Congratulations to Bryton Williams, recipient of the 2019 Fall Quarter Classified Staff Excellence Award!
An Administrative Assistant 3 for Business & Health Sciences, Williams is said to be someone who greets every situation with a smile and a positive attitude and who has made many contributions to the college’s CCW location.
True to their name, Williams says that they were born to “brighten” everyone’s day, joking, “If my mom wanted me to be negative, she would have named me Darken.” Nominators say that, puns aside, Williams’ consistent positivity and continued relationship-building is appreciated by all at CCW, including the WSUV employees there.
Williams assists staff and faculty with submitting and using Penguin Packs from the Bookstore and helps them to stay under the yearly printing budget. They are consistently going above and beyond for all residents in the building they help manage, responding promptly to requests and providing status updates. They consistently offer suggestions that benefit not only Clark College but WSU as well.
Bryton is managing several equity-minded projects centered on CCW and has engaged in self-education, as well as participated in several events with the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Recently, Bryton recently developed a new system for booking time in CCW’s new lactation room, which has allowed lactating mothers to remain focused on their studies. Bryton has also made it a point to make sure the CCW space is as welcoming as Clark’s main campus is to systemically non-dominant students.
Others had this to say about Bryton:
- “Bryton regularly engages in discussion and clarification around collaborative projects. Bryton is amazingly thorough, allowing others to be more focused and productive in their areas.”
- “Bryton participates regularly in college activities and events. Most recently, Bryton was regularly reminding and encouraging everyone to participate in the Walktober Challenge. Bryton even spurred on a friendly competition between CCW and the WSU Facilities personnel. These sorts of bonds go a long way when we need to collaborate with our WSU partners.”
- A new employee wrote, “Bryton brought me a stuffed penguin for my office, stating, ‘No Clark office is complete without a penguin, welcome to the team.’”
- They are “generous beyond measure.”
- “Bryton regularly is the first to offer assistance to students, staff, and faculty, regardless of the fact that the duties are not required of them.”
- “Bryton’s commitment to collaboration and a positive college environment was evident in one of my first interactions with them. Bryton went out of their way to make three different kinds of muffins (this included vegan and gluten-free options, this illustrates the sheer thoughtfulness of Bryton in making sure everyone was included) which they brought in to share with the staff and faculty of all the programs at CCW, the students, our iTech partners, and the WSU Facilities personnel. While this already seems thoughtful, let me clarify that these muffins were not purchased, they were handmade with care and with a mindset that included every individual they come into contact during the day (this included people who they don’t come into contact with as well). Not only did Bryton make these extremely thoughtful snacks but they also hauled them on a one-hour public-transit ride to CCW. If that isn’t an example of caring above and beyond, then I don’t know what is.”
- “Bryton is amazingly thorough, allowing others to be more focused and productive in their areas.”
Congratulations, as well, to all nominees for the 2019 Fall Quarter Classified Staff Excellence Award:
Brenda Shular, Procurement & Supply Spec 2, Purchasing & Central Services
Brenda is described as someone who is a helpful resource in the Purchasing and Central Services area. A nominator wrote, “Brenda has provided me with direct training and she helped me feel like I had someone to reach out to when I needed an answer. She always maintains a positive presence, is professional, and solution-oriented. I’m sure Brenda has been integral to our switch to the new ctcLink system, taking on an inordinate amount of work. When there are issues or questions, Brenda makes herself available to investigate and explain. Brenda has answered countless questions on the spot over the phone.”
Other comments about Brenda:
- “[Our department] requires a lot of supplies, and a fair amount of equipment. No matter how many requisitions we send over, I have faith that Brenda will get them turned into orders.”
Everett Yu, Equipment Technician 3 for Grounds
Everett Yu is someone who demonstrates exemplary work performance on a daily basis. Overall, Everett is responsible for maintaining all the vehicles and riding equipment at Facilities Services used by custodial, maintenance, and grounds. He is consistently working to keep vehicles and equipment (some built the 1980s and 1990s) operating at a high level. For instance, Yu just finished installing a hydraulic lift kit into the back of the F-250 (manufacture year 1995) so that staff can dump debris with the flip of a switch and get right back to work. Yu recently utilized scrap metal to custom-build a new trailer for transporting small grounds equipment.
