Winter Quarter Classified Staff Awards

20150331-IMG_0398webCongratulations to Jeri Kemmer, recipient of the 2015 Winter Quarter Classified Staff Excellence Award!

Jeri Kemmer is the BEECH Unit Operations Supervisor and has been with Clark College for 19 years.

The following comment from one of her Secretary Seniors best summarizes Jeri’s exemplary work performance: “Jeri really does go above and beyond when it comes to working at Clark College. She doesn’t just do her job. She is constantly exploring ways to make everyone’s job easier and she’s been instrumental in many changes that have happened within our unit and across campus. She won’t simply accept the status quo. If there is a problem, she wants to find a solution that benefits everybody.”

Jeri has served on numerous committees at Clark and has attended over 300 hours of professional development training in order to benefit herself, her job, and everyone at Clark. One office assistant wrote, “Jeri’s work ethics are exemplary and she always has Clark’s best interest in mind.  She makes all of us better employees. I love working with her.”

The College Community will celebrate all 2014-2015 nominees and recipients at the Annual Ice Cream Social held in September.

The Classified Staff Excellence Award was established in 2005 and recognizes classified staff who have demonstrated exemplary work performance, outstanding customer service, a positive and cooperative spirit, and special achievements or contributions to the college community. Thanks to the support of the Clark College Foundation, each quarter’s recipient receives a $400 cash award.

Other nominees for this quarter, with quotes from their nominations, were:

Karmel Baldwin, Secretary Senior, STEM

“Karmel shows excellence in work performance by staying on top of her work, completing assignments on time, and keeping paperwork organized, tracked, and moving through the system. Karmel strives to be the best at what she does, no matter where she is stationed. She has taken on significantly large workloads, supporting very large departments. She tracks budgets, paperwork, email, forms, new hires, evaluations, faculty and an enormous number of students; all with an upbeat attitude and a smile. Karmel is always quick to offer her services, no matter what.”

Ernie Hasfo, Custodian 1, Facilities Services

“For 20 years Ernie has served as a custodian for Clark College. Over the years, he has taken on the tasks of window washer, hard floor specialist, and temp lead in addition to his regular custodial tasks. His co-workers can depend on him to be a team player and his positive and helpful attitude allow him to go the extra mile without being asked or complaining. Ernie is dedicated to outstanding service and excellence. Ernie is a good worker and supporter of the college. He cares about how his areas look and how he can improve the college.”

Carmen Roman, Program Specialist 2, Advising

“Carmen’s work performance is beyond exemplary and her work ethic is excellent. She is always prompt to meet with a student, and is mindful of their time. She provides concise and clear information that ensures students understand their pathways and goals. The information Carmen provides to students, faculty and staff is timely and accurate. She has an unmatched and unique ability to adjust to all modes and levels of communication. Carmen makes you feel comfortable with the entire student experience by her ability and manner of speaking and the respect given to her clients.”

Tia Schmidt, Administrative Assistant 3, Nursing

“When urgent and unexpected events occur, Tia has responded with creativity and unexpected solutions. She has often been the voice of reason and many times has been able to offer new perspectives, which have been invaluable when making hiring decisions. Tia is very considerate of new employees and goes out of her way to make them feel welcome. She goes above and beyond with her organization, attention to details, explanations of college systems and in sharing her experiences. Tia leads by example, exhibiting professionalism with coworkers and is available to all her colleagues with an open door.”


