
Hannah Erickson is a Communications Specialist working in Clark College's Communications & Marketing Department.

A beautiful birthday

unveiling mural at Cannell Library's 25th anniversary

Cannell Library celebrates a quarter-century of serving students      Normally, you wouldn’t hold a birthday party at a library. But when you’re celebrating the “birth” of a library itself—well, bring on the sweets and decorations! Fans of Cannell Library gathered for a festive celebration of the landmark building on September 29, a quarter-century after…

Learn as you lunch

Professor Steven Clark

Clark College launches new STEM Seminar Series      Clark College is inviting the public to come back to school for a series of free seminars that explore the lighter side of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM). New this academic year, the Clark College STEM Seminar Series launches on Friday, October 16, at noon…

The Best in the West

Phoenix 2015 Cover

Phoenix wins regional award       The 2015 issue of Phoenix, Clark College’s student-run arts and literary journal, was recently awarded first place in the Community College Humanities Association (CCHA) Literary Magazine Competition for the Pacific-Western Division. “This is a first for us,” said Clark English professor and Phoenix faculty advisor Elizabeth Donley. “In…

England appointed to commission

Dolly England

Clark’s Diversity Outreach Manager will advise governor on African-American issues      Clark College is pleased to announce that Dolly England, Diversity Outreach Manager, was recently appointed to the Washington State Commission on African American Affairs by Gov. Jay Inslee. As a commissioner for Southwest Washington, England will help shape policy and understanding regarding African-Americans…

Meet the Coaches

Resource Coaches

New Clark staff help change the playbook for students with socioeconomic challenges       With their low tuition rates and open-door enrollment policies, community colleges have long been a way for students of all socioeconomic backgrounds to pursue higher education and career advancement. However, students experiencing poverty often face challenges that go beyond paying…

The heroes’ journeys

Four gifted teachers trace the paths that led them to this year’s Exceptional Faculty Awards      An interesting pattern emerged while interviewing the recipients of the 2014 -2015 Clark College Exceptional Faculty Awards: In each case, when the faculty member was asked how they came to teach at Clark, he or she would grin,…

Exceptional Faculty Award spotlight: The cultural ambassador

Michiyo Okuhara

Professor Michiyo Okuhara is well aware that students who enroll in her Japanese courses probably have a limited understanding of her home country’s culture. “They see it in pop culture—anime, manga, Hello Kitty—or sometimes traditional things like samurai,” she says. “In class we don’t focus on animation or comic books. We try to inspire them…

Exceptional Faculty Award spotlight: The voice of encouragement

Matthew Gallaher’s English Composition is winding down for the day. “If you have any last-minute questions, I’ll stick around,” the instructor tells his students, who are broken up into groups to “workshop” their papers with their classmates. Gallaher sits down near one slump-shouldered student. “How are you doing?” he asks the student. “Do you have…

Exceptional Faculty Award spotlight: The naturalist

Professor Steven Clark

Steven Clark’s office is full of animals. There’s the “Cats Against the Bomb” calendar; the poster of the grizzly bear; the woodblock print of a turtle; the vintage Audubon Society birdwatching chart; photos of bees, rodents, spiders, his dogs. The effect is something like walking into a natural history museum that’s been shoved into a…
