dr. Karin Edward’s first in-person Opening Day since her start in 2020.

President Edwards presented the progress of the equity-centered strategic plan. To learn more about the process and where we are, visit:

Based on the institutional priorities and the equity-centered strategic plan, the president’s work plan will guide her efforts into 2023. President Edwards also gave an update on Boschma Farms.

“We are very close to having the design of the building, which will house 5 general purpose classrooms, student support spaces, offices, conference rooms, and of course our advanced manufacturing, high bay area. The facility is smaller than we planned, but we’re still able to accommodate the courses and programs,” she shared.

A new initiative at the college, Clark Cares, was unveiled with a video ( It featured some of the things staff can and currently do to show our students we care about them and their Clark experience.

Brad Avakian, vice president of human resources, presented the years of service awards to employees with 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 years by reading their names. Employees with service over 25 years were invited to come to the front to receive their certificates. All years of service awards also come with monetary compensation based on the number of years served.

The 30 Year employees honored were: Tina Barsotti, George Cole, Tracy Nehnevaj, Kristeen Nichols, and at 35 Years: Mark Owsley.

Paul Wickline, vice president of instruction, left, honoring Mark Owsley, for 35 years of service.

Exceptional Faculty Awards

The award honorees were announced at Commencement in June and were honored at Opening Day.

Kathrine Anastasi, libraries, was honored for her work at Larch Corrections to research, develop, and supply the best materials for their library.  

Dr. Amy Castellano, phlebotomy, was honored for her work in the classroom supporting and respecting students, her attention to the wellbeing of her students, and her commitment to students understanding the subjects she was teaching.   

Steven Clark, biology, was honored for his work in the classroom, creating deep interest in biology, openness to learn from his students, and acknowledging their work in meaningful ways.

Erielle Lamb, surveying & geomatics, was honored for her work in the classroom, letting students make mistakes, making complicated calculations fun and interesting, and sharing stories so that students could relate the schoolwork to their planned career. 

Luanne Lundberg, career & academic prep, honored for her work making math understandable even for students with learning disabilities, instilling confidence in her students that would break them out of poverty. She also developed a pathway from CAP to MTH in 2016. She was a co-leader in the collaboration with the math department to develop outcomes and curriculum and kept us student-focused.

Gail Robinson, English, was honored for the extra help she offers her students in and out of the classroom, building their confidence in writing and offering specific, concrete feedback so that her student’s writing skills can grow.

Annual Exceptional Classified Staff Awards

Chris Layfield receiving his award.

Chris Layfield, Admin Services Manager in Security and Safety, was honored for his service to all those who pass through the doors of Gaiser Hall, often guiding them physically to where they need to go or contacting a department or person they need to talk to. Students often have come back to the desk to comment on how Chris’ help is what made them stay at Clark. He has served on hiring committees, the Security and Safety Committee, and the Social Equity Committee and is a WPEA steward,

Jessica Sanders, Program Support Supervisor in Transitional Studies was honored for her work in supporting students and faculty. Her extensive knowledge of Transitional Studies, and providing supplies to students, and finding new ways to do this during the pandemic has been instrumental to students and colleagues. Her exemplary service to students who often speak English as a second language is done with respect and care. She supplies faculty with valuable recruitment and inclusion data to help them better serve their students.

Exceptional Administrative-Exempt Award

Ayssa Voyles, center, being cheered on by her colleagues.

Alyssa Voyles, Associate Director of Employee Equity, Outreach, and Engagement in the Office of Diversity and Equity, was honored for her work in coordinating events, stepping in to help the ODEI team, adding new workshops, supporting others through co-facilitating of workshops, and her dedication to equity. She also has been instrumental in working beyond her team by stepping in as interim director of communications in Communications and Marketing, serving on the Boschma Farms team, and helping staff form Employee Resource Groups (ERG) to help build a stronger community and sense of belonging to Clark College

Lora Whitfield Social Equity Award

Left to right: Christina Smith, Dr. Karin Edwards, and Cydney Topping

Christina Smith and Cydney Topping worked together to create and co-lead the Anti-Racism Faculty Learning Community (FLC) in the English Department. This FLC is based on cutting-edge research on anti-racism and culturally responsive teaching. Their research, conducted in the Fall term and implemented in Winter and Spring, is at the highest levels of data-informed education. 

While faculty are the intended recipients of this service they provide, students will be the true beneficiaries. In following their leads, implementing the strategies they are sharing, and continuing our own growth as faculty, the field of English Studies, including rhetoric and composition, will overcome centuries of implicit bias and colonial mindset that faculty in English have felt duty bound to uphold in the service of other programs, despite our qualms about the inequities of “Standard Written English” as a marker of academic achievement. 

Opening Day at Clark

The new 2022 Student Ambassadors serve lunch to employees on Opening Day.

The event included refreshments provided by iQ Credit Union, Welcome Week shirts, Clark Cares buttons, and information from the “O Squad.” Additionally, there was an opportunity to have employee photos taken and visit with colleagues. The Clark College Foundation also provided lunch from Big Town Hero and Kona Ice at the Anderson Fountain.

Opening Day is part of a multi-day orientation and training for faculty organized by the Clark College Teaching and Learning Center (TLC). The Keynote address was given on Tuesday, September 13, by Melissa Williams, Policy Associate/ Interim Director for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, and Clark College alumnus.

Photos: Jenny Shadley/Clark College
More photos from this event can be found on Flickr.