
Everything about the Penguin Nation

Clark’s All-Washington Academic Team

Julisee Hopmann and Kellie Langston, smiling

Congratulations to Clark College students Julisse Hopmann and Kellie Langston, who were named to the 2020 All-Washington Academic Team. The students were recognized for their achievement during the June 10 Board of Trustees meeting.  Julisse Hopmann is earning her Associate of Applied Science degree in Business Administration with a Certificate of Proficiency in business management. She expects to graduate Winter 2021. Running Start student Kellie…

A remarkable journey

Evans Kaame stands smiling in front of Clark's Chime Tower

This year’s recipient of the Community College President’s Award in Honor of Val Ogden is Evans Kaame, a student who has been through much and traveled far to pursue his educational dreams. About Evans Kaame Evans Kaame was born and raised in a small community in northwestern Kenya. After his father died, the family was thrown into hardship and…

A Commencement like no other

Oswald in a parking lot holding a sign that reads "Congratulations 2020 Clark Grad!"

Clark College celebrates the Class of 2020 with its first-ever virtual ceremony      Like all Clark College students, the Class of 2020 experienced plenty of challenges–academic, economic, and personal–along their educational journeys. But on top of the typical hurdles, they also faced something unprecedented in the college’s history: In March, they learned that their…

When your internship is in the middle of a pandemic

When COVID-19 closed bakeries, Clark College found a way for students to continue learning       When Sofiya Saakyan, a student in Clark College’s Professional Baking and Pastry Arts program, called Baron Patisserie in early April to check on her planned spring quarter internship there, the bakery was closed indefinitely due to COVID-19. The owner told her he wasn’t sure…

In support of social justice

Clark College is responsible to identify and dismantle systemic racist systems and build equity into everything we do.  Message from Clark College Board of Trustees: In recent weeks, a long overdue awakening and acknowledgement has taken place across the country. We have witnessed the senseless murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and others…

Let your Voice be Heard

A message from ASCC President Evans Kaame       LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD  We the people of this college, community, and the nation have been impacted by the wave of horrific events of unrest sweeping across the nation, beginning with the COVID-19 global pandemic and now the tragic death of George Floyd in…

A Quick Study

line of bagged art supplies

With just a few weeks notice, Clark College faculty move their teaching online      When Gov. Jay Inslee announced his Stay Home, Stay Healthy order in response to the COVID-19 outbreak, Clark College professors had less than a month to adapt about 2,000 classes’ curriculum to be taught online. Now, as spring term is more than halfway over—and the ongoing pandemic…

A Little Penguin’s view of quarantine

One family talks about staying home from school, not seeing friends, and missing out on Pizza Day      Clark 24/7 has been reaching out to members of the college community to learn how they’re coping with, and adapting to, life during the COVID-19 pandemic. Here, we share an interview conducted by Dean of Student…

Clark College announces online summer and fall terms

main campus

Clark College announced that it would continue offering most of its classes only in online formats through the 2020 summer and fall terms. “This was not an easy decision,” wrote Interim President Sandra Fowler-Hill in an email to students on April 24. “We all want to be optimistic that we will be able to return…

Clark makes sure all students are ready to learn online

laptop open next to a backpack

College works to make sure lack of a computer or internet isn’t a barrier to students’ learning      Approximately 10 percent of Clark College students need assistance with technology to be able to take their classes spring quarter. Because of the state “stay home” orders, all classes have been moved to online formats. Students…
