For Employees

HR updates, administrative changes, and other things affecting those who work at Clark College

Make Your Voice Heard: Take Clark’s Climate Survey

Climate Survey button

On January 27, all Clark College employees will receive an email from Shanda Diehl requesting that they complete the Clark College Climate Survey 2015. The information collected from this survey will allow the College to identify the positive and negative aspects of our climate. The executive leadership is committed to make improvements to climate based…

Presidential Coins

In 2007, Clark College President Bob Knight introduced a new honor at Clark College: the presidential coin. The coin is given to faculty and staff members who provide exemplary service to Clark students, the college and the community. The honorees are decided by the president and are kept secret until the names are announced–generally on…

Notice to Employees who made Insurance Changes for 2015

Notes from HR

Employees who made changes to their health insurance during open enrollment should receive insurance cards by the end of January. If you need medical care before receiving your card, you may have your provider call your insurance plan at the appropriate number listed below: Medical Insurance Plans      Plan Phone No: Kaiser Classic                         1-800-813-2000 Uniform Medical…

Maximum Annual Leave Accrual

Notes from HR

The amount of vacation leave classified employees are allowed to accumulate is limited. Once a year, on each employee’s anniversary date, Clark College’s computer system checks leave balances and automatically eliminates any hours in excess of 240. For more details refer to your WPEA contract. The amount of vacation leave that administrative and exempt employees…

SICK LEAVE BUYOUT – Deadline is January 31, 2015

Notes from HR

Under the provisions of Administrative Procedure 635.025, the AHE CBA, and the WPEA CBA, eligible employees who have balances of more than 480 hours of compensable sick leave as of December 31, 2014, may choose to convert unused sick leave hours accrued in 2014 to monetary compensation. Any sick leave hours used during 2014 are…

The Race is On!

Team Penguin 2013

Once again, academic advisor Joe Jenkins is organizing a Clark College team to run in the next Shamrock Run, held March 15 in Portland. Last year, 96 members of Team Penguin completed one of the courses–which range from a 3.1-mile walk to a 13.1-mile half-marathon run–raising $480 for the Alex Montoya Scholarship Fund at Clark…

Fall 2014 Classified Staff Excellence Award

Heather White

Congratulations to Heather White, recipient of the 2014 Fall Quarter Classified Staff Excellence Award! The following is taken from her award nomination: Heather White is the Program Support Supervisor for Disability Support Services. She has been with the college since 2002. Heather provides a tremendous service to the community by facilitating communication between hearing and…

Important Retirement Plan News

Notes from HR

When benefits-eligible employees first enroll in a retirement plan here at Clark, they choose between plan options that are specific to their job classification. Some plans require you choose a contribution rate, and usually that contribution rate is irrevocable. In January, however, some employees (primarily faculty and classified) may have the option to make a…

Farewell, Phil!

Phil Sheehan

Is there anyone at Clark College who can remember the college without Phil Sheehan? Not likely—the Director of Information Technology, who retired on September 26 after 38 years of service, was walking the campus long before he began working here. In fact, he was a regular presence even before he started taking classes here in…

Exceptional Classfied Staff Awards

Bob Knight and Derald Richards

Awards announced on Opening Day      Opening Day is traditionally the occasion for announcing the yearly Exceptional Classified Staff Awards, which recognize two classified employees for their contributions to Clark College. Recipients receive a glass plaque and $1,000, funded through an anonymous donor’s contributions to the Clark College Foundation. For their “exemplary work performance,…
