Clark College participants complete 23,344,913 steps (over 10,000 miles) in Walktober Challenge.
For many Southwest Washington families, the beginning of this school year was particularly challenging, featuring teacher strikes and last-minute scrambles for child care. But one thing remained unchanged: Dozens of Clark College students could depend on Clark employees to purchase and fill backpacks so that their children could start the school year off prepared. The…
Earlier this year, Clark College employees donated 91 backpacks filled with school supplies to the children of Clark students–a new record for what has become known as the Backpack Project. Approximately one quarter of Clark’s students have dependent children, and back-to-school supplies can easily run to more than $100 per child. Recipients for the backpacks…
The Veterans Resource Center would like to thank everyone who participated in our Veterans Day photo on November 10. As you can see from the image, it was a huge success. We hope to grow this annual celebration so veterans in our community know how much we appreciate their service. Thank you for all you do…
For the 30th straight year, a hardy team of Clark College Penguins banded together to run the annual Hood to Coast relay race, a grueling 199-mile course that starts at Timberline Lodge on the slopes of Mount Hood, goes through the Portland metropolitan area and over the Oregon Coast Range, and finishes on the beach of Seaside, Oregon. The race traditionally occurs the…
For the 13th year in a row, Clark College employees donated backpacks and supplies to 52 school-aged children of Clark College students. Names of children are gathered and referred by Workforce Education Services, Financial Aid, Veterans Affairs, Child & Family Services, and the Diversity Center. Each child is asked their favorite color and characters so…
We are in the midst of change at Clark College. The STEM building is being built and people will begin moving next year. ctcLink has many of us reviewing our business processes and anticipating a modern ERP (enterprise resource planning) college-wide management software. The new Academic Plan is focusing us on developing academic pathways that…
Once again, academic advisor Joe Jenkins is organizing a Clark College team to run in the next Shamrock Run, held March 15 in Portland. Last year, 96 members of Team Penguin completed one of the courses–which range from a 3.1-mile walk to a 13.1-mile half-marathon run–raising $480 for the Alex Montoya Scholarship Fund at Clark…
February 26 marks the beginning of Clark College Bookstore’s sixth annual Oswald on Spring Break Photo Contest. Customers, students, faculty, and staff are invited to participate in the contest by simply stopping by our store to complete an “adoption form” and pay a $2.50 (plus tax) entry fee. Participants will receive an official 2014 Oswald…
Once again, academic advisor Joe Jenkins is organizing a Clark College team to run in the next Shamrock Run, held March 16 in Portland. Last year, 115 members of Team Penguin completed one of the courses–which range from a 3.1-mile walk to a 15-kilometer run–raising $575 for the Alex Montoya Scholarship Fund at Clark College…