Run with your Penguins

HTC team
Tired but triumphant, Clark’s 30th annual Hood to Coast team poses at the finish line in 2016.

This addition to Employee News was submitted by Haley Tucker in Event Services.

Are you interested in running events outside of Clark? If so, we have created a Clark team with the below events. I hope you can join us.

Shamrock Run


Distances include: 4 mile Walk, 5K, 10K, 8K, 15K, and Half

Coupon code “PENGUINS” for an additional 10% off, through January 31st.  

Team name: Clark Penguins

March 13, 2022

Hood to Coast


Each of the 12 runners run 3 legs over the two-day event. Here is an info video to show you how fun this event is:

$266 per runner.

We are also looking for drivers of our two 12 passenger vans.

August 26-27, 2022

If you have any questions, or are interested in joining, please send Haley Tucker an email at