Open Positions

The following positions are open at Clark College as of March 5, 2015. To apply for any of these positions or learn more about them, visit



Plumber – Maintenance Mechanic 3 (Continuous)

Fiscal Specialist 2 (3/10/15 3:00 PM)

Health Occupations Credential Evaluator (Program Specialist 2) (3/19/15 3:00 PM)



Tenure-Track Baking Instructor (Continuous)



Part-time CADD and Engineering Instructor (Continuous)

Part-time Cisco CCNA Instructor (Continuous)

Part-time Computer Science and Engineering Instructor (Continuous)

Part-time Fiscal Technician 1 (Continuous)

Part-time Fiscal Technician 3 (03/17/15 3:00 PM)

Part-time Information Technology Instructors (Continuous)

Part-time Mechatronics Instructor (Continuous)

Part-Time Microsoft Applications Instructor (Continuous)

Part-Time Microsoft Network Technology Instructor (Continuous)

Part-time Nursing Instructor (Continuous)

Part-Time Program Assistant (Event Services) (3/9/15 3:00 PM)

Sign Language Interpreter (part-time hourly) (Continuous)



Reception Desk – Volunteer position (Contact Person: Kim Lee – 992-2319 or

Foundation – Database Specialist (Contact



Notice to Employees who made Insurance Changes for 2015

Employees who made changes to their health insurance during open enrollment should receive insurance cards by the end of January. If you need medical care before receiving your card, you may have your provider call your insurance plan at the appropriate number listed below:

Medical Insurance Plans      Plan Phone No:

Kaiser Classic                         1-800-813-2000

Uniform Medical Plan              1-888-849-3681

Members of Uniform can create an account in and print an ID card by visiting the Washington State Health Care Authority’s Uniform Medical Plan page. You will need the group number for Uniform Medical, which is 10003948.  You will also need your ID number. You can get that by calling 1-888-849-3681.

Click at the top of the page where it says “ Account”.

  1. Create your account.
  2. When you have logged in to your account, you’ll be on a page that says “Member dashboard.”
  3. Click on “My account.”
  4. Click on “Member ID cards” on the left and your card should pull up.

If you enrolled in Uniform Dental, ID cards are not automatically issued. You can go to Delta Dental of Washington’s PEBB services page, create an account, and print a card.

Alternatively, with any dental plan you can also have your dentist’s office call the following numbers below to verify coverage.

Dental Insurance Plans        Group #                                 Plan Phone No:

Willamette Dental                    PEBB                                     1-855-433-6825

DeltaCare                               #3100                                   1-800-650-1583

Uniform Dental                        #3000                                   1-800-537-3406

Maximum Annual Leave Accrual

The amount of vacation leave classified employees are allowed to accumulate is limited. Once a year, on each employee’s anniversary date, Clark College’s computer system checks leave balances and automatically eliminates any hours in excess of 240. For more details refer to your WPEA contract.

The amount of vacation leave that administrative and exempt employees are allowed to accumulate is also limited to 240 hours. Any amount in excess of 240 is removed from the system on October 1 each year.

All employees whose vacation balances (shown on paycheck stubs) exceed, or are approaching, 240 hours, should plan ahead with their supervisors to use excess vacation hours before the cut-off date.

For further information contact Human Resources.

SICK LEAVE BUYOUT – Deadline is January 31, 2015

Under the provisions of Administrative Procedure 635.025, the AHE CBA, and the WPEA CBA, eligible employees who have balances of more than 480 hours of compensable sick leave as of December 31, 2014, may choose to convert unused sick leave hours accrued in 2014 to monetary compensation. Any sick leave hours used during 2014 are deducted from the hours that are available to convert.

Compensation is calculated at the rate of 25 percent of the employee’s current hourly rate. Employees who choose to participate in the buyout must be compensated for all eligible sick leave hours earned in 2014, not just a portion of them.

Employees considering buyout should be aware that the College offers a VEBA program to retirees which allows sick leave buyout dollars to be transferred to a VEBA account, tax free, to be used to pay for medical expenses during retirement. To be eligible for VEBA an employee must retire from state service and meet other requirements. For more details and eligibility requirements for VEBA contact a benefits representative in Human Resources.

Sick leave buyout application forms are available in Human Resources. The deadline for submitting completed forms is January 31, 2015. Payment will be received on February 25, 2015. Please call Thao Schmidt, x2628, or Guisela Eberle, x2119, for additional information.

