For Employees

HR updates, administrative changes, and other things affecting those who work at Clark College

New year, new traditions

On September 16, Clark College employees gathered in the O’Connell Sports Center gymnasium for the traditional Opening Day ceremonies. While much of the program was familiar to longtime employees, this year’s event brought a few new elements. The first and most noticeable was the college’s new leader: Interim President Dr. Sandra Fowler-Hill, who is serving…

The Weekly News: Week Five

Dr. Sandra Fowler-Hill in front of Chime Tower

As I celebrate one month at Penguin Nation, I reflect on all that I am learning. What a great week – immersed in Teaching and Learning Days. This was an exceptional program and I hope you all had a chance to participate fully. I enjoyed meeting many of you at the sessions and networking and…

ctcLink update: Kudos and training

photo of Clark campus with ctcLink logo superimposed

We are moving closer to GoLive with the primary ctcLink technology solution – PeopleSoft – on October 28. KUDOS Thank you to the Credentials staff! In early August, they worked with a team from the Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges (SBCTC) ctcLink project to build the rules that allow us to transfer in…

College partially closed Aug. 13 – 14

main campus

Many offices will be closed for collegewide staff trainings, classes continue to run      Many offices and student services at Clark College will be largely closed to the public for a collegewide staff training on Tuesday, August 13 and Wednesday, August 14. Classes will continue as normally scheduled. Additionally, Child & Family Studies (child care), the Clark…

College mourns loss

Lora Whitfield

Early Childhood Education professor Lora Whitfield was a dedicated teacher who was once a Clark College student herself      Clark College lost a beloved member of their community on July 9, when early childhood education professor Lora Whitfield passed away. “She was kind, warm, and supportive of those around her,” said Vice President of…

Spring 2019 Classified Staff Excellence Award

Amanda Brown

Congratulations to Amanda Brown, recipient of the 2019 Spring Quarter Classified Staff Excellence Award! Brown is a Library and Archives Paraprofessional 3 for Cannell Library. During her career at Clark College, she was promoted to a part-time supervisory position and then to her current full-time role. Colleagues say that few people know Clark Libraries operations…

Clark College announces new Trustee

Governor appoints Jeanne Bennett to Board of Trustees       Washington Governor Jay Inslee has appointed Jeanne Bennett to the Clark College Board of Trustees. Bennett is the retired CEO of Workforce Southwest Washington, a Vancouver resident, and a longtime community leader. “I’m so pleased to serve Clark College and the community in this…

Clark College announces new Interim President

Dr. Sandra Fowler-Hill

Board of Trustees names Dr. Sandra A. Fowler-HillThe Clark College Board of Trustees voted unanimously tonight to offer the interim college presidency to Dr. Sandra A. Fowler-Hill.  She has accepted, pending completion of contract negotiations.  The decision was made at a special board meeting Tuesday June 25 following a two-month process led by the Board…

Exceptional Faculty

Photo of 2019 Exception Faculty Award winners

During the 2019 Commencement ceremony, President Robert K. Knight announced the names of the recipients of the 2019 Clark College Exceptional Faculty Awards. The awards are presented annually to full-time and part-time faculty members. Nominations can be submitted by Clark College students, faculty, classified employees, administrators, alumni, Board members, and Foundation directors. The awards are made possible…

Message from the President: College budget update

President Bob Knight

College community, On May 22, I shared information about the 2019-2020 budget with the Board of Trustees. I heard the concerns that faculty and staff expressed at the Board meeting about being transparent regarding the budget. To that end, I want to fully share with you the same information that was provided to the Trustees.  The…
