Fifth volume released

The Clark community celebrated the publication of The Iceberg, the college’s annual student comic anthology with stacks of the 2023 issue, chats with industry professionals, and free pizza on November 16 in PUB 161.
The packed room buzzed with excited chatter. Some students munched on pizza. Everyone held the just-released 2023 comic, hot off the press. And it seemed everyone was turning the pages and talking about it.
Keeping the party moving forward were Iceberg faculty advisors Professor Toby Peterson, who teaches English 128, Graphic Fiction Writing, and Professor Grant Hottle, who teaches Art 105, Drawing for Comics.

Students had the opportunity to break into small groups to meet with three comic industry professionals: artist Steve Lieber, artist Jeff Parker, writer David Walker, and editor Diana Schutz.
A student group makes editorial decisions regarding which comics to publish. The 2023 Iceberg features 21 comics by Clark students, including Emily Martinez.
“It’s my first time being published,” Martinez said. “It’s exciting. I feel I’ve accomplished something.”
Martinez, a 2023 Clark graduate, plans to transfer to WSU Vancouver next fall to pursue her goal of becoming a writer.
Kelsie Cannon, also a 2023 Clark graduate, had two comics published in The Iceberg. She plans to transfer to an art school so she can pursue her goal of becoming a storyboard artist.
Even though The Iceberg is only five years old, Peterson said some former students have pursued art careers. One is creating digital art for the video gaming industry.
Peterson described what it’s been like creating comics since the pandemic began. “It’s been an exhalation of pent-up creative energy.”

How to submit comics for publication in The Iceberg:
All Clark students and alumni are eligible to submit their work for publication in The Iceberg. All submissions are done electronically via Submittable.
Photos Clark College/Susan Parrish