Fall 2014 Classified Staff Excellence Award

Heather White

Heather White

Congratulations to Heather White, recipient of the 2014 Fall Quarter Classified Staff Excellence Award! The following is taken from her award nomination:

Heather White is the Program Support Supervisor for Disability Support Services. She has been with the college since 2002.

Heather provides a tremendous service to the community by facilitating communication between hearing and deaf consumers. Heather interprets and provides accessibility for campus events professionally and holds herself to the high standards of skill that she expects from all of her interpreters. Her performance in her work is the very definition of “excellence.”

Heather always has a great attitude. She is compassionate to everyone who comes in seeking help. She takes the time to know the specific needs of the deaf students and the interpreters, and matches the student’s needs with the interpreter’s strengths. What is important to the student is important to Heather.

Heather works to improve our community in many ways. She is involved with the Sign Language Interpreter Program Advisory Committee at Portland Community College and is on the Washington School for the Deaf Post High School Advisory Committee as well as the State Deaf Transfer Fair Local Advisory Committee. She is also on the Commencement committee and provides the interpretation at Commencement to make it accessible to deaf students, faculty, staff and audience members. She has taken on the role of placing interpreters for Washington State University Vancouver and Lower Columbia College.

Heather is a wonderful person to work with and for. Whether someone is a new or veteran interpreter, she makes sure we all feel respected and supported. She always listens actively and attentively and looks at each person as an individual.

Congratulations to all of the fall quarter nominees:

Vanessa Meyer: Vanessa is doing a great job in the department. She pays attention to details and maintains the office and its immediate environment, including the mailroom, elegantly. Vanessa is cheerful, polite and shows courtesy to the faculty. When help is needed, she takes prompt action. Her messages are clear and precise. Everything she does is orderly.
Susan Taylor: Susan is in charge of all admissions at Clark International Programs and she always manages to get everything in order to perfection. She wants to help every person she comes in contact with. Whether it is a student or a co-worker or someone outside of our campus, she is willing to take all the time needed to make you feel comfortable and confident. Susan respects everyone. She is always the bigger person and is always polite, no matter what the situation.
Thor Tesdale: Thor works tirelessly to maintain the interior and exterior appearance of the college. He takes great pride in his work and makes sure the job is completed to satisfaction and on time. Thor prioritizes jobs so that the most pressing deadlines are met first. He is very personable and is willing to “bend” his schedule as much as possible to accommodate the needs of other individuals. Thor’s calm and respectful personality is a beneficial addition to Facilities Services. The personal thank-you notes he has received are additional evidence of his high level of service.

The College Community will celebrate all 2014-2015 nominees and recipients at the Annual Ice Cream Social.

The Classified Staff Excellence Award was established in 2005 and recognizes classified staff who have demonstrated exemplary work performance, outstanding customer service, a positive and cooperative spirit, and special achievements or contributions to the college community. Thanks to the support of the Clark College Foundation, each quarter’s recipient receives a $400 cash award.

Important Retirement Plan News

Notes from HRWhen benefits-eligible employees first enroll in a retirement plan here at Clark, they choose between plan options that are specific to their job classification. Some plans require you choose a contribution rate, and usually that contribution rate is irrevocable. In January, however, some employees (primarily faculty and classified) may have the option to make a change.


In January 2015, faculty employees who are participants in the Teacher’s Retirement System Plan 3 (TRS Plan 3) will have the opportunity to change their contribution rate as they have in past years every January. If you are a TRS Plan 3 member this is the LAST time you will have the opportunity to change your rate without changing employers. You can do this by completing a TRS Plan 3 Contribution Rate Change Form and turning it in to HR between January 1 and 31. Forms are also available on line at or in HR.

