
Goings on at the Penguin Nation

Catching dreams, sharing history

George Curtis Levi

Winter quarter Student of Color Luncheon celebrates Native American heritage       The winter 2016 Student of Color Luncheon was filled with history–some of it long in the past, and some of it being made right then. The event featured artists Brent Learned and George Curtis Levi, whose work is currently being featured at…

Native Voices come to Clark

Native Voices opening ceremony

Exhibit weaves together many strands of native peoples’ culture and learning      On February 9, Cannell Library was briefly filled with the sound of drumming and singing during the opening ceremony for “Native Voices,” a traveling exhibition examining Native American concepts of health and medicine that will be on display in the library through…

Faculty Speaker Series presents Dave Kosloski

Study abroad in Florence with Prof. Kosloski

Professor describes making study abroad work for community college students      On February 11 at 4:00 p.m. in the Ellis Dunn Community Room (Gaiser Hall room 213), the Teaching and Learning Center hosts “Square Pegs in Round Holes: Making the Study Abroad Experience Meaningful for Community College Students,” the 2016 winter quarter installment of…

Striving towards equity

Dr. Benitez

Clark celebrates Dr. King’s legacy with a vibrant speaker and a new plan for social equity      “Today we’re going to have a little of what I call ‘critical fun,’” said Dr. Michael Benitez Jr. as he began to speak to the crowd gathered to honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy in Gaiser…

Change is coming

President Knight

President Knight’s 2016 State of the College address focuses on transformation      Clark College President Robert K. Knight delivered the annual State of the College address in Gaiser Student Center on Jan. 21. In his speech he stated, “I hope to leave you with a sense of the transformation that is happening all around…

Mothers, daughters, writers

Clark’s Columbia Writers Series hosts two authors with powerful personal stories this quarter      Clark College’s Columbia Writers Series will host two outstanding writers during winter quarter, both of whom are known for their beautifully written but brutal memoirs—one a recollection of an adolescence wracked with alienation and abuse, the other a wrenching account…

Beyond the Limits to Growth

Dr. Hiroshi Komiyama

Prominent Japanese academic addresses Clark on the problems and solutions of the future       “I believe we live now in a period of very great transition for human civilization,” said Dr. Hiroshi Komiyama as he began his presentation to a full Gaiser Student Center on October 28. Titled “Beyond the Limits to Growth:…

Natalie Diaz opens Columbia Writers Series

Natalie Diaz

Nationally known American Indian poet discusses her work and life       Angels don’t come to the reservation. Bats, maybe, or owls, boxy mottled things. Coyotes, too. They all mean the same thing— death. And death eats angels, I guess, because I haven’t seen an angel fly through this valley ever. –excerpt from “Abecedarian…

Learn as you lunch

Professor Steven Clark

Clark College launches new STEM Seminar Series      Clark College is inviting the public to come back to school for a series of free seminars that explore the lighter side of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM). New this academic year, the Clark College STEM Seminar Series launches on Friday, October 16, at noon…

A Night of Celebration

Clark College’s 2015 Commencement sees a record-breaking number of graduates crossing the stage       The sun shone, the bagpipes sounded, and the members of Clark College’s 79th graduating class gathered together—more than 730 of them, making the 2015 Commencement ceremony the college’s largest yet. The Clark County Event Center was filled with friends,…
