Student Success

News about how Clark supports our students–and how our student thrive with that support.

An investment in students’ financial futures

BOA check presentation 2016

Clark College receives grant to fund a full-time financial literacy coach      The Bank of America Charitable Foundation recently awarded Clark College a $20,000 grant to support a full-time financial literacy coach at Clark College. The coach works directly with students to help them stabilize their finances and increase the likelihood of students meeting their economic, educational,…

Penguin flies high among Cougars

Narek Daniyelyan

Clark employee and alumnus Narek Daniyelyan named to WSU Board of Regents      Clark College alumnus and employee Narek Daniyelyan has been appointed by Governor Jay Inslee as the student member of the Washington State University Board of Regents for the 2016-2017 academic year. “I am excited to have Daniyelyan as our student representative…

Penguins Fly

Dental Hygiene BAS grads

Clark College’s 80th graduating class takes wing        “Mommy did it!” read the message on Ashley Ellis’s mortarboard cap, the glittery writing sparkling in the sun as she waited outside the Sunlight Supply Amphitheater before Clark College’s 80th Commencement ceremony on June 16. Ellis wrote the message for her 2-year-old son, Paul, who…

After 20 years, a dream realized

Holly Varner

Scholarship recipient Holly Varner has gone from GED to honor roll      Holly Varner had always meant to go to college. She tried taking classes a couple times, but life as a Navy wife made it difficult—she was constantly having to move to follow her husband’s 21-year-long career, not to mention taking care of…

Clark Jazz never skips a beat

Clark Jazz Ensemble at UNC Greeley

For the third time, the Clark College Jazz Ensemble distinguished themselves among the other colleges and universities representing seven states at the 2016 University of Northern Colorado/Greeley Jazz Festival, held April 21 through 23. This year, eight Clark College Jazz Ensemble students received Special Citation for Outstanding Musicianship awards, recognized from the 8,000 festival participants.…

Battling stereotypes, they found success

Qi Wu and Tammy Senior

Clark College’s 2016 All-Washington Academic Team members share a love of science and a drive to overcome obstacles      Two outstanding Clark College students were selected to attend the 2016 All-Washington Academic Team Recognition Ceremony, held on March 24 at South Puget Sound Community College in Olympia, Washington. Tammy Senior and Qi Wu are…

Catching dreams, sharing history

George Curtis Levi

Winter quarter Student of Color Luncheon celebrates Native American heritage       The winter 2016 Student of Color Luncheon was filled with history–some of it long in the past, and some of it being made right then. The event featured artists Brent Learned and George Curtis Levi, whose work is currently being featured at…

Turning students into scientists

Clark offers budding researchers a way to pursue their careers        Clark College is providing an unprecedented opportunity for eligible students to start their research careers while still in community college–getting hands-on research opportunities, paid internships, and special educational support to help them succeed in the exciting career of scientific researcher. This opportunity comes…

A smart investment

Cindy Nguyen

Scholarships help ensure that “the money thing” doesn’t get in the way of a student’s success      “I’ve always wanted to go to college,” says Clark student Cindy Nguyen. Even so—and despite her excellent grades—Nguyen acknowledges that college has its challenges. “When you come to college, you need to learn to study more efficiently…

Student stories: Flying with a Phoenix

phoenix unveiling

An inside look at Clark’s award-winning arts and literary journal      My name is Lily Hart, and I am a student at Clark College. I’m also the Managing Editor of Phoenix and was Assistant Literary Editor last year. Phoenix is Clark College’s award-winning literary and art journal. Run by student editors and faculty advisers,…
