Bookstore's annual book drive benefits King Elementary

King Elementary students enjoy their new books, donated through the Clark College Bookstore’s 2015 book drive.
Smiles dominated the scene at King Elementary School on March 2 as volunteers from the Clark College Bookstore read Dr. Seuss’s classic The Cat in The Hat to four kindergarten classes as part of Read Across America Day. Following the book readings by volunteers Kaina Barba and Megaera Jarvis, each student received a new copy of the book to keep for their own, courtesy of the Bookstore’s annual book drive. A total of 100 copies were donated by community members, students, staff, and faculty.

Clark College Bookstore volunteers Megaera Jarvis and Kaina Barba read to King Elementary students during Read Across America Day 2015.
“What better way is there to get a child excited to read than with a Dr. Seuss book?” asked Bookstore buyer Marti Earhart, who helps organize the Book Drive. “When the books were handed out, the kids were so excited to open their books to see what words they recognized.”
“The Clark College Book Drive is a wonderful opportunity for King students to hear another adult read a book to them,” King kindergarten teacher Shari Perea said afterward. “The students treasure the book that they receive from the Clark (volunteer) and it, in some cases, is the only book that they own.”
Over the last seven years, the book drive has provided over 1,100 books to local kindergarteners.
Story submitted by Marti Earhart
Photos: Marti Earhart/Clark College Bookstore