Susan Parrish

Susan Parrish is a communications specialist in Clark College's Office of Communications & Marketing.

Archer Gallery

The exhibition of recent work by Art department faculty members provides an opportunity for Clark’s art faculty to show their work and to discuss their inspiration and their process one-on-one with students, faculty, staff, and the Vancouver community.  

Opening Day: Award Recipients

Lora Whitfield Social Equity Award recipient Ezekiel Wells with Dr. Edwards.

Clark College employees gathered on September 18 to kick off the 2023-24 academic year during Opening Day festivities at O’Connell Sports Center. During the event, the following staff members were recognized for their service to the college.

Opening Day 2023

Clark College employees gathered on September 18 to kick off the 2023-24 academic year during Opening Day festivities at O’Connell Sports Center.

McClaskey Culinary Institute

Chef Sonny talking about kitchen garden for KGW-TV.

The kitchen garden that wraps around three sides of the Tod and Maxine McClaskey Culinary Institute at Clark College is reaping a bountiful, colorful harvest for students to use in their recipes.
