Clark College presented its annual State of the College address in a new video format featuring messages from Clark College President Dr. Karin Edwards, members of the Executive Cabinet, and ASCC president Gurraj Singh Dhami.
Zach Lattin, Clark College’s IT accessibility coordinator, engaged the audience with his thought-provoking presentation (including playing his guitar!) at the winter Students with Disabilities Luncheon on March 6.
Volunteers from throughout Clark College donned boots, gloves, and warm clothing to sow wildflower seeds in the cold at several bee garden locations on campus.
The large, blooming gardens of native wildflowers that pop up each spring on Clark’s campus don’t happen by accident, but through careful maintenance by Bee Campus Project Manager Steven Clark, the Bee Committee, and the help of our community.
Hundreds of Clark College students and their family members flocked to the STEM Building for the Second Annual Free Holiday Market on the afternoon of December 4.