Notes from HR

Open Positions
Classified Staff Awards
Transfer Procedure for Classified Staff
Maximum Annual Leave Accrual
Retirement/Resignation Early Notification Stipend
Volunteer Registration – Reminder
Faculty/Staff Address Changes
Overtime Regulations


The following positions are open at Clark College:

** Please continue to review the links below for additional opportunities and up to date information.


  • Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner (Continuous)
  • Dean of Basic Education, English, Communications and Humanities (Continuous)
  • Student Success Retention Manager (September 30, 2013)



  • Program Assistant – Financial Aid Office (September 20, 2013)


  • Part-time Custodian 1 (Continuous)
  • Part-time Cisco CCNA Instructor (Continuous)
  • Part-time Nursing Instructor – pool (Continuous)
  • Part-time Computer Science and Engineering Instructor (Continuous)
  • Part-time Student Technology Support Assistant (Open until filled)





Congratulations to the following recipients of the Classified Staff Awards:

  • Gayle Lee – 2013 Summer Quarter Classified Excellence Award Recipient
  • Joe Jenkins – 2013 Annual Exceptional Classified Staff Award Recipient
  • Jennifer Wheeler – 2013 Annual Exceptional Classified Staff Award Recipient

Thanks to the generous support of the Clark College Foundation, these recipients were recognized in front of their colleagues with certificates and cash awards.

We would also like to recognize the following nominees:

2013 Summer Quarter Classified Excellence Award Nomination:

  • Maggie McKinney

2013 Annual Exceptional Classified Staff Award Nominations:

  • Dani Bundy
  • Grace Farmer
  • Brendan Pust
  • Sabra Sand



Permanent classified employees who are interested in being considered for lateral transfer within the College, to a different position in the same classification in which they currently hold permanent status, or for voluntary demotion to a lower classification in which they formerly held permanent status, are encouraged to complete an “Application for Transfer, ” which can be obtained from Personnel Services.

“Applications for Transfer” will be maintained on file in Personnel Services. When a classified staff position becomes available, the “Applications for Transfer” will be forwarded to the employing official for consideration.

Employing officials are encouraged to interview transfer applicants for vacant positions. Transfer applicants may be considered in addition to, or prior to, applicants from established eligible lists. If one of the transfer applicants is selected prior to advertising the establishment of a new eligibility list for the classification, or prior to certification of eligible from an established list, the employing official would not be required to interview other applicants.

“Applications for Transfer” may be filed at any time. If you have questions, please contact Katrina Golder, x2325.



HEPB rules limit the amount of vacation leave classified employees are allowed to accumulate. Once a year, on each employee’s anniversary date*, Clark College’s computer system checks leave balances and automatically eliminates any hours in excess of the 240 allowed under WAC 251-22-080. Classified employees whose vacation balances (shown on paycheck stubs) exceed, or are approaching, 240 hours, should plan to use excess vacations hours by the 15th of the month in which their anniversary date occurs.

*Anniversary dates are determined as follows:

If hired between the 1st and 15th of the month: Anniversary date is the 1st of the month hired.

If hired between the 16th and 31st of the month: Anniversary date is the 1st of the following month.

For further information or assistance, contact Pagean Pallamounter in Personnel Services, x2119.



To assure sufficient time for an effective search for a replacement, the College will provide a one-time stipend to faculty in probationary or tenured positions who provide notification to the College by October 1 prior to the calendar year of retirement or resignation. Probationary or tenured faculty who have at least ten (10) years of service (including temporary, special programs, probationary and tenured faculty appointments) as of their last date of employment, will receive a $5,000 stipend; probationary or tenured faculty with less than ten (10) years of service as of their last date of employment will receive a $3,000 stipend.

To qualify for this payment, the President must receive signed, written notification from the faculty member, including the last date of employment.



College Administrative Procedure 430.005 requires all volunteers to register and get a background check in advance with Human Resources, and to submit time sheets to Payroll at the end of each month in which volunteer services are provided.

Volunteer Authorization Forms are valid for one fiscal year at a time. Volunteers need to register with Human Resources before performing volunteer services.

Questions regarding volunteers may be directed to Heidi Bealer at x2105.



If you change your name, address or telephone number, please complete a NAME/ADDRESS CHANGE FORM online on ClarkNet. Human Resources will forward changes to the Health Care Authority, however, you must notify your medical-dental insurance carriers.



Under the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act, employers are required to compensate employees who are eligible for overtime for all work they are directed or permitted to perform, including hours worked beyond scheduled work hours; further, liability for compensation is incurred whether the employer knew or should have known that the employee was working.

College employees who are eligible for overtime compensation may not work beyond their regularly scheduled hours unless directed to do so or approved by their supervisors. Supervisors, in turn, are responsible for insuring that employees do not work beyond scheduled hours unless specifically directed to do so. Simply put, employees who are eligible for overtime may not work beyond their scheduled hours, even on a voluntary basis, without receiving overtime pay or compensatory time off, at the employee’s option.

Questions regarding overtime compensation or work hours may be directed to Human Resources, x2105.





Hannah Erickson is a Communications Specialist working in Clark College's Communications & Marketing Department.