Dr. Travis Kibota steps forward to receive his Presidential Coin on Opening Day 2013. Typical of Kibota’s spotlight-averse personality, he told President Knight he thought someone else probably deserved the coin more.
In 2007, Clark College President Bob Knight introduced a new honor at Clark College: the presidential coin.
The coin is given to faculty and staff members who provide exemplary service to Clark students, the college and the community. The honorees are decided by the president and are kept secret until the names are announced–generally on Opening Day in the fall or during the annual State of the College address.
Five Clark College employees received Presidential Coins during Opening Day 2013 on September 11. They were:
Karen Wynkoop
Before coming to Clark in 2005, Director of Business Services Karen Wynkoop had already had a distinguished career in higher education. She served as Assistant Vice President of Equity and Diversity and as Organizational Development Specialist at Washington State University; prior to that, she worked at The Evergreen State College in a variety of positions, starting as an accountant and concluding her time there as Associate Vice President for Academic Budget and Financial Planning.
Knight said that Wynkoop “has provided strong and steady leadership of the college’s financial management system and budget process during years of rapid growth as well as dramatic cuts in state funding,” adding that she “is widely recognized throughout the state as one of the premier business officers in the system.”
Dani Bundy
During her 10 years at Clark College, Dani Bundy has worked in Eligibility Programs, Credentials, Advising, the Vice President of Student Affairs Office, and Financial Aid. She is currently Assistant Director of Financial Aid. Knight commended Bundy for “never [leaving] a department without implementing a new enhancement that improved efficiencies.”
Knight added that because Bundy is a Clark alumna herself, “she understands the external and internal barriers that students encounter along their educational paths. Because of this, she is always thinking of solutions that will benefit students.”
Dr. Travis Kibota
Biology professor Travis Kibota has worked at Clark for almost 20 years. During that time, he has twice served as interim dean and is currently division chair of Life Sciences. “He has great vision, is a team player, and has a perfect handle on all of the dynamics of how Clark College works,” said Knight.
Knight added: “He eagerly works with people throughout the college as a connector, which makes him successful in the roles he plays as a faculty member, in administration, on committees, and as a grant developer.”
Cindy Heck
Planning and Effectiveness Administrative Assistant Cindy Heck began working at Clark while still a student here, interning with the Legal Secretary program in 1995. That led to a part-time position, which moved to fulltime in 1998.
“Cindy’s ability to see the big picture, attention to detail, practical nature, outstanding work ethic, and sincere care for others all make her an obvious choice for the Presidential Coin,” said Knight.
Heather King
Business and Health Sciences Administrative Assistant Heather King also got her start at Clark as a student, graduating in 1991 and returning, after receiving her B.A. from WSU, for a Certificate of Proficiency in Clinical Office Assistant in 1998. She began working at Clark as a fiscal specialist in the Office of Instruction, moving to BHS in 2009.
“She is the thread that hold the BHS unit together,” Knight said. “Her years of dedicated service to Clark College in many areas of the institution; her commitment to students, faculty, and staff; her service on multiple committees are but a few oft he reasons she is receiving this coin.”