
Hannah Erickson is a Communications Specialist working in Clark College's Communications & Marketing Department.

Curse of the Starving Class

A classic of modern American theatre runs Nov. 8 – 23       “See, I always figured on the future. I banked on it. I was banking on it getting better. … I figured that’s why everyone wants you to buy things. Buy refrigerators. Buy cars, house, lots, invest. They wouldn’t be so generous…

Student Leader Profiles: Pathways Peer Mentors

Pathways Peer Mentors

Pathways Peer Mentors help Basic Education students along their educational journeys Students who enroll in Basic Education at Clark College often find themselves facing a host of challenges. What kind of challenges? “Oh my gosh, there are so many!” exclaims Pathways Peer Mentor Jamie Brindley-Bagent. “Everyone has different stories: if you don’t have money, if…

Penguin Profile: Billy Henry

Billy Henry

This Clark student started his own nonprofit at age 15  Cast your mind back to your high school physical education classes and ask yourself: How many of those activities could you have done blindfolded? Basketball? No way. Relay races? Only if someone made significant changes to the way it was organized. Dodgeball? Please. Small wonder,…

No Prank: Clark Prof Co-Wrote with Kesey

From the “Hidden Lives of Clark College Employees” files, we bring you this detail about English professor James Finley: He once co-wrote a novel with Ken Kesey as part of the legendary Northwest author’s graduate-level course in creative writing. Blogger Theodore Carter recently interviewed Finley about his experiences as a student in that class and…

Everyone’s Involved

Gaiser Student Center was bustling with activity on October 2 as students attended the college’s first-ever Involvement Fair. In previous years, the college has hosted a quarterly Student Club Fair, but this year the event expanded to include tables for not just clubs, but also departments and programs like Financial Aid, CollegeFish.org, and the Bookstore.…

Phoenix Flies High

Clark’s literary and art journal wins awardCongratulations to the staff of Phoenix. Clark’s literary and art journal just won third place in the Western-Pacific division of the Community College Humanities Association‘s 2013 Literary Magazine Competition. “I think the quality of Phoenix is a reflection of the quality of the strong arts program that the college,…

New agreement’s a HIIT

Clark partners with Bellevue College to offer students a four-year degree in Health Informatics Information TechnologyIn a move that will provide residents of Southwest Washington with the opportunity to train for high-paying jobs in a rapidly expanding field, Clark College and Bellevue College have signed an articulation agreement that allows students at Clark to earn…

Managing Change

Jane Beatty

Clark hires an experienced leader to as its new Director of Change ManagementIn anticipation of upcoming statewide changes to the community and technical college system, Clark College recently hired experienced manager Jane Beatty to help guide the college through what will be a complicated but beneficial transition. Beatty has been hired to oversee changes occurring…

Finding the Right Path

Washington’s Teacher of the Year says Clark helped her stay on trackClark College ’98 alumna Katie Day Brown was named Washington state’s 2014 Teacher of the Year in an awards ceremony held on September 23 in Seattle. Brown (whose last name was Day when she attended Clark) says that Clark was a crucial part of…

Penguins in the News

Rick and Jeri Kemmer

In 2012, Clark 24/7 profiled BEECH Administrative Assistant Jeri Kemmer for the work she and her husband, Rick, have done to create a nonprofit planting moringa trees in developing countries. The moringa tree can be of great benefit to people living in marginal economies; its leaves and green seedpods are nutritious, its dried seeds have…