A nominator wrote, “When something breaks down, we don’t panic, because we know Everett will be able to troubleshoot the problem and successfully complete the repair in a timely manner.”
Other comments about Everett:
- “Everett has completed many special project work orders. If a co-worker encounters a complicated problem Everett will likely have a solution and be willing to help complete the job.”
- “Security and Events rely on Everett to maintain their vehicles regularly.”
- “Completing the majority of work orders on time and staying under budget is a special achievement.”Page Break
Group Nomination for Brandon Johnson, It Support Technician 2 for Information Technology Services; John Condit, Media Technician Lead for Event Services; Mike Silva, IT Support Technician 2, Information Technology Services; Richard (Rick) Bartz, IT Support Technician 2 for Information Technology Services
The following is the nominator’s comments about this team:
“A recent recruitment was unusual in nature due to unforeseen circumstances. At a moment’s notice we found out that we needed media assistance for a couple f upcoming campus events. Normally, we try to be considerate and notify the media team when we need their assistance at least 48 hours prior to the event. This certain situation was less than 24 hours. I thought for sure the media team was going to tell me, ‘No way, not with that short of notice.’
“Mike Silva was contacted and was so kind and provided exceptional service in some many ways. He reassured me that the request was not impossible and that he was certain they could assist. After my repeated thank you’s and apologies, he spoke with his staff and quickly called me back and said, Okay, everything is lined up and it’s a go!’ The media team had quickly organized all that was needed of them and organized coverage for said activities.
“Rick Bartz assisted in setting up one room for Skype and then quickly ran to set up the next room for the next activity, and so on until all activities were completed.
“Brandon Johnson and John Condit provided back of the scene assistance to make our request successful.
“The media team from the very beginning gave exceptional customer service! From reassuring that the request wasn’t that big of deal. Mike repeatedly stated that it was ‘no problem’ when I thanked him for his last-minute help.
“Rick was sure to get each activity started via Skype and then he was on to the next location–not skipping a beat.
“This isn’t the first time that this group has been phenomenal and extremely helpful! The customer service provided was appreciated by so many: HR, the hiring department, and the candidate.
“Because of the customer service that the media team provided, the candidate experience was amazing and the candidate expressed his appreciation for all involved. This is what we want here at Clark. I can’t thank this team enough. Without them, this wouldn’t have happened.
“Hands down the media team took the initiative to assist us with our request. Without their assistance, the Skype activities wouldn’t have happened, as it took multiple arrangements to make it successful. The team was helpful, super-efficient, accommodating, and so cooperative in completing the request. This was going on while the college was bearing down to the final days of ctcLink preparation…
“Working with coworkers who provide exceptional customer service, positive demeanor, and have the ‘no worries’ attitude not only provides myself an example that I can learn from but also makes me proud when interacting with the candidates. When a candidate thanks me for all the organization and assistance and provides so many words of appreciation, I can’t take all the credit–and for that reason I nominate this team for acknowledgement.”
Margaret (Peg) Estes, Program Specialist 2 for Credential Evaluations
Peg Estes is described as someone who shows initiative, positive spirit, participation in college activities, and willingness to support not only students, but also the greater college community. She is also known as being highly knowledgeable and accurate in her work evaluating applications for program completion at Clark College.
This past year has marked a time of significant change for the Credential Evaluations team. In addition to new programs coming on board, a significant amount of workflow changes, changes to the graduation-application database, and the expectations around communication with students, there has also been a significant amount of work to prepare for ctcLink implementation. Estes responded positively and prioritized her work tasks to meet the needs of the department. She is said to have a positive attitude and show adaptability during times of rapid change. This has been a significant undertaking and has required substantial effort to review work tasks and provide regular and consistent feedback.
