Summer 2023 Classified Staff Excellence Award

Heather King named summer recipient

Congratulations to Heather King, Unit Operations Manager, Business and Health Sciences, recipient of the Summer 2023 Classified Staff Excellence Award.  

Excerpts from Heather’s nomination:  

“Heather King exemplifies excellence in work performance. She goes above and beyond the call of duty. Heather demonstrates her creativity and efficiency in accomplishing tasks every day.”  

“This summer, Heather demonstrated a high level of individual and team cooperation in job performance by providing instrumental leadership in managing the Healthcare Pathways Camp and transitioning between Thompson Fitness Center managers. This involved managing grant budgets, coordinating and submitting student worker timesheets, overseeing schedules, coordinating final paperwork, and onboarding two new co-managers. Heather has managed all of this with grace, dedication, patience, and kindness. She helps keep everyone informed with her strong communication skills and keeps Clark College moving forward in a positive college environment, all while exhibiting consummate respect for fellow employees and students.” 

“In support of Guided Pathways, Heather is involved in oversight, applying her problem-solving skills to manage the unit’s class schedules and faculty workload to facilitate faculty teaching and student success in their classes, aiding more students to achieve their dream of earning a college credential. For the betterment of the unit this summer, Heather is providing all administrative support processes/workflow of the unit in support of multiple Perkins grants, a new HEET grant in support of developing the Surgical Technician program, an application for the extension of the High-Demand grant for Medical Assistant program, and facilitating the budget process for the Nursing Workforce Education Salary Enhancement Funds, under the growing constraints of increasing expenditures and constant or constrained revenues.” 

We would also like to acknowledge the contributions of the other nominees:   

  • Audrie Villanueva, Program Support Supervisor 2, Disability Support Services 
  • Laura Borgman, Secretary Senior, Transitional Studies Department 
  • Linda Healy, Program Support Supervisor 2, Advising  

About the Classified Staff Awards 

Established in 2005, the Classified Staff Excellence Award recognizes classified staff who have demonstrated exemplary work performance, a positive and cooperative spirit, special achievements or contributions to the college community, and supports individual and organizational diversity and inclusion. Through the support of the Clark College Foundation, the recipient will receive a $400 cash award which will be presented at Opening Day before the start of fall quarter each year.  

Nominees must be a current classified employee who has been in their current position for more than six months. Award recipients will not be eligible to receive another award for a period of three years.  

Visit the Clark College Employee Recognition page to learn more about this award and other ways to acknowledge the value and dedication of our staff and faculty. 
