For Employees

HR updates, administrative changes, and other things affecting those who work at Clark College

Welcome, Tim!

Clark greets incoming Director of Facilities Services      Incoming Director of Facilities Services Tim Petta was welcomed warmly by the Clark College community at a reception in the Baird rotunda on Friday, November 15. Petta joined the college on November 4. Petta has extensive experience in facilities management at the University of California Los…

Safety Steps

people outside by Chime Tower during an evacuation drill

As a three-year grant concludes, the college has moved toward greater emergency preparednessThe Emergency Management for Higher Education (EMHE) federal grant period concluded Sept. 30, 2013. Over the three-year performance period, the $744,402 Department of Education grant successfully supported expansive steps to create a safer college environment for students, personnel and guests. Grant-funded activities were…

Striking Developments

Students vs Staff Softball Game

Faculty and staff triumph in annual Students vs. Staff softball gameOn October 3, the Clark College community came together for an annual tradition, the Students vs. Staff softball game. One change to the tradition: After years of being held during spring quarter, this event was moved to fall quarter. (Expect another competition, possibly kickball, to…

No Prank: Clark Prof Co-Wrote with Kesey

From the “Hidden Lives of Clark College Employees” files, we bring you this detail about English professor James Finley: He once co-wrote a novel with Ken Kesey as part of the legendary Northwest author’s graduate-level course in creative writing. Blogger Theodore Carter recently interviewed Finley about his experiences as a student in that class and…

Teaching the Teachers

Fall Orientation activities for Clark facultyThe Teaching and Learning Center was busy during Fall Orientation, helping faculty members prepare for the coming academic year. Below are just a few highlights from the center’s activities in September: Faculty Focus 2013: More than 200 Clark College educators gathered for Faculty Focus on September 16 and 17 to…

Managing Change

Jane Beatty

Clark hires an experienced leader to as its new Director of Change ManagementIn anticipation of upcoming statewide changes to the community and technical college system, Clark College recently hired experienced manager Jane Beatty to help guide the college through what will be a complicated but beneficial transition. Beatty has been hired to oversee changes occurring…

Penguins in the News

Rick and Jeri Kemmer

In 2012, Clark 24/7 profiled BEECH Administrative Assistant Jeri Kemmer for the work she and her husband, Rick, have done to create a nonprofit planting moringa trees in developing countries. The moringa tree can be of great benefit to people living in marginal economies; its leaves and green seedpods are nutritious, its dried seeds have…

Excellent News

Two outstanding employees receive 2013 Exceptional Classified Staff Award      Opening Day is traditionally the occasion for announcing the yearly Exceptional Classified Staff Awards, which recognize two classified employees for their contributions to Clark College. Recipients receive a glass plaque and $1,000, funded through an anonymous donor’s contributions to the Clark College Foundation. The…

New Steps

Clark College employees greet Opening Day with awards, updates, and a little dancing      On September 11, Clark College employees gathered in the O’Connell Sports Center gymnasium to kick off another academic year. Opening Day festivities are an annual tradition at the college, a time to recognize employees’ accomplishments and to reinvigorate the college…

Vision Quest

Clark’s new Strategic Plan needs everybody’s input      On Opening Day 2013, Associate Vice President for Planning and Effectiveness Shanda Diehl explained the college’s approach to creating its 2015-2020 Strategic Plan. “Since we will use the strategic plan as a tool to make decisions, we need all of your feedback during its development,” she…