Other comments about Peg Estes:
- “Based on the positive impact that she has had with regard to communicating proactively, it resulted in the Credentials Department adopting and adapting Peg’s communication timeline as the departmental standard. This resulted in the department workflow being more proactive in communicating with students and within a much shorter window of time. Students are also proactively provided evaluation results, and then provided with updates each term, whereas before it was only in the term they planned to complete and subsequent terms afterwards. I appreciate Peg’s willingness to try new things in the name of supporting students to achieve their educational and career goals.”
- “I have worked in the same office as Peg for about three years now and I am grateful to work with such an outstanding employee. Within the last three years, I have never witnessed such tireless dedication to doing a job and doing it well, such as I have seen with Peg. She has picked up other’s work without question, she has thoroughly examined policy and procedure to ensure best practice for employee and students alike, and she has done it all with a smile on her face. Her commitment and positive attitude throughout endless change and turnover in this department has been a prime example of what an ideal employee looks like. I am honored to work with her and I could not think of a more respected and deserving person to receive such an award. #teampeg”
- “Prior to going live in the new system, Peg was given the ‘Jill of all Trades’ certificate of appreciation by Susan Maxwell to recognize her for all the hard work that she put into data validation. According to Susan, ‘Peg spent many hours in the lab, was always willing to help other staff who were validating, helped Ryan to understand where to find information in SMS, and was willing to validate data she had never seen before.’”
- “Peg has been so helpful to our office with all of the training that she has provided not only to new staff, but helping with the training of staff in new business processes in the new People Soft environment. She is always so patient, courteous and helpful even though she is constantly interrupted with questions both from within our department, and while assisting other departments. Peg goes above and beyond to help solve problems no matter how busy she is at that time. She always has such a positive attitude even during these trying times with having to learn a new computer system, learning new business processes and dealing with staffing shortages. Our office wouldn’t be so functional without Peg’s great knowledge of the department and the willingness to help others.”
Mitch Sott, Engineering Technician 3 for Workforce, Professional & Tech Ed
Mitch is described as someone who is extremely conscious of the deep level of support the McClaskey Culinary Institute and its programs need. He is constantly proactive in clarifying needs and trouble-shooting issues before they become major issues. Sott applies both knowledge and creativity to fixing and maintaining the facility. One nominator said, “In my opinion, Mitch is not only an asset to this college campus, but a long-standing employee that makes our Prof Tech unit better and he is always willing to help anyway he can. He deserves to be acknowledged for his positive spirit and his service.”
Other comments about Mitch Sott:
- “Mitch is a master fabricator and effortlessly creates solutions that would otherwise take major time and money if we went through equipment companies. A specific example is our steam-jacketed kettles that we make soups, sauces, etc. The factory draining system was ridiculously inefficient and was a potential cause of injury to students and staff. In a couple short hours, he fabricated an insert that completely solved the problem with minimal cost to college both in materials and time.”
- “Mitch is a joy to work with and we enjoy seeing him in the bakery. He has fixed mixer attachments that were broken accidentally by students, put wheels on racks for easier movement, fabricated many cutters and cake frames, made a specific rack for cooling angel food cakes (which must hang upside-down while cooling), created a wall -ength hanger for the cookie cutters in the bakery, and so much more. Mitch has made our jobs smoother by all the various things he has done and continues to do for us.”
- “Often Mitch will come to the bakery simply to check on us, say hello, and see if we have anything that needs fixing. He is always happy to help, and I honestly can’t remember a time he has said no. If Mitch does collegewide what he does for us in the baking program, I cannot imagine a better example of cooperative spirit than that of Mitch.”
- “Mitch recognizes the importance of what we do, and that we couldn’t do it without his help. He always has anything he is fixing for us done and back to us the very next day. Mitch will always walk it back to the bakery when he could easily have us come and get it.”
- “Mitch was directly responsible in helping solve what could have been a serious issue with our air handlers on the roof of the cuisine kitchen. Without his diligent efforts, potentially very costly issues with the equipment could have occurred, as well as the impact of the air handlers to properly filter internal kiosk and kitchen airflow.”
