Summer 2018 Classified Excellence Award

Sherry Smith

Sherry Smith

Congratulations to Sherry Smith, recipient of the 2018 Summer Quarter Classified Staff Excellence Award!

Sherry Smith is the Administrative Services Manager B for the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) department. Smith shows exemplary work performance in many ways and is said to be the “go to” person in STEM for mostly everything. Smith has strong ethics, is extremely well-respected for her diligence and hard work, maintains good working relationships with people around the Clark campus, and often goes above the call of duty. Over the years, Smith has been both a supervisor and a colleague; and those she has worked with have observed her professionalism/integrity. She is resourceful and her high quality work performance at the college is outstanding and is creative with finding ways to solve problems and presents workable solutions for her staff and department. She wants people to be successful and can simplify tasks so that they happen accurately and timely.

These are just some of the comments and highlights that are echoed by many staff, faculty and colleagues:

“She has handled her position with impeccable skill, resourceful determination, and intuitive propriety. In making decisions, she often gets a consensus of perspectives from several individuals, or group discussion participants, who have knowledgeable understanding of the topic at hand. Organization and planning are two subjects she has fine-tooled to achieve her objectives. In her daily operations and conversations, she sets a calm, cool-tone persona, when engaged with concise dialogue for key issues needing acceptable conclusions by all in a timely manner.”

“Sherry exemplifies leadership, initiative, cooperative spirit and positive energy. She is able to share her perspective with others respectfully. She excels in a team environment in ways that make everyone feel respected and heard. She extends an understanding to students with whatever situation or question they may have, and puts them at ease so that progress can happen.”

“Sherry is the pillar that supports the whole STEM Unit. She is always happy to assist students, faculty, and staff. When her staff have questions or concerns, Sherry is quick to respond and offer solutions. When students or faculty are directed to Sherry, they are in good hands and Sherry will do everything in her power to help them.”

“Sherry is a real asset to the college and the unit. She is always positive and a pleasure to work with. Her extensive knowledge of Clark College has been critical to the staff and faculty’s ability to do their jobs.”

“Sherry’s exemplary work ethic is also evident through her continued commitment to supporting students. While fostering a welcoming atmosphere, she shows a genuine interest and ability in helping them with a multitude of issues. As a result, they are compelled to reach out to her. It is not out of the ordinary for Sherry to step out of the office for one purpose then return with an additional one; many times returning with students that needed assistance in tow. It seems that when students cross her path with an issue, she makes the time to ensure their needs are met rather than delegate the task to her staff, even though her schedule is always seemingly very hectic. Sherry understands that students are a very important element of her job, and she really does care about them. She is very aware that they are a critical component to the success of Clark College and the community.”

Congratulations, as well, to all nominees for the Summer 2018 Quarter Classified Staff Excellence Award:

Heather Adams is the Administrative Assistant 4 to the Dean of Student Engagement for Student Affairs. In that role, she has provided administrative coordination the office of the Vice President of Student Affairs, as well as for the BITA, Title IX and conduct areas. She tracks budgets, makes travel arrangements, facilitates communication via email, phone and in-person with students and community partners, and has coordinated team meetings and special projects on behalf of the Dean. Adams is described as a high-performing, detail-oriented, global-thinking, and emotionally intelligent professional.

Other comments about Heather Adams:

  • “Heather creates a positive, welcoming atmosphere for students and colleagues to stop by and ask questions, or to wait to meet with me regarding conduct issues. She has strong knowledge of not only the college community, but the larger Clark County community. She readily offers this information to coworkers and students who have questions that reach beyond the Dean of Student Engagement’s office. Heather engages students in a meaningful way even when her interactions with them, or theirs with our office, is brief. She continually provides information to students about how the Dean of Student Engagement, and Student Affairs, can be of assistance to the student’s individual success. One of my favorite things is when these students take Heather up on her offer to ‘stop by and say hi’ to our office even when they do not have a question or need; it is clear evidence that Heather excels at community-building and cares for Clark.”
  • “Heather is continually looking for ways to interact with all levels of the Clark College community. She has become a valuable resource with her creative ideas and solid problem solving. Heather has taken on the role of co-presenter on various Student Care presentations – specifically within the areas of BITA, Conduct, and Title IX. Heather is regularly scheduled to co-present at the quarterly New Faculty Orientation meetings and other invitations that arise; she is a competent and engaging presenter who can easily take the reins if the other presenter is unavailable.”
  • “Heather serves as investigator for student related Title IX cases by investigating alleged discrimination and/or harassment. In addition, she interviews complainants, respondents, and material witnesses; and obtains and review documents and other relevant materials from complainant and/or respondent. This work can be difficult and draining; she handles it professionally and efficiently.”

