
Goings on at the Penguin Nation

New Steps

Clark College employees greet Opening Day with awards, updates, and a little dancing      On September 11, Clark College employees gathered in the O’Connell Sports Center gymnasium to kick off another academic year. Opening Day festivities are an annual tradition at the college, a time to recognize employees’ accomplishments and to reinvigorate the college…

All “Fore” the Students

Penguin Nation Charity Golf Tournament raises funds for student athletes        More than 120 golfers converged on Royal Oaks Country Club for an afternoon of fun on the links in support of Clark athletics in late August during the Penguin Nation Charity Golf Tournament. The winning team—finishing 12 under par with a score…

Book ‘Em!

Running Start Open House helps prepare students for collegeFor Alex Adrian, the thing he’s looking forward to most about taking classes at Clark College is something he won’t be doing–namely, rote vocabulary quizzes. “I would finish them in, like, half the time provided,” said the Hudson’s Bay High School student. “It was really boring.” Alex…

Welcome, Student Athletes!

Student Athletes

Fall quarter starts for most students on September 23, but Clark’s student athletes began their year on Saturday, August 10. That’s when the Athletic Department hosted an orientation session for 70 first-year student athletes. The student athletes met with advisors and registration staff, but also learned about being a Penguin—and specifically, an athletic Penguin—by hearing…

What a Weekend!

Clark College is hosting two major community events this coming weekend that may affect access to the main campus. Read below for information about how to plan around the events if you were expecting to be on campus this weekend—or why you might want to come, even if you weren’t.   COUVAPALOOZA – SATURDAY, AUGUST…

Now and Then

Students and alumni swap stories and business cards at annual gatheringClark College’s alumni association celebrated connections and camaraderie at the annual Alumni Student Dinner on June 4. Students and alumni gathered to honor Outstanding Alumni Award recipient Professor Michael Greenwood ’61, who taught mathematics at Clark for more than 30 years. He played a role…

Shantell Martin Draws a Crowd

Internationally known artist participates in Clark’s artist-in-residence program      Visual artist Shantell Martin’s free-form drawings and live-animation performances have been featured in such vaunted venues as the Museum of Modern Art in New York, the New York Times, the enormous screens at Shibuya and Harajuku crossings in Tokyo–and, for more than a week, at…

Friendship Blooms Anew

Sakura Festival celebrates the bonds between Vancouver and JapanFriendship, like all living things, requires regular tending to keep it thriving. And Clark College’s 2013 Sakura Festival did just that, strengthening the bonds of friendship that led to Clark receiving a gift of 100 shirofugen cherry trees from John Kageyama, president of America Kotobuki. Kageyama was…

Check It Out

Clark College Libraries celebrates Libraries Snapshot Day with posters, photos and more      The Clark College Libraries (Cannell Library and the Information Commons at CTC) participated in Washington Libraries Snapshot Day on April 17. This statewide project seeks to illustrate the importance of libraries for Washington’s citizens by collecting statistics, stories and photographs during…

Forty and Fabulous

Mature Learning Celebrates 40 Years of Learning and Friendship       On March 29, Clark College’s Mature Learning program celebrated its 40th anniversary by doing what it does best: providing diverse learning opportunities and a warm and welcoming community for seniors in Southwest Washington. Guests who attended the half-day event, which was held at…