- “Even when not called to help on something happening in kitchen, Mitch when available, comes to the kitchen facility and checks on equipment, with the Chefs, or items he has worked on to ensure equipment is running smoothly, that the staff isn’t in need of something, and handles minor tweaks on on-going equipment maintenance. Specifically, our smoker, which is quite old, he has maintained in working order so it is always available for our students and FSO needs.”
Neil Fykerud, Program Specialist 2 for Transitional Studies Division
Neil Fykerud is described as a colleague who goes above and beyond to positively impact student learning and who has served both the college and the community for decades. He is praised for his breadth of knowledge, constant professionalism, and ability to turn data into productive information. Co-workers, supervisors, community partners and the WorkFirst/BFET (Basic Food Employment and Training) state board office have appreciated Fykerud’s hard work and consistent accuracy. He is willing to take on demanding projects that others would find overwhelming and completes them in a timely, precise, and proactive way.
Fykerud has participated on many college committees, including safety committees, the Climate Committee, and hiring committees. He makes sure the college’s community partners are informed about what is happening at Clark College and how it may affect students who are also clients of external organizations. He has made many important connections with agencies such as the Department of Social and Health Services, WorkSource, and Partners in Careers, to name a few.
Fykerud also knows the importance of making connections within the campus community to ensure Transitional Studies students get the support and valid information they need. He strives to help the students become successful in their school lives, as well as in their family lives and in the community. He readily attends college trainings as well as WorkFirst and BFET trainings and informational sessions.
Other comments about Neil Fykerud:
- “He collaborates often with advising staff to provide multiple layers of connection and relationship building necessary for their success. If he is unsure how to help a student with a particular issue or resource, he connects with colleagues who can help and continues to utilize these connections with other students as relevant. His attitude is always positive and one of integrity that is infectious to students and staff.”
- “Neil always comes to work with a smile and leaves with a smile. His positive attitude is infectious and he never waivers from this positivity, even when the work gets challenging—as it can be with students who have a lot of barriers to success and/or living in crisis. He relays this positivity to students and they leave his office feeling capable and supported.”
- “Neil’s work with our ESL, HS+, CAP, and GED students is always exceptional. He will take time to make sure the student is not only advised on what is expected of them as a Clark College student, but also what is required of them as a student who is receiving support through one of our community partners. He will to go over the information as often as the student requires, find support services to help make sure the student is successful, as well as provide a contact figure that the student can rely on during their college life. He follows up with advisors within the Transitional Studies and WES (Workforce Educational Services) departments to ensure students are engaging with these supports. This is a level of support most college students do not get, but most desperately need. He recognizes that students with the types of barriers we see need a compassionate connection to the college community in order to be successful and he takes explicit and intentional steps in his work to ensure students make these connections.”
- “In his role as a WorkFirst Program Specialist II and working with our English as a Second Language students who are on Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, he was able to find a way to provide them with translated forms that they are required to read and agree to. He has served as a Liaison for the WorkForce Education Office by attending Local Planning Agency meetings as needed. Neil is an amazing representative of any office, unit or committee he is on. He always seeks out the information needed to be present at the meetings he is attending. I honestly believe he is often overlooked for the amazing spokesperson he is, when it comes to making Clark College a better place to work and a true contributor to our community.”
Thao Schmidt, Human Resource Consultant 2, Human Resources
Thao Schmidt is described as someone who has won the confidence of her peers and colleagues and the college community in general. She is not only knowledgeable about her area of specialty, but shows deep connection to the work she does every day.
Thao corresponds with many people on a daily basis and pays careful attention to the details and thoroughness in her work. She is very efficient in executing her responsibilities, including the posting of shared-leave requests, in a timely manner.
Her nominator said, “Several years ago she took a real interest to help me when I became suddenly ill, and worked with my son to clarify things and take the necessary steps within her purview. I have observed her polite manners and the friendly disposition of treating others too. Moreover, she takes initiatives to inform and remind the college community members about their benefits, deadlines, etc.”