Ian Beckett is an Instruction and Classroom Support Tech 4 for the Art department and has provided outstanding service to the college community for over 17 years. Ian is described as a highly skilled professional, knowledgeable, polite, and respectful to all everyone that he works with who provides unparalleled customer service to the Clark College art community.

Other comments about Ian Beckett:

  • “He has always been a fabulous help on short notice anytime and all the time for all my needs! Ian really reaches out to all students in all their needs and questions for assistance and guidance.”
  • “Not only does Ian create a master schedule that staffs our labs fully with both employees and volunteers, but he is always there to help with any questions, conflicts, and concerns—whether school-related or not. I’ve heard him talk down crying students dealing with failing classes, going through breakups, and any variety of things that happen to students while in college. The bond he builds with his workers is lasting and many see him as a very supportive mentor. There is no way we could staff the building as we need to without the strong relationships that Ian builds with the people in our community.”
  • “Ian is loyal, hard-working, consistent, of high integrity, and witty! We are so lucky to have him on our team.”
  • “Ian is also innovative in resolving issues. An example is a need that came up in the ceramics lab. He worked with my theatre shop crew to design and build tables and shelving to resolve the issue in a cost effective way. I also view Ian as a resource for anything that might come up in the building that needs attention. He’s my ‘go-to’ guy.”
  • “[As a photography student] my first interaction with Ian was when I wanted to borrow a camera from Clark and emailed Ian for that. I was amazed by how willing he was to reply to my questions and help me through the process. Also after handing me the camera he said: ‘Now you go and make some art!’ I don’t think any other staff member motivates a student as much as he did on the very first meeting.”

Chris Chaffin is the Interim Program Manager A for Tutoring Services and is described as someone who shows passion and excellence in everything he does. He is highly active in many aspects of college life, dedicated to social equity on this campus, and an advocate for all employees and students who seek his council. He always makes time to make everyone feel heard and valued. Communication, both written and verbal, are perhaps Chris’ greatest talent and is thoughtful and articulate in his interactions. Chris is (perhaps unknown to himself) a self-appointed ambassador of the campus community. He makes a point to meet everyone, file away names and important facts, and maintain positive relations amongst the faculty, staff, students, and public. He is always positive and welcoming to those entering tutoring spaces and regularly cannot trek from one space on campus to another without multiple interruptions from others seeking his council or simply wishing to touch base.

Other comments about Chris Chaffin:

  • “Chris has a strong work ethic. He is very organized and likes things to be done correctly, the first time. He is not shy about asking questions for clarification or to provoke thought. One of his greatest skills is the ability to critically think and challenge others to do so as well. I have observed him doing this in a variety of settings, with students, faculty and staff. He serves on various committees and initiatives here at Clark. He is committed to a wide range of social justice issues and acts in a manner that so many find approachable and supportive. He believes in equity for all while at the same time insisting on personal responsibility and accountability. He is the very first one to lend a helping hand, only after the individual has given it an honest effort to begin with.”
  • “I am very active in asking questions and sharing ideas/suggestions/concerns. Chris has always been gracious, accepting, and liberally gives me his attention and consideration. I feel safe and confident reaching out to him about anything on my mind.”
  • “Chris takes the time to talk with others on campus, gets to know them, finds out what they contribute to the campus community and leaves with better information to refer other students/employees to them or to a particular department.”
  • “Chris always makes sure employees are up-to-date on changes, and is always asking for feedback on how we feel, and if there is anything he needs to work on. He is constantly checking up on his employees and gives us confidence. Chris is always caring and understanding towards all of his co-workers and employees.”

Denise Deane is the Custodial Supervisor in Facilities-Custodial and is described as someone who provides excellent customer service to people using the college campus for events. Though much of her work is behind the scenes, her passion for our custodial team to perform and provide clean facilities provides daily customer service to the entire campus. She works closely with groups and supports many of the activities on our campus. She encourages teamwork and cooperation for the custodial department.

Other comments about Denise Dean:

  • “Denise has been involved in many departmental projects. She recently completed training manuals and worksite books to help the custodial staff in their organization and efficiency.”
  • “She will reach out to other departments to help coordinate events, special cleaning, and to ensure that we are providing a good service to the school.”
  • “Denise has shown excellence consistently in her duties as the Custodial Lead Person. Recently she has seen a need, leapt into action, and started several projects to help the custodial team. This was all done behind the scenes to help ensure that others have the information that is needed to thrive in doing their work.”
  • “Last winter, when the campus was hit with graffiti, Denise was here on a weekend in the cold rain helping make sure the campus was cleaned up and ready and looking good for Monday morning.”
  • “She has been carrying an extra-heavy workload, being the only permanent custodial supervisor for the last year. Denise takes great pride in her work and excels in any task that are delegated to her. She ensures that events are set up as the groups outline and she will reach out to the events staff if there is something that she needs defined.”