Most benefits-eligible faculty members are on the TRS plan or TIAA-CREF. If you don’t know which plan you are on check your paystub, which you can access from


Each January, some employees who are in the Public Employees Retirement System Plan 2 (PERS Plan 2) have the opportunity to transfer to PERS Plan 3. Classified employees are most often enrolled in either PERS 2 or PERS 3. Check your paystub if you don’t remember which plan you are on. You can transfer if you were hired before 3/1/2002. When you log in to your account in you will see a message if you are able to transfer. If you transfer, you cannot go back to Plan 2. Also, if you are a TRS Plan 2 member (very few of us are), you have the opportunity each January to transfer to Plan 3. To educate yourself on the differences between the two plans go to To transfer to Plan 3, complete the Member Information Form and turn it in to HR by January 31, 2015.

TIAA-CREF PARTICIPANTS (Administrative/Exempt and Faculty employees)

We will be offering individual sessions next quarter on January 27, 28, & 29 on the main campus in HR. Watch your email for an invitation and information about how to register.


The 2015 Retirement Planning Seminar Schedule is now available from the Department of Retirement Systems (DRS). If you are a member of SERS, PERS or TRS and within five years of retirement you may want to register for and attend a seminar. The schedule of seminars in Washington for 2015 is now online. If you do not find a seminar near your location or on a date that is convenient for you, you may be interested in viewing our recorded seminar online. This seminar was recorded in Wenatchee on August 9, 2014, and is available for viewing at any time.


Winter 2014 Classified Staff Excellence Award

Congratulations to Janice Taylor, recipient of the 2014 Winter Quarter Classified Staff Excellence Award!


Tutoring and Writing Center Program Manager Janice Taylor

Janice is the Program Manager for the Tutoring and Writing Center. She started working in the center as a part-time work study student in 2006; was later hired on as a full-time Program Assistant, and recently promoted to Program Manager. Her nominators describe her as a “model of organization and efficiency, regularly doing the work of several people in a single day.”

“Janice is constantly initiating new projects to better our department,” continues her nomination. “She is widely known for the respect she shows to her fellow workers and students, and her vigilance about maintaining a positive and professional environment in the tutoring centers. She figures out solutions to complex problems and finds ways of using limited resources more effectively and efficiently.”

One employee sums it up by saying, “Janice is truly amazing and a huge asset to Clark College!”

Congratulations to all of the winter quarter nominees:

Sally DemosSally has provided excellent service to the Clark College community for the past 29 years. She frequently goes above and beyond her basic job responsibilities because of her work ethic and belief and support of the mission of Clark College. She is an excellent communicator and possesses a wealth of knowledge that has positioned her as the go-to person regarding campus culture and the history of the college.
Joanne EmelJoanne is always positive and friendly. She responds with an upbeat tone and helpful attitude, and solves problems quickly and to my satisfaction. She makes my job easier by being excellent at her job.
Darci Feider “Darci is very organized and on top of her work. She resolves issues graciously, and takes care of questions and concerns right away. Darci gets along well with her co-workers and is pleasant and professional. She reflects great customer service for the Purchasing Department.”
Vanessa Meyer “Vanessa is friendly and helpful. She remembers the needs of faculty members and retains a positive attitude, regardless of the request. She maintains the documents, keys and workspace well.” 
Derald Richards “Derald consistently performs at a level above and beyond the scope of his job. He is quick to submit ideas and solutions, and will take the lead on projects. Derald can be counted on to deliver and complete a task, no matter how difficult.” 
Sarah Thorsen “Sarah does anything and everything she can for our department. She goes out of her way to take care of the students and faculty, and she does so with a smile. Sarah is extremely intelligent and will gladly share advice for how to handle difficult situations, based on her extensive experience teaching special needs students.”

The College Community will celebrate all 2013-2014 nominees and recipients at the Annual Ice Cream Social held in September.

The Classified Staff Excellence Award was established in 2005 and recognizes classified staff who have demonstrated exemplary work performance, outstanding customer service, a positive and cooperative spirit, and special achievements or contributions to the college community. Thanks to the support of the Clark College Foundation, each quarter’s recipient receives a $400 cash award.

Karen Ferguson submitted this article. Photo: Clark College/Jenny Shadley