Administrative News

News regarding policies, program changes, budgets, infrastructure, and procedures affecting Clark College

The Weekly News: Week 30

Dr. Sandra Fowler-Hill in front of Chime Tower

This week Kudos to the Facilities Services staff and Safety and Security officers at Columbia Tech Center for responding so quickly to the water damage due to flooding from a broken water pipe over the weekend. We recovered quickly thanks to the Facilities team and the Office of Instruction’s Joanne Savage, who figured out room…

The Weekly News: Week 29

Dr. Sandra Fowler-Hill in front of Chime Tower

This week I kicked off this week with welcoming our new employees to the Penguin Nation at their orientation session. Thank you to Vanessa Neal for organizing this engaging event, and to each of the program presenters as well. I appreciated hearing from classified staff at the WPEA Membership meeting as they shared concerns about…

The Weekly News: Week 28

Dr. Sandra Fowler-Hill in front of Chime Tower

Presidential Finalists This week we all have one last chance to participate in the search process for Clark College’s next president. Our three finalists have now completed their interviews on campus, which included an open public forum and a student forum. Those forums were recorded, have been close-captioned and have now been posted at I…

The Weekly News: Week 27

Dr. Sandra Fowler-Hill in front of Chime Tower

This Week What a week it has been! I am so happy to see students and faculty back in classes, and grateful for everyone who rolled up their sleeves this past week and persevered. The two-year faculty contract for 2018-2020 includes significant pay raises for full-time and adjunct professors. It also spells out the distribution…

Open forums for presidential candidates announced

composite photo of three presidential finalists

Dates have been set for the open forums for community members to meet the three finalists for the Clark College President position. These forums are a chance for members of the Clark College community and other stakeholders to meet the finalists and ask questions about their leadership experience and philosophy. Each candidate will hold two…

The Weekly News: Week 24

Dr. Sandra Fowler-Hill in front of Chime Tower

This past week I can’t believe this is the last weekly news for 2019. My time at the Penguin Nation has flown by fast. As I reflect back on the last twenty four weeks, I count your success and the amazing work you have done in teaching and supporting our students. I look forward to…

Four finalists named in presidential search

composite photo of all four Clark College President finalists

The Clark College Board of Trustees has announced the completion of a major step in selecting the next Clark College President. The trustees selected four finalists Wednesday, December 18, at its monthly public meeting. The board acted on the recommendations made by the search advisory committee that conducted interviews with ten semi-finalists last week. “It’s…

The Weekly News: Week 21

Dr. Sandra Fowler-Hill in front of Chime Tower

This week Thanks to everyone who participated in forums this past week with Dr. Chris Hill, AACC Coach, on Guided Pathways. She recognized the extraordinary work that has been done on Guided Pathways by the faculty and student services staff as well as the improvements we can make in communication and decision-making. She will be…

The Weekly News: Week 20

Dr. Sandra Fowler-Hill in front of Chime Tower

This week Welcome back from the holidays! I hope you had time to rest and enjoy time with friends and family. I enjoyed volunteering delivering Meals on Wheels in Hillsboro with my husband and finalizing plans for my daughter’s wedding in January. It was wonderful having 4 days to spend with family. This morning our…

The Weekly News: Week 18

Dr. Sandra Fowler-Hill in front of Chime Tower

National Honors Clark College has been named a 2020 Best for Vets college in the Career and Technical College category by Military Times—just one of 19 colleges across the nation to receive this designation. It’s the third year in a row Clark has earned Best for Vets status. Kudos to everyone in the Veterans Resource…
